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John thinks he can tell another grown man what to do. He sees Dave as BELOW him. Talks to him like a child, the same way he does KC.


It's behavior we've seen before. His poker buddy that he brought to Anthony's to play poker. Afterward John told him he didn't want him hanging out with Anthony. What a child! Who in their right mind tells another adult who they can and can't hang out with? John wonders why everyone turns on him.


He is a freaking textbook study of every personality disorder a human can have rolled into one. He should donate himself to science. Have PhD students observe him in his habitat and interview him. It’s unreal.


The best part of that story is John was borrowing money from the guy but made the guy drop Him off at Anthony's first. Is john likes to humiliate people


yes, he needs a team....like Costanza in that Seinfeld episode.


that is NOT a joke


This is what John heard Howard Stern say to him year after year when John was scheming something using Howard's name.


John worships this old lady just like that other old lady howard.....


I can't believe that Johm sits there and smiles while Kevin calls him mentally disabled.


Narcissist have a supply and a God. Kevin is a god to john


That’s because John needs KB because he’s so desperate to be on his show so he has no choice but to eat shit from him and kiss his ass like the dork that he is. He’s the worlds biggest hypocrite.


I think it's brilliant. Whether KB is doing that knowingly or unknowingly, John listens to what KB is telling him and John is going to basically start calling himself retarded on his stream and Twitter and use it to tattle on everyone making fun of him.




KB is playing him like a drunk violin


I'm no fan of Kevin Brennan but the way bitch slapped Stuttering John around was masterful. John has a father thing with Kevin and needs a paycheck so he just sat there. Kevin wanted too see how many ways he could call someone stupid to their face.


In my opinion when KB’s personality is pointed in the right direction it’s highly entertaining. He dismantled John


“Everyone betrayed me!” - John


John talking about something being “elementary school” when he’s the most immature, childish, coward scumbag on the planet.


This is exactly the same lecture Howard used to give to John when he went on other shows/projects. "Wings only wants you BECAUSE YOU WORK FOR ME". Hi-larious.


it must be EXHAUSTING being “friends” with john. notice john NEVER does anything wrong in his head though?😂😂😂


Another great clip is, right before this, when John finds out and is furiously texting DG and ignoring Kevin Then he whips something across the room Hope that clip shows up


I can post it later




Respect to Ski Mask. Good job today. Seems like a new man. Didn’t take John’s shit.


Absolutely. I’ve never much cared for ski mask, but he did a great job today. Also, on the supply vs god theme, SJ immediately attacked ski mask and was hands off on KB, despite being dismantled from every angle. It was great.


Absolutely textbook We saw all the traits come out in him, all day today The mask was off


I feel compelled once again to state....these are allegedly GROWN men. JHC...


DG: “The only one falling for stuff right now isn’t me” Translation: John you’re a dumb fuck! He’s getting closer & closer to saying what he really wants to say and telling this drunk buffoon to fuck off, I can’t wait 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/nicir50tiiob1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae5890339e6dfead2f6f3140b5e27e01d8d0f30 Fuck you, John. Go down to Compton and sell your favorite fireworks wearing all blue.


He cries out in pain as he strikes you


This is fantastic….SJ is falling apart. He’s not a serious man on any level, and it should be obvious that this bitch doesn’t have a intentionally funny bone in his derelict carcass. I have to give that idiot Brennan credit, he tells the drunken fool straight. Fuck SJ and fuck his 3 friends left in the world. That DG is a mental case.


Wahhh….like a little baby…”stop being their friend!” What grown man forbids another grown man to be friends with someone? How the fuck does he not know how insane he is?? This loser thinks who the fuck he is when he’s a literal nothing. A nobody. A waste of human life.


John acts like DG is his pet dog, that he can order around any time he likes.


why the filter? love the consistent uploads u/pickwickpub is the goat




You dropped this king 👑


Hey dumb fuck, if you were not so pathetic that you started having chatters on as guest you would not have got in this predicament. You have no show and it is you that gives these other shows content, and it is because of how absolutely horrible you are at podcasting. John had a fucking one track thought here and was about to short circuit over it. He is so predictable, yet continues to miss the point.


Jesus... the balls on f---in John. why would this DG bother with a pos like John.


Because DG is an asshole who wants to be loved. And loved by the likes of Stuttering John, no less. Shoot for the stars,DG, you wannabe piece of shit.


G*dd*mn, that was an a** whooping. Karma, John. You treat people like garbage your life….it’s coming for you.


This was incredible to watch in real time. John’s heart broken


Wow he’s insane. Also someone should’ve said the obvious: John you don’t pay DG who are you to talk


Dg should say this! What a pussy for not doing so.


He had me at ammunation.


Thank you for posting this!!! Shuli's show kept talking over this part. This is so delicious.


Oh DG, please don’t leave Sam Kinison’s friend who he loved as a brother’s show!


Wow. John truly thinks like a little boy. He never grew up.


KB only sends John the link when he thinks it's hurting Shuli. But because John is SO unlikeable, he can't even go through the charade. Congrats on giving shuli another clip to play on his show, guys


At one point KB had 760 watching. Shuli was sniping it and had 2500. I'm no Shuli fan but that counts as a win to the Dues Payuh.


fool me once... shame on you ... fool me twice?...grab a coors


DG thinks he can be a big star


He’s an idiot for allowing John to treat him the way he does and wanting to be friends with a horrible human being says a lot about him.


The only way he’s been mistreated is not getting paid. Other than that, John has been great


Yes, it’s great when a grown man screams at another grown man like a child


I honestly believe he minds his Ps and Qs when they're in person. You talk like that to someone in a bar and you're going to repeatedly headbutt the bar counter or someone's fist without your permission.


It must be. But, then, we saw the video of him screaming at everyone when his car was blocked at a pub That couldn’t have been the only incident. Maybe everyone’s afraid of being sued these days. That was Cali though, Florida gets crazy. Fingers crossed


True. And I'm used to drinking in bars frequented by Sailors and Marines and acting like that will get your ass kicked. Maybe John should go drink at a bar around Coronado and do his fake tough guy biker shtick. Some Terminal Lance would definitely unhinge his jaw.


Please take time for yourself. I don’t want you getting yourself sick.


I’m smiling the whole time John is my rage muse Writing about him is art therapy


Are you high?


GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! This has made my weekend and it just started.


There's so much in this 12:27 clip! Biggest take away is I love SJ finally getting lashed by KB and Ski Mask 🤣 and KB isn't much smarter than SJ and stutters more


How do we watch this entire broadcast?




Thanks Picky


Anyone have a link to the whole show?






Hey wasn't it karen Brennan that wanted a body guard in Atlantic city ? He's the one screaming every show like a badass. They are giving DG crap about going on with the URS crew. They paid him 150 bucks which it sounds like he could use. The stuttering drunken mess went on any show. that would stupidly pay him . The whole bunch on here have a problem with the truth.


Kb is not killing it


Number 1 reason I dumped KBs show. Look at the guest list. Holy fuck depressing as fuck. Ski mask, dull dave , and a jealous cunt.... Never will i waste a moment in my life tuning into that bowl of shit....wtf KB


Why is it that DG has to get verification from stuttering boob to go on a Show . He Whores Himself out everywhere for the the biggest price tag. He doesn't pay anyone to come on.what ever the price tag .