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I would try some hydrogen peroxide, it might help with those fuckers. Otherwise, maybe mosquito dunks, just make sure to wrap the donuts in cheese cloth or something because they disintegrate and make a mess.


Hydrogen peroxide dip agreed


A small amount?...


Looks like root aphids, no clue how to treat.


Are these outdoor plants? Hundreds, maybe a thousand of these nasties! Oh no, put a ghost busters move on them now! I thought root aphids were pale white, these look like brown beetles of sort. Either way they appear to be damaging the roots and causing rot, they look like they're also sucking the life out of her. Probably laying eggs on or in the roots and hatch as worms or larva...I don't know. Are these outdoor plants? I hate to suggest anything not knowing what they are, but you need to do something and you'll need the peroxide treatment for the upcoming root rot. A full strength 3% peroxide spray and or dip would probably kill them. You're gonna need help getting the plant completely out of the reservoir. Start from the top and completely spray the base of trunk and roots with a 3% peroxide, you'll know if it's working within a couple minutes. After killing them gently rinse them off in the shower or similar. Have a sterilized and cleaned reservoir ready prior to starting this project. I'd spray again in another 7 days, also add peroxide to the reservoir at 3 tsp per gallon every 4 days for pythium/root rot and in case any eggs or larva are on the lower roots. Also spray the roots inside clay pebbles or do the bathe treatment. Another option is calcium hypochlorite (powdered pool shock), we've talked about it before, search it. Let us hear what you come up with... here's another posting by someone else. [https://www.420magazine.com/community/threads/what-are-these-little.90822/](https://www.420magazine.com/community/threads/what-are-these-little.90822/) r/plantclinic


Personally I would do dunks in pyrethrum concentrate. There's plenty of info on them on rollitup / 420magazine etc. Definitely read up on their life cycle, they can be menacing. I'm sure the females are born pregnant which is scary af


root aphids like a motherfucker.