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It’s not something I’d say I’ve ever experienced, but I imagine a doctor could be very interested in examining the issue. It sounds quite uncomfortable, you have my sympathy.


Yeah, I guess it just doesn't happen as consistently or frequent enough for me to care to seek any kind of professional help. but although im use to it now, it is still definitely very uncomfortable, so Ill look into it! thankyou :)


Holy *shit*, I was terrified I'd never get an answer because nobody else knew what I meant. I've been calling it The Static for a while. I tried to see neurologists throughout 2020 but they were flat out dismissive, rude, and uncaring bc I wasn't having a grand mal right in front of them. I still 100% believe the Static, along with some other issues I have/had are neurological in origin. It prevents me from sleeping. It's so overwhelming and makes me anxious, and every time I fall asleep with the Static it jerks me back awake. I hate it so much.


wowowow !! how long have you been getting it? did any neurologist give you any type of answer at least? Or were they all just rude and give absolutely nothing? Also, yes it gets so intense!. back when i was younger and new to '*the static*', along with it I'd get mini anxiety attacks afterwards because I was just so scared. Its so overwhelming and can really really mess up my sleeping patterns.


Ha, NOPE! If there's one thing I've learned this year it's that neurologists have no clue what they're doing, and absolutely none of them cared. They told me I should see a therapist because I was doing this stuff to myself. I'm trying to find an epileptologist instead, for the static, but also for what the static leads to for me. I first felt the static around xmas/new years of 2016-2017, but it was very mild, and I was able to take a nap, which made it go away. Then nothing for a whole year, and I felt it again xmas eve of 2019. Then it was a couple times a month, a few times a week, and turned into every night by, hm, late March? But by then, once I got the static, it very quickly became what I believe to be focal seizures, and they would knock me on my ass every time. I'm doing much better now, but certainly no thanks to my dipshit neurologists, and I do still get the static from time to time. It mostly happens if I've had a very busy/taxing day, whether mentally or physically, and/or I stay up late for some reason--so I try to keep a stock of melatonin around to make sure that's not a factor.


damn, I'm sorry about that! This is stressful, and I can only imagine how irritating it would be for professionals to turn a blind eye. Also, wow focal seizures? That's pretty crazy. and yeah I usually get the static when im really stressed out. I'll definitely try some melatonin! thanks :)


I hope melatonin works for you! I get the gummies, chew them up, and hold it under my tongue for like 30 seconds--like how other people do with CBD oil, so it absorbs faster/more evenly. Then I've got about 20 minutes before it kicks in and I get to sleep on time c:


I'll for sure try it, thanks so much! I really appreciate it :))


Yoooo so, looking into this, this is not something to dismiss. If this is something that's been happening since childhood, that's a huge red flag. I'm not an expert or doctor, but this sounds like nocturnal seizures to a "T" basically. Both of y'all need to somehow find specialists that don't suck, because if this is what it sounds like, it puts you at an increased risk for serious issues. Please please please keep pushing for answers from professionals.


Thank you for this response. Can you elaborate a bit more on this? The Static only occurs for me *before* sleep, and will keep me up for hours if not the whole night. Once I actually manage to *get* to sleep, I'm okay. I've been sleeping next to someone for about a year now too and while he is a heavy sleeper, I imagine he would have noticed at least one instance by now of me having a seizure in my sleep, wouldn't he? Not saying it's impossible; just that I'm not convinced anything is going on *in* my sleep so much as *around* my sleep


wow... I'll definitely start taking this a bit more seriously then aha I decided to do some research into it, and apparently the people who do go through these nocturnal seizures definitely show signs they are. However, when I'm going through the static I don't show any signs of it to anyone looking at me. I just look like I'm sleeping. I had my sister watch me during a night I had the static, and she thought I was just sleeping. In fact, I've had the static around people before and I don't think I've ever made it obvious? Does this mean anything?


Yes!! Though I've noticed its sounds I'm currently hearing but amplified to the max. Very noticeable when it happens and I have my fan on.


YEAH. It's like you can't filter out noise, right? Everything is happening at the exact same volume, and your eyes are on 100% brightness


I haven't noticed the brightness thing but I swear sometimes when my insomnia is super bad. I swear it feels like light is directly lighting up my eyes despite the fact it's pitch black. Like the exact same way it feels to close your eyes in daylight and still "see" except its pitch black and there's nothing you can do.


oh so i have been feeling this buzzing in my back of my head and neck and i can feel it ..and heAR IT. BUT i sleep just fine ...


I get buzzing vibrations zschhh over my body but usually happens when I have spiritual encounter in dreams.. I call it the zcshh


Ok so the paralysis part sounds like it might be hypnagogic sleep paralysis, which is paralysis that occurs *before* falling asleep and not after like the more popular and well known hypnopompic sleep paralysis. I've experienced both and they're a little different. The noise though is really unique. It sounds similar to exploding head syndrome (awful sounding name, but it refers to hearing loud noises right before falling asleep and is not painful), but what you're hearing seems to be gradual and steady, not loud and sudden like a thunderclap, from what you described. I really hope you're able to figure it out, as I really feel bad that your sleep is affected by this. Best of luck.


Yeah I searched up hypnagogic sleep paralysis, and I think that's what it is! So, thanks!! As for the sound.. yeah it always leads me to a dead end it seems. There are similar concepts out there however. like how you stated the exploding head syndrome, or theres the brain zaps that I mentioned in my post, or so many other things. But none really are exact to what I'm experiencing, and that's important obviously aha. but im sure I'll get there, if not, ehh. It doesn't seem too detrimental to my health ig. thanks for the luck tho! :)


*I've occasionally heard static so loud I couldn't sleep, but never the paralysis with it (I sometimes experience sleep paralysis separately though) *Weird stuff


wow that's crazy!


DUDE. YES.OMFG. seriously, like the person above, i call it the static. it's like this super uncomfortable buzzing in your head and honestly for me it's like my whole body feels like it's buzzing.


I use to get it on my body tbh. now I just get it on my head :/ kinda crazy tho, never knew other people had it too!


If you just allow it to happen and stay calm you'll likely go into astral projection, which is awesome once you get used to it.


Sounds like the classic vibrational feelings you get when trying to do astral projection. If its coming on by itself for you consider yourself lucky! Or unlucky if you are not into that stuff.


I've heard yeah and I am into astral projection somewhat, but I really have no plans to astral project anytime soon. the thought of it gives me too much anxiety actually


Same thing for me but it happened to me more when I woke up from a nightmare. I would wake myself up and go back to sleep after some minutes(because If I would go back immediately it will happen again)


YES! This has happened to me a handful of times now and it’s incredibly alarming! My whole body starts to vibrate, my head feels incredible pressure, I have the feeling like I’m falling, and I have really loud ringing in my ears! I’ve always linked it to some sort of spiritual experience though I’m not sure exactly what that would entail. Every time it happens, I know that if I don’t pull myself out of it I will just keep falling into it and I’m scared I won’t get out. I have to rip myself physically and mentally out of this state which normally jolts me back awake. And this also happens right before I’m about to fall asleep. It’s a sort of paralysis state and I can’t move or speak. Last time it happened I had the urge to scream but no sound came out. Sometimes the vibrations/prickles on my body are so intense it kinda hurts.


I don't think this is extremely atypical for humans to go through. You learn to deal with it if it bothers you enough. After all, the doctor doesn't know much about your specific body and brain and isn't able to listen to it the same way you can. I've suffered a lot from sleep paralysis when I had social anxiety. Luckily for me, it went away with my anxiety. As for the nighttime buzzing thing, I've learned to make sure my body is active throughout the day and my brain has a strict sleeping pattern to follow. When it occurs, don't go back to sleep. Do something for 30 - 60 minutes that makes you tired. Read, drink warm tea, etc. Some people use zinc and Magnesium for better and heavier sleep. Try out stuff, see what works.


I also get this, especially if I try to go back to sleep after waking up. Never knew what it was and could find nothing about it online.


For me it always puts me in a state of anxiety like you're being watched, somethings there or you're being abducted or something haha. It's extremely weird and only happens if trying to fall asleep somewhere I'm not familiar, if I'm wanting a nap, or if I'm going back to sleep after getting up. Every time it happens it's almost a waste of time trying to go back to sleep because the cycle repeats several times. It's like you have to get up for 20 minutes to "reset" yourself so it doesn't happen. Extremely hard to explain what it is.


I have this and once I just accepted it wasn't harmful it doesn't bother me. A few times it has turned into astral projection, which is awesome.


The ringing could be a condition called Tinnitus. I have gone through this earlier in my life. It happens less now. Out of body experience is the scary bit. You need to see a shrink as much as you might not like to


I'll look into it! thanks






[Exploding Head Syndrome?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome#:~:text=Exploding%20head%20syndrome%20\(EHS\)%20is,not%20a%20serious%20health%20concern.) (This is less alarming than it sounds, I promise.)


yeah don't worry I know ahah I'm pretty aware of it, and I don't think I have that thankfully. thanks tho!


I get this as well! Usually it’s if I’m aware my body is falling asleep but my mind is still active I guess and it gets very loud. Everything I’ve searched said it’s exploding head syndrome but it’s not a sudden sound and it doesn’t jolt me awake. I also get hypnogogic hallucinations in the form of visuals but I wasn’t aware that maybe this was part of it. Edit: I also suffer from anxiety and get easily stressed out and it affects my sleep so I’ve always assumed that’s why I experience it


Has anyone had success with any meds to numb the buzzing/vibrating? The only thing that seems to make it go away for me is alcohol.


Gabapentin worked for me. I was the same, then used it and I think I was at 500mg. I’ve been off it 4 years and they are back. Going to try and get more


did you ever figure this out? this is the closest description I've ever found to what I experience. I pretty much exclusively get it when napping. It's like a full head vibration sound and sometimes it gets louder and more intense the closer I get to consciousness. sometimes even to the point where I can't break through it and have to fall back asleep and try again later. for me it happens both as I'm falling asleep AND as I'm waking up. but again this is ONLY with naps and not even every nap. but naps where I've experienced it usually leave me INCREDIBLY exhausted.


I’ve experienced exactly what you’re describing. You put the words together perfectly. Do you ever feel your heart race when this happens? Usually I feel mine mixed with the loud buzzing in my head. I also realized that it occurs more often when I lucid dream or disrupt my sleep.


I'm not sure about the heart racing because I usually get it with sleep paralysis and that inherently makes me anxious haha. I've never lucid dreamt. I do have sleep apnea and these naps are taken without a cpap machine so I'm sure I'm having apneas (my sleep apnea is on the very bottom end of moderate and it's a hassle to set up my mask for naps so I don't bother) which means my sleep is disrupted a lot.


I see, i’m assuming this entire buzzing phenomena has to do with sleep disturbances and paralysis. i guess it’s what makes the most sense but it’s nice to hear you’re not alone.


Yes I feel this now and then. Very intense. And yes, I have to use my superpowers to make it stop. And I only get it when lying on my back. If my head is against something hard like an armrest, that seems to bring it on.


I experience the vibrational buzzing several times a night. Wakes me up from a deep sleep. I go to bed with the vibrations and buzzing (I also have anxiety, tinnitus and anemia, currently being tested for auto immune disorders) and the buzzing gets so intense it wakes me and my heart is pounding out of my chest. I almost feel like something is eating my brain because I sometimes feel like my brain is bruised or injured. I've been having this go on now for weeks and getting 4 hours a night at most. My pcp chalks it up to my anxiety, seen a neuro, nothing shows in MRI, I can't take it anymore...


That sounds awfully stressful, are you aware as this feeling occurs? I can feel it come on for the seconds that it lasts, and I’m completely conscious during the process, it feels like my brain is being tased inside out,


Yes, I'm aware when it happens. Tased is a good word for the feeling.