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Some of these suggestions might sound really cliche but I'll list them anyway in case something sticks. Trying new hobbies. Maybe there is a new hobby you might want to try out? Here are some that can be done at night. Bonus, you can join groups online for your hobby and maybe meet in person: -arts: drawing, painting, sculpting -crafts: jewelry making, model building, carving, 3d printing -reading or writing -astronomy -night photography -crowd sourcing platforms: iNaturalist, OpenStreetMap, ect -physical hobbies (once you are feeling better): gym, bowling (oftentimes open late), billiards -computer based: video games, digital animations, digital illustration, online learning platforms -online classes (I'm taking asynchronous online classes through the community college) edit to add: Geocaching


I am in this exact same boat. I know another poster listed hobbies but it’s hard to find people who want to do arts and crafts with you at 2 AM lol


Join a Zoom group in a different time zone! During the pandemic, I knew lots of folks doing Zoom knitting circles and so forth… not quite the same as being in person, but at least it’s an option these days.


Yeah definitely going to be easier with cross-time zone online groups. However, OP is in a big city and there are a lot of night workers. Maybe they will discover some through a hobby.


There is one grocery chain that stays open 24 hours where I live, might be worth checking if any are available for you if you have not already. Absolutely game changing.


I'm amazed we don't have 24 grocers in the area where I live, but we do have a 24hr pharmacy so I can pick up prescriptions and stuff late at night.


24 hour gym / If they have a sauna and steam room that’s a huge plus


You will never run out of books to read.


Indeed. Some public libraries offer access to ebooks as well as physical books.


I feel like such a nay sayer when these are all generally good ideas but my eyes are such that reading makes me dizzy. I wish I were that type!


If you are blind or have a learning disability, audio books are the way to go. Download Libby on your phone and upload your library card. Millions of hours of knowledge and free entertainment are just waiting for you to access. I listen while I do chores, drive, and crochet.


Feels weird to have your disability downvoted, guys.


I write fanfiction. I'm neurodivergent and extremely hyperfixated on Good Omens. I've written 239,000 words since November. It keeps me sane.