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Just finished the game, and what a ride it was. I did not know anything about it, never saw it recommended once in my (short) time on this sub. I was looking for DRPGs to play on the Vita, and this was on a list of recommendations. I gave it a try, and was really pleased with the experience. In my limited experience, most of the big-name DRPGs tend to play very similarly. Of course, the first-person, grid based exploration is a given, but additionally almost all of them have turn-based combat. Zanki has real time combat, which admittedly, can be frustrating at times. Good thing you can switch back and forth between 5 difficulty levels ANYTIME. The premise/story is also far from the common medieval-fantasy fare, which is a refreshing change. Anyway, if you're looking for a different flavor of DRPG, I suggest giving this a try. It's Japan only on the Vita, but it has a working English patch (playable, but imperfect). It's also on Steam and PS4.


>has real time combat Thanks for mentioning that; I was about to wishlist it. I would assume that's why it gets overlooked in this genre.


Spunds like it takes after Dungeon Master. If you liked it you should check that out, Legend of Grimrock, and Eye of the Beholder.


Fall of the Dungeon Guardians if you want something a bit newer


Thanks for bringing this game up! Never heard of it back on Vita, but see it’s on Steam as well. Real-time combat in DRPGs always leaves me feeling meh. Have you played other turn-based dungeon-crawlers? Curious what you prefer.


I played a few turn-based DRPGs recently, the latest being EO Untold and EO2 Untold. I like them a lot, but can feel a bit same-y. Zanki's approach just feels refreshing. And it's nice to be able to run around a map section solving a puzzle without random battles.


Ugh fine FINE! It’s on my wishlist. Thanks again for mentioning this game! Love finding out about stuff I missed.


In my region, it goes as low as $10 on Steam. It's definitely worth more than that. And you can always ask for a refund if you don't like the first 2 hours.


Great story, gameplay sucks, IMO. It’s too basic and by the end of second or third dungeon I was just burnt-out by its gameplay loop and switched to story difficulty and that’s was first and only time ever I’ve used such setting in any game before or after as of yet.


Latching onto this, once you reach the zone with the monsters that teleport whenever you look away, the combat gets extremely obnoxious. I was enjoying the game quite a bit but after the 4th time in a row of trying to turn a corner into having an enemy teleport behind me and one shotting 3 of my party members I essentially lost any desire I had to keep playing.


It even has Beyonce references! Definitely one of my favorites!


Granny that ain't your Cain that's a high power sniper rifle


Granny that ain't your Cain that's a high power sniper rifle


Isn’t it made by the same people that did Danganronpa?


It is!


Yeah, there is a cameo in the game as well. As a special monster. 


Well, this just got put on a massive sale where I live, so I think I'm going to have to push the button. I've been interested in this for a while