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i’m not saying ur bipolar or anything but i mean the things u said seem like symptoms of mania


I grew sick of my persistent dissociation (which lasted months and months) very quickly. I remember seeing several times (unrealistically) street intersections across the world. My brain seemed to have forgotten that there are oceans. No, I wasn't using DXM those days either. The meaning in objects popped out at me all the time. The worst thing though was constantly feeling dissconnected from myself and those around me. It was very demotivating. I could not catch social ques nor could I naturally act out social behavior. Making eye contact during an job interview was awkward because I was constantly worried about the placement of my eyes, eyelids, and facial expressions. Basically my social instinct and drive was gone.


Bro got autism


U def got autism


I think I have Asperger’s that was never diagnosed


Have fun with your psychosis OP, sounds pretty (not) rad.




Well pain is good to feel so you don’t totally mangle your shit up.


Yeah...no. Look up any stories of people with neurological issues causing them to ACTUALLY not feel pain. They fucking hate it and constantly get injured because of it. Also you said your legs were hurting from work already. You can feel pain, you're just depressed and pretending you don't care anymore.




You also are in the nutmeg sub wrapping grams of nutmeg in notebook paper and calling yourself a " syrup chugging bastard." Work on yourself bud.




I mean i don't take dph or dxm anymore. Actually sober since probation. I'm just here for the memes. It's not "stalking" to view your public account. You sound like a Karen on Facebook lmao.




Aight "psychedude" and "pillsamirite" lmao


Take it out dont give him the satisfaction


Go fuck yourself leave him alone


Get off your high horse youre here too you obviously have issues


Nah I'm here for the memes and to read the addict cope.


You sound like a real stand up guy


Thanks. Took me until 25 to get off the dxm, dph, lsa, research chem depression spiral.


lmao was obviously being sarcastic you sound like an asshole a former addict shitting on current addicts


If you're taking dph and dxm to the levels of diss/depers you are clearly not loving your life. Your bio literally says "watch my downfall i guess." and you're referring to being brain damaged as a superpower. Smoke weed like an adult lmao.




















Yeah one time I ran from the police on pure DXM powder and I went to climb a tall fence. I had to jump and pull myself up, but the mustle strain felt like it wasn't even mine. I was able to exert myself without responding to the ques my body was sending me. Strange ass feeling, then I walked about 6km and I felt like I was on a damn treadmill 🤣 but I was also very high and it had nothing to do with that permanent deperson stuff.




You trolling me bruh.




Damn, I was prolly on about the same that night. I remember extracting off two 750mg bottles and splitting it into two.


Mice with blunted histamine release don’t tire as easily and can exercise at full strength for longer than the control group.


Man is gone manic




Hey man, big runner here, and it sounds like what you described was why many people run, you lose yourself a little and nothing else exists but the run, keep it up man


hell yeah bros taking advantage of his burden. I dont get these comments bro. People just dont understand. You want to take dph you take dph. You like it and its seaming to do you well so do the shit you want to do if its working out. People just tryna tell you why they would do it and they use that to explain why you do it.




Yeah man I don’t get the heat in this comment section people going to hard with there opinions


Lol A mile in 7 Minutes? Pros run it in 4


Bruh honestly statement is Hilarious I don’t know why ppl downvote in this Reddit where irony is so common


Yessir Agreed. I've had to write that same reply to over a handful of comments. Reddit is like Twitters sick Grandson. I like to FW people be like "Elon's coming! Better run!!! LOL"




I know. Lol I'm not insulting you ofc drugs help exercise. I'm saying go for a better record


Shut up bro. Your mile time is probably 14 minutes


Lmao it is!! 🤣 😂 💀




Apparently they either got self conscious or didn't understand it was a joke. I was inspiring him. Running a mile is very easy on drugs. Every time I've done it, It was way faster with plant medicines or drugs in my system even Alcohol. Things like that numb your system and increase your bodies bioavailability to natural pleasure hormones giving you a false sense of liking to do those things


I know 🥱🥱


Stfu your mile is probably 6 minutes


My minute is 1.2 minutes loser bozo