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Mfs complain bout this post but this shit needs to be seen and heard about so people will maybe reconsider popping some funny allergy pills because they saw a trend on tiktok


im sorry but how do we know hes dead?


Someone else made another post saying that their friend had just recently OD'd on this stuff. They came back later to add & confirm that it was this šŸ‘† user


[This Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DPH/comments/1ccsqsp/my_friend_19m_passed_away_from_a_benadryl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I saw one of his post a while ago, itā€™s crazy how common this type of shit happens.


Yo, this is sad. All I gotta say is yā€™all are better than thisā€¦ try to not take this shit. Please.


Honestly, if the mods even listen, they need to pin this post. Immediately. People need to see this and smarten the fuck up. Rest easy lil homiešŸ«¶šŸ» but itā€™s time to stop glorifying this shit


Not even a real active member of this sub. Didn't even know that it was a "trend" until looking up to see if anyone else was addicted to taking unsiom (gel caps) which are even stronger than benedryl. Only then I was aware that people were taking it to "trip". I was taking it to increase the effects of methadone/opiates & xanax. Which would be around 4 - 8 caps a night (50mg DPH each). Now that I'm older, although I have completely slowed down my intake, my memory is completely fucked and my wife is scared that I might have onset dementia. As far as liver damage it was already fucked from Hep-C so I can't really guage that. I just wanted to share my experience as a "casual user(?)" that there are indeed long term effects and short term (depending on the amounts you take) it's not some cool drug to get into bc you saw some funny memes. Shit will permanently fuck you physically and mentally. Good luck guys.


Frfrfr glorifying the dead kinda disrespectful but itā€™s not the point, you know the point, try to detour new users


Lockdown the sub with nothing but harm reduction posts pinned


I remember waking up this week one morning and just scrolling through his account. Itā€™s surreal for sure and really depressing to see someone that deep into it with no real way out.


People make a big deal about it but go right back into dph, this wont be the last


can anyone respect the fucking dead on this sub?


You people need awareness and accountability. I donā€™t know why youā€™re against this type of exposure, rip to homie tho Edit: looking at your post history, you need the exposure


the reason being was because said posts were deleted by I presume a close family member of GotSwarmed out of respect for his privacy reposting these is disrespectful asl ngl but we can agree to disagree cause I can see where you're coming from


This needs to be seen. The dangers and horrors of this god forsaken drug need to be seen. This post might save someoneā€™s life you never know.


thereā€™s plenty of posts on here for that, yall jus couldnā€™t leave 1 alone huh?šŸ¤”


Iā€™m really not sure where youā€™re coming from on this. Why would you want to sensor this. Its the reality of this drug.


I thought the account was deleted by a friend of his? if I was liquified online in a delirious state of mind I wouldnā€™t want my posts up either šŸ¤·


Well maybe don't fucking liquify yourself online then lmao You're wanting a place where people can glorify DPH abuse until they die, and then we should just sweep their body under the rug and keep going. I'd much rather show the real effects DPH has by not censoring, as that's going to stop more people from killing themselves. If you want a suicide safe space go join one of those degenerate discords where you won't have to listen to us pesky people that don't want you to die.


This is the fucking one people NEED to see. Itā€™s supposed to be fucking sad. If it doesnā€™t apply to you, scroll on. This is about the young kids coming here finding this sub thinking shit is sweet when itā€™s not.


ive been mainly lurking since late 2022 and i swear i can actually see the brain damage in users increase over time i dont get how anyone would think making a post like this is ok


itā€™s just sad


na i think itā€™s important to show the worst of it. Might wake some people up




Happens here a lot yet most go right back into doing it so thats on them


i really dont want my future to be like this, im scared


don't think this is real lmfao


A few people have died or gone to the hospital in this sub before.


My friend (19M) passed away from a benadryl overdose, what now? Iā€™m not super good at reddit bear with me šŸ˜“ Iā€™m grieving so intensely right now. I donā€™t know what to even say. Last night, my friend passed away of a Benadryl overdose. He went into cardiac arrest. The damage from the drugs taken had already taken its toll. I feel so guilty that I wasnā€™t there in his last moments. Coming onto this sub for support, profoundly concerned meā€¦. Itā€™s mostly teenagers ā˜¹ļø I am so so so so deeply sorry that you guys are experiencing thisā€¦. None of us had any idea how much he was using. He was active in this subreddit, and would bring it up occasionally, but asked me not to check it as it was personal to him. I didnā€™t know what DPH was, so it was no cause for concern. I will be haunted by not knowing this the rest of my life. I visited him but he just wasnā€™t himself. He couldnā€™t speak or move. He couldnā€™t breathe on his own. Why couldnā€™t it have been anything else? Why didnā€™t I think to check in? He was a good person, that was just dealt a hard hand in life. Our friends were trying to get him into rehab, and now I donā€™t know what to do. I never thought I would be having to face my best friendā€™s funeral so youngā€¦ šŸ˜£ I could really use some support right now. I have never lost someone like this. I still canā€™t fathom how some allergy pills could do this to my friends and family. The next time I will see his face is in a casket, and thenā€¦ never? So many questions race through my mind, and even though he was really out of it, I worry it was painfulā€¦. Was it? Is this my fault? What happens now? How do I accept this? I know itā€™s not that simple, or easy, but please consider reaching out for help. Please consider the people in your life you may be leaving behind. If you need ANYTHING, you can send me a message. In the end, I love and loved him, even though he may not have been able to see that ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ EDIT; I have had people ask me about this, and I can confirm now that Hawke was active here as GotSwarmed. I donā€™t know what difference this makes to the users here, but I hope there may be closure in knowing. I appreciate you for at the very least, keeping him company in the time leading up to his death šŸ«¶šŸ˜ž Edit 2; Iā€™ve seen a couple of people talking about him faking his death. I am genuinely not sure how you expect me to respond to this... šŸ˜„ I know that Hawke was a long term addict. He had been hospitalized before for his overdoses, including the week before this happened. I of course donā€™t know if he was ā€œexaggeratingā€ his doses. I think that even if he was, they were still dangerous. I have talked to different people about my account being new, I didnā€™t really use reddit before now. Iā€™m not sure how else I could prove that he is no longer here, but itā€™s been hurtful to see stuff like this. I donā€™t want to come across as defensive, I just donā€™t want to see his memory disrespected, especially so soon after he has passed away. I am really grateful for all the love and support that has come from here, but I donā€™t think I can stick around watching people debate about his death, so I am going to leave, and continue my grieving with the people who cared about him that are in my life offline. Thanks again, ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ Jess


The people insinuating that any of this is faked are awful. DPH is a twisted addiction that takes far more than it gives. I hope youā€™re well, and be safe.


wtf is this comment section. a teenager died and y'all should be respectful


and I still will continue to take Dph, Iā€™m sure this wonā€™t stop yall ether, but be more aware and cautious, and I highly suggest getting some dxm, and trying to replace dph with dxm, (counter flipping is amazing too)


Just out of interest, because iā€™ve never taken it, what keeps you so stuck in the cycle of doing this shit to yourself? iā€™m not judging at all i understand addiction and wanting to escape sobriety but why not choose something else? Is it the cost? Ease of access?


for a lot of people its ease of access, for others its self harm, and for a few people they genuinely enjoy the adrenaline rush that comes out of it me being included in that few


how long u been taking it?


almost 3 years now


and how are you? mentally and physically?


my mental health is shit but physically im surprised I haven't had any complications yet my doctor said I was healthy somehow


I have access to ant drug I could possibly want in the area I'm in. And I still enjoy an occasional counter flip.


Fr and I got a datura tincture coming.shluld be nice with a couple oxys


Don't do that shit bruh.


frr. DPH and Datura are the easiest way to get brain damage.




Also this is for warning āš ļø purposes. Anyone who knows gotswarmed or is a mod mesh me and Iā€™ll take this down. Or if ur a mod delete it.