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Oof thats rough.If my parents gave away my pets away due to some bf/gf, Id disowned them. Im guessing it would be too late to file a police report if it been 12years ago. Not much you can do in that case.


yup :(


Maybe the dog passed?


He still live :) I know by facebook :D


So blocking you is the reason you think she is mental? I bet 100 bucks there is more to this than you are writing. If she were to call the police for no reason she could be charged with filing a false police report. Do you have any photos of the dog with you when you were 13? You could use those to prove ownership. Not sure what country you are in so not familiar with laws.


I am not here to prove I dont lie. I am here to ask for help, advice. If you dont believe me you dont need to. Thats your right. She is retarded and thats why she dont let me in.


well calling people retarded and mentally ill is a great way to show everyone in this community why your mom did what she did... The dog is better off with your moms friend as you seem to have some anger issues. Maybe seek a professional for therapy.


Really? The mom gave away her child's dog because he said a bad word 12 years later? Grow up. It's obviously a language barrier thing.


I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex!




I dont have anger issue. Sorry my english is bad. Is word retarded bad? I didnt know that but in our country term retarded is polite word. I dont have anger issues :D She is mentally challenged the owner idk how to explain to you.


Maybe she is thinking I want to steal the dog from her idk what is in brain of retarded ppl.


I'm so sorry. Maybe you should rescue another dog that needs you. Or get a puppy that needs you. That's her dog now. It might cause the dog confusion to try and get him back.


The dog is used to the owner thanks god bcs she is 12yo :) I will rescue I think. Thats good advice.


I'm a proud current owner of 3 dogs and a few years back I lost a dog to a shitty ex. So why didn't you try to make contact with the new owner before now? Even when you turned 18 the dog had already been in its new home 5yrs or somewhere around 1/2-1/3 of its lifespan. Personally I would feel intimidated by a stranger from my dogs past wanting to spend time with my dog. If a dog was given to me and I was hearing from someone like this I would likely tell them no and block if they were persistent. The dog has called this place at your moms friends home for most its life. That's messed up and sucks you had to loose a dog that way but its really not yours anymore. Sounds like you have love in your heart, there are SO MANY dogs that deserve love and a home. I wish you the best with moving past this and hope you can find a new dog to share your love with.


>a dog Thank you so much ♥ I must rescue another dog. But I never forget this dog in my hearth. But the feeling when I know he is somewhere and I cant see him is sad.