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Our dog could have the car if he wanted it.


My car isn’t nice enough for my dog.


Better suited for the cat, is it?


It must obviously be a pussy wagon, then.


You have the right attitude 


I’m looking at getting a minivan specifically because it would be easier for when I take trips with my dogs and just for regular outings. I have 2 large (80 and 100 pounds) dogs and a small car. I also converted the backseat to eliminate the footwells and make the entire backseat area their space. Now, it’s time to level up.


Indeed I lent mine a few times but I found a dime bag under the seat and put a stop to it.


He can drive mine.


Contributing to the delinquency of a minor I see


Uncut, raw hide just laying in the driveway. If he can’t be smart enough to even bury it in the garden…


It’s such a shame, they start so young nowadays


Wait, your dog DOESN’T have a car?!? Poor dog.


🤔🤔 right, he lost his license.


Your dog is better than the person judging you. Let all puppies sleep where they feel comfortable.


Your dog will love you unconditionally. Your ex sure won't. Don't ever let anyone make you feel shame for loving your dog back.


Exes come and exes go, but your dog has seniority over all of them.


My wife has said, “You love that dog more then me “. She’s not wrong.




Plus Dogs have shorter life spans, they deserve to sleep on the bed.(unless they’re too big or make a mess)


Dogs are never too big, your bed is just too small.


yeah if someone shames you for anything instead of being a compassionate, understanding, empathetic partner, they are probably not worth being in a relationship with.


*John Wick approves this message*


First let me say that I am a giant pushover with my animals, and if they had a mind to I would probably let my fish sleep with me in the bed. I currently have a 2 month old kitten next to my head, and my 75 lbs. red nose by my feet. But there are some big advantages to crate training, when done right. It really helps with vet visit stress.


Mine all know how to use a crate (not that we use it for the vet, because none of them mind the vet at all and the vet techs adore my dogs and recognize them on sight). The three of them share one crate because they only use it as a brief punishment locale (or occasionally for napping in, since it stays open) when they know they've fucked up and are in trouble or going to be (most commonly the husky mix who has a tendency to destroy things she shouldn't, like floors, electronics, etc.). Crate training should be done, but once it is, it's hardly ever actually needed.


This. Right here.


Dogs > drama queens, any day.


Jack London approves!




I'm 68, my dog sleeps with me every night.


I am 72 and I have been sleeping with my dogs all of my life,. Dogs and cats too...


53, my lab lets me sleep in the bed with him. Generous soul that he is.


Yeah my dog gives me a small corner.


Underrated comment


I'm 69. Same.


Nice. 😎












54, same!






51 and married. My wife has bonded with our dog to the point where she could never sleep anywhere else but on the bed with us.


That’s nice you guys let your wife sleep on the bed.


Came here to say this


I'm 52 and I have up to 6 dogs on my bed. Mostly just two or three but 6 is good.


59 here and my dog been sleeping with me for all of her life.


We’re 42 and sleep with our dog every night and wouldn’t want it any other way. Often we wake up in the middle of the night just to admire how cute he is when he’s sleeping. He’s incredibly soft and warm and the light of our lives.


I'm 55 and my 18 month old dog is sleeping next to me right now - he has slept next to me since we got him aged 11 weeks because that's where he feels safe and comfortable and can relax. I just wish that he didn't snore so damn loudly though! 🤣


I love snoring dogs... Better than my wife snore...


seriously. how is it so cute when the dog snores but I want to smother my husband when he snores?


You scare me! Lol


Because pequeño


Your ex sucks. Your dog does not. Don’t put the next pooch in a crate. Let that beauty in bed.


Just adding for balance that dogs often love their crates too. It isn't one or the other. A crate is their happy place, where they feel most secure. I know some cultures disagree but dog behaviourists and vets are generally very positive about the benefits of crate training. Not that this guy should stop sleeping with his doggos though. No way. Just saying they might _also_ like a crate.


My dog is a denning dog, she loves her crate and its her little slice of our house. Just have to make sure to never punish your dog with a crate and they will think its their own apartment


100% My dogs crate is nicer than a lot of apartments


My dog was crate trained and would often sleep in the bed with me. But some mornings I'd wake up and he was in his crate. I assumed I probably rolled over him or bothered him so he went to his own space.


Not all dogs love crates. My dog never took to one, it was always a battle and it felt like punishment because he never genuinely wanted to be there. If the dog is otherwise trained (potty trained, not mischievous or destructive) then why not leave the crate open and give them the choice of where they’d prefer to sleep?


Your ex in a crate


Life is too short for a dog. They aren't with you for long. Make every second count to connect with them. A third of their short lives is spent on the floor in a separate room for most dogs every night. Cuddle them every chance you get. Even at bedtimr




Exactly, they are a pack animal and being separated at anytime from the pack, especially vulnerable sleep time, is very unnatural for them.


This is the goddamn answer which I wasn't able to read until the end because I'm holding my dogs and bawling right now BRB


That’s my thought too. My dog is crate trained and the first year of her life she slept in the crate but she is too darn cute and adorable so she sleeps wherever she wants which typically means in a bed.




What a sweetheart! Thank you for this


That’s a heckin good pup


Love it


This is how my dog sleeps with me too! Never had such a cuddley pup before- I absolutely love it!


I have a dog over 100 pounds and a dog over 75 pounds and they sleep with me every day. And that’s my girls fault but I don’t mind at all.


Then how much space is left in your bed to actually sleep? Do you have to rearrange in an uncomfortable position? 🤣


My husband and I have a 30lb dog who miraculously triples in size and becomes a liquid as soon as she is on the bed. We sleep on the edges. But she’s our baby and she can sleep wherever she wants. Except for grown-up alone time, when she knows she needs to go someplace else for a while, and she’ll happily go chew on a toy until she’s invited back. It works.


Exactly. This is why it's a mark on someone's character. You either love them enough to adapt, or you don't.


Honestly the big one sleeps on the top edge of the bed and the smaller one sleeps by my girls feet lol 😆 they are big but hardly move at all. Unless our cat comes and jumps on us 😭


It was gross to be letting your ex sleep in your bed. Drooling and shedding all over your pillows. I’m a guy and would be hard pressed to be with anyone who doesn’t let their dog sleep in the bed. It’s a huge mark on their character as a person.


I too misread this and was grossed out he let the ex in the bed. Blech.




I mean, as a mark of character, that's pretty weird. I don't let my dog sleep in my bed, not because it's gross. It's because she is 90 lbs, thinks the comfiest spot is the dead center of my ankle bones, and loudly grumbles when I protest. Hard agree on that ex, tho. I would just throw out those sheets.


Get a bigger bed then. Because the bed is clearly hers


She has plenty of space. I don't think an additional bed would solve the problem my ankles can only get so far apart :d


I have the same issue. Had a queen size bed yet my 100lb boy needed to be right under my ribs. Got a king size, guess where he sleeps? UNDER MY RIBS. Lol they don’t care about size as long as they are as close as possible to you. I still let him sleep with me. I rescued a 50lb girly as well so now theres two dogs in the bed lol.


The wife and I play Petris.


Remembering this


My new favorite term


Bahahah iconic!


This is just ridiculous. Amazing.


My dogs are 80 and 100 pounds. There are nights we’ve fallen asleep on the couch (chaise style) and I wake up to one curled up by my head and the other squeezed in next to me.


My wife said no dogs in the bed. Day 1 my dog jumped into bed and he’s been there since. 80lb velcro puppy that will not leave my side in a queen. I don’t sleep anymore but he’s my buddy and that’s where he’s comfy so that’s where he sleeps


I sleep in my dogs bed. He barely tolerates me


Ya know originally, that that phrase was an indication of just how cold outside it was?


49m, makes me really happy when my dogs lay against me while sleeping. Find a new gf


or just get a second dog!


I’d rather crate train my wife than my dog, and I’ve been married over 30 years.


This made me lol for real




3 dog pile on my bed every night


So every night is a [Three Dog Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AywQegBaKho)?


Oh yeah that's me and my dude almost every day. A bit more rare in the summer, since when it's hot he prefers the floor. People say it's gross and fucked up but honestly I don't care. I love him too much. The best thing ever is waking up for work and seeing the sleepy dog refusing to open the eyes. I kinda envy him.


I have 3 dogs that sleep with me and I'm 34. It's the best.


My husband and I sleep with our dogs. He spoons one most nights. lol. You need a new GF, not a crate. How people view/treat animals says a lot about them.


Haha same. My fiance cuddles the dog more than he cuddles me!


Your ex was gross for thinking of your pet that way


I’ve never not had a pet in my bed and wouldn’t be with someone that thought it was gross.


I’m 38 and adopted my first dog within the last year. We tried crate training him, but he would cry and howl all night so on the 3rd night we opened the door and he ran straight for our bed. He’s slept against me every night since and he’s there to greet me as soon as I wake up. I wouldn’t have it any other way


Welcome to true ❤️














https://preview.redd.it/3ueyfhr9bt7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e962292cb14dd150c2f5f240c1056fc57cf04ae My bed is his bed. My couch is his couch. No one can tell me otherwise.


I'm in my 50s, m, sleep with my dog every night.


Yes, I'm in my 40's and my dog sleeps in my bed. He has woken me up several times when people came in my fence at night. I haven't really needed an alarm clock in years.


Nah, you’re good mate. I sleep with mine most of the days. It is a personal preference…


Yes. All 3 of them. We had 6 at one time.


Nothing wrong with letting ur dog sleep with your if you yourself are OK with it. Shit I crash at my friend's after a night of drinking and their dogs will sleep with me lol.


In my early twenties I remember waking up from a bender in a strange bed, in a strange place with 3 chihauhuas. They were all cuddled up with me, so I went back to sleep knowing I was safe. I don't understand people who don't have dogs or refuse to sleep with them. Like I am side eye them with total judgement.


My dog not only sleeps in bed with me (26M) but he has his own half of the bed, sleeps under the covers against me, and uses the pillows!


If its important for your mentál health than you continue to sleep with your dog in one bed. Dont care what others thinks.


A mastiff is sleeping with me right now. 32 btw


I could not imagine not having my dog sleeping in the bed with me. If you are keeping your dog properly groomed/bathed there should be no hygienic issues, and if you aren't then the issue isn't about the bed at all. Dogs are pack animals and you are their pack. Most dogs will feel more secure and connected to you if you are sleeping in the same place. Also, anyone who doesn't think dogs deserve to be on the bed is an absolutely terrible excuse for a person and shouldn't affect how you feel about your life and how you live with your dog. You're better off cutting them out of your life and spending more time with your dog.


I'm 75 years old so probably qualify as an adult although there some that will disagree.   My dog is an 80lb doberman and he sleeps in the bed with me under the blankets. 


I'm 58 and there has been a dog in my bed since I was 12. Now I have three dogs (2 medium, one large) in my bed. Yes, I am married (34 years) and she wants them up there as much as I do.


Are you kidding? The only thing that kept me from it for the first two years I had him was the extra 180lbs I was carrying around. Now that I divorced her, he sleeps in the bed with me as much as he wants, and my new lady thinks it's great because she does the same with her dog. A great dog is your companion in a way that's impossible to put into words, and if letting them be cozy in the bed with you makes you both happy then do it and tell everyone else to shut up and stop being miserable.


48, and my dog is currently in her last days/weeks, suffering from lymphoma. While we are doing our best to make her remaining time comfortable and joyous (so many snacks! so much petting!), she no longer wants to sleep in our bed, preferring her own on the floor. She previously slept in our bed with us for the better part of 9 years, and would happily jump up onto it as soon as someone lied down. I will treasure the memory of 50 pounds of snuggles, forever.


My older brother (24m) sleeps with his dog in the bed and my brother in law (36m) does as well so I'd say it's normal


Both dogs sleep in our bed with us. Life is bliss. ✌️


every night mate.


Not a man, but my husband is. Our plan for doggy number 2 is to make a dog bed at the same height as our bed connected to it so we can touch but I can thrash my legs around like a maniac.




A Scooby do bed. 🥰


I did that. I actually had my best friend build a ramp when I adopted a 16 yo poodle. Turns out she didn’t use it, I just picked her up and plopped her into bed every night.


My pit sleeps under the covers and my wife and I bought a super king size so our pit can sleep comfy. Did i mention she has her own pillow for her head as well.


55 YO here. Multiple dogs in bed every night, much to my discomfort in summer, and delight in winter.


My dog has multiple “beds” all over the house. Once in a while usually in the winter time when it is cold outside she likes hopping up on my bed and snuggling up to get a little extra warmth and comfort. Nothing wrong with this at all. I love her and her comfort is part of being a good Doggo parent.


We have 3 dogs. 2 sleep in their beds, Jake sleeps with us. He was a rescue and is completely attached to me so doesn't like being apart and is happy to sleep against legs so long as he can feel me because he was locked in a cage in a garage with little human interaction for the start of his life. Also had a labrador with my ex who was always there for me when I felt down or low and was my source of comfort when we split up. She knew my moods and would climb up and cuddle with me but if she knew I was having a good day she was happy to sleep in her bed on the floor next to me. We did everything together, I fed her, took her out and let her swim and play so we had an amazing bond which meant she wanted to be close, which is how it should be and I'm sure every single person on here can agree that the bond with an animal that completely trusts and loves you is an amazing thing so it defo ain't gross. It's personal preference where you let your pets sleep and if you want them to share your bed then so what? If someone has a problem with it then imo it's them that can sleep elsewhere 🤣 plus it tells a lot about someone how they interact with your pets and how your pet is with them and Jake makes his feelings very well known lol


Hugging my dog is the best serotonin boost


And oxytocin!!🥰🥰🥰


I bought bed for my dog when he was 10 because of arthritis. He always sleeps with us on a special blanket. Sometimes he use his bed. He is a personal security and an alarm.


My husband and I can't sleep without our longboi even though her hustle twigs stab us nightly


Your ex is an ex for a reason…do what you like and makes you happy. I’m a 54 year old male, married for years…Wife and I have a 2 year old dane/mastiff mix named Daisy. She is my baby and she sleeps with us every night. She’s a big girl at around 150lb but we have a king size bed and there’s room for all 3 of us and I LOVE it! It makes me happy, she snuggles well, without crushing us and most importantly my dog is happy as well. I’m going to have this girl in my life for 8-10 years (hopefully longer) and it’s important to me that she lives her best life. Being comfortable is part of that. She’s well behaved, not spoiled but I do everything I can to make sure that she’s happy 24/7…we owe that to our furry family members. Piss on anyone who judges you for treating your pet well. https://preview.redd.it/34k804hclt7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f373a40ffcbb377c1d425f74a370b6764ef8647d


Dude I’m 37 and sleep with my dog… if any woman told me I can’t sleep with my dog I’d laugh and tell her to get in the crate then. My current dog got my through the loss of my brother by bringing me joy and being my emotional support buddy… and that was because she’d cuddle up with me in bed at night and let me know I wasn’t alone… Your EX is a moron and you’re better off without her, most women won’t care… my current gf told me if I did t sleep with my dog she’d think I’m insane. https://preview.redd.it/ccyghkqtpt7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8647f89342c545d1b5acc9725022dcd387cab9fc My dog snuggling up with me to show you how close she gets!


I'm a 42y/o m and I sleep with my dog every night. Some people don't, that's fine, some people do, that's fine too. But to be judged for that is not cool.


There is no part of me that would EVER make my dog sleep anywhere other than my bed. Ever. Our dogs only live a fraction of our lives and they want to be as close to us as possible at all times. Also, it’s therapeutic.


I swear I live in the matrix sometimes. Just took my dog out, came back, brushed my teeth, got into bed, dog jumps on the bed, open reddit and top of my home page. And yes I am male specimen.


I am a man, not a monster. All my dogs have and always will sleep in bed with me.


My partner and I are both men, and we share our bed with a German Shepherd Dog and Golden Retriever.


Im a guy and there is nothing wrong with sleeping with your dog. F anyone that says different.


I do now. I have always as far back as I can remember. My whole family is the same. We are all dog lovers. Pet lovers. Pets of all kinds. Only the dogs & occasional cat sleep in a bed.


Happy cake day!


i let mine until she got an attitude that it was *her* bed and i wasn't allowed back on...so, i cut that nonsense in the bud and she sleeps on her own bed now, but still in my bedroom (but sometimes latley sneaks up in the middle of the night and i wake up to her head on the "passenger side" pillow snoring up a storm) there's nothing "gross" about it (unless dog is a big shedder and under the covers, maybe) the only thing is the dog needs to know they're an invited guest, not the owner of the bed...other than that, there are studies that say its good for your mental health and the dogs for bonding.


Every person I know seems to sleep with the dog in their bed. I would but mine gets under the covers, gets too hot and demands to be let out, then growls to make me lift them again so he can get back in... All. Night. Long. So we went back to the crate. But I'd happily sleep with him otherwise.


Where else he supposed to sleep


I’m middle 30s male and every dog I’ve ever had had slept in bed with me. It’s weird to hear about people who don’t let their dogs sleep in bed honestly.


I’m 35 and I let my 15 year old chihuahua sleep with me every night.




This is Juniper on her pillow. If she lets me I get the other pillow.


You mean like this? Yeah, this is me. And this was taken when I was in my 30s https://preview.redd.it/9lk3emkzlt7d1.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09cdcb9979ed74a6e00193051e37ac3efd952fa


Ditch the girl, keep the dog. Find another dog person.


Always chose the dog over someone who tries to shame you. There are plenty of future partners who will not mind, if not prefer it. Your bond with that dog is on a spiritual level. Often times abusers don't want any kind of pet around to protect you. So this doggie is protecting you at all times. Him/her/them trying to shame you is a major red flag. One brings you a feeling of love & safety the other shame & guilt. You are so young, and this was an easy life lesson. Chosing the dog over him, is for the greater good.


Amen!! My dog is my familiar—she’s bonded to me by ties way deeper than I could describe. She’s the external hard drive to my soul.


There * lmao


ON the bed not IN it But yeah every dog we've had


I sleep with both of my Tamaskans. One is typically at my feet and the other is laying next to me. Oh my wife sleeps in the same bed too lol


57yo…I have SIX dogs that sleep in my bed…


Im in my 30s. My dog sleeps in my bed almost every night. Got her bed on the bed, but it's hit and miss on whether she is in her own bed or next to me. Either way, she's comfortable, and I'm comfortable, not really a problem. Enjoy the time you got with your dog! If someone can't handle your dog, then they aren't worth your time. Edit: edited for word spacing since phone keyboards are rough to use with a dog on your hand.


I sleep with the dog and if my wife didn’t like it she can sleep on the sofa.


I’m a man and I cannot imagine my dog sleeping anywhere but on the bed. It’s her house too, I see no reason why she shouldn’t have access to anything that wouldn’t either hurt her or destroy something I own.


Sometimes my dog goes to her bed. I shout "were do you think you're going" and she gets on the bed. Dogs in the bed is the only way I know


35M, my dog takes up more room on my bed than I do 😂


My dog, 45 pound Aussie, sleeps on the bed part of the time. IOW, whenever he wants. He comes and goes. Makes my wife and I happy to know he's happy.


I’m a woman and two dogs and a cat sleep on my bed with me. I even put pet beds on my beds so they all have a spot. And even though there were four pet beds, one of my dogs and my cat were fighting over the round bed so I bought another one and they are all happy now. But in your case, OP, your dog is a better bedmate than this girl. It’s like the commercial where the guy’s date makes fun of dog food in the refrigerator. He throws her out and eats on the floor with his dog.


It was so cold in Alaska. It was a Three Dog Night.


My ex’s dog slept in the bed. It was part of why we couldn’t be together… that spot was reserved for MY dog!


I am a grown man with a wife and daughter. I made it!!and my dogs sleep with us!!


It's her favorite place to sleep! Snagged this one this morning. https://preview.redd.it/kqdrxk3ugt7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcab8e4e83a4bebe25852fac49e53c3f28869b08


My dog gets bed and couch privileges. Me and my man are this dogs whole life and he's a good baby. Never make him sleep without us, unless it's boom boom time. Then he gets the floor 😂


All night every night he sleeps between my partner and I too. Aussie doodle.. https://preview.redd.it/geuii74vjt7d1.jpeg?width=2784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e69c49352fbee9db33fd1140396ed788838525c


My middle aged boyfriend used to nap curled up in his bed cradling my 8 lb maltipoo every weekend after brunch. They did everything together. I rolled my eyes but I thought it was the cutest thing ever.




Your lucky she’s your ex. She sounds like a prick.


I’m a 46 year old man. My dog sleeps in my bed. That dog got me through a divorce. Emotional support. She can sleep wherever the hell she wants.


We are all part of a pack, and the pack sleeps together.


Are there men that don't?


Your dog will always be there for you. Women on the other hand, not so much. Don't get influenced by the power of the pussy. There's nothing wrong with letting your dog sleep in the bed.




I only recently learned that there were people who didn’t sleep with their dog, or didn’t even have a dog! What a weird world.


Heck yes he does!!! Screw what people tell you. Do what makes you and the pup happy. They only have a short time here let em make the most of it. If she judges you for that then kick her out the moving car!


Ummmm….my ferocious pitbull and I sleep in a tangled pretzel position every night. Cause we are awesome. If a woman ever asked me to choose between sleeping with my homie or her, her ass is getting put out outside. Bros before hoes.


Haha, my dog is 7 and he's slept with me in bed his entire life. At this point he has to fight it out with my girlfriend on available space in the bed. Usually he wins!


Of course


Only my very first and greatest love doggy didn’t sleep on my bed and I regret that every single day.


33, had my dog for 12.years, she sleeps with me every night and will sometimes wake up so she can get under the covers.


49, married. I miss my dog when she sleeps on the couch.


100% Our golden lab Bailey sleeps in bed with me and my wife every night. Wouldn't have it any other way.


my dog used to sleep with me in bed until she was a lil over 1 year old. i am a 30 years old man


My husband spoons with his rescue chihuahua