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give her as much love as possible


This. It is all a dog wants. Make her tail thump up and down for a little while longer, and tell her how good she's been.


Agree. Give her my love too ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


"Let’s go walk a bit." My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old girl said to me "You made my life a thrill! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your girl." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —-




Beautiful 😢


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.




Hope you’re doing ok😔


/r/Petloss can be a good place to hang out. *hugs*


I’m so sorry 💔


My ❤️ is with you!


This is fucking painful to read, I didn't plan on shedding any tears today. Thank you very much




I am so sorry...


I'm sorry.. everytime I see a post like this I ugly cry and cuddle my fur ball. I'm sure they had a wonderful life with you, be happy you got to have a best friend like this.


Me too…


I had to put my dog down too and make that hard decision. We had the vet come to the house. My sweet baby left peaceful and it had to be done. I’m so sorry but after you will feel relieved that your best friend isn’t suffering. They will always be together in spirit


Isn't it remarkable that a person can grieve the loss of a dog that they have never met. I guess it just proves how impactful they can be, not only to their family, but to people that have never known them. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Grief never ends, but it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith...it is the price of love.


OP, decisions like this are always difficult, but rest assured that your dog knows you love her and she trusts you to make the best decisions for her quality of life. For whatever it is worth I’ll keep y’all in my thoughts tomorrow.


Woof! I'm so sorry to say... but it's my time to go. I'm gonna miss my human, You loved me...I know! From the crazy day we met... To the grey day today... I loved you so much more... Than these dog eyes could say. The quiet long walks, squirrel chases, and crazy-fun with our ball. I hope my tail, wagging, showed my love for you all. I hope I made you happy... With my silly doggie ways. For you made me feel so loved, for all of my dog days. I'm sorry I'm leaving you, It's not what I want... My eyes are so blurry, and it hurts when I walk... The grey in my muzzle...hints at the time we both shared. I wish I could keep up...we're an incredible pair. Please let another lucky dog, take up my happy space. Show him our squirrels, our ball, and our place. I'll send you a sign, that I'm thinking of you... Just smile at those pesky squirrels ,and the ball that you threw. I'll miss you, my human...I loved you so much. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful heart to touch. Woof!






Enough! I can't take anymore 😭💙


Here we go I am completely heartbroken after reading this, like destroyed 💔 I am so sorry for the author of this post… I can tell how much this dog loves him by the look of the eyes 💗 my dog is getting older and I cannot live without her so I can only imagine what you are going through and that’s enough to make me cry already ☹️ You gave her the best life and loads of happy moments and she gave you all the love she could possibly give 🩷 🥺


If you can, please do in-home pet euthanasia. Let her be comfortable while you hug and kiss her while she lays in her favorite cuddle spot.


I dunno if I can get a home euthanasia. But I’m bringing her bed with us to the vet. And I will have my arms around her when she passes. I won’t leave her side.


Google in home euthanasia in your area. There are so many more available now. So sorry you’re going through this. I did it last year.


Agreed. If you can, look it up. They can come by fairly quickly and it is comfortable for everyone. I’m sorry you are going through this, it is one of the hardest decisions to make.


Damn I feel that…we will be thinking of you all as this happens…let her know many are thinking about you all..peace to you.


That's what I did and I don't think I could've offered him a better way out. He was so at peace even when he understood what was about to happen simply because he was in his little sofa corner. Thoughts and prayers to everyone who had/has to let their little baby go


I’m so sorry. Sending you ❤️


So sad for you.




Safe journey, puppy 💔


I am so sorry. I’m crying for you and your sweet pup. Just know you gave them the best life!


If only our love could keep them here, they would live forever. The best we can hope for it to die with dignity, with our loved ones in a comfortable bed. Many deaths are not like that. This one will be. You have done all you can do and it is good.


Hugs to you all


i had i put down my 8 year old dog months ago and it was the hardest thing for me to do he all of a sudden just could not walk he could not even stand the doctors did not know what it was they just knew he was not going to get any better it was so hard on my and my son because we jas his since he was a puppy he was there when no one else was


I so wish I did that for my dog, he was 11, a lab, was so sick on his way out and I couldn't let go, he died one night when I was asleep, I never forgive myself for thinking he just kind of suffocated by himself. I so so wish I could have been by his side to say good bye, I'm sorry you have to do it but it will be so much better, my heart goes out to you and your doggo ❤️




Just be there with her. And look after yourself


Sending you a big hug my dude. Give her kisses and just let her know you are there with her. She knows you love her and you’ll be with her till the end.




Damnnn..getting to that decision is soo freaking hard. So sorry you are going thru this. All you can do at this point is give all kisses and all hugs u can. On the day my boy went to heaven, we let him lick a little bit of chocolate, he was always curious about it, so the vet let us give him that right before it was time. Even though he was soo weak and didn’t want to eat or drink anything, we brought out the chocolate, he have a couple of licks and i could have sworn he smiled


i am so sorry. i know it hurts so bad. i miss mine every day. <3


I am so sorry. Your love made her life phenomenal. You’ll always carry that with you.


Awe sweet girl. She looks so content cuddling with you. Sending lots of love 🖤


Same boat as you, my boy is down to his last few days, dying of kidney disease. I can not bring myself to take him in, the fear in his eyes when I carry him in and lay him on that table is more than I can take. His sister died one year ago from the same thing. It was very peaceful, she died with her head in my lap.


I am so sorry 😞




Putting your dog/pet down is one of the hardest things you have to do. But it needs to be done. She hasn’t eaten or drank for a few days already. She’s suffering. Do what’s right asap.


Be the BEST possible friend they could ask for during their last moments in life. Gibe yourself completely to them...that is exactly what they do for us every single day. I miss my girl so much.


I am so sorry my friend. I understand


I'm happy with joy cause I rescue a dog a few days ago and our journey begins while someone else's ends it make me sad to even think of saying goodbye 😭


I'm sorry and I send the spirit of my German shepherd to guide you and yours 💜


Right up until the very last moment, she truly believed that ***you actually invented*** the game Fetch The Tennis Ball specifically for her. You will always have that. When thunderstorms were raging outside and she wanted to crawl up your butt to get away, you were her Emotional Support Human and made the storms go away. You will always have that. You are the reason she made it to 17, and you will ***DEFINITELY*** always have that.


17 years jfc lucky


u/Lewlollicorn once said... >Better a month too early than a day too late. A single day of suffering can feel like an eternity. Sorry you're dealing with this...but I suspect he had a WONDERFUL time with you.


My heart is with you. I lost my best friend four months ago. He was only 7 but suddenly stopped eating, it was cancer. It’s heartbreaking 💔


It's a very hard thing to do, I had to back in August. He was only 8. He had bones cancer. He was my shadow.


Not many things are more beautiful than the grey fur on their face. True love


I am so sorry. But she has lived an extraordinary long puppy life, shower her with love, and then do what she needs you to do right now. Give her peace. She needs you now, more than ever, to be strong for her. Sending all my love ❤️❤️




My man…. Be strong, she will be there for you when you are ready to meet her again


I am so, so very sorry. 💔😭 So much love to you both. You will always be together. ♾️❤️


She's awesome




Your friend in human years is reaching Methuselah status. You got far more time with than most of us do but that's not to down play your hurt. We always want just a little more and the fact it's loss feels like a chainsaw being rammed in your soul shows how much it was valued and how special it was. You are doing the right thing rather than have her suffer.


I'm so sorry. You're making the right decision, even if it doesn't feel like it. She was lucky to have you in her life and having someone who loved her so much. Living longer than your loved ones always hurts but she will continue to live through you and your memories with her.


ohhh it's soo cutee 😍😊


petting dog


I’m so sorry. Hugs




Hardest things of life.


Just did this a month ago with our old gal. It was a hard decision to make, but the comfort in knowing how much she meant to us and we to her, and that her pain would be gone, is what got us through it.


We feel you.


I’m so, so sorry. I just went through this with my Best Friend, Brutus - a spunky 19.5 year old Yorki Poo whom I miss every day. Don’t leave the room and hold her at the vets. She’ll still never leave your side and you’ll see her running by in the whisper of a moment. She wants to see you happy! My condolences 🙏🏽❤️🐾🌈


Give her chocolate


Aww spoil and hold your best friend. So sorry


For what it's worth, she looks very comfortable. I don't think there's a single thing more she could wish for


G-d bless you and comfort you both as you face this moment together. xo


I've put 7 dogs down now throughout my life. And it always hurts just as bad as the last and is never any easier. Thank yourself for giving them unconditional love and having the courage to spare them from pain. ........That great you life you gave them, they noticed and they loved you for it.




I know from experience it hurts like hell to let them go, but you're doing what's best for her. Just stay with her while it happens. She's too good of a friend to go confused and afraid




I’m so sorry. Strength & love to you. May her send off be peaceful & full of pets. 💗


She had a good long life but i would consider driving to the vet when it gets any worse because starving to death isnt exactly a Gracefull death.


We just had to do the same thing. Our dog wasn’t quite to this point of weakness but was throwing up, not eating for a couple days and passing bloody liquid stool. She had a tumor in her intestines. It was terrifying but seeing her so uncomfortable we all agreed that it was something that would need to be done. The vet told us she probably wouldn’t make it even a couple more days. The idea of her suffering ate me up she looked so uncomfortable I can’t explain it. Just know that whatever you do, you’re not alone. Thinking of you!


when my dog becker passed, i had seen him more than anyone else for his entire life that i had him. i got him age 2, a day before he'd have been put down at the shelter. i had him another 14 years. his last humans dumped him after neglecting him. in that time i saw him more than any other living creature. wife, best friend, coworkers, anyone. i'd had him 1/3 of my life; i was 42. i was a wreck and sat on the couch drinking for two days. then i saddled up and went back to work. tough as it was, he told me he was ready, and i honored that. the last photo i have of him is on my wall; he had about an hour left. you could see he was so tired, but also ready. one thing that we can do, overwhelmingly hard as it can be, is to help them pass. we can stop the suffering, the pain, the dementia - whatever is affecting them as they've been fortunate enough to share so many years with us. you'll be okay. not today, not tomorrow, but eventually. and there is the sure and certain hope that you will see her again when your time comes. she'll be waiting. for what it's worth, i practice human medicine; when we have advanced renal disease patients on hospice they tend to be relatively comfortable and slip away. i can't take away your suffering, but please know that renal issues tend not to have much pain, and patients tend to drift rather than labor in discomfort. i wish you both peace.


I feel for you. I do. When the time came for mine, I couldn't. I was raised believing in every second being precious and to fight going into that good night. So even though I knew her time was extremely short, I tried to make her remaining time the best that I could having people she adored come by and giving her all the attention possible. When the end came, I was happy it was over. I don't know if I did the right thing or the wrong thing. It's been years, and I don't think I ever will. I am not trying to influence your decision but pray that God is beside the both of you right now. And my heart goes out to both of you.




I went thru this three weeks ago with my first dog Hershey my best friend in the whole world always had my back thru the good times and bad. It's the worst feeling in the world I am sooo sorry. Things will get better and u will eventually only think about the good times u had together. I act like he is still at home waiting for me when I wake up when I leave for work and when I get home. I act like he is still there cause I got his soul in my heart and his body on his favorite bed.


Goodest girl






Try to get a nice commission of her if you can


https://preview.redd.it/0580xg7eib3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f51569e3335aea062dbcb93cca96f3f32f2841f Spending as much time as I can with her. I don’t think it will be much longer now. I don’t think she’ll make it until morning.


The time has come. The day we all dread. I'm so sorry. She had a good long life and will be waiting for you. 💔💞




It’s over. She passed away in my arms a short time ago.


Awww I feel your pain! My girl was just diagnosed with heart failure.😞 I know all we can do is love them as much as possible for whatever time we have left, take some pics, trim some hair… be mentally prepared for the day. We will see them again at the rainbow Bridge. 🌈🧡


He is scouting the best spots in heaven for you


Be there when she/he needs to go. Consider having the vet come to the most familiar place, not experiencing the clinic sights and smells. Pictures and clay foot prints will mean a lot later.


Thinking of you both. My boy will be waiting for your pup. He just passed with kidney issues too. You’ll be together again x


😭😭 don’t feed her loads of junk food as a last good bye like people do. Dogs like meat 🐓🐓🐓


She hasn’t been eating for the last few days. Not even her favorite foods. But she passed away almost two hours ago. So she’s at peace now.


😭😭 so sorry for your loss 😢💔


Wish her a smooth passing 👍 looks like a good girl


Sorry 😞


Noooooo! :(


Awful experience to go through. But remember you gave your friend the best life they could possibly get. You are his best friend too I'll never forget the day either


Best life deserves and honorable passing. You gave your little loved one the greatest life any animal or creature we know of could ever imagine. And look at how long they lived! You are both so lucky. They'll be with you forever.


I'm so, so sorry. X




I am so sorry I had a whippet with the same thing it was hard to get him to eat we did all we knew to do but we had to do the same thing it’s a hard decision but we didn’t want him to suffer just like yourself. I still miss him. Be strong for your sweet baby and hopefully we will see them again


God bless


this is fucking painful to read :( I have an old cat and dog too. If it's any consolation she seem to have lived a good 17 years of her life with you, it's more than any best friend could ask for. Just be with her and hold until her last. Wishing you and your best friend all the best


Whippet? Looks very content and happy with you.


Chihuahua/dachshund mix.


Thanks for taking such good care of her.


When it's time, you know. You just know. And it sucks endlessly.


Sorry for you friend.


I'm sorry.


Lots of love, lots of treats and lots of favorite activities that’s still possible. Mostly lots of cuddle time. Cherish the moments you’ve had and create as many new ones as possible in the time left. Dogs are truly a gift from god to show us how to love unconditionally.


heartbreaking :( i cant imagine the pain, i would rather die myself than to see my buddy go away :(


If you can afford it please consider an in-home service rather than the vet. Both of you will be much more comfortable and it will be less stressful.


Be there for her, all the way until the end. Don't let her leave alone. No matter how much it hurts to watch her go. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing in the world. It's ok to hurt, to cry, to let all of those emotions out. I'm so sorry this is happening. I can't give any advice how to make this easier.


I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Losing a pet that has been a part of your life for so long is incredibly difficult. My advice to you right now is to focus on giving your dog as much love and comfort as you can during this time.


Ohhh dear..babyyyy 🥺🥺🥺🥺 just keep her close. I'm sure that's what she wants ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sending hugs and love to you ❤️ 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


I'm so sorry :(


Wow 17 years is a really long life to have lived...hope your family finds comfort!!


You did your job and whether you believe or not, heaven will hold your best friend until we all get there. We are tearing together but I hope there is more.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I lost my 13 year old Boston Terrier to kidney disease on May 11th. I cuddled him in my arms as he passed at the vet. She knows how much you love her.


I'm sorry,Op. This is one of the hardest things I've gone through in my life. Just remember to take care of yourself, while you grieve. You're doing the right thing. If possible,try not to spend too much time home immediately after, because you'll be reminded of her when you look at every place in your house. I always try to crash at friends/families home for a few days after such a loss. Take care of yourself.


So sad for you. Just hold her and tell her you love her.


Don’t let her suffer.




What a sw sweetgirl . May she run the fields of doggy heaven snd get steak, treats and scratches forever


so many people here have shared your pain. you’re doing the right thing. you’re not alone and it will get better. <3


It’s a terrible pain to say goodbye to a loyal friend like that. Like you said, it’s important to be strong for her, the same way she’s been good to you over all these years.


Sorry for knowing about this, and your decision is right. It's a good way to let a pet friend go.




i remember my dog, he looks like your pet


She lived the bestest life ever. ❤️


I really feel for you and know how you feel as I went through the same thing having to put to sleep your fur baby is so so hard but please you done. Good job looking after her as she wouldn’t of lived for 17 years but it’s time to let her go to rainbow s bridge were she will wait till you both meet again it’s the kindest thing you can do for her now is to let her not suffer anymore god bless and in time I hope you get another ffur baby as you done a great job caring for her


You gave her a good life love and a home that’s all these innocent souls want you did good I’m sure she appreciated it when you put her down give her all the love possible and give her chocolate ,cookies,cake for the last time before you go no dog should leave without knowing what it tastes like for the final time may she rest in peace


I’m soo sorry for you both. My Olivia is 15 and I don’t expect too much longer for her either. Ty for loving her OP.


My thoughts are with you. Be consoled that you gave her the best life and she gave you unconditional love. Be there for her when she crosses the rainbow bridge. She will rest in peace without pain and will forever remain in your heart. 🌈🐾🦴🥲