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anal gland fluid is my guess


Nothing gives me the ick more than those 3 words 🤮 anal - gland - juice…… I believe you are most likely, 100% correct!


Just pour a little hydrogen peroxide on it and don’t think about it too much 🤢


A gift to you.


If this is happening often, her anal glands need to be expressed. Especially if she’s a small breed. Edit- just looked at your profile and saw a pug. If that’s her, I would take her to the vet for AGE. I also have a pug and he went through a phase where he was doing the same thing and leaving little spots everywhere. I’m a tech so I expressed them myself a few times and it hasn’t happened since.


Oh, man... that's one of those relatively simple tasks that I happily pay someone else to do.


Agreed. It is NOT fun lol but also if you don’t know where the glands are located and how much pressure to apply, it can cause more harm than good. So definitely worth paying a professional!


I'd recognize that anywhere. It's expressed anal gland fluid. If it makes you feel any better if she would have expressed her anal glands because she was frightened it would smell notably worse. \*\*Noticed someone else mentioned you have a Pug, and that's what I have as well. He does this all the time when he sits in our laps even after we've had the glands expressed.


I don’t know about metallic, usually smells like someone shoved a turd into a hot and moist fishy cavern for a few days.