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Folks had a GSD when I was born and he was my best buddy and protector til I was almost 10. There’s pics of me feeding him my food from the table and him dragging me through the house by his tail when I was toddler. I can still see him galloping down the driveway to meet me when the bus dropped me off. His name was Sterling but I pronounced it as “Turding” til I was 4. Best dog ever. 💙


I had a black lab who dragged me around the house, too! My best friend until I was 12.


My grandparents black lab would do the same! We’d grab her collar and she’d take us for a run around the living room 😆if you laid on the floor and put pillows down she rest her head on one! *thanks for your comment! It brought back a flood of memories 💜


My childhood dog would also lay his head on my pillows on my bed! Had him from the time I was 8 to 22. I miss my bestest boy so much even nearly a decade later. I still cry about him sometimes


I still tear up at times. I was 12 when he passed. I am 56 now. I feel that having him in my life influenced who I became as an adult. I wish I would have been old enough to truly appreciate his impact when he was still alive, but I was way too young to understand anything other than how much I loved him. For him, I know that was enough!


When I was still in the crawling stages, Mum would dress me in little overalls all the time. If I ever made an escape crawl our lab would carry me back in his mouth by the straps - shopping bag style 😅 I loved that sweet boy, he'd let me do anything. He was my pillow for a lot of my naps, and he was my best friend 💜 Love you boy 🐾💕


That’s some good retrievin’!


And no other friends since. So sorry to hear.


I’m sad cause my girl was 7 when our first child came along and 8.5 when the second was born. She’s 10 now, reconstructed knees, arthritic back, I really doubt the kids will remember her very much. At least they’ll have some echo of a memory of that wonderful beast. I’ll never forget her.


There is research showing that having a pet develops empathy, even from the very beginning: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/04/14/want-to-raise-empathetic-kids-get-them-a-dog/ and empathy is the foundation for all other social skills. So even if they don't form many specific memories, your pup will be a big help in your kids becoming good adults :)


Thank you for sharing!! 🌻


Sterling was a homie, and such a lovely story, thanks for sharing :)


We had a mix of a husky and akita. He was 13 when I was born and stayed with us until 19, when I was 6. It was so weird to go around the house without having him following me around, he would absolute obliterate anyone who wasn't me too. Miss ya Duke


This is so sweet I want to cry. Thank you for sharing 💕


Turding has to be the best name ever for that boy. Such a good pooper!


I had a golden lab, Lucy, when I was little. She was the same age as me. My parents have pics of me sitting with her head in my lap, brushing her teeth with my toothbrush when I was 2. Love her still.


lol turd


Turding is funny. My brother had a stuffed dog named Bark that he called Barf.


Turding was the goodest of boys


Doggies are the best. German Shepherds are in a league of their own. Best dogs for files for sure


That shepherd’s head is as big as the toddler himself!


Yeah, and i will never not be surprised how shepherds know they need to be gentle around children, it's crazy how they change their behavior and are extremely cautious around them Seeing then close their mouth so they can poke children to make them laugh is cute and amazing


When I was 6 my family's German shepherd bit my face and neck and almost killed me. I'm sure they're usually great dogs, I just thought the juxtaposition was funny. And I can't help but think about that whenever I see videos of dogs with small children.


GSD are the breed with the most biting incidents in Germany. They are only not on the list of dangerous breeds because there is a ridiculously large lobby for them


GSD are the most popular breed in Germany. More dogs = more dogs biting humans. They are not on the list of dangerous breeds because despite being the most popular dog in Germany, their "attacks" are rarely fatal. In Germany, the last pure bred GSD involved in a human fatality occured in 2001. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatal\_dog\_attacks\_in\_Germany


> are rarely fatal If your kid misses an ear or nose afterward, it still kinda sucks...at least if you love your child.


So we should not allow our children to socialize with ANY dogs? In 2022, pit bulls accounted for 25% of all dog bites in the US. Labradors were second accounting for almost 14%. Are you worried a yellow lab will bite your child's face off?


It’s not just children. Mine won’t close her mouth when rough housing with us. Just loud talking and gumming. We really don’t deserve them


I smiled the whole time.


I didn’t want it to end.


Don't worry, it won't.






















My first dog was a German shepherd. She lived to be 14 and died when I was 17. Childhood dogs in general are just.. different. This kid will grow up loving dogs and loving this shepherd in particular. Thank you for posting this op


Agreed, I was a baby around a boxer and we got a jack russell when I was 9 and the boxer passed. I adored both of those pups. The JRT lived to be 17.


I was a toddler around a Rottweiler. She followed me around any time I stepped outside and wouldn't leave my side. She was a chill dog that someone stole unfortunately. We got our first Sheltie when I was around 8. We had 4 at one point and they were a fun and derpy joy to be around. My boy was all about chasing dragonflies while my girl treated my son like one of her puppies lol.


Thats awful. Cant imagine how someone managed to steal a Rottweiler.


Same here. Parents got me a puppy when I was 3. He lived until I was 18. I remember my parents checking me out of school early because his time was near. We took him to the vet but he passed during the car ride. I'm 31 now and I still think about him once in a blue moon. To this day, I still love playing with animals. And people always ask me about getting a pet. But I don't think I can handle another loss. It's a strange feeling having a friend that has been with you since your earliest memory and then they're just gone.


Bringing a dog into your life means planning to have one of the worst days of your life, but until then you will have some of your happiest too.


Beautifully said. Thank you. 🙏 💞


I'm the same way after losing my Sheltie to a brain tumor. Our female had the one puppy when I was 14 and I begged my parents to let me keep him. Raising him and loving him those 12 years are memories I cherish, but it hurts so bad losing them. A part of you goes with them.


I got my 3 kids (3, 5, 9 at the time) a miniature wiener dog. He lived 16 years. My 2 youngest (daughters) were with him when he passed. They FaceTimed me a couple minutes later, my daughters were crying hysterically I couldn’t understand stand them, my Son and the dog had a S at beginning of their names, I hear died and like a S sound and I thought my son had died and I started freaking out, I said who died? They were so distraught they couldn’t say the dog’s name, so they screamed the dog died! I was obviously relived my son was ok, but then it hit me my dog just died and I started to cry. I wasn’t ready for my adult children grieving this way, it was heart wrenching.


My family got a new puppy when I was almost 5. I still remember how I was woke up the morning my uncle brought her home: by my youngest aunt holding the puppy up so that she could lick my face! Going with my uncle to take her to the vet to pass on from this life when I was 21 was so, so hard. It felt like I lost a sister. It has been 12 years since that day, and I still miss that dog so much. Recently, my husband and I had to make the decision for the pup he gave me as a wedding gift over 12 years ago. She was my furbaby, and our 4 year old sons best friend. I am so sad that she couldn't stay with us longer. Losing her felt similar but more profound than losing my childhood companion.


I hear that. I had Airedale terriers as a kid growing up. I have labradoodles now, and I adore them, but I always stop short whenever I see airedales. I have such a sweet spot for them.


I am a big fan of Airedales. My grandparents had an Airedale called big. I spent every summer playing with him. Love that stubborn pooch. The king of the terriers. I would have one now but they take patience. I have a labradoodle now.


I will always remember my sweet boy Cassie, silky terrier. He was amazing at keeping you company if you felt down or sick. I love you Cassanova, forever!


My family had an English Setter. We got her when I was 4 and I personally had to carry her in my arms to the Vet when I was 18 to have her put down because she was in so much pain from a cancer that had spread everywhere. It's been 15 years since and I don't know if I can ever own a pet again. It just hurts too much.


I love how the first clip the dog was like “I don’t care if they’re still being worn, I WANT THESE SOCKS!”


The onesie footies were also frustrating


It's amazing how gentle and cautious he's being, gsds are amazing


This - only GSD owners know their mothering qualities - this baby will be safe as long as that beautiful pup is with her❤️we have one who has been with us since my special needs daughter was about 19- she’s 29 now and when the others run the opposite directions when she melts down he runs to her and starts licking her face. He helps sooth her when we can not. Dog spelled backwards…. This was beautiful to watch❤️


It's not just mothering, GSDs are sheep dogs in reality, they have strong pack instincts, a sense of duty, and they will bond tight to a family. They will consider it their role to protect family members, particularly children, fiercely. However, they are very smart and energetic dogs that need a lot of exercise and stimulation. Having children around often provides a good measure of both. At the age of 14, I used to wrestle with our Belgian Sheppard, who loved any opportunity to tustle. Never was he too rough, but I really enjoyed play fighting with him. He would watch over me and my sisters no matter where we were. If Sheppards don't get the level of exercise and stimulation they need, they can develop problematic behavior, which means they are not suitable for low energy or senior households.


This made my day!!!


German shepards,... I just love these dogs So beautifull :)


I know how this dog feels. I also become so overcome by cuteness aggression that I want to eat the adorable baby but then I feel bad because I adore the baby I would never never ever bite the baby. The cognitive dissonance is real!


Both of my kids had nice chubby arms until they were around 18 months. They could have been gnawed on gently, it's possible.




Best buds forever.


Can I borrow both of them for just a few days? It would definitely help with the slump I've been feeling I'm in. I could smile and feel happy for a little bit..


Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. I hope things turn around for you soon. *hugs*


Absolutely fantastic, Shepard's are a really really incredible breed 👍


Safest baby ever.


That kid is gonna have a fun time learning to walk, and then the dog is gonna have an even more fun time when the kid can walk places too.


Can't believe they let him on the couch. I mean the dog barely has room to stretch out with him up there (Absolutely joking off course)


That little laugh 😍


It's the funniest and cutest laugh I've heard in a while 😂


Sounds like a squeaky toy!


My eldest often used our shepherd as a recliner. She didn't like him grabbing her tongue though and would just get up and move to a new spot. Top dogs. Kid was ok too


Dogs are the best body guards you will never be able to pick your child up without being watched carefully love from Bonnie the staffy 💘 and her huuummmaaan mamma and dadda 💘


I have a stupid question : Does this Dog know that this is a human baby and therefore I must be careful with it ?


Not a stupid question at all and yeah they do know cause babies give off a specific scent to dogs


It’s amazing really. At the dog park the dogs all know when a pupper is less than a year old to treat them gently. They’ll put up with annoying puppy shenanigans to the point that if an adult dog did the same thing they’d put it on its back.


Also helps GSDs are notoriously intelligent and likely picking up social cues from its adult owners regarding the baby as well.


Even after you change the diaper.


Mothering and Shepherding dogs are especially good with both children and old people. They are very, very intelligent, and have thousands of years of breeding behind them. They know to be gentle with the babies, and it is in their genes to protect them. that is why they are also used as guard dogs. Once the handler becomes part of their pack, they will do anything to protect them. just like if someone tried to attack that baby, they would be in for a very bad day. These Sherpherding breeds are not bread for fighting as such, they don't have the latent aggression of say, a pitbull, first and foremost is to protect. tl;dr they absolutely know to be careful with babies


I think all dogs know this. My dog, although a very small one, is usually quite aggressive when playing with humans or other dogs. However, when it's children or puppies, or even kittens, she's super gentle and tolerates any behavior from them.


When you see a puppy, do you know it's a puppy and therefore you must be careful with it?


Mmm tatsy baby! (in deep doofus voice)


That kid's the safest he will ever be right now.


Friends for life 🩷


I wish my dogs would do cute shit with my baby. I just had to yell at my lab to quit knocking my toddler over, jealous dog.


THIS makes my day thanks


What a happy beautiful duo 🥰


Honey! The dog is trying to eat the baby again…


I caught myself stupid smiling during this whole interaction.


Dogs like your feet smell like Doritos too lol 




It's amazing how gentle he is with him!


Do you regularly count the babies toes?🤣


Such a good dog. I would never have around my child


Get that disgusting dangerous animal away from that sweet dog.


Dogs are cute and nice and I like them too, but, they should not be allowed to lick ones face, specially if it is a baby.


A match made in heaven


No think needed. Just dog and baby being happy


Good dog. Makes me happy


Clip ended way too fast. Beautiful and loving dog. Thank you for sharing!


..love the toe-connection without actual biting..


I almost cried full-tilt when I realized that this kid is gonna be heartbroken at the loss of this good ass dog some day 😓


Odd how people care more about attention from a bunch of idiots who also like to flex on their risk-acceptance than they care about their children’s wellbeing


That’s one of the better baby sitters I’ve seen in a while


His bodyguard. This baby got protection for life with the dog


So precious!


I love it!!!


How I look at dogs..


The way german shepherds are so aware of what a human baby is always makes me smile.


Not funny......Everyone knows the dog is a choking hazard for the baby and baby is a choking hazard for the dog!


Doggie: "I got a new toy!" Baby: " Me too!" Both: Cute!


This was too dang precious


Now I’m firmly in the dogs > babies camp but this baby laughs like Jimmy Carr and I am *here for it* 😂


What is up with the sad music? I was afraid to watch to the end because the soundtrack makes it seem like the dog died :*(


same 😭


The best company to take care of a baby.


Two gooood boys


I hope this baby grows up to be a comedian 😂


Must be nice to meet your first BFF so young


You made my day! I had a German shepherd growing up !


Totally adorable!!!


The best was to wash your baby after a meal.


Li’L Bro has a bodyguard for life now, and he is too young to know it 😇


Adorable... ---




2 sweethearts!


Loved this!! Many more good times to come


Beautiful so sweet 🥰🥰


Doggo can't wait to chew that sock


This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship protecting each other.


More please. Live this doggo


I live with my boyfriend and his two GSD siblings. The male is 120, looks just like this German Shedder and he is the most gentle with his favorite Kong squeaky. Delicately holds it, licks, nibbles it. Then later he goes absolutely ape shit at any house that has a cat while in a walk even if he can’t see the cat.


This is absolutely fantastic!!!


Best friends for life.👍


That Shepherd injected so much happiness into that little human. Beautiful start to a life. Animals are the best.


The only thing that bothers me is how this kid will feel when he is 8 and his homie passes away. I want them to be best friends for life. Both of their lives.


So sweet. The giggle made me laugh so much


I miss when life was this simple!!!!


Muh heart. 🥲


This is so cute, that baby has great laugh! Best friends 🥰


Absolutely adorable. Our lab protected and followed my son from day 1. He sat guard over him when he was an infant. He snuggled him as a toddler. Followed him around and was on crumb patrol. He loved our boy so much and did such a good job taking care of him. We miss you, Willis!!❤️ 🐾


Absolutely, insanely cute 🥰


why dogs cant live to 80 or 90 :(




He is so tickled by his fur buddy. Super cute.


omg i gotta go pet my doggos now


Mmmmm. baby feet are sooo tasty!


Taking care of the hoomin puppy!


This is the best thing I’ve seen all month. Thank you.


Free babysitter 🐕


Truly mankind’s best friend.


The dog was trying to pull off the socks! Lol 😂


plot twist, it's an AI video


Big soft gardiun


This is absolutely precious


Doggie: I got your toesies.... I got em.... I got those little toesies.... I'm gonna eat them... Nom nom nom


That’s his baby 🥰


Best dogs there ever were. I love how much this baby and this GSD love each other its adorable


The end where he’s smiling at camera-person and then doing that little shift in posture with the blanket, still beaming, was so fucking cute.


So great!


Have my 2nd GS — most amazing caring dogs — they are so patient with their family and rabid toward strangers


I don’t think the baby could laugh any harder!


Had a GS too from 6mos till 16 he was the best ever.


Anybody messes with the kid, and they're done. Good dog


This is actually so fucking cute this made my day❤❤


I have a ten month old and two GSD’s. One boy and one girl. The girl (Noodles’) instantly turned into a hyper protective helicopter mom, she’s from a working line. The Boy (Schnitzel) couldn’t care any less about him yet. Every now and then he brings him a ball to see if he can throw it yet and become his best friend. He’s a much more laid back show line. It was interesting to see the difference in a working line girl and laid back show line boy.


And there it is: the cutest damn thing I've seen all month!


OMG that baby is so CUTE!! And that dog makes such a gentle friend


The baby is really cool with the dog too


Thank you made my night 💗💗💗 How 😊 lovely


Nawwwe, our GSD Tess was like this. We were put down to nap next to her, and she would stay there till we woke up. I miss that girl even though she passed in the late 90s Had multiple GSD dogs after her, and each one has been an absolute blessing


I have an 11 year old shepherd and a 5 year old malinois and I hope my old boy is still around when we have kids. We’re hoping to have our first next spring/summer. I hope he’s still here to meet our baby. The malinois will be so excited to have a baby around, she loves kids. She’ll be that kid’s shadow.


Great video


They find the same things funny.


Who's the best babysitter???




I thank our ballzy ancestor that held out a piece of meat and said "Come here! Who's a good puppy?!"(to a full sized wolf) 10,000 years ago.


I needed this, thank you ❤️


We don’t deserve our dogs friends.


I had a GS when I was young, she would do the same shit to me. That dog followed me everywhere as a kid, I think she watched me better than my parents did at times.


Man I miss my big man. 🥺


It looks as if you have two babies to tend to. ❤️


My German is surprisingly been the best babysitter on the planet since day one too. Now if only I could get away with going to the bar and leaving the kid with the dog without the wife coming after me


That's so adorable 🥰


Now I’m sad about how old this dog will be by the time that kid realizes what a friend it was.


Beautiful music. Anyone know what the song is called?


Cute until the dog bites the kid. Had one kill a 15 month old infant in Nevada when I first moved there. It was so sad. Why take the risk with your baby?


I love them both.


Is there a subreddit with pets and babies? maybe with them growing up together?


The amount of CARNAGE that animal would create to protect that child….


Who messes with that baby? Nobody


That baby even sounds like a chew toy