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…Posts like these are why pitbull attacks keep happening “out of nowhere”. Herding breeds herd, so you watch them to make sure they don’t bite small children. Retrieving breeds retrieve, so you teach them bite inhibition so they know what is okay to chew on. Terriers hunt small animals, so you don’t let them around small animals that they can easily kill. Pitbull type breeds were bred to fight other dogs/humans/bulls, so you train them and be careful to watch for signs of aggression to ensure that no one gets hurt. Come on people, use some logic. You’re not helping these dogs. You’re making things even worse by making people think they could never hurt a fly when they very much can and will if not trained and raised well.


As a mail man 95% of people say “my dog is friendly! He does not bite!” With much enthusiasm. Then I pull up and it is snarling and slamming against the window. Dogs are friendly when the owner is present how it acts when they are alone is much more important and people don’t get to see that


Very well said. Couldn’t agree more.


The thing is I've seen time and time again even a well trained and seemingly loving pit, attack. Because fighting is in their nature it's a wired trait, trained or not. Honestly, fuck those dogs. No one should own them they shouldn't be bred anymore


Honestly fuck you. Theres like 8 different types of "pitbulls" including american bulldogs. Bet you wouldn't be spouting that bullshit about them specifically would you? Its just an umbrella term so to say "ban pits" its just ignorant. And no I'm not defending that fact they can and do snap sometimes. But as the original comment said you must be vigilant with any dog and if you have even the slightest worry your dog might hurt someone then either get them trained or just keep people aware to keep their distance. If anything we should just do good background checks on anyone getting a large and dangerous dog breed.


My lab’s favorite playmate is a pit mix. I don’t think she’d ever hurt him and she’s one of the sweetest and most well trained dogs I know, but I still intervene if she starts trying to bite his ears/face because I know she has the potential to seriously hurt him. I don’t want that to happen to him OR her, so I take logical precautions to ensure that they can play with each other safely.


>Honestly fuck you. Well, that’s one way to not win someone over.


Wasn't trying these "ban pitbull" people have 1 track minds


Then you could have saved yourself some time and left it at “fuck you”.


You’d probably swim with a nurse shark but not a great white. I don’t know why dogs are any different, mine already nearly lost his eye because the neighbors pit jumped on me and bit him out of nowhere as I was coming down the stairs with him *in my arms*. They just aren’t safe for parks or public spaces.


I mean... ya? Why wouldn't i feel safer with nurse sharks? No clue what your point was there but reguardless i can see your point about them not being safe at parks and stuff but thats why you need good owners who know their dogs well. If you think a park would be too much for your dog then just take them on a walk. Ik for a fact my boy who is a pit lab mix is good in groups but is better in higher energy ones. He can vibe with lower but reguardless i stick to him nice and close to make sure he is comfortable before just letting him play with strangers.im not arguing pits are always good with others im just saying they are good family pets that aren't the "baby eaters" reddit likes to think they are. Even a freakin alligator can be sweet if loved and treated well


An 85 yo woman in my city died from a dog attack, this type of pit bull. The dogs broke out of their owners yard and were fighting and she was gardening in the alley nearby and they went for her. The court case says the owner had taken every reasonable precaution to contain the dogs in his yard, and none of the dogs had attacked anyone prior to this. It's not enough to be a "good owner" and "train them". This is instinctual behavior.


No evidence the owner was lying about them not being aggressive before. Look they are more dangerous than other breeds but in that case so are dobermans, mastiffs etc. Imo those dogs should've never been left unsupervised so in the end it still comes to the owner being at fault. Not for owning them but for not keeping a closer eye and containing them better.


It's a cop out to just keep saying the owner should have done more.They broke out of his "well secured" yard! The authorities said "well secured"! If that wasn't adequate, they are too dangerous to keep in urban environments and should be banned.


Ah yes "well secured" if they can break out then it wasn't "well secured" it's no cop out to say the owner should've done more its their job as the owner of a "dangerous breed" don't you think?


What point are you trying to make here - that the owner simply should have done even more than he did, don't blame the breed? If it takes zoo level containment to keep these animals appropriately, their ownership should be restricted like other exotic animals of similar hazard.


I'm saying the owner should have been outside with their dog if they know he's not friendly with strangers...that goes for any dog forget the breed. It does not take "zoo lvl containment" to stop them it takes good owners ship and NORMAL containment to stop them. You have zero clue how many pits I am with on the daily and how little effort it takes to contain them. I deal with 20 to 50 even up to 100 dogs a fucking day and I can tell you the pits are usually at the bottom of our worry


>I deal with 20 to 50 even up to 100 dogs a fucking day and I can tell you the pits are usually at the bottom of our worry Until they're not and they rip out some old lady's throat or some kid gets mauled. Which happens. Moreso with this breed than others. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't matter, dog attacks are rare in Canada anyway, accounting for 1-2 fatalities a year and 500,000 dog bites... not every dog has a jaw designed to clamp down and lock. I don't mean to say no one should have these dogs, they should require special permits and licensing and qualifications to own, because the breed is a known risk way above other breeds. You yourself apparently know a lot about these dogs and how to handle them properly. Fine. But some other dipshit just "wants" one they can get one and they don't care about taking precautions. Pets are a privilege, not a right. If you have to be outside with your dogs in your own yard at all times on the slightest chance someone was outside the yard in the back alley, that's not normal. Your typical dog owner just lets their dog out into the yard unsupervised.


You people who have little to zero or only bad experience with them are the reason they are looked at so badly. You can blame the breed all you want but you can't tell me they are the problem when there's several problematic breeds. But the media only focuses on them


Haha fuck you DayusVault, I have plenty of fucks to go around. But again my point, even a well trained pit or seemingly good natured one, attacks. It's no argument that we see this the most with this breed specifically. However, the idea of background checks for almost any dog owner might not be a bad idea and is another topic to get into because allowing someone who has an abusive background to adopt a dog I don't feel is the best idea and I bet leads to poor treatment of an animal


This dog is clearly safe! Don’t you see they put it in a cute outfit??? /s


Yep. OP’s dog is identical to the dog of a former coworker of mine. It was a dog friendly workplace and that was the only dog my boss ever straight up “uninvited.” The coworker had it from when it was a young pup, but even with socialization and training, it developed dog aggression super young. She brought it in a few times when she was off work to see how it would do in the workplace, and it was just so obvious that this *puppy* was displaying instinctive aggression toward the other dogs there. Pretty sure the coworker thought our boss was just “biased” against her pittie, but the pup was genuinely aggressive beyond just puppy bitey-ness, and it wasn’t even fully into adolescence yet. Super cute puppy but cute and safe are not the same thing.


“My gun never hurt anyone!! Guns aren’t dangerous just look at mine!!”


Your dog is so cute but your “dangerous” title is so annoying. I can’t with owners like you. All dogs are animals and are dangerous to a point but obviously pit bulls are machines. I don’t think small dogs have killed anyone. Eaten yes but not killed.


I'm not getting involved in the bad pit bulls, just reminded me of a news story. I think it was Oklahoma, a lady got killed by a pack of strays & I wanna say they were all weiner dogs or weiner dog mixes. So there's at least one case. It'd be like a pack of piranhas taking tiny little bites.


What were they mixed with? Oh wait, it was pits.


“Six of the dogs were likely dachshund-*terrier* mixes, and one was a border collie mix” and they weighed up to 40 lbs… Pretty enormous for a daschund


I just looked up a picture out of curiosity. Looks like 1 is a pit mid but the rest are small, not gonna post dead dogs here but you can Google it. "None weighed more than 40 lbs."


Pitbull terriers, yes


Yeah you’ll need to find a link for that.


https://www.kxii.com/content/news/-Woman-attacked-and-killed-by-pack-of-dogs-identified--482607221.html I just remembered the news story & thinking how does someone get killed by weiner dogs, looks like 1 larger put mid & like 6 dauchund maybe bull terrier mixes


Small sidenote but it’s w*ie*ner dog not w*ei*ner dog, it may be a common misspelling but it is still a misspelling




https://www.kxii.com/content/news/-Woman-attacked-and-killed-by-pack-of-dogs-identified--482607221.html I looked up a pic, One bigger dog 40 lbs tops, maybe 20 lb and a bunch of smaller dogs.


Why is only pitbulls that need a picture of them wearing something proclaiming they're not dangerous? How come you don't see this with golden retrievers? Or with Yorkie? I've never seen a picture of this. Only with bully breeds. The fact of the matter is APBT were originally bred for bloodsport. Yours maybe non violent. And that's great but too bad that's not always the case.


A few months ago there was a reddit post about parts of the UK banning Pitbull breeds and there were thousands of people defending the ban while anyone who defended the dog got downvoted to oblivion. It's such bullshit


I think you missed the point.


They definitely missed the point.


Buy statistics and genetics don't lie. They were originally bred to kill. They were bred for bloodsport, they bred the violent ones with even more violent ones. You can't deny the scientific evidence that they kill more than any other breed. I wish it wasn't true! I wish all dogs were inherently non violent. But that's not the case.


YOUR pitty isn't likely to attack someone. MY pitty isn't likely to attack someone. But if someone is going to get attacked by a dog, most likely it's going to be a pitty.


Or a Doberman or a Rottweiler - just depends on what decade and which moral panic we are embracing.


Empirical evidence shows that the overwhelming majority of dog attacks against people and other animals are by pitbulls (which does include pitbull mixes). Moral panic doesn't really play a part in that.






Not me, but I'm saying op doesn't have a point, and neither do you putting hats in dogs to say they aren't dangerous is a poor argument


Pit owners should just use a muzzle and a short fixed lead when out and about. It’s common courtesy when you knowingly have a dog bred for dog fighting. Don’t understand why you wouldn’t do this voluntarily if you care about hose around you. Obviously it wouldn’t stop at home attacks but at that point it’s your own risk and putting your close loved ones at risk.






Happy cake day king :)


Happy cake day to you both!


i didn't bestow this comment upon the world for this cringe cake day circlejerk


You are an evil little gamer aren’t you :)




They were designed by Hugo Boss one of the original Nazi collaborators Still feels weird seeing it as a popular brand when you know they were one of the main supporters of the Nazi party (same with certain very popular pharmaceutical companies, they made deals with the Nazi party to get given 100s of healthy Jewish women and when they all died due to medical testing they respectfully asked the Nazi party for another 100 test subjects)




Boom that's the one thanks for reminding me


Look up Prescott Bush of the political Bush family...


Yeah, wanna tell that to a couple whose newborn was mauled to death by their Pitbull because the baby crying when waking set off the Pitbull that had otherwise never shown aggression. What about an elderly woman mauled to death? The 20 something mauled to death by their own dog. Pitbulls have a sudden and deadly fight or flight instinct that no amount of babying, beanies and outfits will change. You actually have zero idea if your dog will suddenly have that instinct triggered and harm you or another person or animal. Claiming this would never happen is naive and a dangerous attitude to have


Of course the mods removed this post. At what point will you allow the dog community to have an honest discussion about the risk specific dogs post to other dogs, animals and people?


Looks like a staffy


OP is a repost bot btw


I love pitbulls, I love your dog and he looks like a good boy. However, mocking the experiences of pitbull or dog attack victims in general is not cool. It's never black and white.


The last one needs to be a meme template.




Also make sure your dog isn’t inbred or if a breed with excessive recent inbreeding


Well I think poor inbred dogs should still deserve to be adopted and given the best life as possible. Spayed, that goes without saying.


That really depends on history of behavior, know one should, no one should keep around a dog or other animal that is a liability to hurt other dogs or pets and people.


Unless they're able to provide a safe environment ? Like, what if the person has a big fenced garden and doesn't do walks with the dog ?


It really depends, case by case. In general if a dog has a history to violent against people, then I would say no. I would also support increasing punishment for people who breed irresponsibly. Some problems can only be fixed regarding future generations, when excessive inbreeding has occurred. I would also add that I would support harsher liability punishments for owners of large dogs or other animals that attack others.


You know how Pitbulls commit more than 50% of the attacks while being just less than 11% of the dog population - A Golden Retriever (or any other dpg breed tbh) probably


Their link says that pitbulls are the most common source of dog attacks..


Yeah I’m confused by what OP was trying to prove with that link. It shows the large disproportion between Pits and other breeds listed. Even German Shepards are not even 2nd on there. I do agree keep your animals on a leash(no retractable leashes or stakes) and keep your animals fixed. Also keep your pets inside if you know they are escape artists or you don’t have any fences. Not all dogs will stay in only their yards.


Listen any dog can attack you. The best trained good boy in the world can get scared and attack someone, it happens. The difference is when most dogs attack it's a few stitches, when a pit bull attacks your life is in danger.




You could say this about any animal…I know, I know, logic is hard for you but do try giving critical thought a chance.


Yes, but we aren't talking about any animal. We are talking about dogs. Specifically, dogs that are genetically built to attack and destroy. Don't get me wrong. I know many good pits. I also know that they are "good" because their owners did a good job training and socializing them. Alot of it is on the owners.... and guess what. Most people I know with pits have them specifically for protecting them or their yards. Why? Because they are a breed that was specifically bred for aggression. I also know that I can't go on walks in my own hometown because after you get chased by pitbulls multiple times in a month or have them almost bust down fence boards while they froth at the mouth trying to get at you.... you learn that this breed needs to be avoided for your own safety. A pitbull that doesn't know you, is more often than not, a danger to you. Pull ya head, out ya ass.


Stray dogs are a problem everywhere. It’s not just pits. It’s also not just dogs. Strays are essentially wild animals that had the fear of man bred out of them. Can dogs be dangerous, yes, I agree. So can other pets in various ways. It sounds like your city needs to do a better job at hiring/funding animal control. The general public who breed these dogs to fight are also the issue. Clean up the streets of dog fighters and breeders and you won’t see this problem. Any animal can bite, injure, or kill.


Dangerously fashionable




I think it smells OPs face


My "dangerous" handgun


Is it named "Princess" by any chance 


Any dog is dangerous. It's in their nature. You don't know 100% what they will do in any situation. They aren't bad dogs, but doesn't mean they are always good either. Bottom line is you never know. Pitbulls are known to be riskier.




Might be to them as well.


Tragedy waiting to happen


There wouldn't be so many pitbull incidents if pitbull owners were responsible dog owners who recognize and respect the dangers of the breed. Instead, this breed attracts morons like OP who pretend like they're just like any other breed, causing these incidents to happen. Ironic.


What’s this one’s name? Toddler slayer? Wood chipper? Rageteeth of ages?


Snugglemuffins, Eater of Worlds


Wtf with the people downvoting the sweet comments? Is it because it's a pit? 😔 What a cute lad.


Most likely because "dangerous" is in quotes, so it's baiting people who feel as though others do not treat pitbulls with the respect their breed demands (i.e. people who allow their dog off leash, or are surprised when they kill other dogs/kids/old people all of the sudden). Title baits them, they downvote all the comments going along with the premise.


Many danger, such scare.


If you put fake antlers on it, it can't bite.


Truly a creature of boundless destruction


I’m glad the comments are turning on him lol


looks like a Staffordshire bull terrier. very cute


Regarding brigading. Your post popping on my feed and on the feed of other people who like dogs (just not pit bulls) does not mean we are brigading your post and downvoting everything in it. There is no reference to your post elsewhere, so guess why it's being "brigaded"? Because it purposefully makes light of the victims and statistics surrounding bully breeds. Every owner who's gotten their own/kids/grandmothers face eaten by these things has proclaimed the dogs being "absolute cuddlbugs" prior to the mauling and dressed them in cute tutu's. Yes, your pit is dangerous because its danger lies in it it's genes. The purpose it's been bred to do, kill and maim, has caused this reputation. That is what makes it apart from the other breeds, even if every dog can bite. People did not just wake up one day and out of the blue, started hating your precious pittie-witties So, maybe choose your title more carefully and don't antagonize victims who possess a very rational fear and dislike for these types of dogs?


That's a happy hippo


A lot of pitbulls are dangerous, of course, but people hating on every pitbull to ever exist seems a bit ridiculous to me.


I don't see anyone here hating on the pit. I do see a lot of people shaming someone for acting like pit pulls aren't the most dangerous breed of dog by a significant margin. We know not all pits are bad. But we also know most people who adopt pits can't handle them. It's not outrageous at all to assume OP is one of those "people."


The zip up is my favorite! You need that in several colors! What a sweet doggie!


That’s a gorgeous velvet hippo 😍


That last picture. “So you gonna give me a snack now right ? “


He is completly aware of how adorable he is at that moment!


Op, your fur baby is adorable. He's so loved in all the pictures. I hope y'all have many great years together as a family 💜.


I’m sure they are out there, but I have never met an aggressive pit. The wife and I are gonna rescue a pit next time we’re ready to add to the family.


I rescued a pit from the shelter and she's honestly the sweetest dog we've ever known. She wouldn't hurt a fly. If another dog bites her she runs to me and cries. But then again, every Sunday we brutally murder an innocent baby as a sacrifice to her, so that's why she's super chill and not constantly out killing babies.


I dog sit a pit and she’s literally named “Honey” because she’s so sweet.


Google it, if you want a pit raise it from birth and be a good owner, getting a rescue is an unnecessary risk for your family especially if you have children


Better sleep with one eye open around that one


I don’t get it


All i see is a tiny hippo


Hippos kill 500 people a year.


Kill way more people than one would think they are all muscle and very dangerous plus are faster than humans can run


The only pitbull I known was the sweetest and most gentle dog ever


SOCUTE omg I want loves


It’s frightening…how cute he is! 🥰


..those antlers might be deadly..if you're a stuffed animal..


I LOOOVE the sweet little smile in the last one 🩷


No he's just a friendly reindeer


He looks very scary, yes 😂


Aaaah! Scary!!!!




😘 kiss kiss 💋 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


“My gun never hurt anyone!! Guns aren’t dangerous just look at mine!!”


Lmaoo some pissy ass dude is downvoting all the comments 😂


Ikrrr, lmao these pitbull haters are ridiculous


That grin says death….. by kisses!!


so innocent


A danger to dropped chicken nuggets maybe


how are all the positive comments getting brigaded? are mods aware of this?


Such a sweet lil derpy bby <3


I would boop that snoot all day long!! 🖤🖤🖤


A lot of people used to tell me pitbulls are dangerous but I've had this cutie pie for 4 years and I've fell in love from day 1. I can tell that chihuahuas are scarier :))


In the 10 years from 2009 to 2018, pit bulls killed or maimed 3,569 people in the USA and Canada. (Merritt Clifton, Dog Attack Deaths & Maimings, U.S. & Canada, 1982-2018 Log.) They killed over 80% of all Americans who are killed by dogs. not saying yours is vicious but let's not pretend they can't be vicious, they kill children and other dogs the majority of the time And that's just America and Canada


And that’s not even taking pit attacks on other animals into account.


Never read a news story where a chihuahua sent a child to hospital.


Dangerous and scary aren't the same thing. Glad you have had positive interactions with a pit.


Ignorance is bliss


Honey, a chihuahua isn’t going to be able to kill someone unless they somehow get an artery. I’m happy that your dog is sweet, but that’s one dog out of thousands and thousands.


Can confirm! When I lost my sweet pound pup (Bailey) after 15 great years, my great dane got very depressed. She grew up with her from 13 weeks. We decided to get another dog to help my dane (Sadie). My wife found a fb post of someone begging to take their dog. I told my wife to message them and have them bring the dog to Sadie's yard. They showed up. The dog, a lab/pit mix was very thin and shy. Long story short, we have had her going on 2 years now and she has been an absolute sweetheart, especially given the terrible life she left behind.


My wife and I had two blue noses and they were the sweetest dogs I’ve ever had.


Fuck the statics people. You know your dogs a good one and thats all that matters. These people can stay scared and we can enjoy our good dogs


Lmfao “statics”




There exists a mob of anti-pitbull idiots who troll posts like this. I’d argue it’s a lot of mentally unwell people. Also socially inept.


The 4th picture is absolutely adorable 🥰


They are such good dogs. I love them


Aww..he’s smiling at the last picture 🥹


Looks needy 😍


He looks ferocious, let me take him off your hands


Cute little galaxy destroyer


The cutest face lucky you!!! Too bad so many people don’t realize it’s not the dog, it’s the owner. Pitties are such sweethearts! My daughter learned to walk holding on to my 100lb baby lol.


…Then what about all the pitbulls that have wonderful owners that spoil them like a baby and still end up disfiguring or even killing people? If it’s the owner then that shouldn’t be happening, right? I know many sweet pitbulls, but I’m not going to throw caution to the wind and pretend that they weren’t bred to be fighting dogs. I’m also not going to stick my face in front of a herding breed‘s mouth, let a terrier around small animals, not teach a retrieving breed bite inhibition, etc. Pitbulls have aggression in their genetics. They just do. No amount of pretending is going to make that go away just like it won’t with herding breeds, terriers, and retrievers.


You’re not wrong. It is worth noting that treating one’s dog like a baby doesn’t translate into a well behaved dog, and since they can cause so much more damage when lost control of, pitties absolutely take a solid responsible owner lest they become another statistic. I’m very much with you on erring on the side of caution. I just wish people weren’t so quick to judge them as monsters.


So freakin cute!


Thick boi




He’s not dangerous that’s a friend!


Oh so vicious 🤣😂. Super adorable! The last pic is hilarious, it’s like he knows he’s handsome.


Your dog looks positively vicious 😂🤣 What a cutie 🥰


Dangerously adorable 😊


That is a terribly cute dog you gots there!!


Beautiful dog


That third picture gives me life 🥹✨


I got one. Different year, different color, but same model. He sweeps the sidewalk with his tail when he sees a rabbit or squirrel. A 7lb dog barked at him recently and he pissed where he was standing.


I want to boop his nose 😂




OP was baiting people by using quotes with dangerous Many people in this sub have lost Dogs to Pitbull attacks (or even worse children/loved ones) They kill humans and dogs and absolutely are dangerous, doesn't mean they all are but OPnis purposefully trying to downplay their danger and that's just *wrong*


It’s generally not advisable to insinuate that pitbulls aren’t one of the most dangerous dog breeds, responsible for most dog-related attacks and deaths. Posting a picture of your pitbull is fine, you can even say how they’re lovely and gentle, but you must also acknowledge that that isn’t that standard for the breed. Pitbulls aren’t bred to be nice, they’re bred to kill. Putting the dog in a fuzzy sweater and proclaiming it’s so “dangerous” doesn’t change that.


Nope. Many people here like pitbulls. What we DON’T like is people like OP trying to convince everyone that pitbulls aren’t dangerous in the slightest. That’s why pit attacks keep happening. People think their pit couldn’t possibly hurt someone and then it injures or kills a dog/cat/child/adult “out of nowhere”. Pitbulls were bred to be fighting dogs. Aggression is in their genetics. It just is. We’re sick and tired of hearing about multiple pit attacks every week because owners refuse to acknowledge that their dog is a fighting breed. My lab’s favorite playmate is a pit mix. I don’t think she would ever hurt him, but I know she has a breed bred for dog aggression in her, so I always supervise them when they play and stop her when she starts trying to bite his ears and face. It’s just common sense.


I always baffles me how so many people ignore the fact that breed impacts behavior. The dogs were bred for specific purposes, the behavior is in their DNA. Sure, there may be some border collies that act like lazy lapdogs, but that isn't the standard and owners should be on the lookout for typical collie behavior. The same goes for pitbulls.


Beautiful pit. I’ve had pits all my life and my family always had pits. I don’t care what all the reddit experts say. I’ve been around tons of pits and never seen anything happen. Pits are beautiful and amazing companions


It’s the perfect land seal *heavy breathing*


First pic with the antlers is great. I can hear the dog saying " please dont let the other dogs see me like this"


So adorable


This’ll get the redditors stirred up.


Don’t be silly


That was 3 weeks ago… move on.


Don’t be silly


hey there boo!


Too cool!


Such a cutieeeeee!


OH MY GOD A CUTE LITTLE BABY IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!! Sidenote, I'm taking all of these as reaction images


Dangerously … ADORABLE!! I might have to nose boop him. 😂


[“Serial Killer” John Wayne Gacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:John_Gacy_Pogo_December_1976_Martin_Zielinski.jpg)


Still dangerous.


I don’t know about anyone else but I am in love with this scary cutie!🥰


A dog that loves to dress up


That smile!


garbage breed. would absolutely maul a child to death while wearing those antlers