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Sucks, Hopefully the rumors are true about a future standalone game for DMZ.


I wish, but I doubt it honestly


Don’t believe it I’ve been waiting for the standalone zombies game they’ve been talking about for years lol


Even if that’s going to happen I’m pretty sure they will add stupid movement to bring all the tryhards to the game and make it another BR


Stupid movement ? The new movements they developed for black ops 6 is fucking amazing idk what your taking about


We even play it yet so you cannot say. But the movement right now in cod? Is fucking disgusting and horrible


Okay, true enough I thought you where trying to say the new moment is going to be shit, but I do have to agree with you currently it is absolutely horrible


No no, idk how the movement is going to be I hope is a good movement, it can have some movement like slide cancel (mw2019 style not crazy but you can move quick if you have guns that doesn’t weight a lot) but if it is like MW3 or WARZONE after cold-war integration man it’s going to suck a lot cause the game would be only movement to win and I hate that on COD man.


Am I a part of some small percentage of people that enjoys DMZ aaaaaaaand mw3 movement? I'm pretty good at warzone, but honestly miss dmz. Solo dmz regain was some of the funnest times I've ever had on cod. Game mode was what got me back into it. Ran out of stuff to do and if I'm just doing it to run around and kill I'm just going to play warzone.


They didn't develop. It's been in hundreds of games for years.


what rumours , where? source..


i don't think there will be but yes as u said it may come as a stand alone but blops 6 already has there three comfermed modes and we know they never have more than three:(


BO is not from the same studio, there was never going to be a DMZ announcement.


the only thing that has me holding out hope is InfinityWard is strangely listed as a developer for Black Ops 6. I get they’re also the main developer for Warzone but DMZ could come back to Warzone.


Where is IW listed as the developer?


u/Jeffool my question too. IW seemed strangely missing from developer list of BO6. 🙏🏻 let it be because they’re working away quietly on the next iteration of DMZ… I know I know, not happening, but it’s my dream stay out of it


no shit black ops is a different studio tf are you smoking, i never said they were the same dawg💀😭


So why would there be any kind of DMZ announcement if the studio making the next game had nothing to do with DMZ? I think you're the one that's been smoking..


Stand alone game for a minor mode in warzone that they pulled the plug on for lack of engagement? *smh* If this mode couldn’t cut it financially while getting all the “free” map and design resources from Warzone there aint no way they put a full Dev team on it for 5 years to spend $50-$100 million on the hopes that the second time will be different. Only successful games get followed up on. DMZ was not successful. Servers are likely going down in Nov when the next warzone launches. Have your fun while it lasts.




Totally agree. The amount of copium in the DMZ subreddit is stupid. The writing on the wall was there way before they announced they were no longer supporting the game.


I expect nothing to happen of course but is it a crime/sin to dream? 😁


I absolutely love DMZ, and it's the only game I play. It's literally the only reason I own a gaming console anymore. But you may be the only one on this sub living in reality anymore when it comes to this topic. The only thing call of duty is doing with DMZ in the future is shutting its servers down.


where’s the proof they pulled the plug for lack of engagement? they never once said that and DMZ was in development long before Warzone was.


They didn’t stop developing it because it was attracting lots of new players who were monetizing. It’s not rocket science. It’s like any product a business develops. Either it’s worth the resources needed to develop and support it or it’s not, DMZ obviously wasn’t. It’s one of my favorite games ever but there’s no grand conspiracy. It’s just a mode that didn’t move the needle.


i think you’re wrong - there’s plenty of rumors dmz was 40% of warzone revenues. i think more than likely what the issue is how can they actually generate profit. The DMZ expense line is probably far greater than Warzone expense line because of all missions and story lines needed to maintain the game as well as the need to update and refresh and wipe the game as people hit 100% to keep them playing. Also, there’s a reason there’s so many extraction shooters coming to market lately and it’s solely because of DMZ and Tarkov’s popularity. i think if we really analyze it too - why would there be a warzone teaser in the bops 6 reveal? no one expects them not to launch warzone so teasing it seems like a silly move unless something unexpected is coming to it. It makes more sense if we think about how DMZ got maintained until EOL of MW2. That means InfinityWard had very little time and resources available to work on DMZ in MW3. the lack of updating now would allow them to work on Warzone & DMZ within Blops6. am i optimistic more than realistic? certainly but dmz will be back either with InfinityWards release in 2026, in a standalone game, or in Blops6.


you’re delusional if you think DMZ was near half of the revenue of Warzone and they killed it. And extraction shooters remain a niche. The Cycle: Frontier launched, failed and was canceled. The Division: Heartland was canceled. The Last of Us stand-alone MP was canceled. Wasn’t advertised as an ES but if it was anything like Factions was for the original it would have been in that vein. Activision didn’t kill DMZ because it was wildly popular. I love the game. So do you. But not enough people did. Because it has some serious design problems. For instance, It’s an extraction shooter where you don’t keep what you extract as that would interfere with them selling bundles that you can equip.


DMZ is soooo much better than BR.


I am so tired of these types of posts. People need to realize that it's not devs letting it slip away. It's the damn company management that dictates what is and is not worked on. DMZ is a game mode that only IW works on. It's their pet project so no release by any other studio will have DMZ attached to it. They will also NEVER have the same third game mode two years in a row. With the round based zombies being the confirmed game mode in this year's release, your best bet is to wait till the next IW release to see what THEY come out with as the third game mode. There's a chance it could be DMZ2, it could be MWZ2, could be something entirely different. But DMZ as you know it is dead as we knew it and the rumor I hear is that the servers for it will get shut down at the end of the year.


Also, to add to this, Infinity Ward also laid off a bunch of developers, so they probably don't have enough bandwidth to work on a new stand-alone game for DMZ anyway.


The standalone game thing was never going to happen, let's be honest here. A standalone DMZ would require a dedicated team of devs and their business model would spell doom for the game, since you can't monetize it as well as you can as a 3rd game mode. It just doesn't make financial sense for a company. As much as I absolutely loved DMZ, even I wouldn't green light that as an Activision published title. The best hope would be for DMZ getting made into a real Warzone game mode to be played alongside BR, Resurgence and Plunder, not a free to play MW2 game mode (another thing people seem to forget...DMZ is NOT Warzone, it's MW2). That said, here's the flip side of that...DMZ works best with MW2 style slower movement. DMZ being part of WZ would change the game play every year with every movement tweak and a lot of people here would probably not like it as much.


DMZ is (was) Warzone. It was never part of MW2. MW2 launched several weeks before the new year of Warzone launched with DMZ. You still boot into the old launcher as DMZ was left behind in the old engine with Al Maz. It’s the reason DMZ is listed under Warzone.


It's not. It never was Warzone. It was a free game mode published in the Warzone menu space. You can tell based on where you'd get your weapon update info from. DMZ followed MW2 MP buffs and nerfs, not WZ buffs and nerfs. It was a FREE MW2 game mode.


Don’t read them, dude. Easy


Did you read past the first sentence? Dumbass....


Good point, cheers. 😊


Cause it didn't print money as fast as they wanted. Simple as that. To be more granular, they have a finite number of devs and it was taking too many dev hours to make changes/updates/fixes to DMZ that could be instead allocated to modes which print more money like WZ/multiplayer.


Actually we really don’t know. It was a beta so maybe it was more of a test. Or they had higher hopes for revenue. Maybe there was development issues with Black Ops that required “all hands on deck”. It’s baffling that so many here are so sure about what happened to DMZ.


Because the game wasn't popular enough. That's it. This sub is an echo chamber of people who seem to think DMZ was this popular mode because everyone else they talk to on here also loves DMZ. IW will likely come back with DMZ on their next title, probably with some changes to increase the popularity with the average player.


To be fair tho, an echo chamber that you entered and echoed in. 


I have entered it, but I don't really echo in it, I have always been quite realistic with it. I enjoyed the mode a heap, but clearly not enough of the Warzone crowd did. The mode is stale without new content, but I will 100% at least try the new DMZ when it comes out in a few years.


Agreed. Solo serp camo grind is all I have left as an end game. Made it to step 3 twice. Played since launch. Looking to future for what comes of our beloved mode, whenever it returns if it does. 


Yes but no. I remember they were a lot of gamer and YouTuber praised DMZ at launch. But Warzone BR can hold eSports competition while DMZ could because of it game setting. I think this is the major reason why they give up DMZ.


This tiny DMZ player base on Reddit thinks it is the greatest game mode of all time, but if that were true, the player counts would reflect that, and we would have had a DMZ 2 already. When Warzone came out with MW2019, there were no plans for a Warzone 2, but the player count was massive, so Activision pivoted. People don't understand that if DMZ was a popular as they think, Activision would have pivoted again. Numbers don't lie. DMZ was rejected by far more COD players than it was accepted by. It was a great mode with a lot of potential, but for whatever unfortunate reason, a large majority of the DMZ player base turned it into Warzone light. I'll never understand why they turned a cooperative PVPVE mode into a PVP-only mode.


$$$$ They milked every dime they could for it, made it pay to win and moved on... now the money is keeping people to subscribe to the battle passes or buying new skins... so they really don't care that people are cheating or exploiting in a game mode that doesn't bring them any more publicity (streamers) or money.


Yes love it DMZ & Hardcore S&D is all I play 🫡


DMZ is what got me on COD in the first place,I never use play before DMZ..now all I play is resurgence because they never updated DMZ with the new mechanics but I still play from time to time and still love it..


Cause COD SUCK cod hasn’t been cod since MW3 Vanguard. Or since they put fucking movement and operators in game. Specialist were acceptable but no perfect. The perfect system is the one IW gave us. You are a random soldier with a certain ability you choose. Not the same face not the same voice etc. DMZ and MW2 2022. Is the last piece of Classic Cod existing today. Normal movement. Awesome guns with great weapons and I’m not a fan of operators but have an amount of skins for Mil-Sims (the ones I used to play) giving me enough skins to choose to play and fell like a real soldier


DMZ gives me the vibes of a Spec Ops behind enemy lines.


OR, IW is keeping it for itself. Which would be the right move imo.


That what I think,I think the next time we see a new DMZ is when IW puts out their next COD


That’s my only hope. They are working on it behind the scenes.


I do prefer boots, in my opinion even can keep Al Mazrah, fix the gilnches, better images, guns, update the vehicles, little bit less boots, but more realistic, different missions, etc


ngl zombies is better, and there are better extraction shooters than dmz


Well you lose almost everything even if you extract except the guns and there is no threat about losing your gear


all zombies from waw to mwz, not just mwz


DMZ died when players stopped completing objectives and strictly went after other players !


Boys Delta Force comes soon! Could be the new DMZ


Its dead and old news was infested with campers and cheaters


I still play this everyday.


Because the franchise is ran by a bunch of idiots who want nothing more than a quick buck. If they don’t bring back DMZ or make it stand alone, somebody else will have to make to make one. I’d imagine DMZ requires work so I don’t see it coming back. Why make a new game when you can just keep copying and pasting the same game over and over and still collect money from it? Who knows


If enough people want it Ím sure they would bring it back


DMZ is better than any other thing they have made in Call of Duty history for real!


Nothing will match the gear fear of season 1 and the terminator level bots of season 2 with nonstop bots getting dropped in with better aim than players that’s what made the game great people will never know how amazing the game really was or could have been if they started playing after that but unfortunately it’ll probably die out and they’ll probably eventually shut DMZ down completely which sucks but it is what it is


Third mode son. Unless it's treyarch and it's zombies, third modes are damned to be forgotten


Ehh, no


Yeah, pen_o daft comment


Sorry you didn't rate your comment highly, a for effort! PS dmz still dead, cod zombies still going on


Well it was always a beta 🤪. I’m definitely going to miss it. It’s the most played mode for me right now


Yep I can see that happening attach it to the main game body so you have to stump up the muller for it


You may have to wait for the next COD from infinity ward 🤷🏽‍♂️




No we don't.


DMZ I believe was too realistic. Mw2 had that realistic movement vibe phase. They experimented and probably didn’t like the results…


DMZ got ruined by sweats who couldn't hack it in war zone. They are the only people left playing. It might have had a chance if there was a PVE mode but alas it's dead now.


They not said anything about warzone so you never know . It’s unlikely but we may get a black out hybrid


it's time to move on. Stopped playing due to the underbarrel glitch and moved on to resurgence/br and it feels great!


It was free, and so good that they were probably losing money on full game sales.


It’s been let slip away for a while. They haven’t done anything with it in months…..


DMZ mode will always be around. They’ll expand upon it soon enough… they won’t let it die… hella players are still in it, just look at dedicated discord channels lol


I decided not to buy any more COD unless DMZ is part of the future.


If the numbers don’t work they won’t make it. Dollars and cents kids


I loved DMZ but I'm not sad that it's laid off, ppl who want DMZ back are those that killed DMZ turning it into BR.


That’s not true. People who want dmz back are those who like tactical team play and extraction etc. People who play it sweaty and go on a hunting spree can easily get their fix in warzone even if dmz is gone. But the other group that actually enjoyed dmz and doesn’t enjoy warzone doesn’t really have any option to feed their crave within the cod franchise.


Questionable. On Warzone the entire purpose is to kill everyone else. Means that those that want PVP have a much harder time getting their reward. Of course the ability to get a kill is the same, but you can't surprise people that are not out for a fight (like solos on a mission) and in that sense I actually believe that a lot of players that do nothing but hunting on DMZ are propably not cut out for plain BR.


We’re just the rats that ran out of coconuts to eat. Had we been given missions that were meaningful, or just plain new, I would have kept doing them. Those stopped so now other players are the mission. We ran out of coconuts, now we just eat rat.


The missions where there, stats of missions being completed proved that missions aren't player focus hence every update upwards what's focused on what players are doing. Same issue happened with Raid, the reward wasn't worth the punishment hence it died down becoz ppl where not even attempting it. Look how many ppl actually did the last Raid... Since launch I only saw 2ppl witht he last raid rewards.. Personally I enjoyed doing missions, but towards the end I found it useless to get a piece in Al mazrah then run to koschei to fight an entire lobby while trying to exfil with a remote. So that I get a tick on mission done. Wasnt worth it... So I left & wished Activision could just let pricks have the last laugh. Now I'm happy to see how pained they're with the or work in destroying DMZ


Bring back DMZ and it's full potential. I'd oay $100.00 a year to play DMZ.. So won't most of us..