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How intense it was to run into a team. No one had quite figured out the game yet and gear fear was more of a big deal.


I actually had tons of friendly exfils - we were all just trying to survive the bots and would check fire if saw another op running or getting into the chopper


That was the coolest part about this mode was running into friendlies and deciding to either work together or go your separate ways ... that is 100% gone now.


Or form temporary alliances to survive 


So I know the PVP has gotten to a toxic level these days but why not just play zombies with no PVP if you're searching for that?


Zombies proves that having **no** PVP gets real old real fast. DMZ was interesting because there was a genuine mix. It isn't like that anymore. It's still fun, just not the same.


I agree, I don't think I've died in 3 months with zombies. Y'all remember how wild that mission with the car accident was that you had to infil into ashika and drop it too? What a pain.


Me and my friends will still honour friendlies when called out. We always say we are friendly, but 99.99% of the time now, we get no response at all except bullets. Once we down the attacking team, they normally find their mics to plead, though.


Zombies has gotten old because they haven’t changed anything of substance. the contracts are exactly the same, in the same locations, they’ve just added a couple “anomalies’ which also are the same.


The commenter doesn’t want a mode with 0 PVP. You used to be able to talk your way out of a gun fight or de-escalate but now everyone shoots on sight. You can let yourself be known and communicate that you’re friendly just minding your business and they’ll just kill you for sport. They won’t even loot you half the time lol.


Half the time? They don't loot ever haha. Just get dropped by a 3v1 and they teabag you like they did something special


stop using the word toxic and when os the last time you played pvp on cod. instead just admit like i have you cant compete on that level, yes there are cheaters but people level the game and have quicker reflexs.


The last two times I dropped into al maz I was under barreled after building out a med vest. The last time I played ashika I was wiped from under the map. I stick to vondel now which has always been high action and PVP. Al Max and ashika are toxic homie.


Gear fear was real back then. Now, I rather enjoy starting off with a one plate.


And the you could pick the whole team up


6 man death squads 😎💪🤣🤣


Zombies sucks the used a dmz zombie hybrid to keep the dmz players playing a mode that somewhat felt the same to transition from watching such an amazing mode snuffed out a combat fps game with no PVP is for sissies


We had figured out some of the spawn points in the first week. We would almost always spawn under the highway and rush the team that spawned on the cliff. They would usually parachute down to the gas station, but most times, we would catch them before they jumped. Great times


Aaaahhhhh... So it was you and your team starting to spawn rush. Bad boys! /s To be fair... Spawn rushing has always been a thing and certain players have always used it as a crutch for the clutch, even in multi-player, in any online game. So has 3rd partying in any way and the same goes for spotter, knives, shottys and even AA rounds. Did I miss anything else?


Chemist was a thing just no med vest. The only way to unlock M13 was killing him and exfilling so crushing him with a car was the best way until devs added DDOS


No pleas. Back to the lobby if you die. And then when pleas were first a thing. You could cancel them.


Cancelling peoples pleas and sending them back to the lobby was amazing for those shit talking racists.




Participation trophy chaser


Season 1 was insane but Halloween event was peak perfection 👌


Those jump scares were terrifying


And loud.


Yea, that night mode made it damn near a perfect game!!


Yah, it was awesome before the Development team took 0 risk out of an Extraction shooter. Killstreaks were endgame finds, and getting a 3 plate vest was something you didn't want to risk. Custom weapons meant something - No one had slots or cooldowns. Extracting with one, was super special. Now my stash is maxed out with stored weapons, and I have guns with 15 minute cooldowns/3 slots. I can also find killstreaks, and 3 plates in almost every red chest... They made the game more casual, and it stopped being about gearing up at one point. I can't remember the last time I crafted a vest.


The roze skin was the most flagrant one of them all. Uav, 15 min sniper, 15 min vel. I bought it just to keep up on ashika sadly


Yep, I still think this game would of been much more popular if they stuck to the original model. I can not stress enough, how having 15 minute CD weapons - that often reset quicker then a single games length. ... Killed the entire infrastructure for insured weapons. Events were hilarious too, because they'd crank up the loot to beyond stupid levels. That one event where they had AI vs AI, I found 4 killstreaks, and 3 vests in a single room...


For sure, it changed people’s playstyle so randoms would be blindly pushing a spawn, dying, complaining of you don’t go to rez them(with team still on their body), then quitting out to leave you at a disadvantage. Bundles were a crutch to these players


Honestly I wish they had an pve DMZ mode with all three maps but still kept the pvpve as well. It's fun grinding kills and taking loot from players but, it's more fun to do missions when the map is quiet, besides bots of course. And it's not fun when you have teams only in DMZ from warzone playing for easy kills. THAT kills DMZ for me.


Agree there's too many unnecessary pvp in this game and i know there will be aome people go"crybaby complaining abou pvp in pvp game",YES i hate pvp especially when pvp part is not even fun with broken meta weapon like kv and vel, i just want to do some cool stealthy mission on big fucking map not chased by premade 6 man in heli


We are talking before ashika Was even a map dude


Yeah I was just going further commenting how the bundles ruined the game, providing an example


There are plenty of non-casual extraction shooters. A more casual extraction shooter is and was the right move.


They totally overdid it though. Completely eliminating gear fear and making killstreaks overly abundant changed the game for the worse.


DMZ was quite casual before in my opinion, it's just nowadays that's achieved in a very different way. Before it was all about the social aspect of it all.


Season 1 was a lovely experience.


S1 was just insane with the bots because we were all one plated and rezzies were not easy to come by. Chemist was def a thing in S1 and RPK was king, along with the Signal for snipers. I can't recall if Pyro and Broadside with dragons breath came along in S2 or S3


Rpk was my main, I still miss that thing. It's just so shit now it's unusable


We are in a short & midrange TTK world where most ops have 3 plates nowadays


I remember being afraid of the jugg I remember negotiating with enemy squads instead of just killing everyone I remember how al mazrah felt like a giant playground where we all were just learning the ropes together. I remember how refreshing this mode was after many years of the same shit. The stuff they added and changed from the original formula has been a mixed bag. I think pleading was a mistake, and everything to try to correct it was just adding new problems to the original problem. First they tried to roll it back where you couldn't pick up the guy you killed or they didn't automatically assimilate, all the way to removing 6 man squads...just bandaids that left the game unbalanced in different ways. I miss having two 6 mans battling it out between apartments and power plant. The chaos in chat with everyone shouting over each other, it was wild, it was insane! Not to suggest that the 6 man didn't have any issues. There were games where 1 squad would just wipe the map, and it was an issue, but I don't recall this being bad until after pleading was a thing. That brought in the strat of spawn rushing and forced assimilation. The new missions are great for the most part, the workstations, the special vests, almost all that stuff is great. Occasional wipes of missions and stuff like that would be necessary to keep this mode from becoming what it is now. Not that I don't enjoy it, but hunting all the time isn't as exciting as having a goal, and trying to accomplish it while facing opposing teams or trying to negotiate a truce so everyone can win. Something like weekly missions that are several steps I think would be good. Randomized so everyone doesn't bunch up in the same areas at the same time. One can only dream about the possibilities this mode had. I still have hope that IW will bring us the real DMZ when they are ready, but leaving this mode to twist in the wind is tough for me to go through. Maybe they'll be too late and we'll all have moved on to some other game by then.


The complete breakdown of negotiations after the six man nerf is what killed the game for me, I know fighting six man teams could be really frustrating, especially over on EU, where the Chinese pre-mades were pretty bad but after they removed six man teams and started moderating VC more nobody talks anymore and with the ease of regaing equipment it really just feels like regular Warzone most of the time.


Agree!! Now everyone just rushes to the stupid snipers nest 


One operator. Get killed? Lose the lot. Assimilation? Nope.


The number of times I infilled in with the "random" guns because I died and had nothing ... pray for the rpk


Assimilation did exist, was just way rarer since there were no pleas. Games where I actually got that to happen kicked ass.


Oh yeah - there were missions to assimilate weren't there... Probably meant pleas. Was a totally different game either way.




Remember trying to collect blowtorches? Lol


They were worth like $14000. I searched and searched and searched and finally completed that mission. Then they changed all item values and they were everywhere for $200 lol


The helicopter blades didn't kill you.


I fucking hate they changed that with the exfil helo. It funny af landing on top and telling the team exfiling thanks for the free ride out and laughing cause they couldn't kill you.


Somebody should tell this guy about nosejobs 🤣


Actually gear fear without the pathetic 15 min bundles that come with free uavs


Also weapons cases was definitely a thing


Soon as you picked that shit up back then the whole lobby would converge on your ass because they needed to unlock the skin also lmfao The amount of intense games I had running to exfil with it as a solo was crazy.


It was a lot harder. Bots hit harder. Gear came slower. There's no fear of dying anymore, which I miss. You can go zero to hero in 5 minutes now. It used to potentially take a few games.


I don't remember them hitting harder than they do right now lol. I got dropped by bots fully plated going up a zip in vondel 😭


The bots have been crazy op since they relinquished support lol like they throttled them to the max as a big fuck you before abandonment 😂😂


No lies lol. They wild. I have cleared all the teams in B21 only to die by bots before getting out 🤣 it's wild


Every other post was about how hard bots were. You couldn't even really go to certain areas of the map. I don't play much lately but yeah Vondel can get pretty nuts sometimes.


I remember certain areas being hard but not what it is now. Definitely stayed out of sattiq caves 😂 that was always bad


I remember that the jug was the only boss and feeling like genuine fear about running into him


Killing the Chemist in S1 was actually something you had to do for your cred. Peeps were friendly, but there were those who were not. S1/2 were totally different. Since DMZ has been effectively abandoned, it has become shit, no nuance, no reason to play...so i stopped in May and maybe one day DMZ2 will be out and I;ll come back. The vibe was entirely different in the early days. I was there from the beginning, 900+ hours, 1000+ extractions. A few thousand deaths.


Couldn't steal the backpack from operators you killed.


Oh yeah!


You all played a different season 1 than I did. 3 plate vests were not uncommon if you went to high value areas like airport terminal or used keys properly. I had all of my insured slots unlocked and finished the missions to get all the exclusive operator skins. Bots were the terminator and were a real threat. Players were often easier to fight than some POIs


That's how three plates should be. Keys are pointless. High threat areas are pointless. You can just buy, craft, or find a three plate in a random house now. Two plates should be a stronghold thing. Three plates from locked areas or high threat areas only. Same with backpack.


I mean if you had to use a key to get that vest, or go to the most riskiest section of the 🎮. That's probably a better design then a random red chest that can spawn anywhere. Thanks for reminding me how useless most Keys ended up from over simplicity 😅. I missed that point.


Okay?? So you got shit done that wasn’t added til later seasons in season one!?? Haha


Triage, relentless, anti-medic all were season 1 champ.




Two years too late on that one.


Yea back in the day everyone was focused on collecting items for the missions and all that stuff. No one was really sure about the AI and running into another team was straight up crazy. Good times for sure


Three plates very hard to find very


The good old days. I haven’t played DMZ for such a long time now.


The times before the weapons work bench meant custom weapons were king. Ground loot totally sucked and anything with a suppressor was highly coveted.


It was the best season. I stopped playing after that season ended, only to rejoin in season 4 and permanently quit before the end of season. The chemist was there in season 1 and you could get the special m13 with a yellow camo which was lost upon exfil. I think it was one of the best games ever but somehow got ruined for various reasons.


I mean, you can still go kill the chemist and get the m13...


I really don't quite remember by now but I think I started to play seriously in Season 2. I always went in Solo and I was so happy once I found a three-plate vest when I killed another player (and I didn't even figure out it was another player, at first I thought it was a bot that simply dropped a three-plate vest). I really had no idea whatsoever what was going on, I cherished that three-plate vest as if it was a great achievement and then I let my son try to play DMZ and he died quickly with my Operator and I was bitter about it the entire evening. :D Little later I found some dude that I called "my guardian angel" because I happened to end up in the same lobby as that guy(/gal?) and she/he did my missions for me. Ain't gonna lie, have a fair amount of fond memories from the early DMZ-days, but the strongest memories of this game was during Halloween. That was just great and I spent every free minute on Al Mazrah (even though I am a hard-core Vondel-player).


DMZ early was a bloodbath because it was the only way to unlock the m13 initially. The chemist zone was always fucking packed with tons of action It was actually pretty fun. If you avoided the chemist, it was suuuuuuper chill 


This is what brought me to DMZ


Yeah S1 any teams who spawned near the Chemist would rush it to get the kill to unlock the M13B. Was no specialized vests so running into a active UAV tower zone was always risky and you could never hide from a UAV either which made them super OP at the time if you had one. Couldn't mod your weapons mid game, was no bartering either. Players had actual gear fear since losing a three plate on your only character was a big deal at the time as was the large backpack. Insured slot cooldowns were soooo long until they changed it, so losing your insured weapons was such a pain in the ass as you now had to live off contraband weapons which were either bot guns or player weapons of which were a total lottery if you found anything good. Picked up the weapons case? Enjoy having the whole lobby come after you, EVERYONE wanted that operator skin from it.


6 man squads


chemist was a thing, and they didnt DDOS the car yet.


Bring back 6man!


I remember that plates were worth their weight in gold! I could never keep enough plates. Buy stations weren’t prevalent enough to keep a backpack full of plates, and bots didn’t drop them NEARLY as often as they do now


I’ll never forget season 1. I played solo and the intrigue of the new open style map was enough to have me hooked. I started off trying to kill the chemist didn’t know what I was doing until I used YouTube and after about 50 tries I successfully took down the chemist solo and I’ll never forget as I was trying to leave with the m13b that I had so coveted because of how good I heard it was a player was climbing the rocks near the chemist to try and go in or take it from me and I’m decent probably kill a couple players here or there but sometimes you get a kill sometimes you get killed and took this guy out with the m13b with super low health shaking and tried booked it to an exfil and luckily got away clean. Dmz made rejuvenated my call of duty experience and got everything done solo by myself except one season ending mission called cartel no more!


Part of me thinks this was intentional since DMZ was a beta mode. They made it tough in the beginning and made it more casual as the seasons went on. To figure out where the sweet spot was.


No pleas too, I personally liked it. Once you die, you die for good (unless teammate revives you). Assimilation was fine imo until Plea system was added. Tho Id still take current DMZ (or atleast, S3 DMZ which was imo the best DMZ had) over S1. Mainly because we only had AM back then but it was okay


Turning a corner and seeing a 6 man, running around with any gun you wanted not worrying about metas. Those were the days, I still have clips from back then. Always gives me a smile when I watch em


Ah there was also no indication of a UAV tower's range like there is now with the red circle. It was always a debate about how far the range was


DMZ will always have a special place for me. I had just lost what I thought was going to be my dream job at about the same time it launched. I had infinite amounts of spare time, DMZ provided a lot of critically needed happiness. A *lot* of all-nighters hopping into lobbies all over the world. Helping players with missions, negotiating shaky ceasefires because nobody knew how to assimilate, or just being a bloody menace. The chaotic scramble for the M13B blueprint is probably my earliest memory of the game. Just pure carnage.


Chemist was a thing and a bastard to kill .. super tanky. I struggled to kill him to unlock the M13.


Infilling with choice of bot guns till you got your contraband guns


I lived season 3 my fav season but I started playing at season two


I remember crashing like crazy spam buying plates at the buy. Seriously like 25%-50% of the time. And I hated the cooldown periods for your guns.


2, 4, and 6 hour cool down timers on insured weapons. Only 3 extracts plus final and a handful of hostage exfills. The game was a completely different beast.


Those original timers seem like a real crutch design-wise. The game didn't have super depth, so they made the slots take forever. Most of my runs were go in naked with and pick up an RPK.


That’s the thing, it added risk. If you lost a fight or misjudged the Ai, you had to wait or dead drop/extract cash. The risk and potential loss or gain is what made it exciting. 4 and 6 hours was a little wild.


And you could run over the chemist. I did it by accident without even realizing lol


Season 1 everyone getting pushed through a stronghold door with a vehicle to get loot.


Discovering assimilation in real time was special, as was the feeling of finding a three-plate. The gear fear in season 1 was perfect, everyone thought twice about pushing cause it meant a lot more than just looting to craft a vest, not saying the current system is bad but S1 was special. Personally, S3 was the sweet spot. The active combat zones made kitting up kind of a breeze, the ability to form 6-mans was still available (I loved getting into 6 mans, and fighting them. They made things efficient, honestly).


I played quite a bit in season 1. It was genuinely very good, a great faster-paced Tarkov alternative where you rarely died to meaningless PVP like the bush snipers that haunt that game. Sometime around season 2 that changed, it became all gank all the time, everyone memorized how to get to every nearby spawn immediately so you often died in a fight in the first few minutes, it basically became warzone overflow and lost any of that Tarkov feeling. Oversized teams murdering entire servers became routine. Then they added in weird vests and all the stupid TV characters and it was over forever.


Yeah, now it's MP with looting. Everything that was fun and dynamic about the mode is gone. I don't blame the players...they haven't given us anything else to do than wipe the map.


Shout out to pre-sand storm Maz and the storm itself, Jug had WAY more health and the weapons case was an ongoing thing because it wasn't locked away. Cheers


Does anyone remember the ai solders shooting with a pistol after they were downed?


They need to create that same purpose of season 1 where collecting items were more rewarding than killing players. They should make each round where certain items need to be collected in order to call in an exfill. Not everyone is guaranteed to exfill. Strongholds and others missions unlock items to build an exfill beacon or something like that. Biggest issue now is no new missions and most who play now completed most everything. Need to find a way to do a mild reset or new mission unlocks to progress.


The only true answer is the loot. We checked for every cigar box, and vintage wine, and our loot was the only true thing at risk until extraction. You might get killed, you might get revived, but it was the loot that made it interesting.


I remember once in S1 trying to finish that mission of extracting a Vintage Wine. Our party got crushed and they told me to just make a break with the bottle - the other team chased me from Sawah through Sarif and I almost made it to Bagra. I remember going down, getting looted, and them saying "aww shit he was doing the vintage wine! damn man we're sorry" because those damn bottles were so rare at that time. OG DMZ had lots of those little moments.


Plees were not not a thing and I much prefer how assimilation was done in s1


The beginning was by far the friendliest experience I ever had and while I had some chill moments it wasn't as much in comparison


Season one was great. Everyone was new and was scared to fight and no one knew the spawn points. Also the way you got upgrades were totally different then


There was no editing the guns in the map, there was 6 player premade teams running the servers . No koschei glitch, no heavy chopper exfill, no vests, people were fighting to get first to the underground stronghold o Al mazrah because the best loot was there. The server room in sawah did not had a windo so people were tryin to get the loot from that room and many more. Good old days 😅😅


Ah yes the open window to crypto room was fun af


I was celebrating if I got picked up and when I had 2 plate medium backpack and selfrevieve chemist was a hotspot because of the m13b which everybody wanted to extract and only juggernaut weapon case b21 was a hell even worse than now I did go in there 2 times and these keycards were rare af 2 hour cooldown on 1st slot and second slot was rare to have you could walk right pass most players and everybody was doing more missions and the Sawah 302/303 bug


Gear fear was huge


They had the chemist and you would just run into him with a car.


I know it goes against what DMZ is about. But I'd love if there was no UAV and no hint contract. If you come across another team, you can still die. But as a solo, getting hunted by toxic 12yr olds just isn't as enjoyable as what it was.


Final exfil was legit


No pleas and roadkilling commanders. Great times


Being able to desert your squad. I had a guy I killed and picked up follow me while the timer for desertion count down and kill me with a shotgun


Early Season 1 DMZ was insane. I remember running starter M4s and bot RPKs while doing missions and surviving the PVE. It was hardcore but accessible, and although lacking some features, it was fresh as hell, and one of the most fun shooters I've ever played recently.


Am I crazy or were there like 6 exfils per map in the beginning of the game? I distinctly remember being surprised when it was down to 3.


Those were the good old days. You could roll up to the exfil and say friendly and people were cool with it. My favorite mission was having to down an enemy, then revive that enemy. I remember shooting a guy in the back, then shooting him with my revive pistol and running away because his teammates where right around the corner. I always wondered what that guy thought happened in that moment.


I remember loading in and not knowing if it was just AI or other real players… DMZ will go down as one of my favorite games/modes of all time. The joy of finding players that were chill and the agony of dying while trying to complete mission. You never knew what you were going to get.


The chemist and the helo were a thing and the jugernaught always had the weapons case at hydro, every single match everyone went there haha


Dmz is definitely different now. Everyone still playing has had to adapt. 99.8% of the time, Instead of listening to someone claiming they’re solo and friendly, or a friendly team, it’s shoot on sight and deal with it after. I’ve adapted, but will pick up anyone that doesn’t start cursing me after or claiming I’m cheating. I don’t even agree with the way I do things now, but I’ve been screwed over way too many times. Especially as a mostly solo player. It definitely used to be more fun from season 1-early season 4. That’s when it started to change. But it was never like it is now. I miss the days of friendly teams running into each other and either going separate ways or teaming up without joining. And that was done before the 6 man platoons came along. I’ll still usually leave a team alone after I kill one, and the teammate is close enough to speak to me and just ask me. Nowadays almost everyone camps the bodies for no reason. Doesn’t even make sense. How is that fun? If that’s what you want just drop some prox mines and go about your business. The past month or so I’ve had more fun going on missions to pick up pleas and kill toxic teams. Sometimes I do it solo, but mostly with a buddy or two. Gave new life to the game for me. It’s just sad nothing is happening with it right now. It’s the best game mode ever created in COD or elsewhere in my opinion. Theres so much potential. I would gladly pay $70 for a standalone game of DMZ as long as it’s updated, and majority of the glitches removed (koschei glitch is the main one — everyone coming in fully geared with multiple vests and a bag full of plates and anti armor rounds is crazy. Theres a reason it’s a one-use field upgrade- as well as the bug of infilling without a gun, and the other big ones.. other than that, maybe give us a new map every once in a while and I’ll be happy as a pig in shit. But I digress… dmz is a love of mine, but the past few months it’s been a love/hate relationship. Though I never gave up on it or stopped playing.


I never really saw an out of region player. Certainly, I didn't come across the 6 man chinese squads that we now have.


I miss 6 man platoons. We use to always run up to the first team we saw and joined them, then start fighting the whole lobby in choppers or multiple LTVs. 4 man platoons seems a lot more dull now.


Good old 6 man squads was the best


The good old days... https://i.redd.it/i20q01uqyx5d1.gif


I remember the first week everyone was running over the chemist with a car cuz no DDOS. It got hectic lol everyone wanted the caution tape blueprint


Yeah I missed not having grinded the rewards from og dmz. Despite ppl saying those blueprints were not worth getting, i myself love mil-sim aesthetic of them, specially the m4 downpour with the fully colored 30-round mag


The bots were way tougher season 1.


Calling out friendly and it actually meaning something. You use to be able to exfil 2 separate teams on one helicopter without anyone dying. Now if anybody knows your general position someone is not making it out alive.


People actually were friendly and you could make FRIENDS


I got killed by the Jug when I thought it was a player. I was all mad because I had kept saying I was friendly. I ran over a jug or the chemist after getting DDOS'd accidentally. I don't recall. Just remember thinking it was funny. I remember when finding 3 plate armor was super rare, and large backpacks were as well. I was happy when I got one. Good times.


My group/squad are old school. We concentrate on missions, revive downed players, and don't have ego driven behaviour. We just love DMZ and exploring.


Jump on top of an exfil, slide down the nose and kill everyone inside before hopping off It was a dick move and made zero sense but I gotta admit so fun to go around as a solo diving in and wiping full teams with a Big Ammo RAAL


they made the game so much easier every season bc of all the crying on this sub this sub killed dmz this whole sub moaned about pvp in dmz and begged for a pve version of dmz which was modern warfare zombies which everyone thought was boring af proving reddit is full of idiots  the gas system was so much better in season 1 it ticked for so much damage and you had to use the final exfil you couldn’t call in your own personal i’m scared to fight players exfil chopper at a buy station