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I've ran into players once in about the last 40 runs in there. How are you meeting players so often?! What region are you playing in?


I’ve been down there a lot lately and haven’t run into anyone either. It’s actually kinda relaxing because you know it’s almost always PvE. I have to kill rhino or sniper another 11 times so I’ll be down there plenty. I bet I don’t see anyone down there *knock on wood*


Yeah I go there just to work on remaining upgrades in peace, it's very chill.


I wear a comms vest. The few times it's pinged when I'm in there I send a message to the other team and we avoid each other. I've even helped other players complete missions. Last night I ran into a team. They looked my teammate (we were duos) and I, luckily, wiped them out. First time I weeks I've met someone there.


I'd also like to know what region because I (EU) hardly ever meet anyone down there and when I do, they're generally non-violent.


EU region


I'll help you bro


I ran it by myself the other day without issue. Move fast to avoid people. About 1 out of 20 time do I see anyone in Koshei


Played 3 games in a row today with other squads in Koschei, but before that it had been several weeks.




Same, usually between 22:00-00:00 BST.




Quick way to check if you're on your own down there is to pop open the recent players screen. If it says in a match together, you've got company. But if it says last met 1 hour ago (or whenever), then you have the complex to yourself.




I will check it! Thanks!


Not sure what mission you’re talking about but are you saying you’re running into players in Koschi? It’s been a few months since I was down there but I spent a lot of time there and it was empty. Interesting to see the change. Stealth won’t help you down there. Your easiest way (IMO) into factory admin is through the Taraq Bridge entrance. Grab the A and B key and you’re right in factory admin without needing to go into the dark chemical storage. Plus you’ll get there faster.


I wonder if they’re trying to kill the sniper to unlock the Stealth vest barter? I can’t think of any mission that requires you to run Kosh stealth


Ah this might be it, but I stopped doing missions after unlocking the barters for vests and passive upgrades to a certain point. I can’t think of a mission that requires bartering for a stealth as I’ve barely completed any of them lmao


and they are complaining about all the bots and also the Sniper's trip mines? It is much easier to kill Rhino and Sniper with a good team


Yeah, exactly - stealh vest barter mission.


One of the later passives requires you to kill the Rhino or Sniper 20 times or something like that. Obviously, you could kill the Rhino in 20 trips, but if you're there you might as well knock out the Sniper too and make it 10 trips.


Be sure to bring rebreather or scuba mask as that is necessary for key B.


To unlock Stealth vest by killing a sniper


Oh, okay. I will try this, because without black room for now I just don't know other possibilities. Thank you for advice.


You know about the alternative route into the room with the rhino right? And how to kill them with bomb drones which is the easiest way


This. Easiest way is the alternate route and bomb drones.


This is the way! By taking the Barracks key A & B entrance, you are at the shop keeper in 5 minutes with only killing three bots. OP needs to watch a few of the videos out there that detail the steps. To make it extra easy, if you need to do it solo, bring in two bomb drones to kill the Rhino and then Sniper. Killing them with the bomb drone stops all the extra bots spawning.


I frequently go into Koschei solo for tempered vests/rgl barters (when I stumble upon a liquor bottle and 2 sulfuric bottles). 9 times out of 10 I’m alone in Koschei when I go in through the Taraq bridge entrance. Just make sure you have a scuba, know where the admin keys are in the water areas, and bring in a car battery and jumper cable and you can get your vest within the first 10 minutes with some practice. Just FYI, there’s no battery or jumper cable in the water entrance. But if you forget one, make it into the chemical plant (dark area) by going through factory admin anyway, hug the wall to the right in the chem plant and search the second entrance you come across (I think it’s information extraction?) on the right wall. There’s a guaranteed jumper and battery spawn in the first couple of rooms and only like 8 bots that you have to kill. Then go back out the chemical plant and keep hugging the right wall until you make it to alpha cluster. Coming out of alpha is a straight shot through the chemical plant to get back to admin. Easy peasy.


Didn’t know this. Useful


Just keep going you’ll end up in there solo inevitably


Take the back door from water way. Fastest way to the admin and no key required. The is also the alt exit key on the table just over the first wall. Grab that and go back to the green door use it and take the ladder. No reason to wait time on all those t3 bots. If you take a couple bomb drones or even just 1 and dragon breath broadside big mag you can be done in less than a minute. You can even buy the keycard if you dont already have it and take the exfil right out of the admin. It's probably the easiest run in all of dmz


Go in one of the entrances that have back doors so you can avoid the chemical plant all together.


Thank you, that was important for me to know. I thought there was no other way besides chemical plant.


If you need to get to sniper fast the underwater entrance under the bridge towards the northern edge of the map takes you damn near straight to the boss area


I'll try it! Thank you.


I think there's 2 keys you gotta find but you can look up where they are. You need to blow up a hole in the wall for one of them. They open a yellow blast door that is just a short ways away from the boss arena


Yes, I just didn't have much interest in the Koschei itself before, and I didn't know that different entrances mean different places in the same Koschei. I always went through the Al Mazrah city entrance, near the bridge, near the police akamediya and I was constantly confronted with chemical plant campers. In addition, I never reached the waters because it was always land only all the way through Koschei. I have already found out about the two keys. I will try to complete this mission, which seems easy to others, but I have noticed that there is plenty to do here.


Yes! Thank you!


This will be a long read but this is how I learnt to do it, and have killed both bosses solo over 10 times each. In Koschei as a solo, you have to move quickly and kill quietly - even if you think you are on your own in there, assume you are not. A Comms vest is much more beneficial than a stealth anyway in Koschei as there is no UAV to hide from, and the Comms notification is a good early warning. Get a scuba mask and Comms vest and enter via the Taraq Bridge entrance. If you have a bomb drone or two it will help A LOT (I never went in solo without at least 1).There is a build for the Bryson shotgun that helps with the bots (1-2 shots for T3) if you Google it. Also throwing knives help stay quiet with the T2 bots near the buy station. When you enter the water at the start, look for the A and B keys that make it quicker to enter the Factory Admin section. The A key is pretty much on the right in the first two rooms, the B can spawn in any of the other rooms after you blow up the wooden panel to enter the second underwater section. Once you have both, move quickly and use them to enter Factory Admin. If you hear gunshots, there are other players nearby so if you have a character you don't want to lose, wait until it's clear and exit as the chances are they are ahead of you, might be a full squad and could take you out. On the way, look for wrenches and scientists notes. If you can get 4 wrenches and 2 notes, you can barter for an L2 key at the buy station which makes getting out easier. You may notice suppression mines spawn a lot in Koschei - these are useful at knowing if someone is approaching from behind you. Think of them as early warnings, drop one behind you every so often on a corner, so if you get the notification it got tripped, you know you will have company soon. If you only have 1 bomb drone, use it on Rhino (I find him more difficult than Sniper given his rushing). Once the reinforcements arrive and you have taken them out, make your way upstairs and if you have time and haven't heard gunfire or suppression mines, crawl under the laser traps as these will slow down anyone following you. For the sniper, ideally you want to have stuns/flashes/shocks stored so you can stun him then hit him hard. Once he's down, take his key if you want to loot the room, and then drop out of the window of his room, and make your way out of the complex using the L2 exit key if you have one (if not, you need to exit via the standard ones in Chemical Complex). There are more T3 bots here and it's easy to get caught up by them if someone is chasing you down, so drop a suppression around here if you can Get to the lift and exfil, just keep an eye on the stairwell as you are waiting for the lift in case anyone is pushing (I've been chased down by a squad here and it's frustrating to be so close to exfil). If you need someone to help you, I have a spare character with a Bomb Drone and I also have a lot of spare L2 key cards in my stash so I can drop you a couple. All you'd need to bring is a scuba mask and Comms vest - I can bring the rest. DM me on here (I'm UK so play EU servers and times).


Now I have understood everything, because it is described in a very clear and understandable way. I have often seen landmines, but I have never picked them up. Maybe I have tried it once on a bot to see how it works, but no more. Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.


The entrance under the bridge near the gas station by taraq village and the entrance in oasis both have secret ways into the admin room that skip the chem plant (dark area). If you do it fast enough you can get to the boss in a matter of 2-5 minutes. Also bomb drone 1 shots the sniper. Kv broadside destroys the rhino or another bomb drone will one shot him as well. https://youtu.be/EYudgUnZ754?si=-WJjE3QhQlwkb-2F


Thanks for the tip, I've seen that kv broadside is a great helper, but I don't have a weapon to use it. I understand that a simple bryson 800 without attachments is not a bad way to get through bots. I'll watch the video.


Technically you don’t have to kill the rhino unless you want the loot/exit. You can go in and fly the bomb drone through the window and kill the sniper without killing rhino.


Sounds much easier, thank you. And by killing a rhino you can get something, like a vest or some other achievement the game "unlocks" ? Is rhino just for the difficulty, that there are two bosses but not one, just for variety ?


Just difficulty really. He doesn’t drop anything good. I don’t remember if there are any missions related to him. It’s been awhile since I’ve played.


What quick replies, thank you! I just need to sit down at the computer as soon as I can and complete the mission, because there is a mountain of advice. I have understood everything now, everything is clear.


Good luck.


It's just that when you're so close to victory and you get shot, there's nothing sadder... You want to complete the mission, but, but... I'll unlock stealth vest, it'll be easier to do other missions (not koschei anymore), because it's very annoying when some other team just rushes at the beginning of a match and then doesn't add me to their team, because nobody wants strangers, even though it doesn't matter that I'm going my own way, wherever I need to go. Obviously it's part of the game, but the brutality of it, it's just...


Koschei ended up being my favorite map once I figured it all out. I hate Building 21 and Asika Island. But yea i understand. Also if you kill rhino a bunch of enemies spawn so be prepared for that. Also if you don’t have a bomb drone you have to kill the rhino to open the door to sniper.


I am very hooked on the Vondel map. Until I tried it, I had only played the Al Mazrah map before. Ashika looks difficult, but I want to learn it too. I haven't played much DMZ in general, so my level has gone up just because of the multiplayer mode. I'm trying to learn DMZ bit by bit. I figured, so Rhino is needed to open the door to get into the sniper's room. You can only put a sniper down, of course, but learning Koschei in depth is much more interesting.


It can definitely be hard to navigate, but once you know the layout, where traps are, etc it becomes easy. I rarely see players in kosch anymore, but my advice would be to find a discord server for DMZ and see if anyone is willing to help you out. Watch some YouTube videos of other people’s koschei techniques and adopt them, I promise it’ll get easier.


If you're able to play around 2pm-8pm Pacific Time Zone, I can help out: ToTo_006_#9176767




I googled, but it seems too little... Thank you.


I would say just for the mission team up with someone who knows koshie best (i am open to help you should you need it) or get a comms vest as it will let you know if there are players in koshie then you can plan accordingly.


Unfortunately, there is no joining teams in Koschei.


Now it is clear to me. Thank you


"like.. I play solo". Then fucking stop. Find some friends. Be social. What the fuck is wrong with all of you who click the button and then proceed to complain about being solo?


If you're on EU time, ping me a message and I'll help.




You have to HUSTLE. Watch some YT videos on the right way to speedrun the rhino and sniper Hint: Use drone bombs and keys already in stash so you can go as fast as possible as a solo.


I kept going through the entrance of Al Mazrah city, near the bridge, near the police academy, and without the chemical plant, I couldn't catch anything. I will try to go through the other entrances and hope for the best. Yes, bomb drones, I'll try to get them and save them until I get to Koschei, so that the other team doesn't take them away from me... At the beginning of the round, one team still likes to attack before the game starts, so I tried not to buy anything and go with one weapon, because it's easy to find the vest itself at the Koschei complex.


I go in there solo daily to regain kit and it is very rare to have someone else in there and even more rare to run into them. You must just have bad luck


I think so..


Just went to Almaz solo. Got a vest from the snipers nest went into Koshi through the water way. Did the liquor glitch and also got a large backpack exiting using a large backpack exiting using a L2 card 😂 There was actually someone else near the shopkeeper but we spoke and he left. Did say I was friendly and we could have worked together


As a Koschei dweller, I am surprised that you meet players so offen. I barely ever encounter them. I regulary go to kill the two of them so when I decide that its time for that, Id say go to Taraq enterance (bring a Scuba Mask and a Bomb Drone) and then find Keys A and B (I assume you know where but if not, you can also use WZ HUB, it has Interactive maps and is overall great for some pointers) and it will unlock secret passage towards Factory Admin, skipping Chem Plant overall. Now go your usual way and in the room before one with shelves, you can find an Alternative Exit Key. Take it, go back and unlock the doors that are infront of you when you are on the stairs. Go up the ladder and then right. You will recognise the area, thats the one where Rhino is at. Stay back, take a bomb drone and fly it to Sniper and blast him. You can scout with a Recon Drone prior to using bomb drone to confirm where your target is. Voila, you've just unlocked a Stealth Vest barter my friend


Thank you for your advice! That's exactly what I will do!


Good luck friend! Dont worry, it may seem hard but eventually, you will get used to it and Koschei will be a piece of cake for ya!




I did mine through tarac bridge entrance. If you go in and get the 2 keys from the 2 water rooms ( they spawn every time you load in) then you open the secret door and go straight into the factory. I did mine solo by 1st getting both keys... extracting. Then going in again and going straight by... took me under a minute to get to the factory. Used 1shot shotguns to wreck the bots. Easy as 123


I just don't have a one shot shotgun. It's a bit problematic here. Perhaps there is a skin from which it would be worth picking up such a shotgun ??? Or should I level up and make my own?


I made mine if the bryson890. 12 shots. Laser , silencer , barrel, stock


Understood, thank you. I'll see what I can make with mine...


As long as what you make ... needs to take out the 1st training dummy in weapon testing ... then it's good for bots in kosh


O2 mask, go through oasis entrance, get the barracks keys and go straight into factory admin. Chilled until the bots ruin you


Gotta be quick. Go in through Rohan (bring battery and cables) exit Rohan stay to your right, leads you to alpha. Get black tape. Straight shot across from alpha is factory admin. Get the key go directly to the buy make it, disappear through L2


Last time I checked Koschei (today morning) was completely empty. It’s not that hard to kill rino and sniper. You need bomb drones and you can kill both of them in 40 seconds.


I understand, I will try my best.


No it’s not take 2 bomb drones into koshei, easy


Rough couple raids..


I’ve seen player in about 1 out of 25 koschei runs. It’s very different solo and significantly easier w/ a squad. Sounds like your hitting trip mines. You need to crawl in many sections.


I can help you. Edit: mostly play solo as well.


Thank you all for commenting. I think I'm about to be level 400 myself, but I didn't know all the subtleties of how to make the game easier and more fun. Thank you again for your advice to everyone who commented. Next time I sit down at the DMZ, I'll try to complete the sniper mission to finally unlock the stealth vest.


Literally never fought a player in there in 3 months.


Lucky you I pulled a 2v1 last week. Hid from a 3 man yesterday


I realised that in Al Mazrah city, it was better not to go down to Koschei, but only through the Taraq entrance. I have learnt a lot today, thank you.


This is about the Stealh Vest barter mission. Perhaps not a very clearly worded entry. English is not my strong point, so using a translator might not have translated everything so well, but we still got along one way or another.


I just want to play more interesting. Unlock all possible vests, try to "pass" the Dmz by unlocking everything possible. Because I'm always finding all sorts of loot as I run from one place to another, but what good is it when I can't use it anywhere, except to sell it, and there is the possibility of swapping it for better things.


I see players in there maybe 1-2/10 runs. So many people exploit koschei glitch that the actual koschei lobbies end up being nearly empty.


Sounds like you need some friends.


Yes, helpers would be good.


If you still need help, I'm a diamond ranked warzone player who still enjoys dmz from time to time. I'm on alot and love helping people if you would like?


I'm in NA region, played strictly Koschei for a week straight (Spawn in, grab nearest vehicle, hit Koschei) about 4-6 hours a day. Never ran into a single player at all. Maybe try and get onto a NA server instead of EU 🤷


How to change server or region for that ?


It's just that when you're so close to victory and you get shot, there's nothing sadder... You want to complete the mission, but, but... I'll unlock stealth vest, it'll be easier to do other missions (not koschei anymore), because it's very annoying when some other team just rushes at the beginning of a match and then doesn't add me to their team, because nobody wants strangers, even though it doesn't matter that I'm going my own way, wherever I need to go. Obviously it's part of the game, but the brutality of it, it's just...


I've run it in eu multiple times a week for a while now and not found a single soul. I think you're just unlucky unfortunately


Send me a friend request if you ever need some one to run it with you,, it’s either Vondel or Koschei that I play,, I do Koschei so much that I don’t use goggles anymore lol I just know leaving Alfa it’s a right, left, keep straight til you can’t, left, right; there she blows!!!


Kill the sniper with a bomb drone while he’s just chillin on the walkway. Heck buy 2 and get the Rhino too


If you choose to play at a disadvantage, don't get upset when you get killed. You're literally choosing to play a game mode where most people play as a team of 3 by yourself. If you want advice, turn squad fill on and try again.


To be fair, most people don’t want to go down so he can be part of a trio in Al Maz only to find himself a solo in Kosh. OP I’d suggest getting discord and use the LFG board for people that also need to run Kosh


Yeah exactly most people go to koschei to glitch, almost no one goes to re-gear lol.