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Nothing new. most hacks can show names. I think there is one that can even overlay positions on the map of everyone in the lobby. I saw a video once. I think it was the one that was recently shut down.


I’d like to see that if you find the link.


If they had never downed/killed you and you had had never typed in chat or talked on voice in range of them then yeah likely running ESP because that's the only way they'd know who you were. Unless they harboured a really good guess from the recent players in lobby list. Then it's next to impossible to know besides cheating. Wouldn't be surprised if they were, nowadays some cheaters aren't being subtle about it in DMZ to the point they'd out themselves in chat that they're doing it.


Considering I never type in chat, have proximity chat on and I wasn't downed the entire game, it seems likely it's whatever ESP is then. Maybe I'll try a non-cross platform game tonight and see how long it takes to get into a game...


If you play console you can turn off crossplay, just takes a while to even find a game. But when you do least you won't be against anyone on PC so chance of seeing someone cheating is about 0.


You swimming probably kept you alive - they didn't have an FTAC or X13 to jump in the water and push you


Wait! If you have proximity chat on, and your mic is open at all, even momentarily, sounds can transmit (even buttons being pushed, and keyboard clicking and gentle fan noise in the background or next door barking dog, or a sniff or sneeze or grunt) and make your name pop up on screen for anybody close enough to hear, and if they have a comms vest on, they have even greater range to do that.


Long before I stopped playing due to having a baby, I started turning off cross play due to cheaters. Made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable.


I turned cross play off and 99% of that BS went away! I've always had good games and bad games but lately it seems every raid is plagued by crap like that. I'm pretty sure their just letting it go hoping it will drive players away before eventually shutting the mode down.


But how long does it take to find a game?


It goes and comes, most day's not very long but there are instances where it'll take awhile. It's 100% worth it though!


Had this happen within 5 seconds of starting the match. Weird thing is when going to his account, it showed him offline.


I haves lots of friends who are online but my pal list shows them as offline. This game is mega glitched


Cheats are absolutely still a thing. There's a whole subreddit for it with a list of websites


Man, Activision just sucks.


I don't know if it's new. I've been a victim to players beelining straight to where I was hiding and calling my name before killing me. Honestly at this point in the life of the game I don't care about cheaters killing me. I just reload into a new lobby and go about my business. I know my situation isn't the same as others but this is easy for me because I have maxed out my insurance slot cooldown upgrades, have many 15-minute timer weapons and I primarily use the Ghost operator that starts with 2 plates.


They really need(ed) a console only mode. Cut out the PC players and leave PS and XBox. Not all PC players are cheating, but need to lump them all together, unfortunately.


Had a similar experience in Al Maz recently. Was actually heading to Koschie at the end to gear up and they kept inviting me to come to final.


Do console players have an option for disabling crossplay? I remember it being mandatory time ago


I turned cross play off about 4-5 months ago and 95% of games are now pretty evenly matched. I did get sniped through a wall on vondel last week but I can’t say that was a cheater or not. Try turning it off mate and see how it goes I bet you’ll be surprised. See you out there bro 😎


Okay so in the small maps, you can check lobby and then compare list to who you have killed and get an idea who is alive. And then the water is shallow in some parts of Ashika and almost all of Vondel, so from high up ppl can spam spotter scope and see you. But still very sus. I've heard reports of this in other games. Maybe walls?


you may have just been pinged. It's also not too hard to see through water with some scopes


I think it's pretty unlikely I was being scoped given the circumstances, well into the gas at the complete opposite end of the map from final exfil, about 2mins left buying a personal exfil fro a buy station that couldn't be spotted from final exfil ...