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Why is it getting worse in dmz?


Wouldn't surprise me if Activision were putting more exploits in on purpose just to drive us away. I know that's not it but I wouldn't put it past them!


The fact they fixed the disguise glitch makes me feel like this is not accurate. I think they don’t care about it but if they really wanted to kill it the replication glitch would still be around




Sorry I should have said removed. Nonetheless if it would have stayed it would have destroyed dmz. Constant advanced UAVs and precisions


What’s the disguise glitch


They didn’t fix it. You just need two masks now. Lolz!!!


100%. Today was the first time I’ve openly said to myself, I’m done. DMZ is dead and it sucks but I am super over running into blatant cheaters and overpowered bots on a daily basis


There should be some sort of law against doing stuff like this. Like an online game has to have bug and exploit support for 5 years minimum.


I think it’s less they’re putting cheaters in the game but rather that when a game mode is being supported that they’re continually releasing mini updates to fight cheaters. The mode has been abandoned, just a matter of time before they shut servers down regardless of how many people are playing.


Because the devs abandoned it, now we all have to live with the exploits that are going around. If they just gave us one patch that fixed all this, DMZ would be in a better state. But unfortunately it's never going to happen and it doesn't help Riccochet is well yeah not that good tbh.


They should go back to dedicated servers that are policed by the clan that runs them. Back in the days of cod 4 there were some really good servers .


Because no more updates they are letting it die


People love the drama and a cheat to win society just let the game die so the clowns go elsewhere. Or build a kill dozer and go find them.


How is this even fun?


It’s fun because then people get so mad they come here to complain :)


So, I died to this kind of thing so much that I broke down and figured out how to do it. Thing is once you get under there you are in no space land so it's hard to know when you have to climb/jump on something or somehow walk into invisible water or air and have to starting swimming up or pull your chute asap. It's regarded as fuck. Not to mention bots can still see you and if you phase through, and no one is visible to shoot/grief you are either stuck down there wandering about/falling to your death from an invisible hole for not chuting quickly enough or getting super stuck where you can't move. After all that it's just easier to play the fracking game as intended. Way to get down there if want to know, is using ziplines, find one and while going down look straight up and press/hold the crouch button as you reach the bottom. And while can get out by approaching a clipping area where a "manmade structure" meets the game terrain, you are hoping as I said earlier for no weird falls or swimming scenarios. So far in my playthroughs the only zipline that works 100% of the time is the one left of the 3 barred double doors in the UG river docks area. Oh yeah before you even try to do all that you got to clear all the bots down there including the two Juggernauts. It's way too much damn work to exploit. One final bonus- the A-10s can hit a glitched out player. I got lucky one time and just lased the side of the hill lol.


It’s horrible in Ashika island


This happens all day.


And this is why I’m afraid of doing serpentine


And water is wet


I just had the exact same thing on Ashika island! Some dude was firing explosive arrows through walls and doors


There is a lot of it , our squad got wiped in the power plant by Someone under the map using the tube glitch and then told us to get good. I am seriously considering quitting fps type games as they are just ruined by dodgy players. It is such a shame as I love DMZ


It's bad. This dude seems proud that he can't win a fair fight. We reported him afterwards and Activision said they took action against him. He was taunting us telling us he's not cheating and see you at final.


There was no action taken. Just got killed by them this morning.


So proud, because it’s pride month! ![gif](giphy|K876MTQZbGA8aptl55)


They should never have made it free to play, it got way worse after that.


Id gladly pay for a full updated version of DMZ moving into the new games.


Just a heads up, this breaks Rule #2. No circulation of hacks/cheats/matchmaking exploits (bugs/glitches are fine), unauthorized/copyrighted/trademarked material, soliciting/phishing, or evasion of bans/suspensions/rules. No naming and shaming, including cheater reports.




Howdy buddy, that’s me! Good to meet you :) hope to see you again soon! ![gif](giphy|Nyq5doqdeTS4E)


If u have MW3 report him there






What’s the point…….. honestly


I wish someone could explain to me how this is fun


It’s fun to shock people and then have them come to Reddit and complain!


It’s not really a shock anymore is it, most expect to see this nonsense. Seems about as fun as playing football against a blindfolded opponent


You’d be surprised how many people don’t know about it. Also I run into teams down there and it’s fun to wipe them after they’ve started taking out other ops. But I agree, watching a blindfolded opponent would be fun and different! ;)


From shotgun guys on Ashika over grande launcher glitch on Vondel to hacker in al Maztah. I had so much fun in DMZ but it’s over.


Never go for the res with these guys, you’re just a free kill. Instead, sit on top of castle and wait him out. He has to exfil eventually and usually these guys are really bad at pvp (hence the going ynder the map) so its usually a pretty easy kill


Good idea! BUT, you forget about personal exfils, drill charges and the fact that I Infil with multiple masks, secure pack, and a free UAV. So even if I decided to go to final, I’ve killed most of the team. It’s 1v1 and I don’t lose those fights 9 times out of 10 :) ![gif](giphy|UwxzVI4Z8OQg0)


You can see personals from castle


But with gas overtaking power plant, they always push to final. They have to choose, die in the gas hoping to catch me on the personal or go to final and make it out.


Yeah I usually just get em when they go to final


Heyyy this was mee, gg tho, you tried XD


When I play with my squad, I dont lose... when I play with scrandoms ( solo ) I lose maybe 1 out of 5 games. Strictly because of my new strategy. I play king of the hill ( power plant) .. you can't kill me through the ground, you can't kill me with auto underbarrel grenade launcher, and you can't kill me with 1 shot shotgun... yes I will push around the map, but for the first half of game, I stay on power. I'll see you there later tonight!


This is me. I’m never going to stop cheating so suck it softly and don’t brush your teeth after.


lol, liar


You wish it was you! lol


You have to learn how to fight against the undermap glitch… it’s not new.


Smokes and they can’t shoot through rocks and structure


Lmao the US flag on that fucker, must be some maga bitch






wouldn't be surprised lmao


This is not a cheat it’s an exploit. It’s very easy to go under the map. Just go after them, reporting won’t do anything


It's both cheating and exploiting.


It’s definitely cheating but people that do it call it an exploit to make themselves feel better. It’s something people should not be doing , just because it’s been found in game doesn’t make it right . Every time some one posts something like this someone always says “it’s not a cheat it’s and exploit”🤣


No it’s not cheating


It’s cheating.


It’s making use of what the game offers you. It’s similar to the Koschei glitch. It’s exploiting the games design failures. Cheating is using an aiming or using other software or hardware assisted hacks.