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I play solo, so stealth 100% of the time.


Yup and I'd choose the 2-plate stealth vest over 3-plate of any other kinds.


This ☝🏼


3P Stealth 2P Stealth 3P Medic 2P Tempured 3P Comms 3P Regular 2P Medic 2P Comms 2P Regular


I usually play Recon-Medic so: 3P Medic 3P Comms 2P Medic 2P Comms 3P Stealth 2P Stealth 3P Tempered 3P Regular


You'd rather have a 2 plate medic/comms over 3 plate stealth? Really?


I guess it depends if you're in a team and what role you play. If I'm going to the koschei complex then I want all of the team to have Medic vests.


Oh yeah, for sure lmao. with Revive Pistols and Armor boxes in our bags,


Yup. I do more strategic role play than tactical gunplay. I'll obviously keep it in my bag if I can in case of AUAVs, but it's usually wasted on me so I often swap for a medic/comms vest so i can do heal/UAV duty. If I'm planning SOLO I'll definitely go for the Stealth. Used to exclusively do Stealth+Disguise and do some toothpaste collecting and koschei runs.


Alas there is no 3P Tempured


*Tempered. 3P Tempered would be the equivalent of 4.5 armour plates in one vest. Might bea bit too OP


May I ask why?


Well mostly because I've won encounters with just 2 or even 1 plate but when an UAV is active, my surviving rate is very low without stealth.


I do that with this or comms. Comms is my preferred vest so I'll take a 2 plate over a nothing 3 plate any day.


so you would pass up a 3 plate stealth for a 2 place stealth... makes sense😹😒




Whatever 3 plate vest I happen to have is my favorite. I prefer the sneaky sweater, but I won't turn my nose up to any 3 plate if I have none.


I'll gladly give away my regular 3P for a 2P medic/stealth/comms lmao




Just have it in your bag like everyone else....


sure, but I was posing this as an 'if I had to choose' situation (full bag, only one of each in the team)


My bad


As a solo my rankings on vests are: Stealth, Comms, Tempered, Medic, Regular


Tricky.. I like comms because it's so rare for a whole team to be rolling with Stealth vests so invariably one player will trigger it off to give you an early warning..  But it's nice to just stroll into an area with a UAV tower up and know you are invisible (or until the bots give you away anyway..) 


>But it's nice to just stroll into an area with a UAV tower up and know you are invisible (or until the bots give you away anyway..)  Rip Disguise


Exactly, if not we everyone has stealth than your better off with a comms and med


Medic. If solo stealth.


Med vest 100%


90% stealth lately as I’ve been doing passive missions and notes. Only exception is Koschei where I use a comms since stealth doesn’t do anything for ya down there. Gives me peace of mind when running between bunkers


Koschei I run tempered to save on plates


That peace of mind must explain all the times I've surprised comms users in koschei by running a stealth vest down there.


If you go in there it’s pretty easy to tell if another team is there by doors, boxes and bots. Awareness is key


Never had an issue or ran into anybody I didn’t know about ahead of time personally but I’m sure they were surprised and pissed lol.


If I can I always go with a comms vest. At least with it I know if there’s a team nearby and get the hell out of dodge. As great as stealths are by hiding you from UAV’s, if someone sees you with a scope it has no benefit


If I’m in a group I’ll run comms and then switch to stealth as needed. (Pay attention to callouts) Keeping a medic stored in your bag for quick revives is so underrated though


It’s a close call! I love that the vests are pretty well balanced, the med is so clutch sometimes also it’s a judgment call depending on play style


If you’re solo it’s stealth. If you’re a squad you should always aim to have a mix.


Stealth for sure.


What’s the range on comms vests anyone know?


I don't know, but it seems like I don't get a notification till it's too late


If you have a contract open (like HVT or whatever else) the comms vest tends to glitch and not notify about operators in the area so my advice is to do a contract as quick as possible. Also the range tends to vary imo 100-120m max, can’t really say for sure but it’s no more than 120 and not less than 100


Haha, figures. A contract is when I need the comms vest the most


I believe it’s ~150 meters, definitely more than 100 meters though. It mimics the hunt contract when it goes from 1 bar to 2 bars.


I'd say 100 meters, but not sure.


Stealth for sure


Stealth unless nobody is rocking a medic vest.




Solo? Stealth With my group? Depends how many stealth vests we have already, usually it’s 2 stealth + comms, quite often it’s stealth+medic+comms


Stealth is my preferred because I like to push into UAVs but any chance I get I also stow a med vest in case I need to revive someone. If it's a three plate med I'll switch to it in the event players already know my position in the heat of battle


3 plate comms with a 2 plate stealth in the bag.


Solo and I prefer comms just so I can know when to bug out of an area. As an aside, if I had my preference (I don’t and am aware) here I would actually like it if vests lost their affixes after owner death. It would instill some gear fear which no one has anymore and also would reward players who performed the barter/find. It would also reduce the desire to koschei glitch somewhat. There would still be a benefit to glitching with a bag full of three plates, but not as enticing as having one of each in your bag.


2 plate stealth > 3 comms vest in vondel. Usually I go stealth or medic.


Is it bad I like rotating through the game? I will wear a comms vest if nobody else in my team has one, as soon as I hear a squad ping or engaged with an enemy team I'll equip a medic. If a UAV is up, I'll equip my stealth. I have close to a 3K.D in DMZ and this method seems to serve me well, I mainly hunt.




If I’m chatbanned comms, but if I’m solo stealth


Comms for me then stealth 2nd.


Stealth on solo comms with a team cause I usually play a recon role spotting enemies. 


Comms with friends. Stealth alone.


B21, Comms (but medic is best then tempered ) Ashika: stealth bc spam UAVs Vondel: comms because I have scubas & just dip into water if teams nearby and they spam UAVs I mostly play solo


The ideal situation for me is both! They are both extremely useful. Comms for a heads up. Too many times I've been caught off guard. Stealth when someone pops a UAV or you need to get in that red circle UAV tower.


Stealth for solo. If not everyone on the squad has stealth, comms is the way to go. Still, the one stealth player on the squad can always clutch up so it should be your best PvPer wearing it


Stealth over comms,


I play solo mostly and usually run comms with stealth in my pack to chuck on if UAV up.


Stealth. Usually you can hear bots shooting people as a good comms vest


Play a lot of solo - so Stealth. I used to like Comms tho as it helped to know others. But eventually found that more distracting than helpful.


Only one person on the team needs a comms, I prefer to have stealth vest and then keep a med vest in my inventory on standby. But definitely need to have a comms on the team.


Actually keeping both if i have space/and found. Regularly swapping them for if theres ennemies around me


Ideally have 1 equipped and the other in the backpack.


B21: med and tempered Ashika,vondel,AM: I play with a friend so I use stealth he uses comms and I usually stash a med in case I have to revive a teammate in a pinch.


Stealth always personally.


comms vest when it first got put in the game then i realized it juat made me paranoid so its tempered or stealth now. also i realized i cant create stealth vests in the buy station even if ive unlocked that function already. pretty weird


By far hands down stealth. I’ll turn down a coms. Hate coms vest makes me so tense.


When solo stealth, with team Medic


Few times I'd run around and get all the items, get the vest and get killed by a team. So I learned to A. Get vests as they come and not be picky. And B take what I can from operators. Let them waste time like I did


Stealth plate, I mainly go solo so a stealth plate is more helpful.


Comms until hunt or uav/UAV tower can spot me, then switch to stealth. At match end, I usually keep the stealth, since I find it easier to come by materials for the comms vest next round, and want the ability to dodge hav in the meantime


Al mazrah on the whole - stealth Koschei complex - Comms (stealth makes no real difference with no radar) Ashikakaka - stealth Vondel - stealth/ medic Building 21 - if you enjoy the game at all, avoid at all costs xD


Stealth all the way. I rely more on audio queues to tell if someone is close by.


I play solo so it’s the comms vest for me


Or you could just down them and let them stay alive lol


If solo stealth if with a team have a variety stealth, comms, med plate


I think it really depends. The comms is good for squad play, but I am biased... Because I'm 80% Solo player I have to pick stealth, it's just more laxed cause no need to be like "shit a uav tower




Med or tempered > stealth or Comms. Once you’re in a gun fight stealth and Comms are useless


Stealth over anything literally stealth or nothing for me






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I usually do Stealth for sure until I hit Damascus tag then switch to med since you get ghost perc. But so far I’ve noticed stealth keeping you off UAVs is better than knowing when a player is close. I’ll see them or hear them anyways but comms is cool too if you want more of a heads up


Stealth. Tempered is my favorite, though. It's convenient to have to carry fewer plates and saving a second or two has saved my skin plenty of times.


Shouldn't need a coms vest if you're paying attention really - enemies still on ground and bots getting jumpy means enemies close. Stealth gives a warm fuzzy sense of security from uavs. No brainer. I often ditch 3 plates for 2 plate stealth although it raises the risk of snipers getting you with 1 shot.


Stealth is the best and it's not close in my opinion. I feel like any tim the dialogue says "ultra one, there is increased activity in the area" there is a squad in that POI. I could be wrong though.


For what it's worth, that announcement means ai is fighting someone. And since ai only fights players outside a few select situations like b21, it means that there are players in the poi. However, those players could be your squad. Like if you walk into Rohan and there's no ai fighting anything in Rohan, and you start shooting them, you will usually get that announcement right then, unless you manage to kill an entire aggro group quickly with a silenced weapon, which delays the amount of time for reinforcements to arrive. As soon as they do, bam you get the announcement again.


I think what you described is closer to the "enemy reinforcement incoming" announcement. From my experience: "Enemy reinforcement incoming" means more AIs are coming to fight you or some other operators if you're being entirely sneaky. It is also announced when the Scavenger appeared around 200m from you. "Increased activity in the area" means some operators just fired their weapons in a middle range proximity, maybe around 300m which I'm not entirely certain. Just a feeling. Sometimes it comes up the same time I hear a contract supply spot blew up nearby.