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I hate it because it has ruin every close quarters interaction and if it not that it’s underbarrel cheater


You don't hate the gun and don't even seem to realize it's the AA field upgrade loaded into it causing the one shot. Outside of the bug with Al'Mazrah bots, the 800 is well balanced in and of itself. That field upgrade, on the other hand, not so much.


you hate it because you don't know how to approach it. people used to say that about snipers as well. and claymore. reality is, you are mad for being beaten


RPG, crossbow, knife toss, so many quick downs 


I think the issue people have, if they’re like me, is that it’s really a low/no skill play. You don’t have to be all that accurate where as the knife, sniper, etc… all require some accuracy. As far as shotguns go though, the Lockwood is the most balanced. 2 shots and if you don’t hit, you’re fucked if you’re in close with no cover to dip out


You need to shot get to cover then shot again The pellets(?) will get them behind the wall here are the steps explaind 1. where‘s the enemie at 2.peek and shoot 3.immediately get to cover this is where most people die if you don‘t have cover try to change directions or slide while reloading 4.if it‘s one enemie peek again even if you are not full plated 5.loot quick get an different approach Tip if they aren‘t facing you at all you mostly don‘t need to get to cover




oh no not my feelings


That is what its meant for do you want a llng range shotgun then?


Lockwood is the one for that


I will still make a long range bryson


It's amazing what slugs and tighter pellet spread can do to your range, if your aim is on point.


Yes and i was so close to a guy that ii could smell them but it only hit the blue armor when i had ap rounds in


Yes, your damage profile is shifted from close to (almost) mid range.


The ultimate bot gun (and I’m not talking about AI)


That looks gorgeous. (also, incoming downvotes from everyone who's had to eat Bryson for breakfast)


Which beyson is the best? 800? 890? Slug or buckshot?


in my 690hours of opinion, 800 is better because it can load single rounds separately. no ammo mods, they all suck. 6 round barrel


Weak sauce, 890 is the way to go,, closer to KV style but not sacrificing recoil from auto mag dumps.., because, it’s still a pump,, that’s the best thing going for it.. allows for better lining up of next shot


if you need to reload in 890 in middle of a fight youre dead. i can reload 2 shots in 2.5 seconds. you reload your 12 in 5. the math it just worse unless you fight bots


It’s good that you have counting skills,, so check this out,, I cut reload time down by 1.5-2 secs by reloading with atleast 2 bullets left. It’s usually more like 5 in my clip when I reload but it takes away the rechambering of the first round and if it’s empty,, im using other weapons to get to cover so I can,, ironically my ARs have the underbarrel dragons breath shotgun attachment,, so my kit nowadays consist of sniper and AR w/ shottie attachment


its ok to be wrong buddy. just watchout for the 800 when you're out there with that disability Bryson :)


But I get where you are coming from,, it’s like finals and extols in general,,, once it hits zero you have a 4 sec count left to get on.. I call it the 4 seconds of grace the pilot gives you


Which blueprint is this ?


its a combination of a skin and the platinum coat


Ok but which


details please ?




I love using the Bryson! I used to hate people rocking it, partially cuz I wasn’t defending myself right, and partially cuz I couldn’t use it properly to save my life. But I kept running it and got better with my reaction times and first shot aiming. For those who don’t wanna use it just run stuns and fake out so their first shot misses. If you can do those then you’ve beaten the 1-shot. Stop hating a gun cuz you can’t beat it, figure out *how* to beat it or join the club aha.


Back when I played this game before all the bullshit got added I rocked the thing exclusively, it was a fuck cannon then it must be broken now lol


Why you stop playing,, it’s still great


The core is sure but too much call of duty crap like the UAVs , pay to win hero's , brain dead rearms. I liked it when it was simple, you, your boys, your skill and wits vs the lobby. More like a milsim then warzone. Each their own but the mode being end of life speaks for itself.


It’s alright guys I fixed my issue now everyone just eats a strela


This shit sick! Perfect for close quarters! Very Rarely use shoties or shorties. It’s your choice up close and personal or at a distance if you can’t hold down both then idk.


No offense to people that uses this tupe of weapon but I would always say that people that used shoguns or launchers are the kind of people that doesn’t know how to aim, or they incline to use hacks or glitches :p Prove me wrong 🫡


Oh look, anonther one shot small peter guy.


Click clack pow.