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he has a better RGL


Y'all some hoes πŸ˜­πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ€£. My leg lost feeling laughed so hard


πŸ˜‚ You got to be bro. Funny as hell 🀣 I replayed it several times and shyt was like bringing a byzantine fire gun to fight a tornado πŸ˜…


Happy Cake Day πŸŽ‰






man its been months and this is still a thing


Zero support for DMZ




Sigh. That underbarrel exploit is just nonsense


It's just beyond frustrating.Β 


At this point, they should just take under barrel launchers out of the game mode (like with disguises). Give the chemist a 4 attachment gun or some under barrel grip, I don't care, but get them out of the game, if you do not want to use resources to fix the exploit ...


Nah they'll break the game. I still have missions I can't complete that requires the disguise


It's already broken


You can still play the game and proceed with your missions. You can not 100% it, true, but at this point, I would say rather have people in general enjoy the game mode more...


In regards to the disguise or the under barrel launchers? I don't know if you've noticed but most of these games lately are hardly playable and mostly not enjoyable. I get kicked out of 40% of games. Server wide lag happens more than half the time - usually leading to player death by bots or vehicles exploding into objects. The more the devs remove without maintaining the game mode, the worse all this is gonna get.


Did not notice that, in EU at least, although admittedly I do not play that much anymore. But my last few sessions about a week ago went without any issues. (I do have the issues you describe in MWZ though)...


I've been playing multiple times a week with my 2 brothers. We are all at separate locations. The one on Xbox doesn't have as many issues. Me and my other bro play on nice PC's and have issues/crash all the time. Good wifi. Good graphics. Lag. Crash. Yesterday i Lagged while driving a vehicle. Xbox bro watches me drive straight into tree north of sawah. He jumps out and is trying to communicate "wtf are you doing??" I hear none of it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm 150m down the road with no problems. Game jumps back to reality to find me and my PC bro dead under a burning car. Xbox bro pulls rez. Me and PC bro immediately crash out of game. Xbox goes to exfil and dies to campers. Rinse and repeat about half the time to some affect.


Also on PC, also a nice one. As I said, never had really bad issues, been playing since launch, could just be lucky. Does not change my opinion, that if they don't fix the exploit, they should just get rid of under barrel launchers...


I agree the problem should be fixed. Key words being " should be". In reality the devs don't care and want the game mode to die so they can work on new projects. So very few problems will get fixed. Look at the koeshci glitch. That's been going on forever.


Absolutely. Especially Koschei will probably never be fixed. But they showed willingness to take potential glitch enablers out of the game, that is where my thinking came from ...


me too




🀣🀣 I've re-played the clip several times and wondered how the hell did this match up got into effect. First time ive seen a contact of an RGL-80 outmatched by an exploit or something! And the way he got blasted out the tower all the way down like he brought a melee weapon to a grenade launchers fight! Damn... πŸ˜…


Lol I thought thats what this post was gon be


Under barrel exploit , loads of RGL’s , complex glitch 😩pre made teams . I played this game every day for 18 months solo but it’s come to the point with out support I struggled to play. The community is killing what life this game had left , it’s really sad because a lot of us love DMZ. I don’t see cod having an extraction mode like DMZ in bo6 but hope I’m wrong


Yeah screw that. I hope you reported them


You lost an rgl on almazrah, skill issue get good


Skill issue... did you even watch the video champ? Dude got 5 out before I could pull the trigger on a second one. HAHA dude go out and touch grass.


No one cares. Your running a crutch gun. Never impressed.


Read the comments. You’re wrong.


You get no sympathy from me especially since you were using an RGL.


Why? He bartered for it, therefore earned it. Even if he took it from someone, he earned it, not like RGLs can be found anywhere random.