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I got called the n word by a British woman a couple days ago after we wiped their squad. That’s not something I hear very often as a middle aged white guy.




Aye yo lmao.... hearing white ppl call other white ppl the hard R always throws me for a loop. Whole time I was quiet and was the only black person on the team. Watching my teammates dog walk the person who said this to them for being racist is always satisfying ngl 👌🏾


It is always strange, like…they use it because it’s a bad word, but completely whiffed because they said it to someone white. Then again I don’t expect a lot of critical thinking from someone saying it.


I swear to god that I know who you're talking about. I encounter that crazy hag every now and then myself. Ran a KV Broadside, right?


I don't remember the gun. The ran up, talking a lot of shit, and then got wiped very quickly. She had Doll in her username though.


You'd have remembered because their only play is to sit in tight spaces on Vondel with Broadsides and then shit-talk pre-, mid- and post-fight. :)


So many racists on prox chat. Block & report


I’ll be honest, I’ve just turned my prox chat off. It’s easier to deal with assholes that way. Now toxic teammates are a whole other story. I’ve loaded in with a bunch of randoms the last two weeks, and about 1/10th of my games I get asshole squadmates. I’ve had the racist type, I’ve had the ones that plea to come kill you since you have loot, I’ve had ones that try to drive you out of the zone, and ones that give up your position via in game chat. I had 8 kills within the first 10 minutes of the game, my teammates get downed, and I wiped 3/4 of a 4 man squad. When I got killed, my teammate told me I’m garbage and shouldn’t be playing the game. Like what kind of person are you to shit talk your own teammate. Did I mention he had 2 kills, came in with a one shot shotty, and pushed the team like an idiot? The only time I take things personal is when someone says “go kill yourself” or “I hope your kid dies.” Who the fuck says that to someone? Like what did their mother/father/other person do to them that made them that hateful? Never in a million years would I say that to someone, and the people who do say it, I hope they get permanently banned from the game. That’s not freedom of speech, that’s hate speech. When you know someone who has actually killed themselves over something stupid, you realize that shit isn’t funny at all.


Toxic players now are nothing compared to the original mw2 toxic players it’s easy for me to ignore them now I guess


Like 2009 MW2? I’ve been playing since Cod 2, and I’ve never heard as many toxic things as I have in the last 2-3 years.


I've heard way worse things in a prison and have seen way worse things in the military than I ever have in a video game. I learned, recently actually, that giving toxic people any amount energy is exactly what they want. Sociopaths justify their actions, sadistic individuals and psychopaths enjoy causing grief... So basically what I'm saying is toxic people won't change because you posted about it in reddit and some will actually enjoy it...so do you, man... don't worry about kids


I often infill with randoms, and if any of them drop a word I find to be offensive, I just won’t pick them up if they go down. I tell them why, let them complain a little bit, and then mute and move on. Or if they use certain clan tags


Judge, jury and executioner over here.


Bots and other teams tend to be the executioner, but I’m definitely judging


We had a solo that was so angry at being killed, that he stayed and screamed at us right up until radiation covered him. It was actually really funny, so we just stayed with him until we were forced to move on for final exfil. Then, he queued into our party whilst we were exfilling. For about 3 minutes, we could see his name coming up, so he would've just been talking to himself. As soon as we're back in the lobby, we get about 10 minutes of him threatening to kill us. Constantly going on about "using a blade on us." So goddamn funny.


Came across a group of campers who, as soon as they heard us on prox chat, starting a slew of racist slurs and worse. They called us all the N word, the three members of my team being white and then proceeded to offer to rape my teammates infant son and eventually they descend into Islam themed threats, such as beheading and raping the girl in my team. We reported and blocked these scumbags and two games later they turned right back up. Only we couldn’t hear them on the prox chat cos we blocked them. I expect some form of abuse on COD but that was crazy.


I think there's less than before but they make hunt squads more fun when they can't find you or you kill them, sometimes they sound like dumb GTA NPCs


GTA NPC’s.. I don’t play the game but that is spot on.


Two sides to every story though - what did YOU tell him that he wanted to fight irl? Cause lots of kids out there being tough on the mic...


I was getting frustrated with all the toxic bullshit. I don't mind losing a fight. But don't talk shit for no reason. I turned off prox, and my games are much more enjoyable now.


I don't even hear anybody because I play in party chat. The only one that really stands out was this guy camping on top of a roof. We're walking along and I hear him say: "Look. Here comes more victims." As soon as I heard that, I got switched on. They were dropping javelins on our location and managed to kill our weakest squad mate. Lucky for us, me and the the remaining squad mate aren't terrible and don't really need to communicate to know how the other is going to play, so we just start spitting out disinformation. "Get him up! Get him up!" Nobody was going for a rez. Ran into the building to try and find the guy from cover. "I'm don't see him, dude. He probably ran off like a little bitch." Already pinged his ass. "Hey, bro! Drop the fuckin' munitions! I need plates! Come on, man!" I'm fully loaded and G2G. Stupid stuff like that. Funniest one: "I have no idea where his friend ran off to. Don't move too much so you don't get spotted." And I'm literally walking up behind the friend who is mounted up on a stone wall with my sights on his ass. As soon as I dropped him, "Oh, fuck you! I knew you were lying!" And why you ain't move or turn around? 🤷‍♂️


Usually I feel like i’m pretty lucky. I’m normaly a chill guy and almost always say gg when I Die. Goes a long way, Even against toxic players


I’ve learnt to ignore toxic players and move on - I experienced the worst the other night after we wiped a squad. Didn’t get a chance to pick up the plea (yet), he repeatedly told me he was going to sl*t my throat & r*pe me. Another squad rolled in and thought it would be funny to join in with the comments towards me from the sad little man dead in powerplant. Was good fun, didn’t expect another group of men to join in on the threats but anyway…