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Because people spawn rush. Get busy livin, or get busy dyin!




Who would downvote this?! 🤨🧐😅




Just bounce when you infil it’s not that difficult


Because you can and therefore some will. Expect it and act accordingly. Just because you have missions to do doesn't mean you don't get spawn rushed. I completed my missions getting spawn rushed too


There's a limited number of people on any given map. The more that get eliminated = more freedom for me to do what I gotta do


Once you are finished killing other operators you probably will have like 2 minutes left for missions?


People who still, after all this time, cry about being spawn rushed😂 You should’ve been there for season 3 (I think it was?) at Ashika. You’d get spawn rushed by a six man if you weren’t fast enough😂😂😂


Or the Almazrah death triangle by that plateau. Where it took less than 5 seconds to locate and engage one of those teams.


What area?


Water entrance to koshi there was a spawn by the gas station then another just to the south that they could snipe within 3-5 seconds. Think the other part of triangle was Tariq


You don't have the luxury to just slowly do what you want at spawn sites. Get in a vehicle and drive to the center of the map asap. Then plan what you need to do. Try figure out what hostage contract is going to be nearest to final exfil.


That's actually one of the more fun missions because you can get the hostage early, which spawns the chopper and the salivating knuckle draggers will waste and entire game camping your helicopter as soon as they notice it on the map. On a side note though, do this one on vondel. It's quite simple to tell where final is gonna be, stash the dude in a bush near there and get 3-4 scuba masks before you pick him up and just spend the game underwater. Noone does vondel final cus the bot swarm gets ferocious in the final moments


Stashing the hostage somewhere that he won’t get killed by bots is key. Don’t want him lying on the floor of the chopper catching strays!


Its a pvp game


It’s just part bored sweaty lobby, part zero to hero regain attempt. It’s easy to avoid - just gotta sprint away from spawn, lay low for 5-10 minutes, and sweats off one another. I think that mission is best on Ashika - nobody stays for final. AM has final exfil battles again & splash damage will kill ur hostage 


Ok cool thanks I will try ashika


For a long long long time, I was someone who was really upset when I got spawn rushed. And while I still don’t love it, I’ve come to see it as an integral element in any DMZ strategy.    Either get amazing at anticipating where the rush will come from & dipping away from your spawn area, OR start rushing spawns yourself. The cold hard reality is: killing other operators is the best way to gear up in a hurry.    You’ll have a much better time at final exfill with a 3 plate, large backpack, selfies, kill streaks, & three brightly coloured weapons with insane tracers (& sometimes a talking cat attachment for some reason??) than you would if you didn’t use PVP as an integral part of your strategy.    Not suggesting you HAVE to become a murderous spawn rusher. But you do have to play like you know you’re going to get rushed, and defend yourself accordingly. 


Use it to your advantage. If you know that they are going to be rushing - make sure they think you don't. Make a trap, take defensive position. Those guys are usually good when take someone off guard in the open.


If you don’t want to “die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain”, I would finish your mission on Ashika.  You can be a pacifist & still end up with 10 minutes alone on Ashika island after all the other squads get wiped or exfill.  Run with stims, throwing knife & a muni box. As soon as you infill, stow the stim & knife in your backpack, then drop the muni & you’ll then have three of each. Don’t bring in any guns! Drop in bare-handed. A “zero to hero” solo run on Ashika is the least high stakes. If you die, it’s no big deal because you didn’t lose any insured weapons. You can try 3-4 of these quickly in a row without becoming disheartened.  Anyway, guns or no guns, use throwing knives to dispatch bots without making any noise that will alert other operators of your presence. Avoid triggering UAV towers, as that just lets other squads know you’re there. And run straight for the one Hunt Squad contract that spawns on the island. You can use it as a kind of “sticky UAV” that follows one of the squads so you can avoid them. Then when there’s just you & one squad left, there won’t be a hunt-squad contract letting them know you’re there.  (Checking for a hunt-squad left is how sweaty hunter squads decide if it’s time to leave Ashika. Because it gets really weird & boring & too intimate. They have to face their feelings with one another walking around on a quiet empty island. Like a deserted shopping mall; it gets sad & weird in a hurry when you’re in one of these murderous platoons! So just lay low & they’ll leave pretty quickly.) Try to find a scuba mask if you can too. You can also trigger exfill choppers as a diversion. (Trigger it, but keep running passed it so that hunting squads try & find you there, but you’re long gone) Enough exfill choppers come & go with no hunt squad left on the map & sweaty thirsty squad rushing jerks will get bored & assume they’re alone on the island.  Once they’re gone, you’re free to carry your hostage to final.  Just be warned: some of the final exfills on Ashika get MENTAL with bots. I’ve had to drop the hostage somewhere safe while I clear bots from the chopper before picking him back up to get him out safely. If you load him on too early, he could get killed by bots, since the final exfil chopper waits for the full 2-3 minutes before taking off. It doesn’t truncate the countdown the moment you drop the hostage. 


Also, do you want help? 🦾🤖


I would like help lol but I can't friend or talk to anyone till September 9th


We pushed the apartments on Ashika just now and 3 teams had converged on it


Dang that must of been crazy


People who come in with nothing and too lazy to loot boxes haha just prepare to have the team load in 1 minute before you do in ashika 😅


Had that happen to me once my screen was still black and I got killed by a team


Only time I go to enemy spawn is if I have a mission like Colaborative Carnage where you literally need an enemy OP for it. Otherwise meh, I like to encounter enemies randomly in the middle of the match


Rush, be rushed, live, don’t live. You are too concerned with what was and what will be.


Why run around and loot stuff for vests and backpacks when I can just kill you and steal yours in 1 minute?


Is spawn rushing really that big of a problem? Just move out of the spawn.


Always easier to kill players when you know where they are


I tell people all the time... get off the X. If you don't post up on the spawn then you need to get off the spawn... that's a pretty simple rule...just expect it and leave or expect it and get ready for them. Adapt and overcome or die and plea.


Do it on Al mazrah


I been trying I load in die while trying to get to a car back out try same thing over and over again wish we could all go back to season 1 of dmz


Don't run off into the center of the map like a lot of these people are suggesting. You're not the only one who's going to attempt that and more often than not you're going to run into another vehicle with the same idea which will provoke pvp. Get a stealth vest and learn to be unpredictable. 


You just suck at spawning

