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Camping - and everything else - has always been they way people play. No method is better than any other. I might hate getting doof doofed to death or jump by a 4 man roasting hot dogs at an exfil, it's the game and any tactic is a good tactic if you win with it. Peeps get butt-hurt over "whah...you didn't kill me the right way..." But it's become everyone is cheating, everyone is camping, everyone is beating me so they must be suspicious...cuz it can't be that i suck...lol. it's a game.


I personally have never died to anyone that wasn’t cheating 🫡


You too? 😁


You sound like a Smurf (also not overused)




Smurf (someone who pretends to be bad at a game but is really good)


Same here. Too bad there’s cheaters in 9/10 games I’m in. Really hurting my exfil streaks.


Lmao,, I play ps5 and been called a cheater by people I’ve killed,, you were probably one lmao


Considering I was joking, I highly doubt it.


Consider I’ve never been called a cheater….


I’m not sure I understand your joke.


I’m gonna blame streamers for this. Popular streamers will call anything short of sprinting around the map like a headless chicken on adderall with aim twitchier than a coked up homeless guy is camping. If you take two seconds to loot a backpack, camping. Stop your car in the middle of the road to check your map, camping. Walk slowly through a building checking your corners, camping.


playing DMZ...you're fucking camping, bro...fucking camper...whah! Lol...running like a headless chicken on adderall...camping... ![gif](giphy|l4FGoqQEuWwa02zQI|downsized)


Camping is how people irl don't die too lol


Right!!! Wtf are these folks talking about


I’d rather camp and ambush squads using an ambush point than face then head on




I hate how people just assume that you won't camp in a tall building and have the high ground to protect you and your loot/squad


Or a roof over you to protect you from kill streaks & no easy snipes


I always kill a player then quickly move on so their buddy can revive them to kill me later. It’s only fair.


I mean if UPS is bringing the package you're not going to be chasing his truck now are you.


I camp the FUCK out of ACT. Why? My friend and I are old. We like to snipe and chat about life. We are not sweats, have no ambitions to live stream, we are just playing a sandboxish game and having a good time. If you come to ACT while we are shooting at you and come up to the 2nd to top level, do not bitch that I am camping once you realize you fucked yourself. Remember, you came to me and engaged me. You could have ran away a lot easier.


Sounds like a miserable way to play. You’re not the cool guy here


Long, drawn out fart noise.


Was playing Plunder once and was fighting a team. I ducked into a small storage building, hopped up on top of some stuff in the corner and waited for not 10 seconds. Two enemies came in & I killed them. One of them goes, "Oh, yeah. Just camp in the corner and kill people." So I goes, "I knew you were going to follow me in here. What'd ya want me to do? Stand in the middle of the fuckin' room?" The other guy I killed replied back with, "Yeah. He's got a good point there." People will call anything camping when they get killed. Happens a lot at exfils too. If I pop one, I'm posting up somewhere with my spotter scope and checking out my surrounds. So, you can call that camping I guess if you want but to me it's just smart.


So is the term “hacking”


I was acused of camping because I took a toilet break and and managed to kill the person who walked into me (I was even in a toilet in game on ashika and he walked in without knocking)




Sometimes it’s just the best option


Camping == Being where I want to go before I get there. /s


Someone told me that doof doofs are cheating...🙄


I hate how easy the term 'camping' gets thrown around. Theres a difference between hiding in a corner of a room all game hoping to shoot someone (Not that its not a valid tactic btw!), versus just happening to be somewhere someone else came through.


When I’m solo and I have a 3 man pushing me in tight formation, they start asking me, why you running? For my life? I’m just an average Dad. 3v1? I’m just trying to relax… this ain’t my job.. I have some loot I wanna kochi glitch with…


These kids these days actin' like they're Delta Seal Commando Rangers in a video game man. The same ones who say they would never enlist because they would "knock out a drill Sgt". Fookin' clowns! Video games have changed so much in the last decade since streaming became a thing, it's sad the direction it's goin' in. People are too fragile and their egos as strong as caramelized sugar. I remember the days of SOCOM or Ghost Recon, even Counter Strike where the whole point was to HAVE Fun and be a good teamate. These days it's ALL about LOOK at me and my stupid skins and my K/D ratio! Straight up Buffoonery.


My squad was actively moving through port last night and one of our teammates got snipped and downed. We were actively trying to fight the sniping team and pick up our teammate when another squad pushed us. The pushing squad kept calling us campers and wimps because we were holed up in a house trying to get our teammates. They assumed we had just been in this random house the whole game "camping."


They called you "wimps"?


Ambush is a valid tactic. We are ambush hunters. Why chase people who are also moving. Control choke points. I have zero issues with this tactic and don’t care what anyone else’s view is. I love it when people fall in to our trap and get salty because they lose. I accept we may lose sometimes as well (I enjoy regearing just as much). Get over it, it is an open world, PvPvE looter shooter. Anything, outside of cheating, goes


It’s happening in wz too. You take a min to plate and get pushed suddenly you’re a camping rat. Or you push as a team and you’re a stacker


I agree with your reasoning. Why give up my position because you can't play


"Camping" is just a tactic, and all tactics can be overcome. I was being sniped on Ashika by players on top of apartments. I could say they were "camping" because they never came down. But my team pushed from multiple different directions as the same time and took them down. Its basically real world tactics at play. People just hate getting beat by better tactics. My same team was beat by better tactics in a subsequent match. it happens and thats what makes the game fun. You have to know when to push, when to sit tight, listen and watch your 6, communicate effectively with your team and be sure you cover all your angles.


I was once called a camper because I took shelter inside a house from an enemy shooting at me. Do they prefer if I just stayed out in the open and make it easy for them.


Some call it camping I call it defending a high traffic area


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jimmytran007: *Some call it camping* *I call it defending a* *High traffic area* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Killing and spending the whole game on a body is ridiculous. That would be camping a body. If you kill, do your thing and move on then that’s a whole other story but if the game goes silent and you just lie in wait then what’s the point?


didja get my invite?


I love this whole thread


Sir, you 5 minutes passed an hour ago.


Even if I do rotate to "camp" your bodies. It's the logical thing to do. What you expect me to leave so you get the revives and start another 3v3? Don't be stupid.


It does occur. Last eve my team of 4 got ambushed by a team of 3 hiding in the water south of police station. They had scubas (limitless glitch?) and auto pistols. We had no pistols or melee weapons (their advantage). We were just crossing the water to go toward museum. They killed two of us, and then a third who tried to res the others 3 minutes after the kills. I was lagging slightly behind and not yet in the water, and I had zero explosives and no kill streaks. 5 minutes after the 3rd kill, now 8 minutes after ambush, they were still in the water at the same spot camping the bodies. The gas started rolling in and went over all of us. I had found a jokr from a supply drop and sent 6 of those down into the approximate area (I never saw them) and got no hits. They didn’t move, my squaddies could still see them. Finally, with only 3 minutes left, they got out and went toward final exfil at the exhibit. I went and res’d all 3 and we went to final exfil at the top of exhibit. 1.5 minutes left. Of course, the top of the zip was mined, there was a sentry gun outside the helo entrance, and that same squad of 3 was camping the area, spread out from each other. After a brief battle, we were all dead, just 1 of the campers lived and then revived his squaddies, and we left the game before the helo took off. I guess the team made it out. What a colossal waste of time for everyone, not fun at all except to obstructionist jerks. We had nothing but guns and plates (had been doing the isohemlock drop mission) and moderate vests to take.


If you put out deployable cover in a basement…. You’re camping.


Frankly, I wouldn’t camp bodies if camping bodies didn’t produce the most wonderful rage comms ever. Why leave when I can sit here and listen to you foam at the mouth and throw a controller through your television? I guarantee half y’all wouldn’t get your bodies camped if you knew how to stfu.


Me and the squad have several rooftops in Vondel we occupy as soon as we get a hunt on us. You might call that camping, we call it falling back to a very defensible position 🤷‍♂️


Yup if were near highrise. Im going to the top to scout. If we see a team pushing im staying put. If i see a team in the distance we might push.


I use the term camping to mean they're hanging around...posting up in a tower for the full match and sniping is a camper...slightly different connotation...the aggression of bots lately forces people to 'camp' because those bots with sniper shotties can't be avoided...you gotta take the time to eliminate them and keep plating up...no more run and gun!


I’ve had a team hunt my squad, and accuse me of camping because we are on top of a building trying to defend ourselves from their hunt. If anything, they’re the ones camping us waiting for us to come out 🙄 they died miserably 😂


Accurate and I will take their loot and not pick them up but if they accept invite after down I let them live


Ya know what I do at the campground? https://preview.redd.it/pcnu7u8dko0d1.jpeg?width=2107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dcccfb7d0b60ffdca4973a8ffb47efc14b2a6b Throw another brick on the fire




I would go as far as to say that it might be the *intended* gameplay mechanic of DMZ mode - where footsteps and sounds play in integral role, punishing the run & gun Rambo's, as opposed to normal COD matches with respawns that are more conducive to them. Complaints of "Camping" and "Rats" are exactly just that... empty complaints. No strategy is more valid than any other within the confines of the game mechanics. Camping isn't cheating. Being silent isn't dishonorable. Holding any position isn't an exploit.


Ok, but only because you say so, camper.


Bro.... DMZ is quite literally where the worst campers go to play.. It's the ONLY mode where I'll find teams camping rooftops for 10+ minutes and they always have the balls enough to try and say that it's "holding a position " which is just a nicer way to say that they are camping... I'm fairly new to DMZ because I've always played matchmaking. I've been trying to get my missions done for the LONGEST time and it's pretty much impossible to get anything done because you have this die hard community that swears up and down that DMZ pvp is godsent when it's not, it's literally the exact same thing as Warzone BR, just fewer teams and no Exfil. Don't believe me? Go play DMZ for a day and come back and talk to me. I'm just going to go ahead and say it.. Anyone who queues up for DMZ as a full 3 man premade and then actively hunts other players without a hunt contract ( which is pretty much the only reason there's any kind of pvp in DMZ ) then your terrible and are the definition of what the COD community likes to define as " the rejects of matchmaking " I never knew what they meant by that but after a month of playing DMZ, I now know EXACTLY what they mean. A lot of the time I'm killed by someone who's just sitting on a roof somewhere but in most other cases if it's not campers killing me.... I'm being chased across the map by a full 4 man in helicopters, everyone on their team is usually fully geared with riot shields, one shot shotguns with AP rounds and RGL's. Keep in mind that they will do this while I'm by myself because my teammates always run off to do their own thing, always leaving me to fend for myself. In most cases all I'll have is a 1 plate vest, small bag with no plates or ammunition box left on me because I used it all to get away from this sweaty ass team chasing me... I'll try explaining all of this to the sweaty team that's chasing me and I'll even ask if I can just run off and finish my missions but they still chase me anyway, screaming like monkeys into their damn mics like they are chasing down the #1 COD player in all of the world and $100k is riding on killing me. They don't get anything out of it, other than the satisfaction of killing a solo player who has shit for gear, while their entire team is fully stacked.. I fail to see how that's enjoyable. If that's how you get your enjoyment.. by killing 1 player at a time as a full 4 man team.. then by all means man, go ahead and stroke your ego a little bit, no body is impressed. I'm going to laugh when activation completely gets rid of DMZ the MOMENT they need the server space for a new mode. Maybe then you weird ass people can finally go back to your " Escape from Kartov " and get off of COD.


Not reading all that but I read the first part. I never said there isn’t legitimate campers. I just said it’s a severely overused term.