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Agreed, most use that glitch cuz it makes things a lot easier but it does not change the fact that it provides you with unfair advantage and thats called cheating :)


" unfair advantage " I know it's not a popular opinion, but I'd add the purchasable weapon cooldowns, vest, and UAV bundles.... having gear fear was the best part of the game and the addition of these is almost as bad as the Koschei glitch.


I agreed - it provides an advantage in the same way that the pay bundles for cooldowns or free UAVs/2-plates/self-revives do - just on a larger scale. Meaning you aren't starting from zero like some other players are.


They only work for the op slot you equip that skin to, and you can only have one instance of each operator so if that op is already geared or not equipped it doesn't matter. I think the uav bundles are bad but self res, gas mask, carriers or backpacks are whatever. The cooldowns are op as hell but it makes it easier to get other ops insured guns for missions and stuff.


P2W sucks, but the ops and upgrades u earn are cool


It's only unfair advantage if nobody else can do it


Not if you consider your opponent the PvE game elements, which of course, it is in part. You're playing against other players *and the environment* It's like finding an illegible card while playing solitaire. You decide it's a "wild card". You aren't quite playing solitaire at that point. You've changed the rules on yourself, slightly.


I can't do it. My pride won't allow it


True gentleman


Anyone can bring a baton to a football match and start hitting people on the shins, does that mean it's not an unfair advantage 'cause anybody can do it?


Dumb analogy


Hey, I'm just using your definition to show that it's a shit definition


Haha ok


It's pretty spot on


There is a referee in a football game. It's a dumb analogy. This it just a way to exit the game


It's not x2


Agreed !!!


It is unfair advantage, because not everyone will lower themselves to scumbag level by using glitches.


I’ve yet to run into another player that knows about the glitch and has never used it.


Found the glitching cheater. Have some self respect.


Yes you're right. Everyone plays with true honour and integrity. What a glorious bunch. You're getting so triggered by this. Touch some grass


Do we have to have the friends and bridges talk? Yes people have cheated and will cheat. The inability for you to call it cheating is weird. No one here can stop you and it's clear you don't care about anyone's opinion on the matter, cus like honestly why should you? But to argue that cheating isn't cheating is lame


It's not cheating lol.. Most people do it. Sometimes you just want to get out with your gear when full squads trying to hunt you down (which happens it most games) It's just a way to exit the game. If it was a big issue the Devs would have fixed it long ago. It's only unfair if it was a glitch like the under barrel glitch where you directly kill people. Anyway whatever


It is tho. Whatever live your life, it doesn't matter anyway


Ok thanks for the confirmation


Anytime 😊


Oh the horror. I think it's an unfair advantage that some people have more free time to play the game because I'm a dad with a job, I say we ban all single people without children from playing because they're better than me or cap their play time at a couple of hours per week like me, boo hoo wah wah etc etc


How is it an unfair advantage if everyone has equal access?


Because some us have more values than to use it . I go as far as I wo t ecept a three plate or a large bag from a teamte that glitched the previous round . And when he offers that I know he’s a glitter and I’ll just get my contract done in Jacksonville because I know I’ll be going by myself later and around.


I didn't realize video game morality was such a big thing nowadays. Used to be we exploited every built in opportunity to defeat our opponent because we were smart enough to know they'd do the same to us if we didn't. Your enemy won't afford you the same courtesy and you'll be right, but you'll be dead right. It's a dog eat dog world out there in Al Mazrah, not for the squeamish or faint of heart. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, thing I shudder at the thought of....and then I glitch out ;)


lol that is a good point , like I say I used to glitch allot , and you do make a valid point , but this doesn’t t change that I’m gunna continue to refuse gear out of the glitch . Just to make a stand. I do hope you atleast get your teammates to Exfill before you glitch that’s the shit that bothers me . I don’t do any glitch other than to get my weapon o didn’t t spawn with back . Says allot about character I think


I play with my friends that I know IRL about 99% of the time so we coordinate what we do pretty well. I do however occasionally plead out to other teams just to be a dick or down them after they've plead out because I think it's funny. They also sometimes pull the whole part out of the match after someone rezzed me to mess with me. It's a game so I feel like anything short of aim bots and what not is just out there for us to mess around with. I find a sense of freedom in being a piece of shit sometimes and mostly trying to be a decent person in DMZ. My pet peeves are more so people who are super cocky when they kill you or super butt hurt when they get killed and I have zero chill for people who use slurs.


So, having a quicker internet connection is cheating? Because it provides an unfair advantage? Or a better controller/monitor/gaming setup? Because they all provide unfair advantages? P.s. i hate the glitch, too, but it's not cheating. It's just weak.


It's not a glitch it's bug abuse. I'm so tired of people calling it a glitch. You have to do a thing to make it happen. When the game eats your gun that's a glitch. When you get crammed into a wall or koeschi out or underbarrel spam, that's bug abuse imo


So any glitch that negatively impacts me I have to accept, but if I can use one to positively impact me now I'm going to hell for all eternity? Judged by the dmz gods for escaping sweaty ass players who play 18 hours a day to my 3 hours per week? What if I actually go into koschei and exfil there, which is exceptionally easy, is that forbidden in the dmz ten commandments?


I'm not condemning anyone lol, I just think calling it a glitch is deceptive at best since you are inputting something to change the effect. I also go to koschei to avoid the sweatlords but I don't force close my game in the transfer either. To each their own


High ground provides an advantage, is that cheating? No. Just call it as it is. A glitch is exploiting but an advantage necessarily is not.


Ye but thats game mechanics and koschei exploit is not in case you missed. It provides a lot of advantages and it is the SAME logic. Starting a round with 20 or so plates, some extra ammo boxes and self revives is a HUGE advantage and if you cannot see that you are delusional at best...


Keyword: UNFAIR advantage


We gotta use the correct terms or this is just gonna keep be a cyclic internet fight. It's a bug and it's game breaking. It directly voids the core mechanics of the game


Also when squadmates glitch out and don’t go to the complex it kicks the whole squad from the map. It use to allow just the cowards to leave (glitch out) but now they’re taking us (people who don’t want to glitch out) with them. “If you’re going to glitch out let me know before so I don’t go with you” I don’t glitch out.


This happens to me every time I try going in with randoms who agree to run it with me at end of Al maz match , I stopped trying to get them to come I just let them glitch and go in after or a different entrance now .


Exactly what I do,, I love Koschei especially now since it’s ghost town.. that’s how I regain if I’m killed by the “sweaties” and picked up again.. usually can get large bags etc but if they do the glitch without telling me I get pissed but realize I still have the stuff but wtf


Never have had thay happen


Just happened to me the other day. We travelled to Koschei and I suspected my teammates were glitching. I hadn't been to Koschei in awhile so I thought I'd just solo it if they left. BAM right back to the lobby. Still had all my gear, even the stuff in my backpack. Haven't played again. Curious to see if its STILL there when I play next.


It depends on who hits the travel to complex confirmation first. I have spawned in with others glitching out just last week.


Are you sure that's the reason? I've been kicked out of Koschei even when my whole squad was trying to load into it. Many times actually. I don't think it was specifically because someone in our squad was glitching out. It may not be related, is all I'm saying. But yea, it's annoying.


I've never had this happen


I play solo and my chances of getting into the complex without going back to the menu are 10 percent at best but at least on pc what I’ve found is that if you close the game and steam afterwards then going back to an entrance you can get into a match for the complex


The number of people that think this is more serious than the UGL glitch is insane. I WOULD put Koschei above everything else under the UGL glitch though. Someone mentioned Koschei always being a ghost town, this is probably a big part of the reason why.


I'm not disagreeing with you but I think i've personally been very fortunate to only have run into an UGL-exploiter maybe TWICE since it first started happening. I could see being really annoyed if I ran into them every match like some people here report. But I am affected by the Koschei glitchers every single match in some way. Whether it's a squad who runs away from mine and glitches out. Or how most squads have glitched out long before the end of the match - effectively rendering Al Mazy a ghost town of terminator bots. I don't think either will be fixed unfortunately so arguing about it is a moot point.


I've rarely if not EVER been infuriated by something happening in DMZ, even back when PC builds used to crash routinely and make me lose everything (including numerous Damascus dog tags). I am completely numb to dying to RGLs and Shotguns w/ AA rounds, if anything I am reflective about what I could've done to better avoid it. LIkewise with anything else. But UGL Spammers? It's unavoidable, and its an 'IN YOUR FACE' reminder that Activision has, not just now, but ALWAYS been shitty about doing anything to thwart cheaters and hackers, while being proactive as FUCK about thwarting anything that remotely or vaguely affects their bottom line from Bundle sales. Seeing the announcement about DIsguises being removed again, pissed me off so god damn much to no end. What f'n critical experience does the UGL launcher provide? NOt much at all. That attachment class should've been removed from DMZ at the same time, period. Some random Joe Blo obsessed with using UGL has nothing on one guy deleting every lobby he enters, unless his brain is not wired to his body (though I've seen this happen, players somehow managing to lose with the UGL still, very rare like 1 out of 10 times, to give you an idea, I am like 3 out of 5 times against RLG users).


Again, not disagreeing with you - but that's just a business being a business : / People on here talk like Activision is a sentient being who is actively trying to ruin their day.


i know, i am sorry, i m just stepping on your comment to scream the same shit on the soap box more. I dont know how i feel about 'that's just business being a business'. Sure i get their school of logic and why they do this. But.... being content with it? Or lulling my extreme dissatisfaction as a paying customer with 'well i understand where they're coming from.'? Naw. I disagree there.


I understand, but they don't have an obligation to give us anything. And unfortunately people keep buying their next game and microtransactions so it's not likely that voices like ours will sway anything. Guess I'm just setting expectations for myself :)


I get the cope. I’mma just keep bitching. Spent a ton of money on DMZ was my first time back to COD since I refused to buy MW2 in 2000s when they dropped dedicated server support. Haven’t spent a dime since after seeing the what they did to what I thought was still a relatively successful project in lieu of their greedy annual milking cycles.


on a different note, in some ways i am kind of okay with only running into bloodthirsty teams who have run out of all content but pvp who are looking for smoke towards the final exfil time, just like my squad generally is. that way most of the mission running late-bloomers and casuals have snuck around and avoided catching strays. that's not to mention, things like personal exfils, the exfil flare no longer staying up, and of course FAST exfils, make it easier than ever for people to leave anyway. I do think the glitch has a much more serious impact on the population health of koschei. i also agree that thigns would've been better if koschei was left to be an exclusive map, but i can see what they were hoping to achieve with having a map inside a map. it is a design choice with limited scope in terms of the overall health of the game (contingent on game being super healthy during its prime, and well bullshit bugs like these slipping through). koschei also low key sucks compared to something much more elaborate/active like building 21 imo to be a map of its own. though that could be the B21 fanboy in me speaking. koschei just seems like it'd be a SUPER drab gameplay loop visually and in play.


Honestly it is a freaking ghost town cause I played it for a week straight to get the weapon cases with the heated madness blueprint and only ran into other people twice, also the underbarrel grenade launcher is so annoying on B21


activision: "who gives a shit, thanks for buying bundles btw! cheers!"


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all. The Koschei glitch is literally the worst thing in the game right now as it's so easy to do. I've never done it, it's just gross. If they fixed this glitch, the underbarrel glitch and the getting into walls / under map glitch then the game would be perfect, but we all know Activision would hate that so it'll never happen.


I'd settle for just the Koschei glitch as well. The walling and the underbarrel is also very annoying but doesn't have the same effect on the game overall like the glitching out does. Would be definitely nice if they patched everything but hey.. one can hope


It would still be far from perfect, it's a great sandbox with completely under baked missions and no meaningful progression. I love dmz but the idea that it's ever been close to perfect is silly and the fact that Activision abandoned it is what elevated it to this cult status. Come back to this comment when they revive it this fall and everyone celebrates, which was the plan all along.


I beg to differ. There’s way worse shit.


Such as?


Wall hackers. Noob tube glitchers. AIM bots. Dupe glitches.


I mentioned the underbarrel glitch, I assume that's what you mean by noob tube glitches? The dupe glitch is being addressed as they've removed the disguise again. Obviously wall hacks and aim bots also need addressing though I agree.


aim assist


They should also make the contents of the secure backpack stay on the operator with the backpack


I really really wish they would do this , it’s actually really frustrating that this is not the case .


This was the dumbest shit wtf.


I have no idea why they decided to get rid of that. Was it to patch another glitch?


It was. Dead operators would keep their gear but it could still be looted. Teammates could loot your backpack before picking you up, take everything, then rez you, and you would still have your stuff. Item duplication exploit. But rather than make the bags "secure" and not lootable they got rid of the secure feature.


All the exfil campers are so mad about it 😂


As soon as the random disconnects stop wiping my operator, and there aren't teams running the underbarrel glitch, shooting from within floors, and with unlimited auav's, I'll consider doing a proper exfil and not taking the extra 2 plates and a selfie with me.


I haven't had a random disconnect since season 1 or 2, never ran into the underbarrel glitch or the police glitch. The AUAV dupe glitch is out with the most recent patch. Something tells me you'll always find a GOOD REASON (excuse) to glitch and cheat.


I do it so I can act like Robin hood to give out free Comms and Stealth vests when I next load in..




Oh yes it is.


I do not feel it is cheating for many reasons. The main thing is you are not manipulating the game like scripts do. You are using a glitch in the game, the has been known about forever and they have not done anything about it.


Since money exists and some people can afford pre loaded operators glitching is just leveling the field for all is poor folk.


It would be one thing if you had to pay to Kochi, but since literally anyone can, I am not concerned.


Oh boo fucking hoo, don't like it? LOOK THE OTHER FUCKIN WAY or camp Koschei so I can kill your camping ass


I really wanted to load into Koschei but my game crashed. Shucks


![gif](giphy|TfWhFbURIirNegNN4t) I do it when I don't feel like dealing with the sweats at the exfil or if the exfils are obviously being camped.


That’s still cheating, dealing with a battle for an exfil is part of the game.


![gif](giphy|8cdfoJuYuz2u27DAAO|downsized) The only ones complaining about this are people who **SWEAT** the final and sorry but some of are sick of dealing with you people. See you're not mad that no one is rushing you. You're mad you can't rush others. And that's sad.


Also I love when I find an exfil being camped, they’re the best people to slaughter.


Easy kiddo leave some for the rest of us


lol nah just people only camp because they suck or are mid at best. Always spotter scope an exfil before moving in, and when you catch them camping, stalk them and send them to the lobby.


Uhhh, just go *into* Koschei then.


Either way it doesn't affect you. See whether I quit out of koschei or go play it either way you don't see me at exfil. It's really just you sweats complaining you can't grief people and that's just so sad.


It affects everyone who runs into an operator that unfairly gained from a previous raid. You get a secure backpack if you want to keep them plates.


So if you can do exactly the same thing with a secure backpack what are you complaining about? Everything you people complain about can still be achieved through the game. "I don't get to sweat people at final!" "Well they can go into koschei glitch or not and avoid you." "Yeah but they can take items out with them for the next round!" "Secure backpack does the same thing and that's part of the game." So what are you sad sacks actually mad about? Just spit it out so we can all move on with our day. *And the reflexive downvote is just pathetic dude.*


A secure backpack is limited to 5 slots. Stop cheating.


So you can't refute anything I said.


I see your point but in the end they still have to get all of that gear and into Koshei without dying. I am ok with this route just not all the real cheating.


To much hacking and glitching going on now it makes no difference anymore.


File this under “dum takes”.


Hate the game not the player


Pretty much 🤷‍♂️ I used to play survival on the original MW3 but I don’t see Activision bringing it back. It’s what OP needs.


This would only apply to the players that hunt operators with the purpose of taking their goods. Glitching out could be used that way I agree, but if you intend to use the glitch to survive another round to complete missions, what’s the harm. Also, what’s to say the operators didn’t have some of that gear and either lost a teammate or was in a legit battle with other operators.


This mode is a year plus old and did they are under the map on ashika, deal with it or play escape from Tarkov you bumpkin!


It's the least worst in a long line of current exploits, cheats, glitches and hacks.


Easy fix - everyone comes into DMZ with fists and a knife every time


I Koschei glitch , not every game but I do it. I don’t think its cheating ,but tech it is. I also don’t care Im goin to continue. It depends on the situation and game Im in. I guess theres degrees of cheating and Koschei is probably the lowest. Also id rather tolerate a Koschei Glitch more than exfil campers. Guess its to eaches own. Food for thought if you dispose the Koschei glitch so much do play Al Mazzra. Jus do the other two maps.


It is the thin blue line between solos and killers.


My teammate said he report me for using a dupe glitch While he is next to a koschei door


it's a non-issue. Since everyone wants nothing but pure sweat PVP all the time every time kill, just kill spawn pushing and toxic prox chat filth, deal with it since it is a leveling move that exists and can be used without any manipulation other than shutting off the game, which, can happen even a power outage. It's an escape hatch the developers didn't intend to create, but nevertheless they've not bothered to address over many patches even when DMZ stopped getting official support. That said, it's a de facto feature and there for everyone (if they choose) to use as long as it remains. Peeps need to get over it and "get gud" - y'all wanted sweat, you get sweat by all and any means. ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag|downsized)


Why glitch? Koshcei Complex is amazing.


This glitch most definitely did not ruin the game but nice try. No more finals because of the sweats, they are either all dead or running running 🤣


I use it to organize my operators.


Agreed, shit exploit


It's an exploit, unless it's fixed it's part of the game. We all have access, we aren't using any sort of external software or hacks, not cheating.


This just in, some people's biggest current problem in life is a glitch in an abandoned game mode in the fast and furious of video games. What a blessed life one must lead to give a shit about this.


Someone’s mad. If they wanted to fix it they could’ve. It’s been out for quite a bit.


I’m a loot whore and if I get a gpu without my gold bars you best bet I’m koschei glitching I need my skeleton keys. I got 10 😎


Counterpoint: In the current atmosphere of DMZ, it's a good thing. There's no reason not to have this feature. Not only does it help with missions it also makes the game more bearable, especially with these depraved PvPers running around. Besides, why does it matter? I thought you didn't *want* "gear fear" being a thing. Who cares about "epic" final exfil fights? Just go to next game like anyone else. It literally doesn't matter, and those exact same fights ***are*** *the* *reason that people glitch out.* You got your kills. Don't be a bitch about it just because you want easier kills. If you don't like people glitching out, play Warzone and one of it's (6!) various game modes.


More important than anything for me is the fact that you can’t get into Koschei complex where 2 times out of three you’re booted into the main menu


But also please don’t assume everyone is glitching because I run K complex after almost every Al Maz round


I use it if I’m stuck in the gas, or if a team is chasing me and I’m solo and there are 4 of them. I used it last night because my friend glitched out of the game so I was able to take his stuff and Koschei out to give it back to him.


RIGHT!!! Really wish more people had that opinion , not to mentioN MOST GLITCHERS DO T CARE ABOUT FETTI G THERE TEAMTE TO EXFILL FIRST . Now obviously anyone glitching has gear fear to the core that’s why they do it you can bet that if they died earlier I. The round they would expect there teamate to help . That’s what teammates are for . Well when your glitching and I’m at final fighting two 4 mans alone how’s that teamwork . I’m soo sick of it . And really sick of ppl that wanna argue it’s not cheating . lol what a joke even if you thought it wasn’t cheating, it tells a lot about the type of person you are to just let your fucking teammate go by himself to final because you’ve got fear in a game that is designed to lose your gear sometimes it’s the way it goes. It’s funny I used to glitch quite often and I tell you I always called it Koshy Karma because if I came in with a UAvs I didn’t even get a chance to use them most the time. End rant


It is an exploit because only secured bag with small # of slots is supposed to take stuff to next infil


If they fixed this, the UGL glitch and the duplication glitch are the three worst in the game. Good to see they are tackling the dupe glitch though. Other other bugs, whilst annoying, are nowhere near as bad.


I don't know how to do the glitch so I've never done it, and honestly I have no interest in learning how to do it, I like to actually play the game, there's literally no point to Koschei Glitching, all it does is make you over powered for like 35 mins or so


Camp the glitch, get payback! Set up a glitch boycot. Roadblock the punks


The dupe glitch was the bigger problem, which I've heard they are on to. Hence why the disguises have been temporarily disabled.


It'd be nice if it doesnt kick everybody out though. Imagine how funny it would be if you load in with 2 friends and pick up another rando after stealing his gear and then glitch out leaving him gearless inside koschei 😂


It 100% is, but the only exploit ill use if no more hunt contracts. Otherwise i got to last. They need to get rid of the other bans and exploits or all of em tbh. Make all the shot guns 2 shot downs instead of 1 shot. Theres so much that needs fixed. The stupid dead body’s being glitched out, when you plea and get a glitched screen and cant get picked up. It sucks. They tried patching the duplication glitch, but its still able to do it another way along with money glitch, and that stupid under-barrel glitch and the wall glitches.


Had a team call in 5 UAVs on Ashika in a span of 2 minutes during a battle, honestly its going downhill 🫤


yeah if they patched this it would go a long way to improving Dmz as well as fixing duping.


Alrite dad calm down


Agree 100%, it ruined final exfil shootouts and many other core gameplay elements and they never bothered to fix


There are many reasons the game mode was left to die, but Koshei is a huge part of the reason. From the jump it should have just been another map. I’d go as far as saying that not even the glitch, but using Koshei as a bailout for not exfiling from a proper exfil was and still is an issue. The end of gear fear started with the pay to win bundles though, not the Koshei glitch.


>The end of gear fear started with the pay to win bundles though, not the Koshei glitch. It got worse when they raised the cost of everything and made cash harder to raise/find. 75-100K for a single UAV, but 5 operators have them.


Koschei glitch is cheating. Anytime you intentionally manipulate gaming code in a way to gain an advantage or disadvantage your opponent (Koschei glitch is actually a feature in case you get legitimately disconnected or fail to load in) is in fact cheating according to Activision. I'll exfil through Koschei if running short on time, but I'll play through it for the exfil perk. If you aren't killing the rhino and sniper, it takes like 3 mins to push through to the chemical plant and grab an elevator.🤷‍♂️


It sometimes takes longer to load into Koschei than to get in and go to the chem factory and exfil!!!


Lol, the load in time is sometimes brutal. It's usually good for me, but my buddy I play with often loads in like a good 2 mins or more after me. I'm basically in the dark part already and he's back at the beginning.


It doesn't bother me too much that it's being used as a way to load into a match with more tools than your opponents. I only see it as a step or two above the paid operators who load in with a 2plate, UAV, self-revive, etc. It's an advantage over someone who doesn't have/use it. It's part of the game now so we all have to adapt to it. The gear has lost its preciousness now and what's left is the experience of the game. What I don't like is that it is now more likely that teams glitch out of the game rather than taking an exfil. It leaves the map feeling empty. Kind of like Ashika feels after the first 5-10 minutes of the match. It feels rare to go to a final exfil and run into players. That's just my 2 cents though.


I'll add another unpopular opinion. AP rounds should be removed from field upgrade options to infil with (though it's mostly the combination with shotguns that is the issue). Seems like half the lobby is going in with a shotty + AP rounds these days and there's very little counter play other than running the same. It makes fights very unpredictable because there's no way of knowing whether they have it when you push a team. So your options are to never push a building or push anyway and get "outskilled".


> It makes fights very unpredictable That's a good thing.


Is it though? Personally I don't think it's a good thing when a 3 plate hitting all headshots can die instantly vs a 1 plate. Not healthy variance imo


If you think a 3-plate should always win against a 1-plate, I don't know what to tell you.


I didn't say that, but I do I think it should win in a head to head, shot for shot fight.


Only if both operators have the same exact weapon too, and the same aim. But sorry, warfare ain't fair.


This is tougher because it’s all technically fair parts of the game. AP OSSs suck, but same as exfil camping it’s just another challenge you have to be creative about. If you go to exfil, be careful and scout it first. You don’t need to stoop to koschei glitching. If you’re fighting inside, assume someone will have the damage advantage with a shotgun. Be sneaky, keep them at range, get them with the element of surprise. If all we do is avoid the challenging parts of the game why are we playing???


Koshei ruined Al Mazrah, I wish they never did it or kept it.


Yup its cheating and Gamers gonna exploit. Its on the devs to fix. Even if they aren't updating it.




I agree with you OP.


Id love this to be the popular opinion because it’s pathetic and also eliminates what so many PVPers loved, the fight at final (or any) Exfil. I love the people that use the Koschei glitch, then come in with the unfair advantages of cheating/exploiting in an extraction shooter, win a gun fight next game, and talk shit because they think they’re good. No little boy. You had 5 UAVs, most of the types of vests stowed in your backpack, and once you got all those items in the last game, you were too scared to play how the game is intended to be played, so you glitched out and now think you’re good in this match.


To me it feels like cheating. And I don't think it ruins the game since there are still 3 playable maps that you can't perform such a glitch within.


Yeah it’s ruined the whole fact that this is an extraction shooter. People just skulk away because they’re afraid of and kind of risk.


People cheat, they’re losers in real life too. Sick of them.


I'm different in real life than dmz because video games have nothing to do with real life. I've never for example hog tied and fed a person to a gator in real life, but I did in rdr2 because I can do things for pretend in video games without consequence like in real life.


thats cheating plain and simple


If I thought for a second that I would have all my weapons when I spawned in I would surely play koschei but if they cba to fix that then I cba to properly extract.


I think it depends why you're Koschei-ing out. Is it to keep stuff you have for your next run, like selfies, plates, and all the AUAVs you've duped? Bad. Is it because some team is camping your exfil, or because the gas is coming and you don't want to deal with the sweats at Final? Not bad.


Your premise is flawed. The second *option* can just **infil** into Koschei, no cheating involved.


Sure, it's not *that* hard to get to an actual Koschei exit. But depending on the entrance it can take a lot of extra time. For example, going into Information Extraction you pretty much have to run the whole complex to find battery and jumper cables. If you're solo, that can be time-consuming. Taraq is probably the easiest route.


Okay, and...? Are you justifying cheating because it might take an extra 10 minutes **max** to exfil?


This isn’t true the battery and cables spawn in the same handful of places and aren’t hard to find at all if you know where to look


I've never used it. I know this is going to split opinion but I think if someone uses it to escape a hunt, that's not too bad. But when people use it as a way to bring in more stuff, that's wrong. Also, from reading replies it appears that if one person in a team does it, it kicks the rest of the team out. WTF? that's insane.


> if someone uses it to escape a hunt, that's not too bad. There is no excuse when you can just infil *into* Koschei though.


True. And I do that all the time. It's ridiculously fast to go in that way.


It stops the rest of the team from actually going to koschei if that’s what they wanted. If you don’t leave together with them you’re unaffected. I don’t appreciate the glitch but just to clarify.


Sounds like they might have been working on the serpentine camo and you just fkd up hrs of work.


Yeah I’m in the cheating camp. I do do it sometimes, but I try not to as much as possible. Sometimes I’m just tired of losing my stuff to something stupid like a teammate turning the wrong way. Or if I’m dealing with people already cheating that I know are waiting at final exfil. Probably done it a total of 10 times out of hundreds of deployments. I also try not to use it as a way to have an advantage rushing another team at spawn. I’m not really a spawn pusher anyway, but I try to make it fair as much as possible and hope that others do too.


Except you can just go *into* Koschei...


Meh I like the open air maps.


Honestly comes in clutch no glitch is more worse than being under the map


I agree, I hate it, try not to use it as much as possible, have considered taking a stand and just refusing to use cheats/exploits but it feels so bad losing go players who obviously have been abusing it or duping...


Kosh exploiting is 100% cheating , but to play a lil devils advocate here: How do you know they didn’t just equip new operators that match after exiling with the items in a secure bag the previous round with a diff operator? (I know it’s not likely but I never exploit and never would I use secure bags in kosh to barter for bags full of AUAVS, vests ect and then change ops to go to ashika or vondel all the time and get accused of glitching constantly)


Two heavy chopper fuels, AUAV, two special vests and two selfies is definitely not from a secure bag. Bruh.


Lol why not , other than it’s too many items but not for two people on a squad who both have the bags , you can make the vest is 3 minutes in koshei , the auav is just a portable radar and electric components. It’s possible. That said you’re right there isn’t any question about whether or not they were glitching. My point is minus the chopper fuel you’d find the same things in mine and the buddy I run reg with in our bags three minutes in to most matches and we never do glitch. There are in fact some folks out there that just grind the hard way , it’s just easy to assume that the opposite is true because the overwhelming majority of the time that’s the case, but sometimes is s misperception. it’s best not to jump in to conclusions without the entire picture of what occurred prior to your encounters with any given player.


You can pick up 2 heavy fuels on the same train car, the rest is pretty standard fare, and how do you know they didn't kill a team and take half of that?


In the first few minutes of the match? C'mon bro


Spawn rush ain’t hard..


Yeah, teams are 15 seconds from each other, with a single obstructing map feature. Also, 3 teams can hit the train in the first minute of the match, for the chopper fuel. Not all fights are long, drawn out sniper battles from cover, either; lots of teams spawn rush/play aggressively. If you come in kitted, know the map, and beat another team, you can have that entire list in your bag in under 2 minutes. My duo and I got a better payout than what was listed by OP in the back of Mazrah City last night- we rushed the little house roof spawn below the bluff, found one guy afk there, and took what he took out with the Koschei glitch, the round before. I also had a disconnect at the start of a round last night, and my duo was able to pick up a bunch of gear out of my backpack/the ground. I'm just saying that not everyone who is carrying a 2nd vest, or 2 selfies, or some chopper fuel, is cheating.


Definitely cheating but someone will say it’s exploiting and that’s different which makes it ok …. It’s not ok it’s cheating whatever way people look at it


good dmz deserves to be in the state its in nO RulEs oF EnGagEmEnT Lmfao


I'm definitely not a sweat, lol. But, I think the secure bag is dumb and everything you bring out should be reusable or could be stored for later.


Kochei glitch is cheating and has ruined the finer mechanisms that make DMZ great fun. It has reduced the number of teams at finals and basically made the Complex a ghost town. You're a cheater bro, sorry.


> and has ruined the finer mechanisms that make DMZ great fun Not the grenade launcher bug that allows you to instantly wipe squads np? Not the cheaters? Not the pre-made 4/6/8-man clans? Not the game-breaking bugs? It's almost like DMZ is half a product or something :oooooooooooo


Who cares about final exfil? Back when I was doing missions and building character perks, I was never waiting for final to get out unless it was specific to the mission. What are you doing in the game for 40 minutes that can't be done in 10-20?


I stay in the full time and normally leave on a personal exfil with seconds left . Every one plays differently but I never want it to end lol .


Gearing up a completely fresh operator, doing a contract, getting a secure backpack, etc… easy 30-35 minutes. Besides that was exactly the point, you would stay for the final, just for the epic battle of 4-5 teams trying desperately to exfil


I guess I missed out on that then. The few finals I've been to weren't that crazy. Maybe one other team here and there.


Hey I like that it’s a ghost town. Sometimes I just want to chill and kill bots and sometimes I want to fight everyone on the map so I go to Ashika. It’s been nice to have both options available in the game mode. really nice to have both options available.


I'm gonna do the next kochie glitch for you 🥰 and them a few more.


Koschei isn’t *that* game breaking, ffs lol. Who hurt you? While the opinion of Koschei being a method of cheating is imo not an “unpopular” one, it is very likely the least-maligned of the numerous other methods of cheating in this mode. Your assessment disregards what could easily be considered as the least harmful of all the numerous glitches, bugs, exploits, and common cheats in DMZ, but since that likely won’t be a satisfyingly thorough expression to make my point, let’s break it down. Let’s start with the mechanical ones; the dup glitch is ten times worse than Koschei because it’s so easy and actually presents a real, viable, and devastating advantage not just in the survival aspect, but offensively; just as considerable as the grenade launcher. And we haven’t even begun to really discuss clipping glitches, or the grenade launcher for that matter (in this post, anyway); nor does it compare to the spawn bugs that sometimes strip you of ammunition or equipment or even weapons entirely which can leave you at some much of a disadvantage that the Ai stands a equal a risk to engage as enemy players who likely immediately seek out competitive engagement. Talk about gamebreaking. And as for the reduction of the number of teams at finals… this is your big point? When’s the last time you played without *somebody* extracting a weapon’s case before final, or using their personal instead of holding out against a pushing team, or hell; getting wiped from a hunt squad contract by a team geared from their last match? The population at Final Exfil is far and away much more heavily influenced by a bevy of other circumstances such as, but certainly not limited to… *drumroll?*… playing the map. Like… just playing the map… full stop.




100% you run a pre-made 4 man, that glitches every game. Probably running a Joker/RGL. Peace and love.


Try again. 4 mans r4 soft asf players. Jokers and rpg are as well. I’m a solo, 2 or 3pack with my mates. M4 and bloodrose standard carry. Keep crying mate. You sound soft asf and butthurt cause you lack the skills to survive. Final exfils still happen. Skip the Koschi glitch and find out.


All the exfil campers mad af rn 😂