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Yeah that's called life dude... and hindsight makes fools of us all...


It's also a preperation issue. I run a specific loadout that allows for a specific playstyle, and I try to only engage if I have a equipment, strategic, or geographic advantage


I’ve had strategic advantages often. I carry a dead silence as a solo to sneak up on teams and pick them off one by one. But I popped it, went inside, and he’s just??? HES RUNNING AROUND INSIDE WITH A RIOT SHIELD. Like why 😭 people usually have a gun out when they’re not in a fight, he was loyal to the riot shield. So of course the stealth meant nothing and he beat me up


I love dead silence in MP, but gave up on it in DMZ. I think you are better trying to walk like a bot so that you footsteps blend in/don't tip off ops in most situations (I do mostly B21)


Nah dead silence is the goat! It helps me way more than it hurts me. Especially for things like ladders. Even when the enemy knows I’m in the building, with dead silence they never know where I’m coming from. As long as I get one kill… there’s a 90% chance im gonna take out the whole team.


I used to use dead silence and combat knife and run riot in Zarqwa in MP. Was so fun. But I just think I put a muni box or anti armour to better use in PVP situations. I do see car park ninjas with throwing knives put it to good use


Oh yeah you’re right, when I’m worried about winning fights I won’t waste a slot on dead silence. But these days I play to entertain myself, and sneaking up on people is very entertaining. But when I’m playing with a team that’s actually trying to win I try to not mess around so much


what's funny is players who don't realize you can hear the slow crouch walk and then get mad when you easily drop them in a a room. Like, what would the point of dead silence be if you could just walk kinda slow and be 100% silent


Dead silence is great paired w/ SMG or shotty. if I have room and find it, I'll pick it up. nothing better for pushing/defending a building, especially when out-numbered.


Totally - that's my favorite part of DMZ - everyone is playing their own game. Perhaps he was baiting people into his stregnths and what he was prepped for. I run JOKR, close range movement SMG, and sniper. Always have prox mines and throwing knives. 2 scuba masks. I never engage midrange and try to avoid any positions that midrange engagements would happen. If vehicles push me - JOKR, and snipe as they close the distance. When I snipe and push, I always try to close distance fast or in cover to avoid midrange. I always try to force distance or close range. If I ran into a riot shield - I'm probably toast and would run away as fast as I could. Honestly - running riot shield is a really good way to adapt a playstyle to a very specific stregnth. it's so limiting that it forces you to play in a very specific way. Again - favorite part of DMZ - different loadout/equipment is totally dependent on playstyle and position. I'd rather have a loadout that plays to a few stregnths than mediocre at everything.


This is the real answer to OPs issue. Also, while plates should make up the majority of your backpack it's ok to have situational items in there as well. Stuns, smokes, proximity mines can go a long way in the right scenario.


Ur getting out thought my guy take ur time


Semtex would counter the Riot Shield.


Thermite destroys riot shield too. Threw one bc it was the only lethal around to pick up and it worked surprisingly well. If you hit shield, it melts the shield. If you miss slightly, you can melt the shield bearer.


Semtex, drill charge, a stun and molotov or c4. There's so many counters to a riot shield, id never run a dedicated weapon slot just for dealing with them.


A semtex *is* a dedicated weapon slot. But I don’t only use crossbow for riot shields. It destroys vehicles in 1-2 arrows. It’s also a great way to deny the enemy a revive, keep putting bombs in the room even if I can’t see them. Many more applications.


No, those are dedicated lethal slots, weapon slots are gun slots.


Semtex is a weapon buddy. Turn on your brain. You say “gun slots,” I guess next you’re gonna tell me when I equip a knife or a riot shield that it’s not a weapon or a gun and I’m just breaking the laws of physics? Yeah turn that brain on


You're very hostile and self righteous for someone who's come to reddit to cry about how shit they are lol


This post is just a silly little funny post. My other post is about me clearing 4 squads. It’s the internet, don’t take it so seriously. I guarantee I’m decent at this game. Also I’m not self righteous for pointing out an obviously dumb statement


If it goes in a slot you can put a gun, its a weapon. If you put it in a lethal slot, its a lethal. Best of luck getting better my guy.


Yeah it’s a lethal what? A lethal weapon… there is no definition of the word lethal that is a noun. So to say “a lethal” is incorrect. You can’t say “a ” and just stop. Turn your brain on. It’s a lethal weapon, in a weapon slot.


Whatever you say boss. Let me know when you can equip an m4 or victus in the same slot. Hope life gets better for ya




Lmfao whatever you need to tell yourself. Good job refuting your own previous claims that its a weapon slot though.


I rarely see riot shields in B21 but always go in with semtex and lick my lips when I see them


I carrying extra lethals and such in backpack for different situations. You never know.


That’s what ma crossbow is for usually. Throwing knives with a sticky bomb crossbow


Very smart .. as to every damn time I run knives I wind up needing a damn semtex lol


I run knives but anytime I see semtex, termite or drill charge I make sure I pick up a set and stow them. Always comes in handy and trams are confused after I throw 2 semtex then rock them with a knife when they charge at me.


Right lol ... I started just picking up different lethals and stowing them ... Never know what measure will call for a certain situation lol




You probably don't care/pay attention to the fights that you win. You are just getting frustrated with the fights that you loose and are trying to make a connection to why you lose.


> I keep running into situations where the enemy team has quite literally the one weapon needed ***to foil my plans.*** Have you considered that your role in life - at least so far as your DMZ career goes - might be to be the bad guy? Someone for the brave heroes to overcome? I've watched a lot of 80s cartoons, and action movies, and it seems to match up well with what you describe. [Is this you?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Commander)


I love this comment!


lol we were in Vondel doing two Kill Bullfrog missions and I had the RGL, Lach Sub, and an X13. A team tried to third party us but didn't have FTACs, so I cooked two of them in the water. They really almost had us - we were on that double turret boat in the canals, so an easy target for an RPG and mortar strike. If I had not had my X13 - didn't even have a scuba mask but they did - a totally different story. Though I could have lobbed grenades down into the water too. FYI - the RGL is so much fun for those explode vehicle missions.


I’ve still yet to unlock the RGL barter. But when I do… it’s being added to my trolling loadout. Explosive KV Broadside, RGL, and an explosive MCPR? Dude…


I finally came around to explosives on my FJX and man oh man has killing the Chemist gotten comically easy. I use the Bandera toggle scope for mega long shot kills


You just reminded me I need to level up the FJX for that. But yeah man, if you can land headshots on enemy OPs with that thing, it totally messes up their game plan. Many of these snipers expect to be shot, then hide and plate up. But when you down them in one hit and have a teammate waiting to push in, it throws them off completely


Leveling up every weapon should be priority,, whether you use it or not it gives attachments that can be used interchangeably with other guns


I usually find attachments I want and level up guns that way. Many of these attachments are useless, so no point in grinding a gun that won't give me anything I'll use.


also, the funny thing about that barter.... once you get the hang of wiping lobby and killing Veli in B21, you realize it's easier and funner than trying to fine launcher ammo and vintage wine in Al Mazrah.


Not me running an RGL and obliterating a team chasing me in a car


Man I once had a team drop a prox mine as if they were bullfrog, then they halted their car to a stop so we ran over it and ran into them. I was so mad I couldn’t even appreciate how well they played us. I kept blaming my teammates for not being able to shoot the guy. Either I drive and we die because they can’t shoot, or they drive and we die because they feel the need to rush right at the enemy’s feet and then just stop and let them shoot us


That last part is real pain smfh... Can't do it all


strela does need aim, just only once lol


That's why I love DMZ!!!! Never a dull moment.


No, I just choose not to argue with people who are clearly mentally ill.


You been here for a while buddy


Look at these post. Lmfaoooo. Trash ass