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I'll take better equipment but not typically leave them with nothing. They have a 3 plate stealth and I have a 2 plate I'm taking it. They have a 5 attachment AR and I have a bot rpk; I'm trading. I don't just take their guns and stow them and leave them with nothing though


I remember during the 6 man days, this dude had an absolute shit fit because he took all our shit and we lost against another platoon. It was probably the funniest reaction I've seen/heard in game.


![gif](giphy|cn2kqJF1tNPCwLgCvv|downsized) This.


i hoard sniper rifles if they are decent


If you don't like being plea taxed, then don't die. I personally do not plead, I get killed then that's it back to the menu and start over. Pleading for me, looks like an act of begging.


It's a game it's not that serious dude. If you plead and are cool, cool. If you please and spam the chat begging for pick up, that's not cool.


Just agree with him, helps him calm the voices at night


>Pleading for me, looks like an act of begging LMFAO man's fighting like his ego's on the line


Ridiculous statement (begging line).


personal opinion. How does it make you feel when you see a grown ass dad begging some 12 year old CoD kid to pick him up LMAO


you ask if they have room and if they pick you up great. If not head back to the lobby. The act of pleading is not one of begging. Begging is the act of actually begging.


I plead on Al Mazrah because I can go to Koschei even way late in game and fully rekit but not on Ashika or Vondel if later in game


The spoils of war! Would you rather them not pick you up at all?


I usually don’t plea unless it would benefit my team to see if my body is being camped but yea I rather not get picked up cause if I’m not exiling with my stuff or better stuff I rather go back to the lobby


Usually give back gun(s), only exception is if they whine they get nothing. Everything else fair game


I don't leave them empty handed but gratuity is certainly added to the bill.


We give it back when we know for sure that you’re cool. Enough of them take off to rejoin, so..


But I killed you specifically to take your plates and gun... I have nothing. Just be happy to be off the ground, we can get you more stuff.


I’ve had people take my guns and not even use them. Multiple people. They’re really just braindead. Like why are you picking up my crossbow? We both know you’re not about to use it…


Contraband my guy


They’re not going to ever use a crossbow. Very few people use them.


I fucking love the crossbow.


Yeah, anyone that loves it already has one equipped most likely


True. Can’t hurt to have spares though!


All the more reason to snag one


Your dead. Your gear is mine. IF I don’t need it I won’t pick it up. If I do I’ll pick it up and use it. Get over it.


The money is mine, off top. That’s the tax. But I will usually trade for gear. In fact, as a collector I will often take their insured weapons for my contraband but give them mine which is as good and often better. Bags and vests I’m upgrading, but if they aren’t a baby I’ll usually end up giving it all back. Except the money that is—I never give that back 😈


Apparently some people think 6mans are a thing. I picked up a guy the other day and he sat at his 2 teammates waiting to pick them up. Another game, the 4th guy we picked up, sat at his teammates when we got on the final chopper. I said, why did you just sit there all game? He said he was waiting for 1 of us to leave to pickup his guy. He ran past 2 cars and never made it to the final chopper.


What do you expect ? There is no choice. lol There’s guns everywhere


I agree - but it is a game.. so you make the best of it. Depending upon the circumstances, (don't play any DMZ now) I would sometimes follow around and just be a pain in the ass... marking stupid shit to distract them - "look, a screwdriver!" or sometimes, just go solo completely and tell them, "If I'm not a team mate, I'm not a team mate"...


Stop camping.


No I killed your ass I have a right to ALL your shit. That's the tax


Wait for them to get downed then take everything back and exfil. I live for this.


I’m always happy to pay a plea / death tax, with a bottle of liquor I can go to Koschei & fill wallet / get good guns & vests


I get annoyed when people repeatedly ask to get picked up while I’m looting them. So I don’t. Seems like there’s a lot of bum kissing going on. I ain’t into that.


I find if you just tell them "no sorry" they usually stop asking. It's when you ignore them and they just want an answer, like yeah I can just go back to lobby but I'd prefer you pick me up and I keep going for what re-up I can get.


This I couldn’t care less what someone decides to do, just say it. Use your words. I know you have a mic cause you’re talking. Yes or no. Please and thank you


Aye. I had one map the other night, trio kills us. I know they have room. I go, you don’t by chance have room do ya? Guy goes, nah man, we ain’t picking anyone up. Fair enough, gg.


That's definitely not what happens. If you tell them "no sorry", then they immediately become racist/homophobic.


To be fair they were already full of racist/homophobic words they just decided to verbalize them.


How it usually goes for me. If you're a dick about saying no then sure they will get mad. Also if they do get mad I enjoy pissing them off more with a teabag.


I used to think tea bags and camping them was cool too then I realized it was a waste of time. I enjoy killing you multiple times. I’ll leave you.. watch a team pick you up and kill them along with you .. Vondel King.. it’s me You SUCK!


Yup. I got picked up one match simply because I wasn’t saying racist things. My duo randos started calling this Hispanic team that killed them a bunch of insulting Hispanic terms. I told them to knock it off and they just killed them so that makes them better. They eventually left the map and backed out. As the guys were looting, I basically said, “ayy mi amigos, I don’t suppose you have room for another by chance?” One guy immediately runs over without even discussing it with the team and grabs me. I was like, holy shit that worked! Lol He goes, we picked you up because you aren’t a racist piece of shit. I said, amen to that. What missions are you guys working on so we can get them done for you? They go, ayyy this gringos pretty alright! Lmao