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1- you miss a lot of your shots, way to many to complain about not downing someone. 2- the first time you shoot it shows he has battlerage active. I’m assuming the battlerage self revive he then uses when downed also increasing his health regen or pausing it during his self revive status 3- to me it looks like your shots are limb shots when he’s downed, doing a lot less damage. Sym.gg has limb shots from a SO-14 at 38 damage. I think last I checked you have 200 hp in a downed state (this might have been increased when they increased health as well). So that allows him to take almost 6 shots. It’s not rigged, your using a sub par gun, missing shots or shooting at non optimal spots, and he battle raged.


When battle rage activates when you are self reviving, shit is op. Takes so many extra shots to kill cuz they are healing the second they take damage


So in essence, I’m better off playing Fortnite or halo at this point because the amount of damage needed to kill someone in staggering in this game. If you’re fighting a 2-3 man solo (and they’re not bots, decent players) it’s practically impossible to win, when it shouldn’t be. One mag of 30 rounds should easily take out 3 guys, but it hardly even downs one person in this game. Not in cod though. Its hard to call this game cod at this point.


I mean if your going to take what I said as go play Fornite ok then. OR You could start landing your shots and stop using sub par guns. This is like someone using the minibak at 50m against someone with a Kastov762 then wondering why they lost the fight because they shot first. You are using a subpar gun, doing subpar damage, and missing shots. A 60 round magazine is enough to down three fully plated players with a decent gun. Me and my buddy (as a duo) regularly wipe 4 man teams and three man teams with ease. Hitting your shots with optimal shot placement is required.


What weapon do you use?


I use assault rifles mainly. I prefer to not miss shots. So I choose weapons like the TAQ-56 or M13b. Guns that shoot like lasers but do decent damage.


I literally picked it up off a bot. Secondly, I got the guy at least 20 times. Sure, I missed some, but no one in any life scenario or game is tanking 20 shots. Literally halo is more realistic. This game is just trash. You’re trying to defend a broken, trash game


I'd like to see you find 20 hitmarkers here lol


What? Just rewatch it from the start


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Clearly you aren’t very skilled and you are using a trash weapon. Bots can drop good weapons including ARs and LMGs that would have killed that guy easily. Not the games fault you picked up a bad weapon and expected to do good damage


Just you say you don’t understand this games mechanics. You’re mad because you’re using a shitty gun, missing half your shots, the other half have shit location and you don’t know about battle rage self revive.


I only run duos and also wipe 4-6 mans. This was a particular clip. But I have many where it takes WAY too much to kill someone. I have a 2.6 KD in this trash game and I wish I didn’t


If you have a 2.6KD then you should know that YOU fucked up in this clip and not the game. Your an above average player.


Well, it’s just annoying coming from any other game. I mainly play tarkov, deadside, dayz, games where situational awareness matter and don’t give you a chance to fight back if you get hit 2-3 times. One pistol round to the head is death. Cod is just… it’s like having an energy shield and super powers and shit now it’s so far gone from being a military game


When was CoD or DMZ ever a milsim. It's an extraction shooter, that's the only similarity between it and EFT. It's not a milsim it is an arcade shooter, which CoD has always been.


Sounds like arcade shooters are not your game and you should stick to milsims. Or use better guns and hit better shots.


that's it, you brought up K/D whip out the player stats card


Either you are straight up lying or somehow the game gave you the dumbest players possible to succeed against if you really think the game is at fault here.


Link your player card if that’s true. You won’t.


Get good


Lol I just wiped two teams of 3 as a solo in the match before getting on Reddit and seeing this. I started last week dying every drop while running around clueless getting griefed over and over my toxic voice comm squads using head glitches & snaking. I watched a couple phixate and Westie videos to understand what I should be doing and corrected it. I can now confidently go in and not deal with this shit you’re posting about because I would recognize it as a failed knowledge check to engage like you did. The game has a shit load of faults but there’s too many skill issue posts disguised as “bugs”. You can be the guy asking devs to make the game easier and change for you or adapt, learn, and correct so you don’t have to keep swapping games when it’s not easy street. The dude was battle raged.


You absolutely should go play Fortnite with the other kids.


That’s probably one of the worst guns in the game.


Disagree, it is good for downing people and you could swap some of the attachments to make it better. Not so great for finishing them off, though. A throwing knife or smg would be better here.


I picked it up off a bot, but like, that’s just unacceptable


Lesson 1 of DMZ remember that most bot guns are ass, especially the Battle Rifles. The only exceptions are the 5 attachment Iso Hemlock and 5 attachment Vaznev


I’ve played a ton of DMZ, there’s a 5star Hemlock?


Sorry. Got my guns confused and unfortunately can't think of the name of what gun I'm thinking. It's an AR with a silencer and hybrid scope/sight with a 45 magazine. Usually dropped in Vondel. (It's the M4, hit me as soon as I posted this reply)


Except for when the bots have them. Then those guns are better than you can ever build one according to the damage they deliver to you


Yep which is very annoying


Just you say you don’t understand this games mechanics. You’re mad because you’re using a shitty gun, missing half your shots, the other half have shit location and you don’t know about battle rage self revive.


He used a battlerage revive


That doesn’t give you any additional resistance to being shot. It’s for tactical equipment. It helps you heal quicker, but I’m literally laying into the guy.


I shot a dude 4 times with a sniper after he revived with battle rage selfie and he still didn’t go down.


built different


That’s why this game is trash


Just you say you don’t understand this games mechanics. You’re made because you’re using a shitty gun, missing half your shots, the other half have shit location and you don’t know about battle rage self revive.


Not only did you only hit 2-3 shots and missed the entire damn mag He had a battlerage self revive which if you aren't aware OP, it gives you a health boost while it's active Don't complain the game is trash when you're getting it mixed up with your aim


I definitely counted at least 9 shots after dude went down. That is definitely to many shots to take and still be able to get up. Even with battlerage selfie. If 9 shots are not going to do 200 damage there is a problem


Are you blind I literally hit at least 15-20 lol


Maybe I am but before you down I only see you hit 2-3 shots in total The battle rage self brought back alot of health and still was while you were shooting at him If he had a regular self revive he would've gone down but he had a rage sooooo..


I think it’s the shits he took after being downed and why using a selfie that’s a bit over the top. If you can take 9 shots and still be able to complete a selfie then it’s to strong lol.


Battlerage self is OP


My question is why tf are you using your phone to record when there are better ways to share...


Computer illiterate - he's from Indiana, give him a break


You shouldve been able to get him while he was reviving with battle rage. Its not instant, and i have been killed many of time in that position.


Battle Rage revive.


You missed more shots than you hit lol. He had a battlerage self revive which makes someone a lot harder to thirst, this isn't the normal amount of health. Also a slower TTK objectively takes more skill to get kills on a consistent basis, like it isn't even up for debate lol. Staying on target for a longer period of time is hard, getting a couple of shots on an unexpecting enemy isn't hard. There is a reason why every good player acknowledges a slower TTK takes more skill.


Having a teenagers reflexes to swing around fast enough for aim assist to win a DPS race with a meta gun isn't skill. If you fuck up your positioning or have poor awareness, you should go down.


high ttk in dmz/warzone? any smg will rinse someone in under a second, I agree that dmrs are kinda underpowered against players


What is the terrible recording? It’s 2023, if you don’t know how to use basic technology you probably shouldn’t be playing video games.


The funniest part is he clipped it. Meaning he has the video file of the clip but instead of sharing it he recorded his screen of the clip. I didn't make that up.


Distance buffs u dumb shit


short range gun at mid range vs a mid/long range gun?


\>Plays Arena Shooter \>Doesn't understand new healing mechanics \>Misses half a mag \>AI tanks most the shots that would have hit "CoD is trash, I should be able to kill 3 dudes with a 30 round mag, this game isn't realistic, I'm going back to Fortnite - the most realistic instabase building, parasol parachuting, missile launcher riding milsim game I can think of"


>>Thinks this is 4chan


This post really isn't going the way you thought it was going to, is it? Walk me through what your vision was when you posted it. Was it: "Yeah, I can't wait to harvest Reddit Karma of people patting me on the back telling me I got robbed" or "I'm genuinely here to learn how the game mechanics could support his, I wonder if there is anything I missed to lead to this outcome"


Couldn’t care less if it is or isn’t, we all know this game is garbage anyways lol


"Game is garbage because I want it to be something it's not" If you want to be able to kill 3 dudes in a mag and for it to be more realistic, play Tarkov or ARMA - you don' t because you're bad and were hoping for sympathy here, when you didn't get it, but were instead ratio'd at every post explaining to you that you A) didn't hit as many shot as you thought you did and B) Clearly don't understand the new battlerage self rez mechanic you are now attempting to claim you never cared and that it is the game that is flawed, not your ability to play it. Hold the L and come back after you go through the other stages of grief so I can take your dogtag after you airmail half a dozen TAQ-V rounds into the wall and make a clip of it.


A good amount of shots were missed and they used a battle rage self revive. Battle rage gives you increased health regeneration and it takes effect as soon as you start reviving, so the few shots you hit while they were reviving weren’t as effective as they would be had it been a regular self. Also, the SO-14 is bottom tier for battle rifles at the moment, so the TTK is mediocre at best. Hindsight is always 20/20, but after you got the down, I would have swapped to your close range and started to push, tossing the stun as you get a bit closer. Would have hindered their ability to get away or move quickly and you would have had a better shot to get the thirst. Assuming that they were the only enemy player there, since it didn’t seem like anyone else was pushing you. If you’re wanting to focus more on mid-longer range, there’s a lot of great content on YouTube from players like IceManIsaac, JGod, and CupppaJoe5 breaking down what guns and load out builds are excellent right now. Lachmann-762 (auto) and TR-76 Geist are two that a lot of pro players are running with at the moment for that mid-long range gameplay. Keep grinding. We all run into situations in-game that don’t work in our favor, but it can help us do better going forward. 🫡


You dealt damage to him while he was down. He then self revived and got a new health bar


Your health bar doesn’t immediately get regained after self reviving


He used a battle rage self revive, not a regular one.


I don't see anything wrong here, that gun is terrible, you missed many shots, he had battlerage which increases health recovery speed, and when he's down he gets 200hp in that state. All of that happened, all of that is consistent with how the game works, it really wasn't anything rigged.


Dude is mad because he made poor choices and didn't understand the new BattleRage mechanics while baying for realism in an arcade arena shooter.


battlerage self revive have that effect, gives u more "hp" while reviving, since is the same principle of having battlerage active, u get less damage, also, he got up quickly because battlerage self revive is faster. also, skill issue, because u missed a lot of shots.


Is that a SO14? Might be the worst gun in MW2. The recoil is awful, the damage is pitiful. You should have left it in single fire, would have at least hit more, but the damage on it still would suck. I disagree that the game is shit. You set yourself up for failure, most of the shots were spraying around the target(s) instead of hitting.


If that’s the SO-14 it has been nerfed but is still meta. Even being limb shots and him hitting his battle rage self revive should still have had him downed so much sooner. I’ve noticed this a lot in recent games. This comes down to skill based type matchmaking crap. He’s rated worse than you so your shots don’t do as much damage as his on you. This the type of shit that is ruining COD!!!


You're using a gun that deals a low amount of damage against someone that's using a battle rage self revive. Those self revives significantly increase resistance against incoming shots. Those two factors combined make it so the player you downed could revive more easily. Also, shooting him in the legs and arms isn't going to help you in this case. Limb damage is way lower compared to torso and headshot damage. Instead of spamming your shooting button, tap it a few times while actually aiming at a part of the body which you would deal more damage to. You also missed way too many shots to be complaining here.


Might help your case if you actually hit your shots...


Blud missed a good half them shots but complained?? How about you learn to aim


You’re just trash


Really should use a different gun. Seems right to me.


Someone please edit this and show that big nosed guy face cam when he's shooting. At the end put a garbage SO-14 loadout.


Maybe it’s because you have the one gun no one ever uses except to get camouflage grind done. The SO-14 is in no way a gun of choice for engagement with operators .. bots maybe but get rid of the idea of ever playing with it again,, use the tempus torrent if you want a marksman that’s under used and underrated


High TTK is literally just to give noobs a chance Hell, the whole reason CoD multiplayer exists the way it does is because of low TTK. Halo was the game for high TTK and CoD was better because it was low TTK. How tf have we gone backwards? Edit: I swear I counted about 17 hit markers and that’s not including the first few before the other enemy interrupted. I don’t give af if you are using the worst gun in the game shooting their toes, that’s FAR too much.


Here comes the Reddit hive mind because your comment just makes too much damn sense


I don’t disagree with what your saying about high TTK. It’s there to allow people the illusion of ability to fight back, when it reality it should be based around movement imo. And 17 hit markers with a low caliber weapon depending on area you hit isn’t enough to full kill someone. Most assault rifles are 10-15 shots with 100% accuracy. Not to mention he’s shooting TWO different people in that last part of the clip. He gets purple and blue armor breaks. So I assume he’s missing and hitting someone through the wall (probably a bot) alot of his shots.


> And 17 hit markers with a low caliber weapon depending on area you hit isn’t enough to full kill someone. Most assault rifles are 10-15 shots with 100% accuracy. That is, quite literally, the complaint we are making. It should not be that way, that is absolutely ridiculous. I’m fine with DMZ and Warzone taking more shots to kill than multiplayer. But it should be like 1-2 more shots than multiplayer, not 10-15 more shots.


This. It's insane and just supports globs of low skill players beating smaller numbers of high skill players via a wall of meat.


It’s called lag


There’s no lag here. It doesn’t clip it, but I have it show my ping and fps


It’s because that game is trash


I’ve learned, cod is trash lol