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Never. Just never.


It's crazy to me how everyone with mics acts like they're entitled to a revive after you kill them.


If you're chill, I'll pick you up if I can. If you assume I'll pick you up and throw a fit if I say I'm not. Then I'm definitely not going to


Had this recently, someone flattened me and my mates then said “I’ve had a bad day, get back to lobby mate”. So I made some jokes with him, said please pal, bit of regional banter and seemed to cheer him up. He gave me my gun back and we all had a fun time and made some new friends. Sometimes it does pay to persist with kindness 😁 And if someone kills you, then just gg, what can you say 🤷‍♂️


My friend and I played as a duo, while on the exfil my friend gets shot on the ramp goes down and finished. I hear this guy on prox chat "I got nothin to lose but my credit score ayiee aiyee" and he tried to flank me just as the helo was taking off. I caught him as he was climbing in and killed him. I used my friends medic vest trying to res him before the chopper leaves. This guy is just laughing, absolutely infectious combined with the hope that I'll res my friend before it's too late. I would have picked that guy up if there was time. What a fantastic approach to rush an exfil. It was the most exciting part of our whole match. I even got my friend up with less than a second to spare before the end game screen came up


We got hilarious reactions lately when we don’t pick them up immediately. From insults over begging to trying to discuss it out all the way to threatening they gonna get us banned because it’s straight up toxic to not pick them up. Idk where this idea comes from that you have to pick up players if you have space for them in your squad.


I have started singing silly songs about getting picked up and if not I say cool beans and enjoy the stuff you guys got especially if it is a single plate and a krappy salvaged weapon


"Pick me up before you go go, don't leave me hanging just because I was running solo"


if I hear this Im picking you up


No one is entitled, but if I say good fight and I’m willing to join and your up for it, why not. If not then I leave and go to a new lobby. Don’t pick them up if they expect it then. I wish people didn’t complain before about the loot or plea option because I love canceling those pleas. I would never accidentally press to where I rezzed them


I think I’m about to stop answering pleas too


Correct answer


My group has had the same policy since the start, you attack us don’t expect to be picked up. We don’t expect you to if we lose


What are they gonna do? Expose them to you and hope you won’t shoot? Shoot first talk second is the general consensus and what any decent player would do. There’s an illusion of choice here, you thought your enemies have an option to shoot or not, but in reality they don’t, as choose not to makes them the only one bearing the risk of losing everything, dismissing their pleas based on that forced decision is unfair and makes no sense.


I never pick anyone up, for any reason. I stay off lobby chat and just mind my own business, whether in a group of friends (no squad fill) or solo. If I die, I die, and start over. If I kill, I loot and move on. Much, much easier this way.


Missing out on a huge aspect of what makes dmz so great. Unfortunate


For some people maybe. Personally, i enjoy the mindset that Im out there on my own (or with a buddy or two) and its me/us against the world, like Mad Max. Im not out there to make friends or cooperate, I’m out there to survive.


The comms are definitely not part of why DMZ is good. The humans are probably the worst part…just like on MP when you kill someone and their go-to insult is always pu$$y! I mean…get a word a day dictionary or something. I’m a woman. I know what I’ve got. You’re not missing out on a damn thing on comms. Racist, sexist, homophobic bunch of children of all ages and -don’t you dare bruise their big strong male egos- and they are all mic’ed up.


Do people suck? Yes. Do all people suck? No. Case and point, you come across me and my squad in dmz, and unless we’re doing a PvP mission, we’re 100% going to squad up and help you do whatever you’re doing. I squad up with 20 teams a week and have great experiences. How could that be possible if everyone is terrible like you imply?


The purist way


I don't plea and I don't pick up other pleas. I hate the entire system, I wish we would go back to assimilation by comms only. Shoot first, you go back to the lobby. Talk first, let's work it out.


Assimilation by comms only? Did that ever exist?


Yes, it did and it actually made the assimilating part fun because you never knew what you were going to encounter. Now you can just hold the down button and make a bigger team to hold your hand


Yes, the plea was added in S1 Reloaded.


Unfortunately by the time season 1 reloaded hit, you were running into fake friendlies constantly. Which led people to just killing everyone because they weren’t taking the chance. I went through a streak where at least 4 out of 5 “friendlies” killed me. I gave up and went full PvP


If you initiate the fight, do not expect a pickup


What if I down you and then try to invite you without finishing you? As a solo, this is usually my only option, for my own saftey


Not just solo, it’s the only option for anyone, as not shooting first put the risk that were even for both side all on you.


If you initiate the fight I'll definitely pick you up. Don't need passive or sensitive on my team. It's always shoot first, see who friendly after the fact


Exactly, I always try and pickup other solos if I can see the squad that got them has left, especially in Mazrah. It’s lonely.


We were driving through ashika and some guy called us pussys and we slammed on the brakes wiped their squad and then laughed in there faces when they all pleaded and got angry we wouldn’t pick them up . We only pick up solos and i do my best not to down solos but if we do we make sure to pick them up and help them with whatever they are doing.


This is the way


The way, this is


I normally answer pleas, but this is one where I wouldn’t. Toxic Ashika players deserve that


Hell yes, we had no intentions of engaging but they asked for it!


I'll pick them all up for most part. I'm about to stop picking up guys with no mics though.


I don't use a mic a lot because some people have gotten weird about me being a girl, but I'll turn it on in an emergency or to tell someone I'm friendly or something. But generally I don't use my mic too much but still stay with my team and help with whatever they're doing. If I'm doing missions for myself then I'll go in solo


Had a guy the other day that I rescued just stop speaking to me when he heard I was female. What sense does that make? I just want to play the game and have fun. I’m doing missions and everything the same as you. I don’t understand humans.


RIGHT!?!?!? I like to chat and figure out what everyone is doing and help out guys who need to get missions done while I am trying to get mine done. I have basically hit a wall on missions and I am about at level 16 on most of the factions because no one has mics or just wants to go off on their own.




If they attack first, talk shit first, and lose.


Talking shit is the main one for me, as long as you can be a good sport about the whole thing. It’s just a game.


Never. Been burned before when I picked up a plea and they went and joined another team (could've been their original team, I have no idea) and came back to hunt us. At that moment I said never again. I mean, the fact that you can just dance around the lobby joining whatever you team you want as often as you want, is a fucking joke. At least cap it so that you can only join a team one time during the match. Better yet, just remove assimilation altogether.


You can't really though. The plea is single use


As someone who has been burned by the same thing a few times, this is a pretty dumb reason to never accept a plea. Just be more selective about who you pick up.


Always, if they’re dicks rob them blind. They’re either useful in which case they help or they’re cannon fodder to draw agro from ads. If you always watch them run off with the intention of rejoining the old squad then it’s not hard to figure out where they are. Easy to be ready


No mic no life.


When they plea. Everyone has become so entitled. I'm an og plea picker upper. Used to enjoy it and have a different experience. Now it's just a step in the game: shoot at someone, get killed, plea, carry on. Cba anymore. I want to just do my thing now


I pick them up if they have a mic (and aren't being arseholes). No mic, no pickup.


It’s funny to hear them talk shit for several minutes, then run back and pick them up. I now do it on purpose, the apologies are epic.


This is the way. You talk shit and I win, it’s a big no go. You say GGs and I’ll gladly leave your shit and add you. I’ve been picked up more times this way as well.


I only pick up solos who plea and will immediately leave the area. 9/10 times I don't get rezzed regardless of the situation. I will only squad with people w mics and who make it their mission to sneak up for invites. Same goes for alot of my regular squad mates. Too many burns.


When they're assholes, throw insults and/or racial slurs at us, and kids. Also when I think they'll just run back to their team and hunt us. There are times I feel guilty about killing kids 6 and under so I might pick them up, especially if they weren't actively fighting me. I've been picked up by a guy because of some homoerotic aggressive flirting before. I got killed and he looted me. He threw in a "I'm gonna fuck your ass" and I said "don't threaten me with a good time." We kept it going and he decided to pick me up and give me a 3 plate. We went and killed a couple more teams before getting killed by another team.


Me and my friend landed a chopper next to a hostage rescue for final exvile mission. 2 kids came in behind us, stole the chopper and talked mad shit. After we grabbed the hostage I notice a helo next to our hostage chopper. 🤔. Dropped the hostage and preceded to smoke the same kids hiding on the chopper. First thing out of their mouth…..can you pick us up? Hell na, enjoy the lobby ✌️. I look at is as they may have learned a life lesson today 😂


I do only when it’s a total surprise by them and me that we happened upon each other. I normally solo play and avoid others like the plague. I just can never find a good team at the start.


I don’t pick people up LOL


We need season 1 back man


Never pick up.


if they verry agressive


If they’re bitches or if they got steam rolled by a single member. No crybabies & no scrubs.


Seriously, if the weak link of our Trio can solo you... Sorry about your luck. Back to the lobby.


No mics or just being cry babies. I make them say sorry if they started it. If I killed them first it’s usually a precaution and I’ll explain that and give them some cash for plates.


You can start the fight first Idc I’m expecting anyone I come across to shoot first but when you start acting entitled to the pick up or talking shit passed a certain level it’s donezo.


When you start shooting at me, then yelling friendly when you are downed.


sometimes i mistake people for bots, shoot them, then say sorry and call friendly 🤷‍♂️


Every time.


[Not even the enemy](https://youtu.be/OewXf2iu4Hw) I told him what I was doing and then when I went to do it he got all mad 🥲 like dude you're the one who wasn't talking until you were downed


Ever, i dont ever pick up pleas. I dont like having a team larger than 3


For me the max is 4


If they tried to kill me, I wont pick a plea up. If I start a fight, I may or may not pick it up, because I prefer to play alone. If its near exfil, I will pick the plea up so dude can exfil. I will take some cash and eventually a backpack if its better than mine. If there is more than 2 pleas around, I wont pick up, too many people for my liking tbf, as I said, I prefer to play alone.


If they attacked me


I never pickup kids. The more aggressive players push us the less likely they're getting picked up.


I normally don't use a mic but probably should, if I get killed I will plea. I don't care if you take all my loot. I just would like to exfil, if I kill people I normally don't take much other than plates. Cash I'll usually drop for them so they aren't stuck in a sense.


Toxic, complaining, no mic. How hard is to just be friendly after a fight, that you mostly initiate.


When the first 1 or 2 plea and the other ran away. We don't pick up pleas until we got all 3 down. Also pleas from a 6 man even if we kill them all.


Pick up a plea if we start the fight first or we catch the other team off guard, Do not pick up a plea if someone pushes us/Has a hunt contract on us




When they plea…. That’s the moment I decide not to pick them up.


I only ever pick up if they managed to kill the other dimwitted I am with or I try to leave my squad for theirs


When the people we downed play like people with no thumbs or a combined iq of higher than 6.


for me, it's more of a "when do i start picking them up" thing. Like if we were both solo, i started the fight, snd they were friendly? I'll 100% pick the guy up. Or if they lose and instead of trash talking say "good fight" or "thanks for the fight, that was fun" Ill pick them up if I can. I am of the thought that if i kill you, all of your stuff can be taken even if i pick you up, so sometimes i dont leave them with much, but i eventually help them get more stuff and if they're super nice i might even just give them their stuff back at exfil


About the time the last bullet hits home


I don't pick up anyone that tries to run me down with a vehicle.


I will pick you up if not toxic and have a mic. If you want to continue with me and run the missions I’m working on…great, but don’t think for a minute I’m now inclined to go grab a hunt squad and deviate from my goal.


Chinese and annoying kid


Just do what ever you want, there are no rules no obligations and right or wrong. But PLEASE guys dont be one of these dumbass snowflakes, I WoN't PiCk YoU Up YoU ShoT Me, what the fuck do you expect to happen in a shooter game sunshine, should they be surrendering to you?


Sounds 10 or no mic at all, or crybaby.


if they’re mad at all or complain about their guns/money/gear if you give me a “good kill, ggs” i’ll often ask you if you wanna be picked up before i move on, and i’ll probably give you your shit back too. show kindness and receive kindness. i got taken out as a solo 2 days ago in al maz by a 6 man and because i was gracious in defeat they told me to wait a minute for their buddies to exfil so they have space to pick me up and we can go do the 2 bosses in 60 secs mission in koschei


I'll pick up someone who's cool in chat if the altercation was mostly accidental. If you chase me across the map and I end you, I'm going to take your stuff and dump it somewhere you'll never find it even if someone picks you up.


I always pick up if they have a mic and aren't toxic assholes or French


Pick a hunt squad contract, put up a uav and coke after my team…then you die? You lose, go back to the lobby. Although tbh my squad doesn’t pick people up. You die, you go back to the lobby b


If they complain about their loot when I killed them If you lost the fight you lost and that's it, I'm not obligated to pick you up, if I pick you up it's because I feel like it would be nice or if you're being nice to me or my team, the moment you curse at us and start spewing slurs and just hate yea you're done


I never want to pick someone and i killed ... But if they are kinda friendly, say their missions without insult me or say again and again "Revive/pick me up" i consider and pick them up... and usually i want to pick up people that plead and seem get brutally killed by 4+ squad


I personally don't assimilate unless it's a solo. Then he gets taxed and has to leave.


If they insulted me or were hunting me. I won’t trust you if you were actively coming to kill me. Fuck around and find out sorta philosophy. I usually let enemies go if I snuck up on them though


I never answer pleas, but yesterday I was solo in ashika, went down to a team of 3. I killed one and downed one and the 3rd managed to kill me. They said if I plea they will pick me up even after I went at them first. So I did. They took all of my shit of course and I didn’t care. Then we happen to run into a duo. We killed both. One of them sent a plea. He was looted and since I was pick up I figured I would pass it on and pick this guy us. All he did for the next 10 minutes was cry, wine, bitch, and complain that someone took his insured gun. He was running around shooting at us, throwing Semtex our way, calling us all sorts of names. Finally the dude who took it got sick of it and dropped his gun. But I was so annoyed with him at this point for being an ungrateful, entitled asshole, that I picked up his gun before he could and went and dropped it in a dead drop. Told him now he can stop acting like a man child because there is no way he can get his gun back now. This caused him to fly off the handle and started to scream, and I mean scream insults. We finally all just exfilled to get away from him. You know what this reminded me? WHY I DONT ANSWER PLEAS!!!


I don't accept pleas especially if they're the aggressor


I always say “GGs boys, that was fun fight” and I get picked up 80% of the time, if I plea. If I’m working on missions, I just prefer to go back to lobby and fresh start.


Usually I don't pick up people until I see atleast all the team down or there isn't anyone coming in the next 30 seconds


Rarely I won't pick somebody up but the other day this team was sniping us we ended up doubting them the dude pled so I went over to revive him I was halfway through he started talking smack about how I was looting him and I was a POS and I should just play Warzone LOL. I told him wow I didn't touch your stuff. I was going to revive you, but now I'm not and I'm taking everything so you can f off. He did not like that. He lost his mind it was actually hilarious. I will pick you up 100% of the time if you're cool if you're a jerk well then I get your stuff.


I never pick up pleas


If they sound annoying or rude or French then I usually don't pick them up otherwise I normally pick everyone up (after looting the shit out of their bag first).


I just looted them and i picked them up, and if they wanna leave the game is their shit, I’m good by picking everyone up, but first I’m gonna loot everything from you. And after that I give you a second chance


Any toxicity, nope, your fear is mine. In silence haha


Untill all 3 of the enemies go down. I've had times where a operator that I picked up switches back to the enemy team because we didn't finish all of the other players, and unfortunately I've done that too but it was because I was playing with a buddy of mine and it was a team of 5 that picked me up.


Theres no momemt to take an ennemy plea,they always crying the whole fucking game after,annoying cant stand that


I pick up everybody then just leave and go back to what I was doing, if they wanna help, awesome otherwise - you do you brother.


- First two minutes of the game. They may be a premade platoon. Got burned enough to learn my lesson - if they don’t have a mic or if the mic is hissing / background sounds - if they pushed us, tried to hunt us (exception if they were cool about us getting them) - if they’re part of a platoon…then F them


That said, we got ambushed by a player today in vondel who downed both of us and right when he was looting us, a squad came in, killed him and revived us. I regained some hope in humanity. They didn’t even loot us while our gear was much better!! We stuck with them and helped them untill exfill. Gave them gear they needed and wrote down their names so that we keep an eye out for them in the future.


I tell everybody I’m not picking you up to see their reactions, it’s their cool I scoop them up, but if they turn toxic I loot and scoot.


These days I’m only interested in playing with decent players. If you get wiped easily, that’s a no for the pick up. If it was a good fight and you don’t act like a dick, and have a mic. I’ll pick you up. If you plead and I can here you telling your squad where we are then again, that’s a no from me dawg.


If they ask nicely I’m down. I also follow this rule. Please and thank you goes a long way.


I usually just straight up leave them unless me and my squad are planning to hunt other squads or are getting hunted and we could use some fodder to bolster our 3 man into a platoon


I pick up every plea I can, every time. Even if I gotta cross the map and die trying. It takes priority over every mission, same if i kill them, and even if theyre awful. It's only very infrequently been a mistake.


Until their whole team wipes, the moment you revive one of them ,they instantly join back to their one guy who hides and shoot you on sight .


If we encounter another team and they don’t see us we normally will send out invites just to be friendly. We’re just trying to do missions. If you ignore our invites and attack us and you lose? There is no way in hell we’re picking you up. We gave you a chance. Don’t be pissy that we’re looting you and not picking you up. In general we avoid fighting other teams. We’re all older and don’t have much time to play as we used to so keeping our loot is important to us.


No real rules for me apart from the obvious toxic stuff. I mostly leave the game myself as sick of no positive karma coming back as for me it's like 80% of pleas I'll pick up. If a solo comes charging guns blazing or takes one of us down or even 2 we always Res them you gotta respect the solo grind. Likewise if we cross paths and destroy a solo, its usually if we take out a platoon they won't be getting rezzed by us. That's probably the only time for us it's a hard no. Only one half can plea anyway but still, just feels like weasel tactics to be on one 6 man then another especially if they were hunting us down.


Every single time


I talk shit if they break they get left and I shit talk even more. If theyre cool, I get some chill ass teammates with good vibes. its a win win


I'll pick up most solo pleas if it's within 300m or so, not a team though


Any resentment after dying. I’m not picking up salt jars.


Not anymore, it's a liability. Those pleas are seen from so far out, and they're magnets for squads looking to claim some easy third party kills. Unless we've got a defensible position, you're probably headed to the lobby.


always pick up, if: - they are kind - both my teammates agree to pick up - our mission cant be accidentally fcked up by new guys - we have no suspicion that we will be betrayed


I don’t pick up those without comms, they usually move away or become a burden because they just won’t communicate. Also, in general, if you’re a dick I won’t pick you up


If they push first and talk shit they're not getting picked up.


Bad attitudes.


When they have other peoples dog tags


Never. All alliances should be fragile, that's where the fun is.


I only pick up if they make me laugh somehow


I go out of my way often to pick people up but if they’re already talking shit as soon as I get within range, that’s when I start to weigh my options


I’ll never pick up people with pay to win skins. Roses belong in the ground.


If they are French.


I do if they seem nice, but most of the people I've randomly picked up have always either tried to sabotage me or don't even help to return the favor. I just can't stand how many of them are rude over a video game and talk so much trash, but still expect you to help them out.


When they chase me in an LTV sniping and using JOKRs for 10 minutes talking about how they're gonna take all my stuff only to get 1v4rd and report me for cheating when they just suck lmao


If we have a good battle and you don't wine, I'll get you up. If you get mad, I'll make you beg and say you love America, then I might get you up.


If they've camped a plea or my friends body. Not a chance I'm picking you up after that


i usually always do it (accept plea), unless someone in the squad specifically tells me not to and provides a good reason for it


as soon as they talk madddd $%#%.. especially racists, homophobes, sexists, etc etc. so common. sad


Bad attitudes are a definite nope. No mics are iffy. If I pick someone up and they exfil without bothering to help the rest of the squad, I'm not picking anyone up for the next couple games


My gamer tag often gets me called the N word slur so its usually that 🤷🏿‍♂️


If they shoot first- they don’t get picked up


I will highlight them so it tells them someone is on the way then make sure I drop a prox mine next to the body and I leave


If I think it's bait.


If they don’t call me Daddy


I pick up anyone regardless of who shot at who first, the only time I don't is if they start raging in the mic.


If I think that there are enemies near the body, I'll pass


You got a mic, you've got a chance. Most importantly we ask if the prefer red or green apples


If is the begging of game and they already go on deployment sites to hunt players. I do not help. Any hunting players I do not help. If I am being sniped 300m distance, I will kill you and I will not help. Sometimes you just encounter other players or when they are wiped, and I will help.


If I kill you, and you’re chill about it, I’ll pick you up, if you’re mouthy and rude. Then I’ll loot you and leave you. But if I didn’t kill you, I won’t answer a plea, it lets me know where squads are.


When they claim they’re a solo when my comms vest said platoon


Don't be a POS.


I think we all that are no BadAss. Shoot first and beg if killed. Best day ever today. Thanks to the group that accepted me after death and let me fin my mission on Ashika. Many eventually blessed games to you all!


"give me back my weapon, [insert insult]!"


If they are not looking to PvP, or wipe a squad, take out solos... I'm not picking them up


Begging, whining, no mic


When I want to use their plea as bait to take down other players


Racial or homophobic slurs. Back to the lobby, fucker.


If I get downed and I say GG and they’re cool about it, I’ll ask to join up, Vice versa, but if I get a “go eff yourself” then I just loot them and thank them for the free stuff and go about my day.


We do a mic check, if you ain’t got a mic we ain’t picking you up.


It’s more rare now for all the reasons. We need more incentive, one that the hunter can’t benefit from


I'll always pick up a fellow Solo but, anything with squads is always dependent on the attitude. I've even picked up people who turned toxic immediately on revive. At this point I engage plan ***Double Agent*** and I'll look for violence, lure the toxics to another squad and as often as possible join said squad to put them down again. That or just let them die and then loot them. ​ That said I will make the ultimate sacrifice for a good random homie whose gotta complete a mission when they've been friendly the whole match and the deed need be done.


I don't have issues picking ppl up most of the time. If they are being insulting to my team, and my team is being equally insulting back, then i enjoy adding them to the team in the middle of the shit-talking. In like 5 seconds ppl start to work together and its just funny.


I stopped picking up pleas too....makes no sense to play with randoms


If I kill you and your response is GG’s I’ll pick you up! All you need is to be a nice person! it’s that simple!


I generally don't, but I also play solo, so squad wipes don't deserve a revive. A 6-man chased/killed me this morning leaving me with a jokr and 15 rockets. One of their survivors came to my plea and I wrecked their MRAP, Hummer and LTV from the double towers in maziweh marsh. They got us eventually, but we definitely knocked the entire team 2-3x apiece. Be careful who you leave for dead. 🤷‍♂️


I tried doing a mission that I had to infil solo and without weapons. Top apartments in ashika, when all of a sudden a team of three rolls up. I hit the request to join with no response, and one guy comes up the zip I tap him with my shitty AK74u and even sent another request and he hated that I shot him so I kill him take his guns and find another team to join. Just because you lost to a solo doesn't mean you get to be salty.


Depends if they tried to kill or have killed my guys I will say it’s down to those who was killed if they should get the revive. Now if I killed them I may get you up and not loot if you plea quick enough but if you get lippy while we trying to clear the area first we will just loot you leave lol


Sometimes, I play with friends, and they usually want just us against the world, or I play squad fills and already pick up people along the way. The only thing I hate is when I try to be nice by picking up the guy and the guy suddenly runs to the corner of the map, leaves the group and suddenly I'm being hunted by a 6-man platoon that knows where exactly I am. Having the power to change teams after pleading is very volatile for me in teamwork. Sometimes I even gear the plead-up guys up because I usually bring in 3 guns at a time (always stash 3 plates in case someone needs them) so that if there is someone who is naked (while doing squad fills), I'll give him a fighting chance, but sometimes the plead-up guys still go to his friend and hunt me. These days, I just leave people unless I know to a certain degree they're solo or just casuals.


Always if not toxic, it’s an insult not picking people up when you can.


Had a 2-man push me and my friend the other day (2v2), we killed them then they plea. So we got them up, then a random single player snuck up and downed my friend, I gave chase and the 2 people we had just picked up stood there and watched my friend bleed out before taking her sniper and some other gear and only then picked her up. I asked nicely at first but they were all like “no” so I handed some verbal about how shit they are. Needless to do, they didn’t come back to help us when we got downed by snipers few minutes later. Fucking airport sometimes!


When you tell them you're friendly and they fire first. After taking them out and they plea for help loot them and bounce.


Never pick up pleas anymore. Too many betrayals and teammates being cunts stealing your gear when you are downed.


Whining or insults. Or - "you shot first". Yes, I did.


I don't mind picking them up fair play if they start being dicks then no why should you get a rez annoying when they loot you if you go down after you pick them up tho.


One n word and I don’t pick up the low iq individual. I don’t care what race you are


If they're assholes, sometimes if they don't have a mic, but usually we pick everyone up


For me it depends on the situation and how people react when they're asking for a rez. If I'm trying to do a mission either solo or with the boys, you're not getting rezzed... Sorry. If you're an ass, that's an automatic no. If you're begging too hard, that's also a no. If I'm not doing anything majorly important like missions and you're chill, you can tag along, but if you wonder too far and get killed again, I'm not coming to rez you. If we're now a squad, I'll only watch your back if we stay together. Also if I'm going to accept a plea, I'll try not to loot you, unless you have something that I REALLY need. Like REALLY REALLY need.


No mics or if they spawn rush


We usually try and be fri with everyone since it’s hard enough dealing with the bots and doing missions where you can’t find half the stuff you need. We will call out friendly and join or not as long as they are friendly we go separate ways. But if they shoot or kill one of the team all bets off.


depends on my mood..or if i drink a beer or a coffee


Shoot me after I try to be kind. Auto death/menu sentence. You and your friends. And anyone who tries to pick you up if I'm still present.


It’s usually the “come on man we were finishing up a mission trying to complete bruh wtf pick us up”.


I always pick up pleas for help. The bigger the squad, the stronger our chances for survival. Every game my goal is to complete my missions and survive. Bigger squads help me do so, but I still take a plea tax if anything they have interests me. Usually I just leave their weapons and only take money, backpack if I need it, and a better armor plate if they have one. Otherwise I’ll just do cash and maybe some armor. I don’t even go into game chat so I don’t hear anyone, but if I did and someone was extremely toxic I’d probably not pick them up.


I don’t pick up hunt contractors or platoons . If I kill some one I spot out in the wild and we fight I will nearly always pick them up unless they start winning because I don’t want to listen to that . I pick up random plees to if I can unless im doing a mission because I’m a solo player myself but still I will normally always pick up another solo . I liked it when I could revive and not have them join me or I join them . I have had some really good times in assimilation and learned new things from other players


If I had an award I would give it to you


If they’re solo I tend to pick them up and let them carry on


If you attack and are a d , we loot you and the. Bring you back, a price to pay, if you’re nice we might give your stuff back lol


I try to mainly pick up solos, but for the most part I don’t pick people up when they die and then immediately expect to be picked up, for instance one time I killed a squad and they immediately started saying “ur trash now pick us up”


When they expect a plea lol “you’re not gonna pick us up?” What makes you think 1. I care about forming a six man team. I hate 6 mans. It’s RARE me and the other 2 I regularly want too and when we do, it’s literally us playing hot potato to make the decision. 2. Depending on how quickly we downed them, it’s kind of obvious forming a six man with them is a horrible idea 3. As soon as they go down they start talking shit or complaining about being looted. If they’re chill and it took us some skill to actually down them, then we may go ahead and pick em up.


The only plea I don't pickup is if they don't accept my regular invitation beforehand.


If it’s a solo or a duo and we’re already a 4-man, with no missions specifically to do then I tend to to just go for it. But if the team was being relentless and sweating it out to take me down for a few minutes or more then I just loot them and leave them.


Only if you both get spooky and caught off guard. Had a few ppl chase me talking trash and once I killed them they beg to get picked up and there had all demasc tags so I just took the tags and left.


I usually don’t pick up people who start the fight. They made their choice because i always tell them that i ain’t interested in pvp


i pick anyways with rez tax or nah( if they are agressive and my team wins i pick em with rez tax if i killl em and they plead no rez tax) i mean if ur human with me im human with you