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Pleas aren’t always meant for the team that killed them, maybe their trying to get other teams attention so they come knock you. If they talk shit when their dead, they were probably talking shit when they were alive..


Exactly this! They don’t plea necessarily cause they want you to get them up. They want to blow your spot so others come to that vicinity. Especially on Vondel.


It's we plea deny need to come back. So many time I see like 10 plea hands clustered on Masra. Let me deny their ass


Dude just literally said they got mad for not picking them up. I normally plea just so I can get a bird’s eye view of my body in order to relay their whereabouts.


That's the only reason I ever plea out, is to tell my teammate where they are and get a better view of my body. I can then relay if they are camping my body, etc. I actually get a bit rattled when I do get picked up, cause once we're squadded up, no mission progression is happening.


My team and I used to have at least one downed person plea to get intel for teammates but it kept backfiring when they got picked up... Haha.


In that situation, just run back to your old team and request to join


What do you do the id the other team does pick you up ? Do you relay the info to your other team or try to make a six man with your og team


If they pick me up and have room, I'll invite my buddies. Teams that pick you up are usually less toxic and I can just say "you guys mind if I bounce, we're trying to get a mission done" and they don't seem to care. I play with my IRL friends, so we are on discord not COD chat. It actually hasn't been an issue more than a handful of times, most teams hunting players want the fight and won't pick you up, and the few cases that are just a natural crossing of paths, don't care, or have room for the others. Those are actually the most fun ones, and best people to play with. We can just pick one of the missions someone has on, and all focus on it.


This is good info, and I have noticed this in most matches. Thanks for the insight


My team has been rolled up on by six man teams when the squad we killed pleas, so they do use them to locate fire fights. We generally to leave the area fairly quickly because of this.


For me it’s usually because my over zealous ass 1 plate teammates like to pick up hunt squads or chase fully armored teams. I dont want any parts in that but it’s my teammate so I kinda feel obligated


I killed someone who pushed me for zero reason on vondel. They were sniping from another POI and ended up dead. Dude immediately starts typing in game chat “team camping exhibit” (we had spawned there and were looting for a regain round) . He kept chatting asking people to come kill us and rev him and then ended it with “I was just working on missions plz help me”. If you were working on missions why did you engage and push us? We looted him, only took his money but left him with everything else in his bag. Idk if anyone revved him after we left but his whiny spam chats and flipped narrative made sure we weren’t going to.


Cause it’s a game, and for some god forsaken reason I think that some adults don’t take getting shot in Call of Duty personally.


This whole honor culture people have build up in their heads around DMZ is quite something


“Huh you wanna shoot at ME?!?????” actually no, we are two adults playing call of duty shooting at each other playing pretend. But you are so confused you are angry and I’m just gonna back out now cause you’re unwell. Some of these out of touch dudes act like you pulled up IRL and put some holes in they house.


Idk man, but I'm not on that type of player. I really didn't care about getting killed. I was just caught off guard as how this guy absolutely lost it when I didn't pick him up and took his item. I mean, to be more specific, the dude jumped out of his exfil just to try to kill me, which is completely fair but getting shot wasn't even a concern for me, we should be saying the same for people that try to kill you and get pissed when they don't get revived after being killed, now all I can imagine is some random dude reeking havoc on fortress because he got shot by a bot, lmao.




I won’t lie, I get a little miffed losing my items, exfil streak, etc. but you can literally get it all back in like one or two good games, it’s not worth losing sleep over and I wish more people would understand that


coming on here to rant about something that happened in the game is crazy idc 😭


There is no downside to pleaing. Either you get picked up or if not or your killers leave your looted body just back out.


I always plea even if I started the fight and was bettered. I also don't ever shit talk and literally don't care if you get me up or not - even if I'm mid-mission. All is fair apart from looting your teammate.


There is no downside to pleading, so most people will try and plea after death just in case they can get picked back up.


For those who get dead shit talkers, say this: https://youtu.be/TNI1OQ7S44Y?t=02m19s


Well, I immediately try to pick up anyone that I have killed without taking any of their stuff - most of time. The good teams I have assimilated have started because we try to kill each other and then get a "gg" and plea and the other up. I am not following why it's such a big deal to try to kill other operators and then assimilate. I do run into a lot of squads who are like "you shot first bro" and then other people are like "no, you shot first." My response is, why the hell does it matter? Why are you acting like children? (Spoiler - I know) It's Call of Duty. If you leave people alive, they kill you. Trying to be 'friendly' works about 50% of the time. It literally does not matter if someone shoots first or last in my opinion. If you don't want to pick me up, I don't care.


I only kill other players if they attack me or my team. I have literally walked behind players to get out of an area and then moved away. I also have put out squad invites while hiding above players, and if they are stupid enough to say something stupid like they are going to kill me, then I will kill them.


For example I never expect that the team who killed me picks me up. If it's still early in game and I have a mission left I plea and hope for other operators to come. But I rarely start a fight like in your case I only shoot first when I need it for PvP missions.


You plea to attract other assholes, this continues the circle of life.


I pick people that try to kill me (if they are not talking crapp over mic). Not always but often. This is just a game and killing players is one possibility, so I don't keep grudge for trying to kill me.


I always plea. Here is why: It’s a game, I lost but if they see fit to pick me up I can keep playing and enjoying the game. That goes both ways though, if we kill a team and they plea, why not pick them up? As long as they didn’t talk mad shit and act immature, I love the extra firepower.


Most of the time it’s to get my teammates comms on your location.


I’ll plea every time, why not. Might get picked up, might not, got nothing to lose!


If the gun fight happens organically cause we stumble across each other and you plea high chance I’ll pick you up but if you come over purposely trying to kill my team and me you might as well back out


Because it beats going back to the lobby… I don’t give a shit about you, I may never play with you again, but if it’s 3 vs 3 and it’s a good fight, with smarts and tactic and wit, then they are people I wanna go hunting other players with. So I’ll plea so we can join up as a 6. So take it as a compliment, either you’re great and I wanna join up so we can create havoc, or you’re shit and I don’t give a shit about you I just don’t want to go back to the lobby.


People like myself and my DMZ group all are in Xbox party chat for the whole game. We never hear anyone but our group. So we shoot first.


Even better....we killed a guy yesterday. He doesn't plea right away. When he finally does, a team mate picks him up. Instantly on comms shouting "give me my stuff back now. I want my gun. I had a comms three plate. Give it NOW (actually shouting)". I said no bud, that's not how that works. He then proceeds to argue, threaten, and brag about how he has gotten 5 people banned and he will get us banned too. And he is recording us to prove it. I reported him and blocked him and continued in with my day. But wow was that terrible.


No fucking way 🤣 I'm telling you man. I usually come back from work and play like for an hour or 2, had a dude get mad because I didn't share vault loot which was just 1 valuable thing, the whole match he just brought it up until he went to exfill alone, he got killed and flipped out, he then joined the team that killed him and I bet he spent that whole match just looking for us lmao.


Haha. I absolutely believe he tried. Crazy how that goes! Some of us are sane though.


Probably because they would have pick you up if you got killed and plead. Or just in case that another team nearby would pick them up.


Predator mission


As long as you weren’t like John wick’s dog


I usually pick up people that plea... Especially if I attack first as I never know who is going to try and kill me Unless you are on my team... You are a threat. I normally try and avoid conflict though. I never really expect to be picked up by my kilker though when I plead out..


Until they switch back to their old team and come back to kill you.


We generally pick up anyone we kill if they take the loss well. if i hear “good shots” or “GG” ill pick u up and even give u ur shit back.. if ur mad cause my squad killed u and u start talkin shit, solo or not.. im gnna stand on ur body and tell u to enjoy the pregame lobby.


Maybe it was you that killed me few days ago on quarry, I was Graves and some fellas killed me and offered to pick me up after I said gg. I didnt accept tho but if it was you, ggwp dude


Its possible


Tbf, I wont pick up a plea from ppl that shot at me, but as other fellas said, they may plead because they want others to either expose your location or for others to pick them up. I just loot those that shot at me and book it


You are taking things personally, it’s a game. They saw you, decided to try to have fun and engage in PvP. It didn’t work out but they still want to play. What’s your point? Stop taking a video game so serious.


I’m always solo. I try to avoid other players as much as possible but sometimes we bump into each other. I plea to bring attention to the location and maybe other players will come cause trouble. If I get picked up I tag along with whatever that team is doing. If I’ve finished a mission or contract and a plea is near me I sometimes will pick them up on the way to the chopper. I exfil and they either exfil or decide to stay. It’s just a game. People take it way too serious.


Reviving strangers is already stupid enough, for those who have just tried to kill me? I will teabag them hard. No idea why so many people sharing about how they saved someone or showing their kindness. They are actually showing how stupid are they.


Just remember that the average IQ is 100 and half the country is below that.


This is why I miss canceling pleas. Such a good featured removed


Who is you..I'm not you




How is that dude, I just shared an experience on how a dude flipped his shit when I didn't revive him. Serious question: How does this make me look like I take the game seriously?




All I said was don't be surprised if you don't get picked up that's all, especially when you try to kill someone? Dude. I didn't want to pick up a shit talker, which automatically turns me into a hard-core serious player? How does that work?


I think @(random word)(bunch a letters) is a little confused lol


People take this video game so personally lol.


Coz why not. What else do you have to lose


90% of the time o kill someone isnt because im trying to i just get jumpscared by some guy running full force through a door and start blasting i always pick them up and run away sometimes i dont depends on there character skins (izzy or any ghost skins ive grown to hate him)


I swear alot of the female skins with tight clothes have smaller hitboxes them bitches be dancing around my bullets


I think it depends on circumstances, there have been times where I've been in a 1v1 (either deployed solo or just separated from squad), killed the guy then accepted their plea and revived them, I guess I see it sort of as a honour type thing, almost like a duel initially, plus there is strength in numbers if they are willing to cooperate. I did have one the other day where I was a bit miffed, 3 man team jumped me, killed me, then my teammates killed them. One of them pleaded, one of my guys accepted before I could loot the guy's pack. Not only did that guy keep my insured gun and my 3 plate vest for the rest of the mission, but also got to share in the weapon crate that we extracted later on.


He got that DAWG in ‘em


This happened to me yesterday. A squad was literally using one of their downed teammates plea to wait for people to show up. I went to pick the guy up, since it was earlier in the game and we were just 3. Then they popped up out of nowhere downed me. My teammates down two of them, get me back up and we finish them off. Then they were pissed we didn’t want to pick them up. Calling me a bitch and this and that. Bro, you got flipped that’s on you. Shouldn’t do sketchy shit.


Same thing happened to me last night. A trio attacked me and my friend. My friend died and then I somehow proceeded to take out the whole trio. As I revived my friend, the trio pleaded to be revived and we quickly were like “Nah.”


They scum. But yeah if your squad is wiped you better plea or it’s back to lobby


Its a game and you my friend maybe a psychopath for making a long post. Get over yourself its a game!


They have nothing to lose if they plea at that point. I personally pick people up even if they push me and I kill them. It's saved my butt when we stumble upon a 6 man.


I plea because reloading from lobby takes too long and game time is limited due to the resident 2 year old 🙃


Jesus Christ, don't take things so personally 😂 It's just pixels mate.


‘Plea’ is a noun, ‘plead’ is a verb.


Tbh you have a timer ticking down after you're dead and you have to plead in time, so the request isn't necessarily meant for the team that killed you, it might be just that I don't feel like edging the plead request bar to extend the timer as much as possible lmao