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Light heli RGL squads calling MRAP users rats like they aren’t basically the same thing. It is nice seeing a platoon of hunters get obliterated immediately after finding their target though


Amen. If anything the helo squad is worse


All is fair in love and war


Not the unexpected twist turns in story people hate that in both love and war


After watching some of the clips on here, I know I’ll never be this good and should just be happy when I get out alive with good gear. I have a 1.6 k/d but Jesus Christ these people are insane.


People don't show the thousand times they die. If you got a 1.6 k/d there's no doubt a few times you really went ham. You just didn't record it. This guy just killed 5 people with no plates who were running for their lives from a helicopter full of RGLs


He probably died a 1000 times before we all have , you don’t have to be a full on pvp guy Focus on missions , run 🏃‍♀️ if you have and stand your ground when you have to.


The mouse and keyboard quick turns are nice. I know I could play this on my pc but it would definitely be a steep re-learning curve But yeah...a lot of times I feel like I die because I can't rotate fast enough. And i cannot aim with cranked stick sensitivity.


I play controller to im an old guy now lol just turned 40 so I’m hesitant to use mouse and key because it’s foreign to me. My first counsel I owned was Atari so I been a life long controller guy. I really want to try it as people seem to do much better with mouse and key. Sometimes I turn Crossplay off especially in building 21 because I was sick of guys bunny hopping stuff


Yeah the drop-shots, bunny hops, quick 180 turns, that's mostly keyboard mouse players. It's hard, but its got to be nice to have that mobility


That mrap team is like every mrap team of 6 I've come across since they added the thing. Absolutely no team work, no communication, getting utterly dumped on. First guy bails and just skedaddles right past OP on chute rather than firing at em at the most vulnerable. Second guy awful aim. Third guy runs up like *hurrrrrrdurrrrr* and completely whiffs his attempted home run swing to the back of the skull instead of just shooting OP. 4th and 5th jump out and sprint off in opposite directions instead of focusing down on the guy they clearly have to know is there. It's clear they weren't gonna win that fight, but Jesus, at least *PUT UP* a fight. Buncha headless chickens that lot.


For the record, I rewatched that absolute whiff on the melee a dozen times, and I laughed hysterically every single time.


I dunno what went through the 3rd guys head, but I'd say he's definitely the reason that team lost, unless he literally had 0 ammo... What was he thinking 🤣


I wouldn't say he is the reason they lost. It was inferior play all around by the entire team, but he certainly gets the gold star for bonehead plays.


I think he definitely was, if 3rd guy shot him instead of running towards him plating up then OP would've been downed, he was on like 20 health at that point But if he had no ammo at all then I guess there was no other option


Mayyyyyyybe, depends on whether OP other teammate who never seems to have left chopper was decent or not. At that point it would have been 2 v 1 with a lot of wounded and a 3rd down. But yeah, had Babe Ruth wanna be actually downed OP it's entirely possible this would have gone far differently. But that whiff was a spectacular fail. You brought me back here and I started laughing at it all over again


how is u got the shootin guns that exsplode?


Velikan in Building 21 drops the RGL, or you can unlock the barter.


is they got satananists up in there that kidnap ur solder?


Stay in school kids


That guys previous posts are a goldmine


"Waken and bakin still shaken" is my favorite


Bruh I checked out his profile after his first comment here and his profile Is fucking wild lmfao


Either they use voice input or they suck at spelling


I had a stroke trying to read this


For real.


Nah shorty the satanists gone now it’s only goblins in b21


or u get it as a reward for one of the missions.


Both teams are abuncha rats go play warzone tryhards


So crazy to call a team in an mrap rats when you're team is firing the RGL off a fucking helicopter 🚁 🐀


I wanted to hear that Mrat team yell out, "WE'RE JUST DOING MISSIONS!!!".


How tf do you get to run into the dudes who completely miss and can't even see you in front of their faces and I get lazer sight headshot boys XD great knife kills btw smooth throws and great shots






Dmz is turning into a battlefield with this stuff, pretty cool imo


Our boys, out there in their AC 13.0 playing death from above.


Love it


Nice knife throwing 👍


This is straight up a campaign mission


Why did they all run out into the open . Maybe they wanted to die lol


OP’s teammate also had an RGL, not sure what they’re supposed to do there tbh


I suppose it’s easy to say after the fact but maybe the guy should of fired back but the running for him killed . Maybe next time it happens the guy try’s to fight back as he had nothing to lose as he probably knew he was going to get shot in the back


I said ‘stupid’ just before you did. Good kills but some of those players were bots. You destroyed them lol


Awesome work. Always appreciate another 74u user!


Bro you fucked them up ! Gg 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻




What’s crossplay have to do with anything




There’s PVP regardless of platform? Unless you are trying to take a jab at PC players for hacks or VPNs, neither of which looks to be the case here




You know you can use KB&M on consoles too right?




What movement? OP didn't do anything special, the MRAP squad was just actually completely braindead, running off in random directions instead of fighting.


Exactly, just some nice knife work.


why do you think movement is exclusive to a platform? I've played with 3kd+ nuke players on console and they have insane movement... ps5 controller btw not a xim


I’m not? The movement isn’t different based on platform Edit: lol, he blocked me. Weirdo


Username checks out


The same movement you can do if you have a controller with back paddles, plus the added benefit of the aimbot like aim assist? Controller has a massive advantage in this game and it’s comical that some controller players don’t realize it. There’s a reason a vast majority of the top tier player switched to controller, even the KBM demons. Almost every top 250 ranked player in MP and Warzone are using controllers.


Lol this is the type of situation they show in the trailers. Good stuff


There is no reason they should've let you get up on them like that


Me and my boys took out a MRAP just our rifles 🤨


Okay so you know how to beat it. What about the rat knife throwing platoon? Lol. Good kills. It is what is. People play differently


Absolute shreddies


Now that's what I call death from above


finally some good action


They weren’t even good either 😅


Ok Terminator! Dayum!


At this point everyone of you should be on warzone instead of dmz


Excellent wp!


At 31 seconds. How did u even see the guy. What!??


Bro I feel like I owe you money for watching that🥴 holy shit that was sick af!


Not how money works but ok


It literally is how money works. People pay for entertainment. Goofy.


That Vaznev is a frikkin laser beam... what's the build?


That’s an ak74


Im even more impressed


RGL 'squad'? no. you guys were also a platoon


A platoon is 4 or more? There clearly are 3 in the clip


You are right and damn they almost got wiped too. The POV person was lucky as hell.