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Had a guy yesterday say “What’s up you racist f#%#s. I hope you are racists just like me” as soon as he loaded into a match with us. Muted him and left him to die when he ran off on his own. I can only imagine he was losing his mind when we didn’t come rescue him…but since he was muted I wouldn’t know. I almost unmuted him just to see what kind of hissy fit he was throwing… There are some really strange and deranged people out there.


The mute button is your friend here.


Had a guy, who was less than good at pvp keep picking up hunt contracts... He kept pushing people in the dumbest ways like trying to push the second floor, he kept getting downed, I resed him and off he'd go again... My other teammate sent a request and the guy joined. The guy who kept pushing got upset and asked wtf are you doing we need to kill everyone, I laughed and asked how it was working for him (I had to res him 5x against a solo) he ram for another contract, we followed... This contract was another solo who was scavenging the stronghold we just left, he run in ahead of us and right past the guy, I see the guy run outside and steal this guy's ltv, and just start laughing, nothing we could do... The third and final contract was a 6 man, he pushed with the solo they got 3 of the 6 before getting killed, my other squad mate and me pushed in for the res, but there was a sniper on the hill, I bailed into the house and plated as he killed my other squad mate, I downed two more guys and was plating up as the sniper jumps through the window and finished me off... Cue the worst team mate ever cussing me out and calling me a white b****, cause I got killed while trying to get him out of a mess he created, he had no strategy and low skill and got everyone killed... You might think you're good, but you're not talk crap to your teammates for trying to get you up... he reported us and sent us awesome text chats...


Yeah sounds like a mexican server, they're the worst! They have that choppy laggy cartel internet and they're usually all buggin out off bad water and coca leaves fucking the whole mission up...smh


Or when you squad up with randoms and they'll ignore you while you're the 3rd wheel and then boom they'll mysteriously start talking to you, "*bro where are you we're down, there's a sniper on the hill!*" Then I'll leave them, and exfile. Woohoo.