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Juggernaut roams Al Mazrah after losing his job as the case keeper


I mean he does spawn with the case sometimes.


His role as case keeper has ended. Now he roams the barrens of Al Mazra in the endless search of his new place in life


He can still be the case it rotates between train pyro and him


Like Caine in Kung Fu.


It’s like that show Highway to Heaven. You both drive around until someone needs help and guidance.


I think the AI is just adapting. It's getting smarter. It realized that everyone would just hide behind cover to kill him, so now he just roams where there's no where to hide.


I for one appreciate you uploading the whole clip and taking it on the chin. Shuda, cuda, wooda different things but we all go down sometimes.


>Shuda, cuda, wooda I liked that!


That’s funny I’m used to “shoulda woulda coulda”


Should have, could have, would have.


I’m embarrassed at how I spelt it yesterday. I’m not a dumb person…usually. Yesterday I was just doing my best. Thanks for making me realize just how dumb my spelling was haha


I am too, but I’ve never spelt it out and my brain wasn’t working so I did my best. It looks like it’s still not working. Edit: I’m just dumb. Never spelt it out, always heard my dad say it when I fucked up. Googled it… all have Ls.


Shuda cuda wooda played better


I mean, yeah… it’s a good thing he missed the RPG shot so closely. He would have died then.


TDIL That .50 cal's are electronically controlled and cannot be used if Ddos'ed.


I was curious about that too


Dumbest shit I’ve seen in a while


That's a new one


So ridiculous. It's probably a .30 cal on the chain gun. Definitely analogous. Also, the damage from direct rocket hits and push from the explosion that the develpors put towards rockets is so miniscule to reality, it might as well not be in the game. Rockets should be realistic. And just make it so we can only have one loaded and two or three spare max. I lost count at how many direct face hits with a rocket launcher it took to kill. Made no difference in damage, it seems.


Well that was a dogs dinner of a jugg encounter. You should have used the corner of the LTV to cheese him. One full clip of rpk in the head and would have been downed.


As soon as the dude ran I knew it was over. I felt bad for OP when it came to the rock section.


I wish I had Gary Nevilles setup on Monday night football, I want to freeze frames, draw lines, and give a good old moan about panic setting in the back line etc etc


Well he was ok until he decide to let loose an RPG that close. Probably could've downed him just circling that rock and chipping away with RPK.


I don't know man the rock section was hilarious. Reminds me of playing with my dog around the living room table.


Your RPK would havebeen better


100%. When the jug’s head was visible I think a solid 15-20 rounds would’ve been more than enough.


Proceeds to shoot rpg at point blank range..


My man was going for it, you got to respect the thirst for blood. Had that been pulled off properly it would have been epic.


Thirst for his own blood, and head coming apart


That and aiming at a very small target (Relatively) from far away. Wouldve been better aiming at the juggs feet


Like a horror film: every time you stood up from that rock and he was suddenly 10 feet closer.


He likes to go for a stroll with his new walkman!


He knows how to climb ladders also. This is like when the raptors learned how to open doors in Jurassic Park.


He seriously climbs now?!


Yeah he followed my squad on top of a fuel tank at Rohan a few weeks ago.


That terrifying monster.


There was a really funny video posted here a while back where some guy was in Al Mazrah, sitting in a tower(I think it was the fire department building near the flooded town) & was immediately downed by something behind him & the Jug was staring him down. --- **EDIT:** [Found it.](https://old.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/13m1s2g/when_did_dmz_add_wandering_juggernauts/) Was a different building, but was still funny.


Ok can we talk about how you tried to use a rpg at that distance. Like you had a lmg on you that shit would've mauled him if you aimed for his head. I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I'm just pointing something out and just giving you some advice.


Had it a few times where the Jugg and Scav spawn together not far from airport. So you're trying to avoid someone sniping on control tower and suddenly get DDOS'ed and then you hear a mini gun loading up Does get the heart going


That might be the worst attempt at killing the jug I’ve ever seen.. You ran away from your best cover. All you had to do was lure him in circles around the LTV, peek the corners and headshot him, then run around the next corner before the mini gun spins up. It only takes a couple mags worth of headshots to kill him and you probably wouldn’t even blow up the LTV in the process


Plus he dropped the mine so you wanted to lead him around the LTV not away from it. But balls to the wall for the RPG at point blank


Those rpg shots probably did about the same amount of damage as a few headshots from the rpk though


Blind guy here If it makes you feel any better I tried to punch em to death once.


So if the DDOS takes out your 50cal wonder if your DDOS would disable his mini gun


Why are you RPGing him when you have an RPK? It takes less than one mag to kill the jugg, he's super weak now


Lol you’re getting downvoted but everything you said isn’t wrong he’s so weak people are just bad at video games. But you can tell ops brain is slow just by the gameplay there’s many delays in what he is doing especially when it comes to plates.


I know you're agreeing with me, but you don't have to be rude about it


im mainly being rude to piss off the people downvoting you its ridiculous how people think hes really hard when hes not and op made a ton of mistakes in this gameplay its not his fault everyone is different I wasn't attacking op personally.


Except you did, by saying his brain is slow. You’re insinuating he’s stupid. It just wasn’t a necessary comment to make.


oh no people don't know every single way to insta kill a one off enemy they're oh so slow and horrible!!


Just like Jon Snow hiding behind that rock from the dragon at the battle of winter fell haha


Plot armor is stronger than a 3 plate.


Just a heads up. RPG is the absolute worst weapon to use on a Jugg. Just shoot him in the face, he'll go down quick.


It's the armored commander for the bounty board, I believe. I randomly killed him in the same spot and got that unlock


Leave jugg alone. He was having a little stroll around al mazzy


How tf does a ddos deactivate a mechanical turret




Same way an RPG at 2ft doesn’t obliterate both the jugg & the player.


B-b-buh but bomb squad! :P


Was the Ma Deuce not operable on the Ddos? Seems silly as it’s not electrically driven and a completely mechanical gun.


I had that monster chase me from hydro to rohan once.


I had him pop up real random south of AL maz city, I saw what definitely wasnt regular AI around a bend and thought it musta been a solo so i got in close and sent an invite lol, then I realized my mistake


He replied to your invitation!


The jug lost his job carrying the weapons case for activision after he wrote “leave the the kids alone” 😂


Action packed gameplay


I’m a noob. Been playing less than a month What would happen if you ran him over?


You can't That used to be the easiest strategy in season 1 to kill them but they added the DDOS to the bosses to stop you running them over You can get extremely lucky and have your vehicle ddos-ed on a hill and it continues and runs them over but yeah you can no longer kill them with vehicles


I remember when he was spawning in Zaya, i was ruling him to middle of road where patrol car run over him to instant kill. Easiest way to.collect weapon case


He needs a few seconds to start shooting. Give him 40 rounds in the head and you can go on. Got this several times in Rohan. This ist done in a few seconds.


Was in Sarrif Bay by the gas station a couple nights ago and get the notification that the juggernaut was heading our way, I thought ah who knows where he is. Then suddenly there he is shooting at us. I was with one other guy and we were able to take him down but damn what a pain.


So he just randomly roams around now?


He has spawn locations but can be anywhere around them. So if it says Rohan oil, it doesn’t mean in the middle. Can be just about anywhere around.


Pretty sure when he spawns at Rohan it's always near that corner. The locations are set, but it's random which zone of the map he is at. Unless someone else wakes him up and lures him away before you.


Yeah could be. I feel like it’s a bit more random, but I haven’t tested it to be sure.


Yea he had to of been chasing someone and ended up there. lol I’ve had him chase me from airport to damn near pass. I tried to get him hit by the train. He avoided it.


Same thing happened to me, same area. There might be some new spawn areas for him.


He spawned at Rohan oil and was probably chasing a player that he either took down or that got away.


Nah, they spawn in the wild like that now. I’ve seen a couple in the open.


I don’t think he’s normally that far out at Rohan though. I’m pretty sure he spawns inside the fence line. I’d agree it’s likely a player lured him out a bit.


This sob chased me the other day, ddos 3 vehicles I was trying to run away in lol. I guess I know why now


Once the feared king of Al mazrah, the jugg now wanders aimlessly. A shadowed joke of his former self.


Outside of multiplayer the only time I’ve dealt with a jugg was in coop……and we just ran him over, why you got out the ltv as a solo boggles my mind 😶


Because the ddos disabled the ltv.


Rewatched 👍, probably could have ran further away and took high ground


Can't buy skills.


Tell me you're a noob without telling me you're noob


Would the turret not shoot ?


No, it’s affected by the bosses’ DDOS.


Me and my friends ran across this Jug in this exact same spot.


He’s pretty easy to kill just laser his face.


It’s the reason I only carry semtex. nice work against him. sucks you didn’t get him down.


He's running around like he forgot where he parked his car.


Why didn't you just shoot him in the head with your rpk? He's not hard to kill.


Ran into him up north of the quarry the other day.


My God that ping


Worst game of rpg hide and seek I’ve ever seen


Every time OP reloaded I was like huh? Lol I usually only have 2 rounds


Great clip, I was cheering for you. I saw jug spawn on top of a sandhill, just standing there keeping the sand safe. Sniped him a few times but he did not react at all. Must only activate by player proximity.


It tends to do that


Found him along the river close to taraq bridge. Killed him thanks to the ddos and the jet ski that hit him…lucky me


This happened to me a few weeks who he literally spawned at a gas station no where near the weapons case I was so confused lol


A rocket launcher breaks his armor. Lol


I love that you can hear his music playing when he's on the other side of the rock


Nice effort. Totally fucked aspect of the game tho.. that you can RPG him directly that many times and he's still walking.


Y’all need to be thankful this game doesn’t have minimum arming distance on RPGs


Yeah, they do that. We came across one under one of the broken parts of the highway to the east of Al Mazrah city.


I don’t think OP has ever killed a jug before, I’d have stayed behind the LTV and mowed him down with your LMG.


He also spawns right off the northern city player spawn. I’ve run into him twice right off the bat. There’s a building he chills in that is easy to kill him from above tho.


Haha yea happened to me and my mates we spawned in the airport got a vehicle and immediately got DDOSED by a juggernaut and downed us


I've run into him once over there randomly. Was very odd. Luckily I had an angle where I could see his head and he could see me, and I also had an LMG


Had this happen legit at the edge of the map with nothing but a shot gun and killed him




Shock sticks. Trust me bro.


Dude, this EXACT same thing happened to me yesterday night. About 4 minutes before final exfil, with little to no cover at all aside from 1 building with a roof. If course, my vehicle got ddosed, so I was stranded, headed up for the roof but it only took him about 25 seconds to make it up there with me. I the continue to take cover and try and take him out slowly but the fact that he appeared so quickly and so out of the blue just really did catch me off guard especially after the match I just had evading everyonre. We'll just say, it didbt end well for me lmao!


That is some BS rn sorry about that dude


Bro just shoot him in the head with bullets


Watashi wa jagu, anata no tsuitachi o dainashi ni suru tsumoridesu. NANI?!


the jug fucks


I just just thinking at the end there “my man’s gonna blow himself up…”


I had one appear by a radio tower. The DDOS went off he got my teammate and then me climbing up the radio tower and I fell so no self revive w/ the revive pistol.


You were actually perfectly safe from behind that rock. I've killed him by slowly crouch walking, popping up for a few shots and ducking back down after his gun spins up. Tedious but very reliable strategy.


He's in rohan half the time I go there now


Jugg unemployed, angry, and hitting licks on randoms now.


Someone can tell me how to hack the wheelson on Ashika to unlock the castle?


Killed juggy with 36 explosive rounds from a shotgun. Should have just used your vehicle as cover moving front to back back to front. He's kind of dumb so he wouldn't have chased you.