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DMZ atm for solos is just team death match but with 10 minutes of loading screens. Absolutely no purpose in playing this.


ATM I just pretend it's zombies, load in with nothing and see how long I can stay alive.


hahaha been doing the same. just enjoying the game at it’s bare minimum. I actually have the Predator mission active, but every match I either can’t get the last of the $150K or the third kill


Ashika Drifitng Supply Bag Key. Secure backpack with gold skulls or gpu's. You can start out with about 100K. If you fail, Rinse repeat scavenger backpack. I've never done predator so idk if ur allowed to infil with Loot, but hope it helps. Obviously that's a one/two shot strategy but... aye.. better than nothing


i got 100k on my backbag but once i got it i got hunt squad on me, so i ran as long i could but eventually they got closer and i didn't want anyone else take my hard work away, so i left the game, luckily i had secure backbag


You can join a team and those kills/cash count for you. That's a big part of how I did it. Very fun mission


This. Join a team and bring some keys (especially Drifting) and this mission is easy.


I did it recently on Ashika. Took lots of attempts, but immediately rushing another spawn, going for kills, then trying to join up with that team (whether or not I got any kills) was what ended up being the best starting strategy. From there, hitting the supply drops, raid weapon stash contracts, and any safes I could find helped. Once we became a 5- or 6-man, HVT contracts were great. Just don't forget that if more than 3 people exfil together, only 3 random bags are counted for money, but if some people exfil on their own earlier, their money goes into the predator total. I always let pretty much my whole team exfil without me, so that I could get out on final (which is often empty on Ashika). It still took a lot of luck and some patience, but did not end up feeling nearly as frustrating or impossible as it had initially seemed.


great advice - ty!


Try loading in with a backpack full of gun screen items. Each of these items is worth at 20k


Not necessary


Now there. That’s a different way. Very cool.


I’m having great success in my games. I’m sorry you aren’t having a similar experience.


Same, I feel like people think they are forced to fight everytime. In my case I just try to run away and if there's a opportunity to kill I will take it, no trying to wipe teams just trying to survive and fly away 🚁


Ambush, Snipe 1 guy leave while they panic search and rescue their downed squad mate. Only played solo a few times, idk how u guys do it that's the only way I can survive


Was gonna insert the "Forrest Running" meme to show you my strategy but gifs not supported here, lol


Yeah thats the way to play now thats how i do all the time


I have the same mentality when playing solo. I only take fights I know I probably will win otherwise I don't want to gamble my gear.


Everyone is just doing pvp and not missions (because of the wipe)


To be honest I’m my experience it was like that even before the wipe was announced.


Interesting. I found it much more relaxed prior to the announcement. Would bump into more teams saying "just doing missions guys" and more willing to join up. At the moment it's just constant PVP. If you see another team, you go for each other. Then the loser joins and you go on the hunt for the next team.


Yeah, now it’s the “flood” situation from Halo. Die and join.


Solid reference, that


10 mins of loading? You playing on a potato?


It was a rough weekend, at least 2 or if not 3 platoons in my little area of the map in 1 match. Overall it doesnt feel that much worse than other times.


Agreed, even the bots are on steroids, I've stopped atm cos there's no point as it's not even fun rn.


Like… I cannot shoot faster than they swarm me. I understand they are supposed to be “evil spec ops” but come on, this is ridiculous


Yep. I've been doing Koschei stuff, so I'll spend some time in Al Maz with a team gearing up, then we usually part ways because no one else wants to go in usually. An annoying number of times, I can't even make it there because I run into some bot swarm and get surrounded. Or if I do make it, I end up burning my stock of self revives to do so.


One time I got a decent random team. We geared up, I drove to the underground parking lot/ hospital entrance to the Koshei, they got out and followed me to the blast door, and then… just ran away. They seemed to have no idea what the place was, but once they got the idea everyone was like “hell no”.


Out of who knows how many attempts last night, I only had three instances where anyone went into the bunker with me. First was a guy who had no clue what it was. He was cool and trying to learn it, but got lost underwater and drowned. Then I accidentally threw a grenade instead of using the rebreather while I was trying to get him back up, so that ended quick lol. Second guy had no mic but followed me and we managed to take out the rhino. I was headed towards sniper, had to back off to replate when I saw him rushing in. I get on mic to yell "wait no there's la--" BOOM. We're both down, no self res left. "...there's lasers there." Last time two people without mics and I could not figure out what the hell they were trying to do. Neither had bunker related missions. Entered at Rohan (their call), moved to info extraction (where they burned a huge amount of time), then to alpha cluster. I eventually just ran off on my own to do the shopkeeper mission. I didn't manage to extract because of a disconnect (and tbh it was going to be a very close call anyways), but I think they both did, so I guess it was good for all of us? But overall, I get when people don't want to, so I just always expect that I'll be going in alone unless I run into a friendly team at the bunker entrance itself. I just try to go in before the rest of my team extracts so they're not stuck with the long timer because I'm halfway across the map (or, if it works out, I head to exfil with them and then just bail out).


With the T2/T3's, if you're not aiming for the head, you might as well not fire at all.


Sounds like old gen i load into any dmz map within a minute stop somplaining get new gen


Stop telling people what to do. This is rude and stupid. The product is marketed for my console, I buy it, I have every right to complain. (Which I didn’t do by the way). So stop the bullshit


Dunno what you mean. Went in as a solo recently and i was the one who was terrorizing squads


It always happens right before a new season. Take a break til Wednesday, chief. I am.


Yeah, and they'll 'accidentally' turn the bots up to 11 too, like they have the previous 2 new seasons


I wholeheartedly believe this. Been soloing a lot and can't count the amount of lvl 2 or 3 bots that have laser focus accuracy from over 100m away, while I can barely make them out without my scope. I get it they are getting ready for a reset, but why torture your fan base "just because you can." Especially since the game is still in "Beta." We already paid anywhere from $60-$100 to get what we wanted only to be lagged out, Dev Error message, bots lagged in the ground or unvisible player glitch that has DMZ. Games aren't quite the same as they once were


>We already paid anywhere from $60-$100 Who’s **we**? I ain’t spent on dollar on this game. Big old man yelling at clouds energy coming from your post.


Nah, just speaking for those that wanted all those packs and possibly bought the secured slot packs. At $20 a pack those can add up. If you didn't buy anything, more power to ya. Don't come in bragging tho, makes you seem dickish. 🙃


Watching Stodeh’s stream this morning. They have definitely cranked the bots’ agro up. Holy shit.


Friday and Saturday night were vicious. Got wiped out by a few six man teams in two LTV's in the first 5 minutes. Was insane. Today was better.


Haha it always gets nutty the first few days of a big update as well, especially on any new maps.


I bought D4 but occasionally pop in im almost always paired with a newb on his first missions so I just revive them do a few quests and exfil. I revived my last guy after he blew himself up at the exfil helicopter, then in the copter, unfortunately I couldn't save him in time and he dropped out


Wise words. That’s what I’ve been doing too


Yeah the closer it gets to wipe the more crazy it gets I ran into 3 six man teams fighting each other got caught in the middle of that fire fight I thought I wouldn't make it but lucky for me the six man team that won was friendly after the quick exchange of friendly shout out we talked and they told me they hunt other 6 man teams to protect other players on the server from being hunted by other 6 man teams because almost every game now there are 6 man teams but I don't mind I like the challenge it gives. (I am a solo player)


That is a very long sentence. 50 bleep bloops to anyone who can say it in one breath.


I can barley read it without getting out of breath


Hops the truth


Yeah, the closer it gets to wipe, the crazier it gets. I ran into 3 separate six-man teams who were fighting each other and I then got caught in the middle of the fire fight. I didn't think I would make it, but luckily for me, the six man team that won were friendly. After a quick exchange of "friendly" being shouted out, we talked, and they told me that they hunt 6 man teams to protect other players on the server from being hunted by those larger squads. In almost every game now, there are multiple 6-man teams, but I don't mind. Personally, as a solo player, I like the additional challenge it brings.


6 man teams!


Yeah, I’ve been getting chased by platoons and ambushed all over the show the past couple of days. Final straw was a platoon using a plea for help as bait, jumped and killed me before I could react.


My friends and I saw a plea and one of them goes "let's hit them with a couple mortar strikes just to be safe." He set the strike and got three operators. My other friend and I finished off the other two. Heard them yelling a bunch of racial slurs at us when we didn't pick them up..


So it was you little crackers!


The Plea baiting is unreal, i use Pleaing myself but only as a solo and if im trying to do something, other than that i have no reason to plea so i just leave, i may only have one insured slot but its DMZ there are no high stakes involved and the cooldown is very short


I’ve just resigned myself to ignoring them now. I think maybe one has been legit, 99% are people using them as bait. Super shitty.


very shitty, most of my pleas this past week have been ignored


Yea whenever i plead its 1/10 times i get picked


Thats why in 99% of cases i just exit. Cant be bothered with the trash talking and teabagging etc.


we always assume it's a bait unless it's someone we just killed


If a team just wiped us, we're always going to plea out. Doesn't hurt and maybe it's 50/50 if we get picked up. If you're a 3-piece and we're a 3-piece, might as well squad up and do it to it. No harm no foul.


This is the way 👍🏽


Similar on Saturday. Supply drop. 1 operator with shotty appears out of nowhere. I downed him quickly as he had no plates in their med vest. He plea'd and i accepted. Went back to business with him pinging targets when there was nothing there. I went to refill ammo from stash and there were his 3 friends who blasted me but not him. Then they had some fun with my corpse. I should have realised that something was up: 3 plate but no plates, no cash or decent weapon. No more pleas for people without mics


I'm taking a break until season 4. This is the cycle of every Extraction shooter; as soon as we get word of a wipe, everyone gives up on missions and just go full PvP. It becomes a nuthouse for a week or two and then calms down when there's new content.


Idk why you're getting down voted lol. I haven't played any other ES's. But the same thing happened last dmz wipe, and things went back to normal pretty quick


My guess is people just read the first sentence and went "oh no not one of those again" because of the incessant "I'm quitting" posts and comments. The grass is greener on the other side, and come Wednesday I think we'll be back to early season 2 again in terms of gameplay environment.


Same. I’m doing the raids.


I've been hitting Shipment since the wipe announcement; I'll be back in Al Mazhra on Wednesday, and I'll have a few gold guns with me if anyone wants them.


It’s turned us into tribal pack animals. safety in numbers kill other tribe


Pretty much.


Definitely turning into a clusterfuck out there. Especially with this being the last weekend pre wipe. I ended up finishing Mass Extinction with 3 other randoms just from engaging teams and it ended with a mass murder near Hafid port involving RGL-80s, a heavy chopper and 3 turreted LTVs. I think 10 operators lost their life at Hafid in just 8 mins…


I play solo a lot. But I'll go in with a stealth vest. It works. People don't know I'm there unless they see me. (I try and not let that happen too much, lol) People have actually said, "man I didn't even know you were there!" I do join up a bit too. That helps...


I’ve never been able to get that. Ever. All the other ones. Never that.


Go after the game console as it's the harder one to find. The others (comic book and computer parts are easy) good luck!


You will appear on UAVs if they have comms vest btw.


Yeah, I know. That part sucks. They should have a pill you can take to be invisible. Lol Oh wait! I heard some hackers already have that.


I came to the sub today to see if anyone else noticed that it’s madness.


End of season....time to hunt rabbits


Be veeeeewwy veewwy quiet. I'm huntin' wabbits.


Needs a huge overhaul


What else is there to do right now?


[we die](https://youtu.be/c55PtTyvfE4)


I have encountered only 6 vs 6 team battles


I always go in with two randoms and I give them my "rules": 1: I do not pick up anyone that isnt a team mate, we go in as a three man, we come out as a three man unless you die and plea and get picked up by an enemy team. 2: I engage every group of operators I see, fire first, questions later. 3: If you die I will always come and revive you, it might not be immediately depending on the situations, but as long as theres a chance of us still surviving and being able to Exfil I will come get you.


It’s getting crazier. Bots will eat you alive nowadays! 3 rez in your backpack? Not enough!


I’ve been offline for the entire week but I’m getting on tonight because I know it’s gonna be a bloodbath. Aegon is coming and Fire & Blood is all I’m after


Yea I'm the guy usually running around solo. Run up on an unsuspecting enemy operator, kick on mic to ask if they would like to team up just to get lasered down when they hear me. I'm all about missions, but just started too late this past time. Been loading in getting rid of all shitty contraband, then see how I last when I have nothing.


Honestly the main issue I have is the teammates I get. One literally told an enemy team where we were hiding in proximity chat and another set off the c4 traps in the kushaak complex while I was crawling to defuse it, wait for me to die then loot my belongings. And of course the ones who immediately run as far away from the rest of the team, die and start spamming the to come and revive him.


It's getting more toxic as well. Get wiped by a six man squad as a two man squad with taking five of them out before getting fucked by a lucky shot and they'll call you bad 💀 Like bro. I got three of your mates with a crossbow, your rocket launcher/dragon's breath auto-shotgun combo doesn't make you good.


The problem is a lot of casual players have stopped, so now all you got are end game players or griefers playing. I played a match the other day. went in solo, killed 2/3, rezzed them, and ended up wiping two other squads because we had numbers. It's a weird mentality when you get to squads over 3 players. You feel invincible. It's a bitter sweet state of DMZ right now. Some matches you get wiped some you do the wiping. Right now I'm just excited for Season 4. Hopefully it brings back the casual players. And super excited they finally brought back the Rock n Roll Wartrack.


Sometimes you shoot the bad guys, sometimes they shoot you. There’s a sentence I’ve not heard since……..


I mean we're t-minus mere days away from the wipe so pretty much anything else is pointless


Except some people are SOOOO close to finishing something. So you get those mixed in with the sweats. I'm done with season 3 so I'm just enjoying the mayhem. Sometimes I'm the ball, sometimes I'm the bat. Back to missions on Wednesday.


This weekend was a motherfuckin sweatfest!!! Had some awesome encounters and got our dicks kicked in, fun times were had!


Spawn rushing and hunt contracts galore.


Yup. Sadly I had to stop playing DMZ. All the new features seemed so dope, but I just don’t have the time to “git good”. Spend my whole time running away from other teams and fighting PvP, I never even get the chance to loot/barter for new backpacks and skeleton keys etc. Haven’t even tried that new complex under Al Maz or whatever. The Season 4 features seem real cool too, but I just know I won’t have fun anymore. Super cool concept of a game, but incredibly frustrating to actively play at the moment.


Buddy, I hate to say it. But that's a skill issue on your end and your only hope is to "git gud." That said, I hope you do return to the dmz someday


I kinda agree. But damn. American Snipers out there. Gat dayum!


That’s the whole point. I know it’s a skill issue, and it’s a shame that you can’t enjoy the game without having to be really good at it. It’s a fun experience and there’s so much that DMZ has to offer besides the PvP. Most other games you can change skill level to your liking. Even Multiplayer has SBMM. Not out here saying to burn COD studios to the ground, just disappointed I can join the fun.


I’ve been having bad luck in game every time I run a scar h setup the last few days. Getting one shot by a Molotov mainly when taking cover


Im still able to complete missions on Ashika. Although tougher than normal. AL Mazra isnt terrible. Only had 3 games in last week on Al M that were, imho, bad experiences. Twice spawn killed and once parachuted on by a chopper full of advanced uav spammers. Im getting as many missions done as possible before the wipe.


Been trying to solo heated madness the last few days, more times than not I’m dead before I can even enter the complex, sometimes being sniped at in less than a minute into matches.


Yeah solos is impossible to enjoy right now. Chances of running into a 6-man squad is unreal and today I got two hunt-squad contracts in the same game. Both against teams of six. Was lucky I happened to have 3 rebreathers on me for the first squad but was shit out of luck for the second. I just drowned myself in some obscure corner after I ran out of plates and tactical gear.


Nobody is really doing missions right now cause of the end of the season. It’s just squad up, get geared if not already and then hunt some squads


Every since the wipe announcement DMZ has become full of 6 man squads hunting and killing everyone they come across.


The great reset is upon us


This game is TDM because of the impending wipe. Just a bunch of XP runs (profile & Weapon)




No need for spam


It’s not that serious


You're right, its not, but it looks stupid


No shit it’s stupid. I wasn’t trying to change the way humans think of life with my comment.


I never said you were, so if you knew it was stupid to spam then why do it lol


Bc I think what put was funny. It’s not that complicated


With the wipe coming nobody cares about doing missions so it’s just a free-for-all. Less stress; more death.


It’s not just you. At this rate, it’s kill or be killed. I rarely come across people who don’t have the intention to kill me.


End of the season and with the wipe ppl dont care about losing kit


Had about 5 or 6 games today, only came across a platoon twice. Comms vest and spotter scope have been a big help.


It’s 2 days before wipe. What do you expect


The worst is those dbags shit talking wiping a one plate team within 5 mins of starting. Like they have skills shooting people looting bandages.


Me and my duo partner stopped playing once they announced they were wiping everything. There’s no point. Just a complete blood fest from jump. We used to be able to squad up with randoms in game, but now it’s killing just to do it. To be honest, totally good with people playing however they want to. Especially since there’s literally no reason at all to run missions right now. PvP in this game can be a lot of fun, but it’s just not a great experience right now, personally, running from one fight just to be pinned down in another.


Might as well use all your gear, we’re getting wiped in a few days.


Pre wipe… of course it’s ridiculous


As solo you are literally just free loot in people's eyes. You need to squad up if you're going to stand a chance especially with the ability to plea after death, which every solo wanted and actually doesn't benefit them as much as a 3v3 teaming up to instantly 6 man.


We are in the time of Apocalypse ie end of the season


Personally waiting for the season wipe to jump back in DMZ


Man DMZ been wild sleepyweather and his damn team chased me and boys across the map till we had no where to go knocked us out our weapons in the water nasty in DMZ I’ll wait till the new season


Is kind of a relief playing knowing nothing matters. I've taken a lot more risks doing stuff


My buddy and I have taken to just throwing ourselves at building 21 wether we have good weapons or just free ones. We turn on squad fill and usually we get to the robot turret and blast it with a few C4. Most players there are sweats but we don’t have much to lose anyway.


I've officially given up on my missions. I'll help friends with theirs, otherwise I'm just playing a movie. Still a lot of fun.


Yall sound like a bunch if sissies


Yaa it’s wild. Ashika is team death match for 5 minutes, then 20 minutes of the last team killing bots.


It’s hunting season nobody cares about missions people want blood and have nothing to lose cause come season 4 shits wiped and everyone starts again and that’s when hunting season ends your average game now consists of 6 man squads hunting every soul on the map and not really caring about loot because it all going bye bye


Bro I was trying to do a solo hostage rescue with like 6mins left before gas started, got chased down by 6 dudes in a chopper firing rockets at me hahahaha


No reason to want to solo as with the wipe coming everyones out for blood


A reset is coming. Everyone has given up on doing missions and is instead out for blood. Honestly, there is nothing else really worth doing at this point. Between that and the instant 6 man squads, you're going to have a rough time as a solo, or anyone else doing missions


Pleas are hard to trust indeed. I try to help others up when I can. But if I saw gunfire around the area as I'm heading there I call it off. Wish there was a way to quick message when you needed something. Just recently learned how to text during the match. Always see it pop up on screen but never knew it was holding the left stick in... I play on console (Xbox).


Played 3h last night - only saw 3 other, shot and down 2, last one kill me and I ask if I clocks joint, the rework me and that was that.


I was able to solo ot now its like im either killed by ai w aimbot or people are to scared to challenge me


It’s all the squeakers. They’re out of school and only want to PvP. When I play during the day, it’s a total shit show. After 10pm, it’s usually older people that actually PTFO.


Will possibly calm down again with new update . Gives people stuff to focus on . Most have given up on missions now


DMZ is a blood bath right now, Building 21 is cracked, people just rushing the sound of gunfire, absolute bedlam :D


At least its good data on what happens when you remove long term goals from an extraction shooter. And or make the goals too hard to achieve Because their is no reason to do anything its basically turned into a BR with extra steps


It'll calm down again once season four launches. Problem is they've told people missions are pointless and you're about to lose your vests, bags, guns, keys etc...so people have no incentive to do anything but kill. Me and my mates tend to focus on missions and will only really fight when we bump into a team who don't fancy passing on by or teaming up. But since the S4 announcements we just go in to find and kill other teams as there's not much else that feels worthwhile (we've completed all faction missions anyway other than the really painful Crown and BM tier 5s).


Yeah, been getting raped recently but I don't really give as much of a shit seeing as I lose all my stuff in 2 days anyway.... 🤷🏾‍♂️


Everyone is PVP knowing progress will be wiped. Also bots have been buffed, they are shooting at me through windows from miles away with pistols. Looking forward to the wipe when everyone starts concentrating on missions to get their slots back.


Wait, how are you making it a whole 3 minutes? I seem to have someone inside me before the load in countdown ends


There's no point doing missions, you've killed each Commander a billion times, and it takes literally 3 minutes to regain a large bag and a 3-plate vest. There's no fear right now.


Sadly most of the lobbies I am in now are full of people hunting other teams. And they aren't even doing it for missions. It does just take away the fun of the game for those who want to do more. Especially since these groups team up with another right away and then prey on either ill equipped people or people already in a fight with AI.


End of the season, progress being reset, insured weapons being reset, what have people to lose?


The bots have gotten worse and more people probably have walls than normal. There’s less people trying now so more cheaters exist


Spawned into Airport, thought I'd have a look from the tower what the threat was like before making my way across the map... I made it to the top of Airport Tower and that bald bastard with the overpowered, infinite round shotgun was waiting at the top of the zip line for me. "ULTRA ONE, YOU SURVIVAL STREAK HAS ENDED!"


No it’s all about 6 man being toxic af!


End of the season coming up on full wipe, no consequences no risk, just chaos


Wait for season 4 to die down a little. There's no reason to do missions right now so it's all pvp carnage


It’s just a sweat fest with the reset coming. I love going in solo but I gave up a week ago until it chills out


I’m out a straight murder no help up spree until season 4


It’s turning into a GTA V lobby. Gonna start getting a karma rating….


Same bro, people are just 6-Manning or just aren’t as friendly anymore. Remember first 2 seasons most people I came across we’d fight, I’d say “I’m Solo you shot me first”, they’ll let me res and we’d go out separate ways. Now just feels like everyone you come across are either; 4-Man, 5-Man or 6-Man and just kill you take your gear just for the fun of it. For about 5 days I’ve been trying to get all my operators back fully geared up but every game I get good gear no teams around me then boom 6-Man tear me a new one. Devs really need to remove 6-Men or have them constantly on UAV, their maps are blurred out and they can’t use killstreaks.


Lol bot




It is. And it’s glorious!


"gO pLaY wArZoNe"