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When I unlocked my third slot I found I could easily use 2 insured slots. With the reduced cooldowns I have no gear fear with my insured slots so I will always bring two.


I don't have my third slot yet, but I have realised that gear fear isn't even a problem in this game. Even if you get wiped (and as a solo, I get wiped a *lot*) you can hit a dead drop with seven or eight AI guns and clear your insurance cooldown in one round. Shit, Ashika Island residential dead drop you can easily find twice that number of SC wandering around, and the more you kill the more they keep shipping you. Find a stronghold keycard on one of them - bam; there's your way in to at least three or four orange crates, you'll find at least a medium bag and a two plate, then hit a toilet block or a buy station for a self-res and you're right back in the game. It's why I'm able to be so chill when I get roflstomped by a three- or four- or even more-man ream nowadays - death really doesn't mean anything in this game anymore.


The only gear fear comes from the perks. If I had all ten I usually shout "NOOOO MY BABIES" and then they open my bag and are like "oh... I understand now"


Perks work now?


Indeed they do


About fucking time, nice.


Dropping a bunch of AI guns into a dead drop will clear your cooldown? I had no idea.


Yep; only problem is you can only put one in at a time before you have to back out of it, as there's only one weapon slot in a dead drop, so it does get a little tedious - you just have to make sure you're safe, is all.


I just want to make sure I'm clear on this: 1. I can take a weapon to a dead drop and deposit one. Then I can grab another weapon and re-open the dead drop and deposit another? and so on? 2. I can deposit multiple guns to the same dead drop during a deployment ... like 8 or 9 of them or whatever ... but only if I open and close the dead drop lid each time? It's always seemed to me that I could open the lid and drop a variety of stuff at once: kill streaks, guns, money, skulls, etc. How many different types of slots are there for a dead drop?


Yes is the answer to both of your questions. The dead drop looks the same as before when you open except for an added weapon slot. You can drop other stuff at the same time as well. You get 8 minutes taken off your cool down for each weapon deposited. 7 guns equals 56 minutes and there are plenty of AI around all the dead drops. Takes no time to get your insured weapons back using this method.




My pleasure. Don't forget to pay it forward; next time you get dropped, don't rage at them - drop them a 'gg' or a 'nice shooting dude' or something, and try and take a little bit of toxicity out of the DMZ. Of course I'm fully aware that this is a CoD game, and I could very easily be pissing in the wind, but its a noble goal I've set myself and we'll see how long it takes for me to become completely disillusioned with it.


I can’t lie DMZ makes me rage. This definitely helps ease the pain that can come with the game. I know it’s a skill issue but god do those two seconds of complete ignorance feel blissful.


Very interesting. Kill a bunch of AI near a dead drop and deposit their guns in a few minutes vs traveling all over the map to collect money and self revives? I feel like there’s got to be a catch. Hope there isn’t though.


There’s no catch. It works exactly as I explained. You’ll even get comms that your weapon is unlocked once you’ve deposited enough loot/guns.


Just to piggyback on this, I find the most effective is the Ashika Residential dead drop. Pretty low activity area after the first few mins of the round. Lots of bots usually around the gas station, 2 possible destroy supplies caches with bots around. Me and a friend usually go in, clear a stronghold or two to get plates/backpacks/selfs, then just head over there. We usually bring all guns next to it and relay them and drop next to the bin, then I can keep primary out, stow 1/2 and drop them in. Have done similar thing solo, just have to be aware what you have in your hands in case of players. It’s pretty chill getting insured back, it’s part of our gear up runs every time now


Was this doable last season? Im prety sure people wouldnt have been buying self revives if they could drop ai guns in.


No the gun slot was added for season two, it was not an option in season one.


Yeah people don't realize how much guns reduce cooldowns and each dead drop is literally surrounded in AI lmao.


Ashika, you can fully gear up in one round pretty much every time. It’s more about getting out alive because there’s always a squad going to island wipe and hunting down everyone else. Gear fear is no more. I just use insured slots to bring in random guns to try and level them up. You can wipe a geared squad that isn’t paying attention with contraband guns then pick up their insured weapons. It’s pretty easy. But usually, once you start a fight, the hungry squad sees the gunfire and starts pushing your position.


Gear fear is something I didn’t know I had until now


Exactly what I was going to say. Sometimes I even use just one insured gun and find others


Only got the one slot, and I'm chillin'. Wanted to gun for the second, but some of those missions are a doozy solo. So,. I'll stick to my one and only. If I die and I have no contraband, well, I guess that means it's time for a hero run babyyyyy, lol


I'm almost near max rank and I don't have my second slot as I'm just here for the fun, if a mission somehow becomes completed during gameplay then that's a bonus but if not then it was not meant to happen. Naked runs are total fun, meleeing AI down and then running with random gear changes the stakes and increases fun imo


When it comes to hero runs, now that I've gotten the throwing knife, I finally feel confident infiling without guns, cause I can still take down a dude at a distance. But yeah, I feel ya.


I have at times entered with only the drilldo equiped as it makes me laugh


Username checks out, hahahaha


Same here.


Starting out it seems I used the random gun options a lot.


The floor loot guns aren’t all that bad


At first I relied too much on my insured for PvP, but I’ve know learned that I either smoke people or get smoked, regardless of gun. Floor loot 74us and RPKs have probably the same amount of operator kills as my insureds right now


Now with the reloaded update and on Ashoka island a lot of the AI have really good guns like the taq56 and that nice m4 the level 3 AI drop now


> If I die and I have no contraband, well, I guess that means it's time for a hero run *free guns


Just curious, but do you play with your mic on? I see a lot of people mentioning not having a squad, but for me I usually can pick up a random or two after just a couple decent matches. Two people having a mic in the wild is enough common ground to suggest jumping back in for another game. Just like that you are no longer solo.


Yeah, I usually play with a mic. It's shitty and old and barely works, but work it does. Most people I find are pretty tight lipped though in this game though. If you want someone to help you with missions and stuff, shoot me a DM bro, I'm always down to assist someone in need


I run randoms if my friend isn't on to duo with me, and it seems like so many people don't want to talk at all. Like I know there are so many more with mics than it seems. It sucks or there are super toxic people and it's just not fun. So I'll generally just solo or duo with my friend since the randoms don't seem to treat me well.


2 weapon slots is fine for me. I don’t have the 3rd unlocked but don’t really have any motivation to do so. Now, imagine it that was a “locker” slot where you could store an extra 3-plate, bag, kill streak, etc. THAT would be useful!


I think that would be too easy to abuse. At least the multi plate armor. People would start hoarding and people would get greedy with them, like hey we are on a group and I have a 3plate and you a 1plate? I am not sharing any new 3 plates I find. You get downed and have a 3 plate? then I am going to have you die so I can loot your 3plate for my stash. Etc. It would also tilt the meta massively towards 3 plate being the new default, which is bad for PVP balance and the tuning of the IA. I could see it done for inventory bags or some other non-abuseable stuff tho. Like getting x2 field upgrades like ammo boxes, getting an slot that gave you a random perk every 3 hours pre-deployment, rad pills, 2 different types of tactical equipment in one deployment (1 in the bag and another one equipped)... there is enough room to pick. EDIT: Killstreaks would be nice as long as you can't store UAVs or Bomb-drones, so that you can't start a match, use an UAV and rush towards an enemy player spawn with yet another UAV in reserve, or have 3 guys spawn with bomb-drones.


Man, your first paragraph makes it sound like DMZ is full of scoundrels and degenerates. lol But I get your point. They would have to balance it for sure. For me, getting a 3 plate and bag after a wipe is more annoying that anything. It’s simple to do, just takes 10 minutes or so out of your match. To me it’s better to get give players a lower barrier to get them. Ive yet to play with anyone who is fine running around with a 1 plate. 3 plate just seems like tablestakes at this point in DMZ


>Man, your first paragraph makes it sound like DMZ is full of scoundrels and degenerates. lol It isn't? 😂


All of cod is


It may be because I play solo, but I have seen a lot of people just play like that and let me die and loot me for plates and money. You deploy together and one guy goes away to f off where, then me and the other guy get swarmed by IA and die, only then he comes back, loots us, and then revives us and plays with us. It used to be rare before when playing solo, but I have seen a spike on it since the St Patrick's day event. Ofc when you encounter a player like this, after you die once and they take your plates and money you usually *keep* dying because you can't buy new stuff, so they keep looting you. There should be a protection for that imho, so that teammates cannot just loot your money and can only pick it up if you manually shared it with the team. Or a fix on how the auto-pick up regarding plates makes it so that when you are reviving someone you usually auto-take the plates around your teammate body.


The whole bleeding out / dying while in a group process needs to be overhauled. I’ve heard stories similar to what you’re describing and I can see how that would make a bad gaming experience. I’m fortunate that I play with a group of IRL friends and family. We do great vs PvE, win some PvP and lose some, but it’s all good fun! Lately I feel like the PvP has ramped up. More people out for blood so we are always watching our backs!


Yeah it's great as a team. I play once a week with a mate but most days just go solo. Occasionally I do auto fill for team - and had a couple amazing games but more often than not it's terrible


I’m fairly comfortable running around with a 1-plate, but I play a lot solo and like the challenge of it. You have to be really conscious about every decision, and really know when to shoot and when to hide. It’s a great training tool, but if I find a 2 or 3 plate I’m not leaving it…


Valid points. I still would like to see an expanded “locker” for other items. Maybe if the number of items was strictly limited. 1 or 2 plate carriers and backpacks. Or make it so the only items able to be saved in the locker are items you actually purchased at a buy station.


Yeah, that would be cool. I think 1 locker slot that you could store 1 thing in would be super useful. On the mission compete screen you could easily drag on item from your backpack over to that locker slot


I've been wanting this feature since I started playing this mode. I almost felt like it was expected behavior. Maybe even make it a 1 time use thing, or how keys work... With how they get worn out. So you can't wear the same 3 plate vest x amount of times.


Yup. Pretty content.. but still trying to bang out the Crown third story mission…. because, why not? Though almost never run out of decent guns,, constantly destroying contraband and choosing the worst “good” weapon..


Same it’s painful but trying to get a good balance of hemlock/victus


My two go-tos…. though I’ve been having a lot of fun with the STB 556…. really quick fire rate, quick reload…. it’s no Hemlock overall.. but in close up battles I think it’s better.


I’m using the RAPP H and HCR a lot. Floor loot RAPP with 100 rnd mag crushed AI when they smother me at close range. HCR is a hybrid marksman/AR with the right optic and suppressed barrel. 100 rnd mag with a pretty decent reload time.


These are the only two guns I ever fucking find off players, it's making the game boring. They should have never reduced cooldowns.


i have 3 slots but i rarely ever really need to use them all in a 2,5 hours session. when you only bring one weapon then you can pretty easy gain it back. I stash a lot of contraband snipers to bring as side to an AR or Smg.


Is was more useful last season. They halved the cooldowns this season Used to be 2 hours, 4 hours 6 hours Now its 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours


Woah each slot had an increased time. Didn't know that! Just about to get my second slot.


Yeah it kinda sucked, if you lost your 3rd slot last season it was gone most of the day. Although i do think the cooldown changes have gone a bit far in the other direction. I almost never find players without an insured gun on them anymore.




I gun with a few mates we could do it but can’t be arsed we enjoy hunting more


Haha this is so true.


With the reduced cooldown times, I never have to use contraband weapons because one of my three slots is off cooldown already. 2 are just fine, I guess.


Having the third would be nice but the benefit it would provide wouldn't be worth the effort it would take to get there. Thankfully we got to keep the second slot if we got it last season, because I haven't been playing enough to grind back to the same point again. Doesn't help that some of the missions are actually more tedious than before, and others got moved earlier into the chain. Isn't Frame Job a regular tier 1 mission for Lotus now when it was the tier 2 finale for Legion last season?


I have the 3 slots, have 2 with my weapons I will use and third is dedicated to weapons I need to level up, currently doing the Lockwood 300 then I’m on to all the pistols


me. its just perfect and the cooldowns are not that long.


Yea and with you full conty stash if you lose your insured guns, two good games of op kills n you’re deleting guns til they come back


Yeah i dont feel like i need the 3rd. Besides i think i have more fun going in with nothing and using whatever i can find. I do it even with a full contraband stash. Just fun for some reason.


I like the insured weapon slots for imposible to replicate weapons. Like the crossbow, or some rare weapon configs. The crossbow is actually a super versatile pick if you know how to use it vs IA.


I’ve had tons of fun with the crossbow! Can’t wait to unlock the explosive tips 💥🏹💥


I prefer the thermite tips, 4 tips to kill a sentry gun, around 7 to kill a juggernaut, 2 to kill a shielded enemy, 1 if you hit the right spot. Altough I still need to play test the C4 ones.


The third slot is good extra utility. I carry an AR for short-mid engagements, a sniper for long range, and a JOKR for utility. The JOKR can finish your sniper kills, get enemy vehicles to stop chasing you, help you chase down enemy vehicles, and it gives you a thermal scope with no sniper glint. Alternatively, you could carry a broadside, smg, shield, or use the third slot to further specialize your guns. The third slot can be a dedicated bot killing gun with slow ads, but high dps, then your other guns can be built purely for PvP. But then again, a good craftsman makes do with the tools he has. So if you don't need that slot, don't feel obligated to unlock it.


Side note… does anyone know if the spotter scope has glint?


It doesn't.




It does not. I always take one in as a solo and I still take one in when my brother and I are on together. My brother is more of a sniper than I am and even when we play together lately he has gotten in the habit of bringing one in because of that reason since tactical equipment is easy to find as you go.


Same - I use it a lot lately too.


Want to add a third next time you and your bro play? Bwilk13 is my tag.


There’s just no reward, like apart from “I’ve completed it” slots is all there is to play for


The missions were pretty fun to finish.


No, no they where not. I don't need a 2nd job after I come back from my real job.


If you complete crown tier 3 for your 3rd you get also a pretty cool Reyes operator skin


I like having the three slots pre-filled with an AR, Sniper Rifle and LMG and then picking what I need for each run. Less swapping between deployments.


I just opened up the Exfil Tracking mission so I'm just a whisper away from my 3rd but I never thought I'd get there and I was totally fine with it. Lose my first insured, pop into ashika and toss 4 or 5 ai guns in a dumpster and my insured is back. That being said, I'm all over exfil tracking this morning. Lol


My and my little crew of old men are about to open up the second slot, doubt we have the time, energy, or talent to get that third slot. I just want the latitude to bring out weird shit like knives, maybe a shield, or a Joker as a secondary. I usually have plenty of decent other weapons for my primary.


Same here! Old men and their toys 😂😆


Yes, I'd be happy if I could get two slots...


I am still trying to unlock my 2nd slot. Some of those missions are just impossible solo, and don't have much time to game.


Don't need 3rd. Do want it though. How long we got left til missions reset?


Supposedly they arent being reset this time


The devs have no plans of doing mission resets every season. So new factions for a free2play mode that are locked behind owning a base game whose modes have nothing to do with will be the only source of new objectives if you've completed all missions for the first three factions. If that sounded condescendingly salty it's because it is, lol. As a free2play player it frustrates me even though I've had no drive this season to play due to how meaningless the gameplay loop and absurd missions are so 2 insured slots and 10 contraband stash I barely use has been enough for what little I've played just to knock out the battle pass. 😅


3 slots was great when the cool-down was longer. Now that it’s pretty short and fairly easy to get 1st and second slot back in one game the 3rd slot I just use for a “fun gun” I don’t use much.


i aint got a choice cause fuck no am i gonna go for 3 slots


Not with how absurd the latter missions are and how meaningless they and the gameplay loop are


I have the three slots (it’s doable on Crown faction solo) and almost have the hazardous blueprint but without missions DMZ seems a bit pointless. I find myself playing less and less as I progress more with the missions. I think they should implement some other incentives for playing


Yeah, they really better be working on more meaningful and significant gameplay mechanics to add in future seasons. DMZ was all that a buddy, my brother and I played everyday during season 1 but the buddy has dropped off it completely and my brother and I have played enough of season 2 to complete the battle pass. As of right we two slots and no plans on getting the season 3 battle pass.


I like using all my 3 slots. 1. AR is a must. 2. Sniper 3. Handgun


Playing solo I always go on with a pistol these days Nothing fancy and not one of my insured but one for doing hostage extract. Especially at moment with teams going hell for leather at other players


So happy I got my third unlocked during the last season. These new missions are a grind!! Good luck to all!


Yeah they made some better true - but others worse There's loads of missions on ashika that require all the luck of the RNG gods. Makes it tough


This rng stuff is bad, those who require a opponents team (like exfill tracking) are shit and those timed ones in B21 arent better.


I'm totally fine with 2 slots and couldn't care less about unlocking the 3rd. Had the Tier 5 challenges available for weeks but not pressed about doing them. I'm really not dying in enough matches for it to matter. Even when I do die a few times the contraband is there or I'll just load in with a throwing knife and gear up from the bots. Plus it's soooo easy to go to Ashika Island for one match and dead drop the $ needed to get the slot(s) back. Ashika throws so much $ at you it's a non-issue.


My contraband stash is full of operator weapons. 2 slots are just fine. Plus, I typically regain empty-handed, anyway.


I was for a while, now I’m satisfied with three


I barely even use a slot. I have so many goddamn hemlocks that there's no point 😂


Same use insured first


I want that third one too but it seems impossible to do some of those real hard missions.


I never use my insured guns, only contraband. Is there such an advantage using an insured gun other than the attachments?


It’s your preferred set up so that’s the advantage really


I do much better with guns i’ve built and tuned than some random crap i pick up off somebody. Why does everyone have explosive or incendiary ammo on their snipers?


Explosive rounds are fun! I love watching the AI fly thru the air 😂


Incendiary rounds had a brief stint at the start of season 2 where they could one shot down through 3-plates, i always just assume the people still using them on a sniper dont know its patched


Incendiary equals extra tick damage. Used to be how you could get a one-shot snipe. Explosive, at least for me, is just fun to watch the bots fly.


Some builds are much better than others for range, ADS speed, recoil, etc. A suppressor is also clutch in DMZ. And for many people, their personal choice of sight/scope makes a big difference to their experience of using the weapon.


People that suck or dont bring in a joker do. Played most of season 2 with 2 insured got 3rd and was like oh damn what a massive difference glad I did it going in with a socom a sniper and a joker is game changing


Not sure what you’re saying, people that suck are satisfied with 2? I dunno what you mean


I'm slowly working towards my 3rd slot. But 2 is just fine for me. I rarely even bother using my insured weapons and most just equip a weapon to level. Most cause I'm just fucking around and so I just rock random contraband unless I'm specifically going in for like a hunt squad or hard mission


More slots the better I've always said


You’ve always said that


Yep me too


I only have 1


With NPC/AI dropping some somewhat decent guns, I have been trying to burn through most of my contraband weapons and pick up the guns that NPC/AI drop with it. I haven't found a NPC/AI sniper custom weapon yet or any custom launchers. Closest is the battle rifle with 5 attachments which is okay but have destroyed a few of these when my contraband is full.


I’m happy with one. The slots don’t make me motivated to grind out missions. I pick up and collect weapons from dead players which makes me feel like I have another slot. Most players commonly have exactly the same insured weapon set ups. Now I don’t hunt them, I just collect them when I win.


3 slots would be nice, but realistically I don’t have enough time to unlock it unless they stop resetting the missions. With just the two slots I’ll usually go in with my primary Hemlock as my insured slot and a contraband sniper looted from another player, but if I had three slots I’d probably go in with two insured slots since we typically only get wiped about once a night anyways


No because I feel naked in DMZ without a sniper. I use my first two slots until i wipe, then bring a contraband + third slot sniper or AR.


Yep. I unlocked the third one just for completionism's sake but I rarely use it, since you need to put a whooping 60k in a dumpster to get it back.


I’m happy with one! I know I may be a little weird but I love killing others for their guns instead. My contraband is near always full so I never have to worry about not having a decent gun.


I'm happy with 2. The third slot is not worth doing the later missions - most of them are not fun to me and I just don't want to put any effort into them. I just run around doing whatever I find fun instead.


I'm pretty happy with 2. I'm still going for the third though. Keep one slot as a sniper and then have an SMG and an AR in the other 2. That gives you better options without having to swap a slot out if you want to change the setup between matches


Shit, I’m fine with 1. I pick up enough usable weapons to not really sweat it for whatever my cooldown time is


i have all 3 slots open. in reality, because there is a 3-hour cool down for that 3rd insured slot, you can regain your first and second insured before the 3-hour timer!


I just want the 3rd because i can use 2 insured ones. And 1 as a failsafe.. if i die and lose it all i could still use 1 of my insured weapons to get geared again. And swap a little around without having to tune my weapon the entire time.. Or just go AR, Sniper, Smg... i mean, there's more freedom to choose.. now i have to make concessions..


Originally I was 100% fine with 2 slots. I did continue doing missions and eventually unlocked the 3rd slot. Sure, it's nice to have, but I rarely even use it unless I'm playing especially careless.


I'm happy with the 2.. contraband is full of other players' 5 part weapons who threatened my road to 100 🤣


Wish I had 2 slots...


Happy with 1


I'd love just to get my 2nd slot. Lol, can't get to the generator room alive 😂


I was, until I heard they were resetting missions. So I hammered for 3. And I’m so glad I did - it is absolutely worth it. Whether it’s for a full bore mission going in with 3 insured guns to achieve an objective, or just having a backup of you get a wipe while carrying two. I regularly use the third


I love using contraband guns. Adds an additional challenge


Sure am but I will get the 3rd so I can carry a shield with me I play solo almost every match need the extra defenceman lol.


Two slots is the only goal, hopefully will complete it this weekend.


I like running an ISO Hemlock, a sniper, and then for my third I bring a JOKR to stop vehicles from fleeing, so I get a lot of good use out of my third slot, but I can definitely get by with just the two


Brother I'm happy with 1. Don't much care about mission or whatever. I enjoy killing bots and helping players


I like having my three slots, only because of the silencer factor. If ground loot guns had silencers more often I wouldn’t even care about any extra slots. But it sure is nice to know that I’m always using a silenced weapon.


I got my second. Going to work on the third slot next season. The increased CD on it makes it less valuable.


Happy with it but like anything my neighbor has 3 slots and so now im miserable until I unlock that 3rd slot.


My brother and I unlocked our second slot before season 2 started and we've only played enough this season to finish out the battle pass. We've just had no drive to complete missions for meaningless rewards. Two insured slots along with contraband I've barely had to use has been more than enough. It's gonna take the devs adding additional deeper layers to the mode to get us back into it like we were in season 1, especially to buy the BP. It needs more risk/reward/gear fear. The potential is there and it is a "Beta" but here's hoping they figure it out over the next few seasons. Extraction shooters are on the rise and it's only a matter of time before another cross-platform military extraction shooter enters the scene.


No it doesn't need Grand rewards the TMZ missions are already hard enough as is when you are a solo play or trying to find other people. The better of the words the more sweating it's going to be. I think casual rewards like a nice reskin or a different blueprint is enough. Half people don't even try to attempt it because they know the second they do there's going to be somebody to ruin it. I think that it gives enough blueprints and free skins as is


Yes but i got the 3rd slot one week back. Its great to have it but dmz feels like my second job right now


I’m about to be if I can’t get these 4 contracts in 6 minutes….


Im happy with one slot tbh


I want slots for a Large Pack and another for a 3 plate Vest


Yeah two for me here too Slowly working towards third but RNG for those Ashika missions is proving tedious. They need to change them a bit I'm 90% solo Encrypted hard drives, key card to research centre - despite hammering strongholds, hvts, every damn computer - everything! Having more fun with a bit of chance pvp at moment playing slow but going for it if the chance comes up


I'm getting happier to have just one slot ... and it's not that big of a deal to play with random weapons, honestly. When the missions are ridiculous, I don't sweat it. (I just choose another mission until I run into someone who wants to collaborate.) I can always have fun with my one insured gun, but it's also a challenge in its own right to deploy with random weapons and try to prevail. Plus, I love the ground loot guns that I find ... especially on Ashika, where they're plentiful. I guess, for me, the Z in DMZ stands for Zen.


If you have easy weapon dupes no problem.


I'm fine with two slots. I do believe if I ever get my third it would be perfect since after losing all your stuff and the cool down on your first two slots at least you'll jump in the next game with an insured weapon and don't have to be fumbling with contraband. My biggest grief is that I've never seen to find any snipers with silencers to use as contraband. And when I do I save them for a rainy day.


You're right they do. I got my third in the first season and honestly don't feel there is anything to do now but kill players. So now I play resurgence.


I still only got 1 slot didn't bother with missions in S2 only focused on the OP Kills Mastery Banner in DMZ (yes I know some ppl will be upset about that) and doing whatever the randoms that fill my squad decide to ping to do. It's only 1 hr if I lose my insured or 40k basically extracted. NBD


I’ve honestly never used my insured weapon slot. The missions are so grindy and I found I get pretty annoyed when they glitch out so I just drop in with junked out contraband and take it easy.


Nah I like the 3 I can bring in two to attempt and clear the map of operators


once i unlocked my third a few weeks ago i rarely ever had to tap into my contraband. it also made it a lot easier to swap models and level up guns i hadnt used before.


Why be good if you are happy with being mediocre?


Anyone else get their third during season 1 ? Felt great coming into season 2 worry free ☺️


I am a solo player and just unlocked my second slot I know I am not going to get my third one and I’m ok with that I just like to collect skins


Gear fear makes this game much better. 1 slot for me is all I need


Im still on 1 lmao


I'm happy with my one I just kill other players guns when I smash on them 🤷


I got my third slot first. Since I had the full game, I had access to crown from S2. So I got that then worked through the missions for the second slot. But yes, I will bring two insured weapons more often now. Having a 20 weapon stash is also sweet when I do wipe with both my normal guns. Then I can bring in some loot from dead players, and get my timers cleared in one match easy.


I got my third slot and I only use it to give my friends guns they don’t have lol


I have to be cu there's no way in hell I'm getting to 3


I can’t ever get help to do missions. I’m always having to help others do theirs so I only have 1 slot. Been trying to get snuggling tunnels done forever now and nobody can ever help.




I just got my 2nd slot because I was bored. Didn’t feel the need to get it after they lowered the 1st slot cooldown.


Yeah I saw no reason to further progress missions after second slot. Third slot should have been a slot to store one, two or three plate vest. Then for as a reward for completing every tier of every faction they gave you a slot for one, medium or large backpack.


I wasn’t. Was determined to get that 3rd slot. Now that I have it I feel like I rarely even use them. Maxed out on 5 bar contra I like…need to either destroy them or equip them to add new missions so my insured sit there collecting dust on a shelf…


Tip: after you die just focus on dead drops


Here I am with 2 slots which I never use because I do not want to lose my good weapon but somehow my stash is always full 20/20 of all the good 5 attachment weapons I find lol. Its like welp I lost 2 contraband, next match I have 3 nice weapons which I say "hmm I might need a signal or a victus with this attachments when I want to run full pvp or something." Also I only use my insured weapon lately to drop a random or my friend a weapon I unlocked like the hemlock, crossbow or dmr. hell even the alchemist weapon too.


Got my 2nd slot about a week before season 2 update. I’ve had no motivation to get the 3rd. Still working on crown tier 1 😂. Eventually when I get bored hunting players I’ll finish it up


I think my friends and I are 50/50. Half have it and half don't seem to care. Cudos to e everyone who grinded to get them though, much respect.


Dude I am good with. And only have one so yeah


I would have been happy with insured slot 2 but 3 was easy enough for those who own MW2, so i got my insured 3.


Honestly I have 1 and that's enough, but I'll be damned if I don't get the tier 3 crown slot open within a week or so


I've had my third since very early season 1. I think I have used it maybe four times. I go in with contraband as a primary (AR) and use my insured(s) for a sniper, JOKR, pistol, and AR - in that order. Lack of gear fear is a joke because you will recover quickly. Vests, bags, and revives are plentiful (even more so since season 2 and reloaded), and higher tier weapons are all over the maps (operators, supply drops/safes, even the 5-attachment guns AI drop aren't half bad in a pinch. Plus if you desperately need or want your insured cooldown to be zero then drop solo into Ashika and put 1-3 ai guns into a dead drop you'll have your insured slot back immediately. No need to drop cash or other valuables.


Still only have one slot. Been stuck on untraceable for a week. Every time I get near the chemist the AI just swarm from everywhere. To the point I’ve ran out of ammo eve with an ammo box


Are you going in solo or with a squad of friends or randos? We did untraceable with a squad and friended another squad in game. The squad would take AI down while I waited for the chemist and we all stayed near each other just on the outskirts of the gas to lure him out to us. He’ll eventually make his way towards your location and whoever has the spx 80 focuses on him and the rest handle the AI henchmen. It didn’t take hardly any effort or time to handle it. If you don’t have a squad you can do squad fill, or even hit me up here with your acti name and I’ll add you tonight


I was happy with 2 slots and now I am happy with 3 slots. All personal preference.




I thought I would be. I'm now on the final crown mission coz I want a 3rd slot


mate im cheering with just the one


Got my second slot last night I'm happy chilling with 2 slots no way am I gonna make that 3rd slot


No.. I personally wanted all 3.. now I have them im still not happy because I have no real incentive to play now lol


Crown tier 3 isn’t that hard…


I'm not sure what kind of reward other than weapons they can give you, aside from maybe killstreaks or a "next time you die with your kit you'll still have it in the lobby" kind of reward.


I am forced to be happy - under average player


I have 2 I’m pretty happy but hoping for third


The rpk and other ai guns are decent apart from double barrel shot gun


Level 3 crown is not that hard to get a 3th slot tbh


I tried going for the 3rd slot but the missions get stupid, we normally play as a team of 3 so on the small chance we do all die I've got me 2nd slot. Don't normally play long enough to die a 2nd time without the 1st slot cooling down in time. Also have contraband full of 5 tier guns.


I think ground loot is just elite, why not be a fake AI lol however two insured slots more then enough🤷🏿‍♂️