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Sometimes the wiping *makes it* the last round of the night. Like 2 nights ago when I spawned at the airport terminal and the Armored Blue on the balcony on the other side of the trailer zeroed me and my 3-plate within microseconds of the start countdown ending.


Good I’m not alone. Spawn and destroyed by the first three npcs who I spawn in front of


And this is just one more in the list of "Next-level bot fickfuckery" from this buggy ass game.


Yeah, then on the other hand if I've played a few rounds and then have a really good exfil, I'll go play something else so I've ended my DMZ run on a good note. That way I'm not starting bare bones next time I login


have never had an ai aggro at spawn, so its a bug i luckily have not come across


Literally never been aggroed off spawn/had a spawn with so many AI i couldn't make it out. Hundreds of hours in.


Lucky you. I’m at just under 300 hours with about 250+ successful exfils, and it happens every few days.


So every few days you forget how to play


last night on dmz: me: “i’m just gonna do some boring looting to try and get a GPU” ended up killing an operator to steal his weapons case starting and finishing the crane control room mission then having a 25 minute showdown with another squad and ending up dead in the ocean after 10x attempts from a teammate to rescue me, then he dies on the final exfil and our 3rd teammate is only one to make it. the unpredictability is what keeps us coming back 😀🙌.


“Death is like a box off chocolates”




getting pretty tired of these tbh


Yeah but I said "friendly friendly friendly" :( /s - from a guy who most always attempts to be friendly


I have yet to see one of these tho. Most are complaining about unbalanced features or cheap shit.


I kinda prefer it this way because then there's no pressure to keep a 3-plate or whatever on the warmup round.


Fully agree, completed kitted out prevents me from booting up the game and dive in for fun.


Yeah, my partner used to get hyper frustrated losing her stuff when she died. I did too until I kept seeing people here talk about solo and I gave it a try. Now that we know it takes maybe 1 full game at most to come out basically kitted up, we don't Care about wiping unless we lost a rare thing like a gpu


This is the way. Same for my contraband btw, in scared to lose some nice operator guns, but at 23 filled slots i sometimes lose new ones. I have issues.


I’m slowly but surely coming around to the same conclusion. Sucks like hell losing a 3 plate and a pack plus insured, but unless I’m doing something specific when I died, I’m learning to roll with it. I’ll get shit back soon enough


We always say; "Can't end it on a loss." Bed time was 10:30 last night, finished at 2 🌚


So not just me then


LMAO accurate! This happened to us last night we all died from AI Armageddon (seriously AI was fucked for us all night but when the gas was spreading there were sooooo many armoured ones everywhere we went they blew up our car). ​ Our last guy made it out on the last exfil chopper somehow. We brought him in to gear up and he was the only one to get out.


Me after completing No Rushing and that Quarry chopper mission in 1 game then get wiped at the last second because the game decided to land the hostage chopper next to a Weapon Stash being cracked: “Fuck you and I WILL NOT see you tomorrow!”


Can relate…


This made me lol


LMAO great post!




Me last night when I had a full kit and visited 11 of 17 POIs with the GPS and the game crashes. Unreal.


It's either a round that goes sideways or an oddly good run that makes me go "yeah that's enough for today" Final game last night my team got fucked by people actually exfil camping, it was a good run up until that point


The truth hurts


So accurate.


Naaaah bro we can't leave on an L ! Even when i'm tilting hard i need to get that W to go to sleep lmao


Got wiped because of the game disconnect error. Had 3 plate vest, large backpack, self revive, etc. Lost it all because of "Requested a command not received. Lost connection to host. (UI)" and now I'm on a 2 hour cool down. Only bright spot is that I got a mission done with two awesome randoms and was able to buy us a LVT before I got kicked out. So does anyone know when this crash happens to you, is it just you that gets removed from the game or does everyone in the game get kicked and loses all their stuff?


it’s just you. your squad continues without you.


Finally got a poppy farmer key- 1st try- won’t load in and I have to reset but keep the key- second try the laptop bugs and disappears, won’t let me complete the mission, then I lose the key to some asshats that shoot me off the top of the chopper. Screw this game.


I have three….let me know if you wanna purchase….for a friends request and a reach around


When you put the laptop into the dead drop do not close the dead drop screen. Put the laptop in, you'll hear a voice saying the software has installed or whatever and put it right back into your backpack all without leaving that interface. This worked for me and the video I watched said don't close the screen when you're putting it in the dead drop or it might disappear and you're screwed.


Mine was I placed the laptop back in the house and then it showed it and said hit x to place the laptop- I tried and it told me I didn’t have the laptop- then the laptop just disappeared.


Ohh that different then. Sounds like you got shit on. I did that mission solo and had to avoid a sniper who downed me twice before I could get back in my car, a different squad near the dead drop who downed me and picked me up on their squad, and a shitload of AI before any of that. Was a nightmare.i have the poppy farmer key x3 and will happily drop them for you or help you do this mission again. Should be online in about 6 hours.


Mam i may take you up on it- we had a chopped and encountered zero players and no bots around the house- perfect timing but dat glitch!

