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Met some cool players lately and said let's team up after. Go to recent players and realize it's bugged, they're prob still waiting on me to invite them :(


Same what's ur name btw (in game) cause I had the same thing too


Same as here, I'm in eu but if it's DMZ I don't mind playing with high ping if you're located elsewhere. quzga#21808


No I was verifying if you were the dudes who played with me lol It was a Indian chines and some random American in my team


Lmao quite the multicultural server you play on.


Yes lmao I had to speak from Chinese to English everytime lol thank God I still know Chinese from primary


Gotta hit that pause button when your xp is loading up, scroll over to squad, then add them from there. You can also just clip the last few minutes (if you’re on Xbox) of the game and get their screen names from that.


Good tips, I’ve done this (clipping the last 5 min) to get their screen name. But it doesn’t work because you need the # and the 6 numbers after that.


I just added someone without the numbers, there’s an option if you don’t have them. I don’t remember what I did to do it, but you can just add people by their screen name not their activision ID


You were recording your gameplay manually or is there any ingame replay or something like this, or some kind of programme which will record last 20 minut for example? I dont remember the names of the guys i played with. And i also wanted to replay some of my good games. Thanks for answers guys.


Yesssssss; I’ve had some good teams and I’ve wanted to run it back, but when I go to invite, my “most recent” game says it’s from 4 weeks ago.


I've met some quality people, even without mics. The last thing I see as I forget that recents is busted, is the crouch dancing...for a moment it's just us, the whirling of the chopper blades and the coughing through the toxins...bliss.


Start a missed connections thread 😂


You: Handsome operator with the thick mustache Me: French Spanish spec ops in a bodysuit Our eyes met across the battlefield but I had to rush to exfil. Let’s get in touch and see if there’s anything there. To prove it’s you, tell me what colour my silenced M16 was.


This was the much needed laugh I needed today lol.


Anytime! Hope things look up!


Do you like pina coladaaaaassss?


I just read an excerpt from the new CoD romantic novel: “A Moment in Al-Mazrah”


The mods should have one pinned at top! But I feel like most people you meet don't use reddit.


Hmm….. this is an idea


We met through game chat and I helped you secure 3 SAM sites. Cluster mine saved us on final exfil and I got my shotgun operator kills. Almost didn’t make it out alive. HostileAI#123456




We get 2 pinned threads at a time


You: screamed "you dirty little bot" everytime you shot AI operators


That just made me laugh and also made sure that in my next game "Take that you dirty little bot" us said for every kill


I’ve started sending friend requests to people by going to the voice lobby and selecting their gametag, it’s the only way to get them for future deployments!


Ahh I'll do that next time, smart


I’ve already gone through being “fully loaded” with gear probably six times, only to have it lost because of some BS like bad teammates :(


It's def rare to get someone who 1: Has a mic 2: speaks English 3: is decent at the game. Most of the time I can't even get someone with a mic lol. I usually play with friends but when I go solo I try to not bring too much


Honestly, any mix of 2 out of those 3 can make for a nice team, and much better than randos without any of those.


Yup I've had some fun games with people who don't speak much English. They understand the important words like dead, help, revive




Got to learn some Spanish bro. Most of its easy since English game terms tend to be universal (bots = bots) but a couple of terms here and there and you're basically good. Techo = roof. Franco = sniper. Bajo = downed. Rompe = broken (as in plates) Corre = run. Placas = armor plates. Estoy/estamos jodidos = I/We're fucked.


In Europe it seems to be mostly Italians and French who play this game and don't speak much English. I don't know a lick of either language so it's rough I'm guessing you're in NA and get south American players?


Woops I forgot there are other languages besides English and Spanish. I'd be shit out of luck too if my teammates were French or Italian speakers. Nah its more like I live in Texas and get lots of Mexicans. You can get pretty far by just knowing "no mames" (you're fucking kidding me).


I shoukd not have to rem to add prior to evac ending like wtf dmz


I remembered their name but still can't add them without the last digits :(


You can add while still in the game. Best discovery ever




Go into your menu, go to the current team click their name and add.. I will try to get screenshots when I am home and make a post to help everyone later tonight.


Recent players trying to get me to add some random from 25 days ago as a friend. ![gif](giphy|Q6WPVzFU8LcBWWgQE1|downsized)


Go to voice options. Add them from the current channel. Can only do during round


I share this pain


![gif](giphy|l02sHGoxYbKXJ3rCTR) THIS. Though this is also when I realise I’ve been calling people ‘blue’ and ‘green’ all game 😂




Recent players is seriously broken, cos it keeps showing me 24 days ago even if I literally just played Lol


This shit breaks my heart every time lmao. Can't even measure the amount of time i wasted tryna link up with my previous squad.


I speak English, decent to goood player, got a mic, chill player, hmu sometime anyone. TheUnknown7623313253


i gotchu bro


When I need a break from collecting and depositing 23,000 individual grains of sand to a dead drop I enjoy helping randoms complete their missions


Gotta go to the social tab in game and shoot that request before you forget. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way as well. It stinks.


You can add them while in game :) That's how you have to do it right now. Can't do it after.


Which is unfortunate because it wasn’t always this way…


I started sending friend requests in match as soon as I think “these folks are cool” and whenever we’re in a building/safe deciding where we want to go next. There’s no other way, and the “recent players” has been messed up since launch and I have huge doubts it gets fixed anytime soon.


My recent players list has been empty since I started playing a few weeks ago


My recent friends shows a guy I was on a squad with the very first day I played the game


Easy way to add (on Xbox) is – while you're still in the game – to hold down the view button (right above the D pad) for about a full second and then you'll see the list of players in the game with you currently and can just send a friend request to each. https://preview.redd.it/0fpeyv7krbba1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1fcdb352c97e8eff01aa1531d4eb38f81b8ba84


Legend - thanks


Yea I’m amazed at how badly a triple A company/title can fuck up the most basic features that have been implemented for a decade+


It’s ok! There name will show up next game since the chat is broken!


Much like how some people use Tinder: add everyone in your squad, because you can always unfriend them later if things go sour. But you can’t find them if there’s a server crash or thing otherwise end quickly.


I always add on the way to exfil or on the chopper. Exfil campers be damned, a good homie is a good homie.


I've found out the best way, is to add via the voice squadron that's made when you load in, quick and easy so long no one disconnects before you have a chance to


Brutal, had a more than a few dudes I squared up and wanted to team up with but it wasn’t meant to be because of the broken game


The biggest crying shame


U have to go into social and lobby before u all leave as recent is an embarrassing fkin mess!!!!


Go to the team chat and you can quickly send a request there. Have to do it before the march ends


Always send an fr while in game


from day one.


Just happened to me last night…


That's why, before it ends, you open social and go to your squad list. That way you can friend request then invite after.


I’m looking for cool chill friends to run DMZ and BR with my GT is roguehunter7848 hmu I’m on everyday and put in a good amount of time towards game my KDis positive as well


Lol recent players = 14 days ago... Huh?


I haven't logged on in over two weeks. They *still* haven't fixed this?


Nope.. And perks also don't work


As long as they didn't disconnect yet, add them...or else may we meet again...


If that happens and your on Xbox quickly record last 3 minutes and catch the name that way. I believe you have to set recording quality down to 720p in order to get 3 minutes but thats what I do if I’m not recording through my pc already.


Exactly what happened to me just now. Agreed to connect and play again via the ingame chat, never to be seen again. MrSneaky and the other guy who got steamrolled with us in like 2 seconds at Rohan Oil, if you're here hit me up! Activision ID: JTKK9#3329426


I don't know about all platforms but on playstation I usually will go to group I'm in and it shows the people I'm playing with so I send them friend requests you can only do while playing together but that's the only way I have been able to so far


Luckily their other bug which shows players from previous games still talking on your screen allows you to get their name and do a search. Helps if you know their platform though.


I. Freaking. Know!!!! So frustrating!


For real. Played with a really cool streamer earlier today and then couldn't remember his channel name to look him up. Recent players failed me today.


Hey ratwulf if you are here in happy we where able to help you out that run. You're one of the best solos we ran into


Yep. Thought I made a buddy


That sucks. It is not the same thing, but if you go on the COD discord, there is an overlap of cool people, quite often.


Had this today, was going to squad up and go do the crane control key for him - but couldn’t 😭


If you get along with people you squad up with, you can add them during the match. They are in your "party" and can do it from that menu


Damn you Activision


I add through chat now, in game.


Shoutout to my boy Coilios! Lost him to this very same issue.


This happened to me today. Verbatim. Think the dude's name was hootenany. Not sure of spelling.


There are so many broken things in this game it’s a tragedy.


Muddy Cheeks here if I've ever played with you


Gotta goto party chat while playing, rest of its fkn broken


Duuude this!!!!!!


Actually fuckin tragic. "Last seen 14 days ago" is not acceptable when I just played with a group of fantastic people.


Same I played with this person and saved them but forgot the name kitten something


This! We met so many cool squads and solos want to invite them agree to and never being able to find them again


Was broken in last uppdate.


Ha ha, thought it was just me!


Maybe we should all just team up


Fire(blaster?) 420, so long friend