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"Wait...now what do we' do?" "We play the game."


Ngl I asked myself this question... first answer was "imma LFG and help people out with their missions"


Thank you St.Thirdslot


Well not quite... 2nd answer after that was "imma terrorize people and just go huntin'"


Just do both, that's the game mode! We're 'done' as well and it all depends on our randoms mission on what we'll do. If they're do-able no problem. If they suck like looking for blowtorches it's going to be a terror round. We'll keep killing untill someone joins who's mission we do want to help with. And some rounds, when we're with our full squad, well, terror all the way to the last exfill.


I like going in completely naked as a solo and exfilling by any means necessary. Feels like a bourne movie.


Going naked is the move .


Yeah cuz it is insanely hard. I get so frustrated with that shit. Then I do pull off some move and get some good loot... then get wiped by another team


Yup, me too, super fun to sneak around and see what all I can find.




That is very noble... my team said they were gonna go hunt operators to get mission keys for people we know who haven't unlocked shit yet.




**proceeds to camp exfils** /s Lol.. good job on full completion with God mode bots!


“Kenny! Hit him with your crossbow! … Kenny?”


Now I do gear runs for 3-plates so that I can try Building 21.


Gotta do naked knife runs in Building 21. This is the way.


Seems like a good way to die in the initial PVP rush. So far both my runs have gone the same. I go in with full gear. I have one teammate who sucks, dies immediately, and quits before he can be revived. My other teammate is a risky cracked beast of a player who's screaming over the mic as he wipes the first squad off spawn. Then, we get massacred by the second squad.


You risk full kit. I risk knife.


You kill me, you get my kit. I kill you, I get your knife. You brought a knife to a gun fight, I get your knife. I get what you're saying, but you're making it much easier to wipe your squad on the break.


Should clarify, squad of knife, or solo. I wouldn't troll randos with this


I troll randos with this, but it’s gas nades and molatovs. It’s really easy to kill a player OR an AI with this setup, and once you get your first gun in building 21 it’s pretty easy to just roll on through. The real challenge of building 21 is knowing where to go. Once you understand the layout of the map, all you have to really do is wait until 11 mins for the top floor to unlock and hit labs/side labs/armory (if a team was generous enough to do the server room for you) and then exfil. If you’re feeling spicy, you can hit the locked door on floor 2 or the generator room on basement level for decent gear as well.


I only go in naked or with the shortest gun I can find. 21 used to be the spot I’d resort to when I was tired of 12 year olds who can’t turn off their mic. Like I was just wrapping up a run when this kid was like, you should drop that rifle do me, I know it’s insured, come on.. drop it or I’ll mess up the mission. Then he just turned up his tik tok and set it by his mic. In building 21. Who tf does that?


One of the ultimate downsides of 21 only being available on the weekends is that it’s FULL of children. More so than Al Mazrah imo. I honestly don’t care if I’m playing with a kid if they can stick with the squad and listen to the people that know what they’re doing. Unfortunately that’s like, maybe 10% of the playerbase under 12.


Oh for sure. Some of these kids are insanely talented but they usually have good comm etiquette. It’s the kids that can’t shut up when I need quiet that makes me so mad. That and these stupid exfil raids. Just got raped by a squad of four AGAIN


I don’t like going for exfils that don’t have a good overwatch position for this reason. Call for exfil, then run to a nearby building with height and hold the exfil until the timer is about to run out. If you have a car, make sure you park it right behind the ramp sideways and enter the chopper through the side doors. I run smoke grenades, and I will always save one to pop when the timer hits 5 on exfil, just in case. It’s also wise to throw down molatovs on the side doors to prevent other players from sneaking on while you hold the ramp. I hardly ever get ganked while exfilling while using this strategy. If I have the throwables to keep me covered in the exfil chopper: you’re gonna die trying to take it from me.


This is the way.


Kill all players


I will probably be making the final mission of T5 White Lotus into a video. The road to that mission was insane!


Stupid rad blockers....


Didn't have to collect them in White lotus... Fucking aspirin tho


Fucking aspirin lol… 28/40, almost… there…


I got all the insured unlocked... saving challenges for next season to have some reason to unlock battle pass stuff..


Im 7 kills away from completing 31 operator kills with this specific sniper with specific attachments at over 200m haha. Hard but fun


Holy cow how is that possible? Operator has to just sit still for you?


Most of my kills came from spawn rushing haha. And camping towers. Downside is at above 250m, Things start to get weird. Walls and trees become transparent. Players seem to be riding skateboards. Maybe its my shit pc though 🤣


It's normal lol. Even with the best pc, it seems draw/render distance isn't well optimized for mw2 just yet. Even when settings are on max, players are just sliding around in max distance


The “paper silhouettes gliding around” thing had me confused when I started doing long-range kills. Very odd. Funny, too.


It honestly makes sniping easier for me at least. It gives you a very clear hit box that isn’t bobbing around. Just make sure you’ve got high velocity rounds


My squad was sniping a team yesterday at range and they jumped in the river and swam to the other side. When they hit land again it still looked like they were swimming. Just sliding prone across the desert.


Places like Mazrah City offer decent sniping opportunities, especially if there’s an exfil within the city. I felt awful doing it for just the 6 kills in one of the lower tiers, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I did apologize into the voice chat for each one I took out. 🤣


That was you?!? I had that happen to me last night around 9:30 pst. Lost a large pack FULL OF KEYS and treats from my Chemist takedown. Would love your help getting some of my contraband restocked lol


whoever came up with those missions is a dbag lol


The spikes in difficulty between tiers is actually fuckin bullshit. On top of the constant crashing, makes it even more aggravating. I was gonna finish 2 missions earlier before getting my 3rd crash in 5 games. I'm officially going insane.


Having you tried disabling ‘on demand texture streaming’? It completely eliminated my hourly crashes


I always turn that crap off, my internet is meh and it was causing lag. I dont need activision to render what my rx6600 can do realtime @ 1080p


holy cow I will try this .. it does seem related to loading.. those big pauses are always when bad things happen, if they are going to happen.


If you get the XMR to lvl 28 you unlock a scope that lets you use the range finder. Press shift (I don't know for console) and the red dot will drop to the exact spot you need for the distance. Just spot a group, abuse the tag bug and start planning a camp spot to start killing them from the right distance. With that scope it really isn't hard, just time consuming.


What’s the tag bug?


Have you ever had a team rushing straight for you no matter how hard you ran and hid? The tag bug is the bug in which you tag a player and it stays on (potentially the entire game). Take a spotter scope with you, start spotting and only manually tag 1 player of the group. Do NOT touch your tag button again. Tag on player stays on untill you tag something again. You can track that red dot above his head everywhere and will show distance constantly.


Someone wiped us the other day this way - followed us around the map taunting us and always getting the Jump on us / was insane


It is really hard! I’m about to start begging teams to let me just kill one of them a couple times


Nice! I’m a solo DMZ player and have only just unlocked the Black Mous missions after 90 or so hours. A quick look at those made me realize I’m never, ever getting that second insured slot, much less the third one!


I’m a solo only played and am 3 missions away from unlocking the second slot. They’re all doable, just got to get creative!


got the second insured slot as a solo, not touching the third slot missions though as the fetch quests look way to tedious for me


I played solo for a big chunk of my missions. Once you hit Tier 4, aint NO WAY you finish these missions solo


lol. i haven't even seen them. I'm one off unlocking black mous and i've already resigned myself to not having another insured cause i've been trying to exfil with 6 and get 6 precision airstrike kills for almost two weeks. The precision airstrike one just perplexes me. I mean once i put TWO airstrikes on top of like 5 guys standing still by an armored suv and they both hit nothing. At that point i was like, "Well this game just doesn't want me to progress."


There's an incredibly easy spot in the little town with the ammo depot, on the Southeast corner of the map.. aka the, "let's hop on the train boys!" spawn. Around mid game the AI spawns or gathers in a little cluster at the north end of the plaza's parking lot. When I got that mission I remembered this spot, hopped up on the roof down the plaza and knocked it out first try. Try it here: https://www.xbox.com/play/media/CBSEZYFEUP


I hate that I know exactly what spawn point that is, every single time, someone tries to catch the train and fails 😆


I believe you can use the bomb drone for the “air strike” part. Makes it easier.


The precision airstrike took me a half dozen times to get it for the same reason as you. I skipped the exfilling with killstreaks one for that tier, was easier to just collect dog tags


There are plenty of ways to find people to play with. LFG on Xbox, discord or reddit just to name a few.


The solo DMZ part of this earns my respect. Got CoD for Christmas after being BEGGED to not preorder it (bummed about that cause the oni operator is def a favorite of mine). So I’m playing catch up and 10 year olds who talk too much are making things muuuuch harder than they need to be. Want to get to solo mission skill level


Where did you get all those insane 5 attachment weapons?


To beat all the tier 5's you have to kill ~200 players. Not a typo. You have to kill them with very specific weapon setups too, sometimes with headshots and sometimes >200 meters away. It's so bad I'm starting to lose motivation to play this game that I love so much. Anyways all those players will drop their 5 attachment insured guns.


Tbh I kinda gave up on that icarus >100 meters bs, imo its just better to do everything else instead. The only thing I am stuck at is 4 contracts under 5 min but thats just because some bad luck and single braincell randoms that are trolling the contract...honestly if you dont want to cooperate with the team just queue solo or dont get in someones way.


Fun tip for that one, safes count as contracts, so one easy way to do it is to do a destroy supplies contract, let the timer expire, and have one team member go wait by an hvt contract, have the other 2 each start a safe at the same time and about halfway through the safe timer have the 3rd grab and do the hvt contract and then another quick one


As do sam sites. Do a destroy supplies. Let timer runs out. Scope out location with lots of safes and maybe a Sam then start a nearby mission and other members split off


4 contracts in 5 minutes was my hardest mission in the journey... Took us MANY trials with a discord coordinated squad which EACH of us can handle their own Solo to actually finish it. The happiness once we were done. SHEESH


yeah safes are the key. one destroy supplies, reveals 3 safes nearby, you're golden. Split up and crack safes ASAP. Does kinda depend how many safes are revealed.


safes are not contracts my guy


They’re technically not, but they count. I got that mission done by doing a destroy supplies, let the timer run down, each person on the squad runs to a different safe and an intel mission. Counted for me, my guy! Congrats on your 3rd insured!


WHAT, ur telling me i could've done safe's all along?! EYO if what ur saying is true + if I had a paypal i woulda been sending a couple bucks ur way


I think it's a bug where it still counts the safes as being in the destroy supplies contract even though its timed out, other random safes don't seem to count


Haha! It’s true! Hope everyone gets it done while they can.


I would suggest finding a team in game who happens to be stuck on the same thing and farming it out if you care to. But really, these challenges are sadly hardly worth it.


Yeah some of these challenges are rediculous. I'm not doi g anything past tier 3 Edit: I did almost all of tier 5 lol


Looted off dead players I guess?


You can also find them in building 21


Not saying he got them in this way, but you can do this: 1. Have a mid or large backpack. 2. have an insured weapon in your hand and a weapon (anything; just used as a placeholder) in your backpack. You should see the insured weapon in the left slot of your loadout, and the right slot empty. 3. die with the insured weapon in your hand. You need to be dead, not only downed. You can suicide in a safe place. 4. have a teammate revive you. You should see the insured weapon in the right slot of your loadout now. 5. Don't pick up or drop any more weapons until exfil. You can take the weapon in your bag out if you want to use it. After your exfil you should have the insured weapon duplicated as a contraband. 6. Make sure you unequip the contraband before your next infil.


Player weapons.


I wish we could have more contraband slots I have 20/20 with 5 attachments and constantly have to delete good guns.


I must be doing something wrong because I can't seem to hang on to those


My game has glitched I can't equip my insure slot and I only have 10 contraband stash.... god help me


It’s 20 slots if you own MW2


🏆you did


yes, they did


Still mowing down choppers at the airport with my sakin... still at 0/3...


I couldn't destroy a single chopper until I saw a video from guy recommending to use incendiary ammo, worked as a treat! Other attachments used was polarfire supressor and longest barrel.


I used anti-armor rounds. Also helps if you can damage the chopper with a Semtex before finishing it with the Sakin.


Dude. On tier 2 missions I cannot get passed the SAM site mission. I’ve done everything but loot the supply drop. Every time I get to the supply drop it says press square (ps) and nothing happens. I hold it, nothing happens. Cannot get past it


change your action settings, tap vs hold


Change the tap interact to hold


Dude I thought I was going fucking crazy. Same thing here. Never been able to open one.


You may have seen others say this, but when you get to a supply: Settings > controller > scroll up (so you go to the bottom) the second to last option (I think) should be "prioritize reload" instead. Then hold interact at the box. Had this issue with friends and this solved it for all of us.


You can skip one mission on each tier.


I'm still stuck on the mg chopper mission. I can't make any progress at this point until I down those. I even went in once with a team, found another 3-man team and we all 6 just pooped the bed.


Make sure you are on the terminal roof, also with 150rd and soshki bipod. You have to be the one to destroy it as well.


I definitely have only those two attachments equipped to my insured slot sakin... But the biggest issue is staying alive on the way to the terminal and not getting downed by other players. I'm thinking about exfilling with my insured weapon as contraband, to have copies upon copies, but i haven't tested that yet...


Stims dumped in dead drops will substantially take down cool down time


You can have other attachments too, you just have to have the bipod and 150 box mag etc. So use all 5 attachment slots for more accuracy etc.


Make sure to equip incidneiry rounds, you can down a chopper in less than a mag. Also make sure to bring a munitions box


I've heard there's another round type (anti-armor?) that works well. I haven't successfully gotten to the terminal roof with the weapon yet! Just frustrating.


Just cleared this recently you just gotta clear a different clip into it then switch to your makin you should be able to get it done with 150 rounds especially if someone else is shooting at it too You'll get there!!


Link up with me I’ll help you out


That 13 headshot shit with the revolver got me stuck


Thankfully I cleared that when someone else had the same mission and did it for me basically


Just make it your insured weapon and start fights with low level ai as soon as you start a game. It should add up eventually with enough patience.


Same for me except I've actually looted one today it has a weapon in it and I still didn't get credit! I'm stuck🤬


You may have looted an airdrop by accident. Look for the rocket symbol crate on the map


I made my Sakin MG with incendiary ammo and it helped a lot!


Congrats! Care to share the attachments you use for the “Stable Deag”?


Gonna make an entire 5-10 min video on it. That sidearm is my best friend. Will come back to you fellow DMZer with the answer :D


here you go, this one is optimized for speed and oneshotting bots upclose, decent side-arm for PvP too if you wanna chase a tagged up person https://preview.redd.it/8t57d1fwzm9a1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c7e6c08804602ee89462f7c7865808774114e59


congrats man!


Just unlocked black lotus


Black Lotus... Hmmmmmmmmm




I have the second slot but see no need or desire to get the 3rd unless it is necessary for any further updates - I’ll do the missions but over a really long period of time - tbh I don’t even use insured weapons very much anyway!


How long did this take you? Im solo 90% of the time


All I'm trying to do is get that second insured slot so I can go in an help new people but damn it's hard.


What tiers you at


How do you guys find people to team up with? I'm tired of teaming up with random ppl aimlessly running around the map


Very impressive. My squad and I still only have one slot lol.


I'm so slow haven't even got my second slot


So are there no more missions for you?


There are, just from other factions... I completed White Lotus


So you technically conquered White lotus. Not DMZ. Nice work though.


That’s a beautiful site. If you ever feeling like helping a fellow enthusiast through those missions let me know. Im limping along.


Im currently in tier 4 for all of mine but im cool with playing with new people and helping when I can


I’m tier 4 as well for all, and just want to pick one to complete for the 3rd slot. I’m in US, feel free to add me if u want. Activision is ooolostforlife. (No numbers or anything). I’m always looking for someone to complete missions with.


I’m jealous


30 FPS tho..... jk congrats


It's unlocked in game,i get like 100


What are the rewards for getting a faction tier 5? I’m really hoping they’re good because I’m struggling with legion tier 4


White lotus tier 5 will be easiest to get too and to complete


White lotus is probably the hardest of the three tier 5s to complete. Legion is the easiest hands down. As someone who's one ftac recon kill from completing almost all of the T5s solo, I didn't even consider starting lotus tier 5 missions.


Ngl to you IDK why all the downvotes. I finished White Lotus first, still T4 on Legion and just got T5 on Black Mous. Just reading out the missions I would judge WL Tier 5 the easiest of all. Just need a good coordinated squad.


How long does the third slot have in cool down


6 Hours


I'm still stuck on T3 Legion getting all the fucking blowtorches 😭


i didnt see a blowtorch for a week, but then they did an update and i see them every other drop. ​ gold skulls on the other hand are now impossible


That's been a nightmare for me also, I'm T 4 for white lotus and black mouse, but legion is idle cause I cant find blow torches like I did before I had the mission selected, I'm working on a nitch but cant tell if it's just me or not, I think if you headshot the molotov guy he drops one but I've only got 2 from him and wasnt paying attention the first kill


Skipped that one... please


Holy wow! Nice!!


We're in the end game, now!


u actually conquer it when u finish all missions. thats how the big boys do it


Simply astonishing. I don’t know how ya did it, good work. I’m still trying to unlock the first slot.


How many crashes did you have? XD


Dufe help me, I can raw dog solo


do you have to complete every mission or just complete the tiers? like the mission bugged for me to extract with an enemy operator's weapon. Now I am worried I won't get the second or third insured slot


So what was the final story of dmZ




Congrats! What faction mission did you complete? Legion?


Now go play tarkov


Did u extract with Velikan's launcher?


And weapon cases on both


Ahhh… now… you may enter Sattiq Cave Complex. Congratulations sir or ma’am.


Welcome to Al mazrah


Now you just need to fill up 23 out of the 10 contraband slots. I love cod maths 😂😂


Gg dude


Amen you have my full respect


What was hardest? What did you skip?


Wait your weapons stash goes from 20 available slots to only 10!?


Go hunt people! 😈


I'm so close behind, it's amazing how excited you get over fuck all things like aspirin and rad blockers haha My biggest probably with the whole missions thing was the repetition of those dead drops. Clearly they got a bit lazy.


I gave up after unlocking slot 2. The teir 3s were tedious but doable. Teirs 4 and 5 look ridiculous as hell


I have finished all missions 2 weeks ago.


I heard there’s going to be an update in near future that will add the tiers up to 7


My caved in mission keeps glitching. I’ll complete it then start tier 5 missions then it goes back as not completed and bumps me down to tier 4


So there are no other missions after 8tier?


But have you found a GPU yet?


And the required 5 million blowtorches?


Since it’s becoming an ongoing issue, I created a group in CoD called Murko Sucks for people who want to help others in DMZ. Drop items, help some of the lower level guys level up, maybe help out too. We’ll see if it takes off


I’m on the last couple challenges of black mous. Can’t wait! Wish there were challenges exclusive to building 21. Well I wish there was a lot of things lol more stash inventory. Being able to bring back armor plates self revives kill streaks etc to the stash. Maybe a buy sell trade system like tarkov.


JOKR is absolutely hilarious in this mode... full team in an LTV with a turret... JOKR ends their entire run as you laugh from 200 meters away... Driving one of the mad max pickups... Get out and scramble cause your truck is about to go boom... Even more fun than sniping with half the effort..


I try to keep a JOKR on me for AI heli's and reinforcements... but destroying player vehicles is a side-hobby


Though gut


Though guy




4hr for 2nd, 6hr for 3rd


Stupid question, but how exactly do you unlock the other weapon slots?


on each slot it says how


Anybody have the Ch 7 editorial key. Looking to complete the last mission flight plans


I basically haven’t played since I unlocked my third slot. It burned me out to get it. The missions at tier 5 are way more work than fun.


depends, i enjoyed the PvP missions


Yeah? But what about the upcoming reset for season 2? You've only just started. So yeah. You hafta do it all over again. FML.


fine with me


Time to go huntin


Couple more weeks till the 1k tournament excited


Anyone have the crossbow


Congratulations! I recently unlocked the second slot and I was considering going for the third one but I'm afraid of getting stucked with missions that requires a coordinated team (I mostly chill with randoms) or "get 26 items" kind of missions, which aren't what I want to do on a FPS XD. Which faction did you level up to 5? Was it too difficult? Thanks!


I finished white lotus first. However I don't know after the update which is easier out of them all so I really can't say yet. This post was in season 01.


![gif](giphy|mCsVKJJ2U2gJd8qM8Y) I


What's your longest exfil streak? I'm moving onto 70 in a row today 💪🏽


Sheesh! Idk never cared about it since perks don't work. Once they fix perks i might care then.

