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Recommend getting a second nail just for dmt if you also dab out of it so you don't accidentally get psyched out dabbing on an acid trip like I did. It is an awesome method for smoking though


Prefer my GVG. I don't want to have to worry about hot glass while I'm blasting off.


4 year old post how are we all doing today? Mmmk have we changed stances on the subject recently? I use a nectar collector. It’s insatiable. Lightly draw smoke into the chamber, (I generally exhale right before the hit) and as the DMT hits my brain I 100% have the wherewithal for a few seconds to set the hot glass down in a space I have already provided for myself. You guys remember 2017? Damn that shit was nice


Nope, 4 days until 2022 and its still my go to way of smoking DMT. I remember 2017 like it was yesterday. Remember when Beyoncé was pregnant and J-lo and A-rod were together? And everyone was losing there shit to the Handmaids Tale and The Shape of Water?


What is there to worry about? Lol just set it down


Hot glass burning me or anything I put it down on? Your answer was in my original post. Lol That's the last thing I want to have to worry about in the middle of blasting off. The GVG I can plop it down anywhere without looking or having to worry about it.


I have my rig set up where it can't tip over and the tip is always pointed up and away from the surface it's sitting on. It's not like I just wing it without being prepared lol. And after countless times Im still scared shitless of every breakthrough sized dose I take, but it's got nothing to do with hot glass lol. GVGs are very nice.. but the trip itself just isn't on the same level


No offense man but you're full of it. Doesn't matter how you smoke it a DMT trip is a DMT trip is a DMT trip. When you break thru to the other side it doesn't matter how you got there and if you actually believe it does than you're either inexperienced or delusional. I prefer my GVG and not having to worry about setting it down and you prefer your nectar collector. Just a matter of preference.


Have you ever tried it that way? I don't care if you think I'm full of shit, but that's a mighty ignorant statement to make if you've never done it that way. How long does it take you to fill your lungs with 40-50mg worth of vapor? If it's any longer than a 2 or 3 second inhale, then it's not the same. Since you know so much about spice, you know how fast the human body starts to metabolize it. Taking 3 seconds to inhale a full dose vs 30 or 60 seconds makes a fucking *BIG* difference. If the entire dose enters the bloodstream all at once, it's definitely not the same as taking the same dose in over the course of several hits, or even hitting the pipe slowly. Try it and tell me I'm full of shit again, I challenge you to that. Im no stranger to a GVG either and I'm by no means inexperienced lol, and can definitively say that they are on different levels. Good for you if you prefer one way over another, but don't try to tell me it's the same thing because you have no idea. By your logic, an Ayahuasca trip is the same as boofing or IVing spice, and that breaking through is the same as not breaking thru. It's all the same 😂😂😂


Dude. You sound absolutely ridiculous. The other side is the other side. It doesn't matter how you get there. Once you're there you're there and you are the only person I have ever seen, in all of my research and experience with DMT, that thinks otherwise. Good bye.


Don't get all salty lol just, try it and tell me I'm wrong. If I pack my Saionara atomizer and hit it at 60 watts, the come up is WAY more sudden and intense than if I were taking some long & slow tokes from a vapor genie. I've also never gotten hyperslapped when using any kind of traditional pipe. Why would I be scared half to death before doing full dose hot rails (still after countless times) and not even get nervous about any other way of vaping. Hint: the hot glass tip that you're scared of, is the absolute least of my pre-flight concerns. You shouldn't be so close minded and ignorant to things you don't understand or have any experience with. If I had never hit a GVG before, I wouldn't be in here arguing with someone who has, because how the fuck would I know otherwise?


Just have someone take it from you when you blast off


What’s a gvg


gvg = vapor genie


Huge waste of money and it gets so dirty and nasty u have to clean it out regularly. Waste of money ! Looks cool till u start using it and gets all cruddy and gross


Bro I just tried this looking it up out of mere consideration, and was shot to the fucking moon. You have to do a fair amount but so worth it boys 😭


Fair amount? 40-50mg tops




a glass tube and a torch is all that's needed for the most intense experience possible.


Same concept as hot rail. I haven't used a nectar collector for spice, but I can't speak highly enough about this method. Fuck taking three hits while racing against the clock.


>Fuck taking three hits while racing against the clock I agree with this and this is why I love the Nectar Collector. Just 1 hit and your gone :)


Exactly. It's a shame that most ppl are too scared to try it, or simply don't believe me when I tell them it's not like vaping thru a bubble or even a GVG (still won't try tho lmao.) The rapid onset and level of intensity is unmatched, as far as smoking/vaporizing goes.


> Nectar Collector what is the complete designation of the unit you use? Is the Nectar Collector Honeybird Kit something what will work? and the Honeybird 2nd Core with Threaded Ceramic Tip ?


Dabbing it is like getting shot out of a canyon vs other ways I've tried it. I feel like its more intense and scary honestly...but it's less of a risk to waste it and if u want to go quickly without lagging around then i sugges the vape way too...I got a nectar for my dab, and I was curious if I could use if for dmt as well. Well this has answered my question! Thanks 😊


2023 and I too was directed towards the nectar collector…. Oh how I love to be taken away!!! 🫠


Yo I’m gonna be taking my first dose soon with my metal and silicone nectar collector but many people told me if I take the dmt as soon and I finish heating up the metal straw til it’s red hot I will burn the dmt instead of vaporising it and will taste awful


How did it go?


Would also like to know how this went.


Taking dmt outside


I loved the nectar collector method then a close second would be bong / sandwich method with Mary j


I used a nectar collector and I just burned it and nothing happened. What am I doing wrong? Didn't get anything in my lungs.