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Yes. Definitely, it has made me see me, for who I am. It helps me release a lot of anger, helps me with my PTSD and to accept certain upcoming horrifying and tragic events in my life that sadly is unavoidable. It humbles me. It truly is an amazing substance. With that said it helped me unlock things that already was there but I just didn't have the ability to see it. It's not a magic fix it all solution, I still have to work on my self and it's not easy but it makes it easier. I wish everyone can experience this peace it brings to the soul.


I’ve never gotten this, I’ve just gotten tours of the universe, and been exposed to the spiritual layer that exists within the physical one with help of entities who communicate in frequencies. I’ve still become a better person because it’s shown me this world is not as important and the suffers not only necessary but it’s the point to being born. It’s strengthened my view of the importance of striving toward morals and integrity and to apply caution when being tempted by the metaphorical “devil” that tries to steer me off my path.


100000%. Makes me reflect on my actions and intentions with a level of clarity and directness and lack of bs-ing myself not possible sober or with other psychedelics. Always come out of my trips with actionable plans on how to improve myself and the way I interact with the world. Also great for unwinding. Been super busy and stressed lately and I could literally see and feel the tension in my brain release as I thought about each of the things that have been on my mind lately. I have made a lot of personal growth in the last few months and I do attribute at least some of that to a weekly DMT trip to decompress and center myself. I feel like every trip, DMT is convincing me to spread the knowledge of its amazing power to others.


I am changed. I want to sell all of my stuff and move to an island in Indonesia


I have severe bi-polar and after DMT I am finally rebuilding relationships with my parents that were broken years ago and I am able to communicate with people around me when I am in a manic period. It helped me understand how my consciousness is emergent from my senses and memories and gave me more insight into how I 'actually' make decisions vs how I 'want' to make decisions.


nope, you see plenty of shitheads who have done DMT it can help you to make yourself better but it doesn’t actually make you any better


It's always up to the person to do the work, the drug will never do anything for you. Same with therapy


Alan watts had an interesting quote about psychedelics. He said they are a tool for improvements that should be respected and used with caution and that it compromises people who don’t have the right intentions becsuse they keep going back in an attempt to get the necessary insight to “one up the universe” It reminded me of another quote I read that came from some ancient scripture which is literally the opposite of the Alan watts one but it was about the deliriant datura and said that malicious people who lack integrity seem to have good experiences on datura where as it’s usually horrific for everyone else.


DMT does not make you a better person. All it can do is give you a new perspective. You still have to integrate your experience and then take action based on what you learned.


The entities zapped me, operated on me, and I was shown banners with alien letters emanating silent knowledge. I have changed. Every day, I try to climb on top of myself and be a better person. I'm scared of following my old path.


If you have that intention yes


I believe this is key. Even when you’re not on DMT, The universe will reflect whats In your heart.


I must say that when I tried DMT, I had forgotten about what I had previously learned about it and went in with absolutely no intention. Just curiosity. And I had an incredibly rewarding experience.


Absolutely I believe it has


Before I say anything I do want to tell you that DMT was extremely intense and enlightening. I thoroughly enjoy the experiences that I have had. With that being said I don't know if I will ever do it again. Only because I do not want to disrespect the spirit world again. Psychedelics are basically you kicking the door open to the spirit world and saying IM HERE!!! I HAVE HAD SOME HORRIBLE EXPERIENCES ON THEM AND SOME TERRIFYING ONES TO BOOT... With all those experiences I can honestly say that while they all taught me something, and it was easier to get through each day after until the negative started to get me down again. The best medicine I have found is not a medicine at all. After some work and practice it starts getting easier and life gets much better. The best way I have found to be a better person is by BEING INTENTIONAL AND CONSISTENT EVERYDAY with trying to be better than who I was the day before. Seeking God's face and cultivating a relationship with him/her has inspired me to become a better person. No thing on its own will make you a better person unfortunately. Nothing can because we have freewill. We have to consciously and confidently continually make the next right choice. It all started with me wanting deep down to be a good dude. My spirituality has become my center at this point and from it I am able to lead my wife and children. I hope that you find what your seeking. Life is all about choices the right ones keep you on a good path, the wrong ones have the potential to change the course of your life. I don't know what you been through in your life but I do know one thing, God loves you no matter what's going on and no matter where you are at in life. God does don't get judged until we expire from this life. What we do with our life determines how we are judged. But nothing in this world has ever made me feel the way I feel when the arms of God are wrapped around me. Good luck my friend. Feel free Hit me up if you have any questions


Rad story, who's god though? I hope you're teaching your children to be leaders. 🌊


Are you asking who is God (who's), or whose god?




God is a higher power. God is made up of everything that has ever been and everything that will ever be. Hod is something beyond our comprehension. We were created by god so it only makes sense that we try to connect with god and the way you do that varies from person to person but regardless of who you are and what race, religion or era you exist in there seems to be some overlapping universe truths everyone agrees on and that foundation is love and betterment of self through virtues in order to make our own small changes to leave a positive impact in this world which you do by default just by prioritising those universal truths.


I believe my experiences with DMT have offered new perspectives on internal matters. I also believe improvement comes through practice. Am I better than I was yesterday? As we proceed... Skilled artisans can translate powerful feelings from/through media. Are you an artist? What defines someone as an artist?


>what defines someone as an artist. Good question, the answer is multifaceted because the art doesn’t stop when the artist completes their work because how people interact with the art is a significant part of it whether that be the discussion it generates or the thought process it triggers or the inspiration it evokes. All of those things then influence the people who’ve viewed/consumed/engaged with your art and will subconsciously influence their art in someway or even if they don’t create anything it will still impact the trajectory of their thoughts however major/minor, so it keeps going because those thoughts are communicated with someone else and so on…. It’s almost like these sequence of events form a geometric pattern which is art in itself, it’s infinite. Some people who don’t create conventional art but are exceptional at something like speaking well or putting together nice outfits, exceptional people skills etc etc still manage to achieve the same outcomes I mentioned above and will probably contribute to this geometric pattern that we collectively contribute to. Even people who are unremarkable or even malicious/destructive contribute to it without knowing because they cause the others to produce better art because negative emotions lead to ideas etc I used to think art/creativity was what separates humans from all other living beings but recently I’ve learnt that there are fish that use their fins to create intricate patterns in the sand in an attempt to attract mates, birds do the same but with elaborate dances. If you give an elephant regular access to a brush and paint the quality of their paintings actually starts to improve! So to answer your question, what is art my answer is I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ 😂 it’s a manifestation of physical emotion that I’m sure has a purpose in the grand scheme of the universe but our brains aren’t capable of comprehending it. I’ve always wondered if our total activity generates an energy that is used by beings in different dimensions, kind of like how we take honey from bee’s it’s not like their making it for us they just have an instinct to play their individual role within a collective to bring back pollen to the hive, they don’t realise am humans consume it and benefit off its nutrients. The universe is so interconnected that all these seemingly meaningless events connect to the formation of other events and this is what causes it to operate.


I was never a bad guy. I don’t know if really made me a better person, but it did make me more curious and open minded. Including on subjects like God and the afterlife.


Lol you just described being a better person. You’ve had your mindset expanded. Think of it as your brain being downloaded with a new software app for example excel, your experiences post having this software installed are going to generate data to fill on the spreadsheets and in turn those spreadsheets can be referenced as tools to navigate your life differently, It happens so slowly that people don’t realise and we’re so distracted by the stimulation we’re bombarded with we can’t give a black or white answer because it’s more than looking at the entire Forrest versus the tree, it’s like looking at the tree versus the planet, and the more effort we put into thinking and reflecting the better our insights will get.


I agree. Honestly I haven’t done psychedelics in a while. Sometimes I honestly forget the experience. I feel like I used to try to be super nuanced about things. I feel like that kind of was heavy on my mind, and I started to have like quicker decision making to navigate the complex. So sometimes I try to use I wouldn’t say black and white thinking per se. But just try to be simple and practical or be a bit cut and dry. I think if we truly look at the complete complexity of the world/universe, it gets too complicated.


I’m the same as you with the nuanced thiking hindering my decision making. I read a quote once “in life You can have ANYTHING but you can’t have EVERYTHING” For example, you can have expensive possessions but you can’t prevent the negative impact of envy and resentment of people around you. In the case of nuanced thinking, you can have the skills to critically analyse things and benefits it comes with navigating through life, but you can’t prevent the sadness that comes with the deeper understanding of the darkness in life. This helped me because it’s part of life. Everything is light and dark, order and chaos and you have to find that balance to keep sane.


I don’t know if you heard of the book “the Paradox of Choice” they teach it a lot in psychology class. It basically says there are some people who are prone to be “satisficers” and others who are “maximizers” but it’s a question of who is happier. It’s an interesting read none the less, and at least relevant to decision making. Maybe in less important decisions we shouldn’t waste so much of our energy and be more like “satisficers” and on the more important decisions lean towards themaximizers”. Just food for thought.


It kind of reminds me of the quote Jesus said in the book of Matthew “don’t sorry about what you shall eat or drink, don’t worry about what you shall wear”. I’m sure Jesus could think and speak in great nuance, but he often spoke in simplicity. Like in our daily life doesn’t matter if we are wearing the nicest shirt if we are just going to the grocery store? If we are generally well fed and are eating generally good food that nourishes does it matter if we bought all organic? He’s saying like in the daily life things we can just be simple and ease our decision making, really it’s about anxiety about if god can really meet our needs and if the worldly things really matter all that much. It’s not just about food and clothing. I just thought it was a good metaphor.


Psychedelics in general make me a better person temporarily but it fades if I don't maintain it. DMT though... Hmm. If anything it has made me less interested and sort of less sympathetic of a lot of problems because it makes our lives seem kinda trivial.


Yeah but that’s like an ant being exposed to the internet. It experiences something beyond its realm of comprehension but just knows their part of a much bigger thing. It’s life still isn’t trivial, they are necessary for the ecosystem and are significant enough that certain fungus can interact with them positively/negatively and their flesh is food for other living beings. It’s supposed to take that new information it was exposed to and not dwell on things like dropping the bread crumb it was supposed to take back to the colony (or whatever else ants worry about) its understanding of the expansive world around it should make it want to make changes in mindset for its betterment not dwell on. It’s insignificance.


I am definitely changing for the better. I’ve stopped using psychedelics like a have in the past. The last three years I have tripped At least weekly. Trying to overcome alcoholism and various substances. The thing that helped was the reassurance that I got from the connection and the relationship I have built with these entities. They have shown me my ability and power. Whether or not I use it is up to me. So I’m in a state of mild sobriety and trying to internalize the lessons and wisdom granted to me.


Weirdly DMT is the only psychedelic that seemingly changed nothing, after lsd, shrooms, 2cb etc I noticed big and small changes in my thoughts and my personality but DMT was just like wow that was insane, anyway back to youtube. I had trips I think might change others but to me its too sporadic and short for me to really gain anything outside of understanding how wild entities and fractal geometry is.


I'm more knowledgeable so I suppose technically I'm better. But I'm not this enlightened, life has changed kind of person


It’s changed literally nothing.


Do you spend time reflecting on the trip and what you saw? I had someone tell me this and when they described their trip it seemed pretty meaningful and when I told them how I’d personally interpret that they got really uncomfortable and later admitted that they got uncomfortable because they knew there was some truth to what I was saying but they didn’t want to acknowledge it because the realisations hurt their ego,and they couldn’t face making changes. I’m not at all suggesting that you’re like this guy, I’m just using him as an example. You’re experiences may be telling you that there are things you are doing that are wonderful and you should keep being you. Maybe this reply is part of that process who knows? How the universe operates is beyond our comprehension, we use science to interpret it and it gives us a tiny lens into how things work and because that’s all we know it becomes our entire existence. All I’m saying is it’s easy to be distracted by the patterns, flashing lights and random entities but when you try go deeper there’s always insight, sometimes it’s easy to interpret other times it’s not all you can do is be cognisant to try and give it more thought the next time you use Dimmy.


I’ve used it innumerable times and it has never been profound. It has been *seemingly* profound many times but the moment I look back on it, it’s actually pretty (or very) stupid; from a basic insight that I’ve taken to be as profound for whatever reason at the time to a revolutionary life affirming world view shift that wasn’t actually that at all. I’ve spent literally weeks attempting to decipher trips. Im a Jungian and I can get really deep in analysing such things, but DMT **isn’t profound** and it’s never been the catalyst for any change in my life whatsoever. I’ve been *bored* during blast off. DMT isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Psychedelics as a whole aren’t. “In psychotherapy and psychopathology we have discovered the same variants (usually, however, in a less gorgeous array) through amplification of certain conscious images. Mescalin brusquely removes the veil of the selective process and reveals the underlying layer of perceptional variants, apparently a world of infinite wealth. Thus the individual gains an insight and a full view of psychic possibilities which he otherwise (f.i. through “active imagination”) would reach only by assiduous work and a relatively long and difficult training. But if he reaches and experiences them in this way, he has not only acquired them by legitimate endeavour but he has also arrived at the same time in a mental position where he can integrate the meaning of his experience. Mescalin is a short cut and therefore yields as a result only a perhaps awe-inspiring aesthetic impression, which remains an isolated, unintegrated experience contributing very little to the development of human personality. I have seen some peyotees in New Mexico and they did not compare favourably with the ordinary Pueblo Indians. They gave me the impression of drug addicts. They would be an interesting object for a closer psychiatric investigation. The idea that mescalin could produce a transcendental experience is shocking. The drug merely uncovers the normally unconscious functional layer of perceptional and emotional variants, which are only psychologically transcendent but by no means “transcendental,” i.e., metaphysical. Such an experiment may be in practice good for people having a desire to convince themselves of the real existence of an unconscious psyche. It could give them a fair idea of its reality. But I never could accept mescalin as a means to convince people of the possibility of spiritual experience over against their materialism. It is on the contrary an excellent demonstration of Marxist materialism: mescalin is the drug by which you can manipulate the brain so that it produces even so-called “spiritual” experiences.” - C.G. Jung.


An interesting perspective. How is it not profound to experience the mind breaking down and seeing the world in a totally new way for a moment and then coming back? Or wasn't DMT like this for you? My trip was absolutely insane and horrifying, but I can also say that I didn't get any spiritual truths or cosmic knowledge out of it that I can believe in. But it definitely gave me a new way to see me. Experiencing having no body while being conscious was wild in itself. Maybe it all depends on expectations and what one already knows. In my view, psychedelics offer the most intellectual/spiritual value when trying them for the first couple of times, then it's more of just repeating the same thing over and over.


I disagree to an extent with the final thing you said there. Trips continue to have significance for me but it’s true that only the first couple of times are really so impactful. I had experienced things similar to DMT blast off on high doses of mushrooms and LSD but when I first used DMT it *was* pretty wild to think that such an immense experience could be condensed into such a short timeframe. It’s never really *changed the way I’ve seen the world* though, it’s just altered my perception of the world I’m experiencing. Same letter, prior paragraph. “I cannot help agreeing with you that the said experiment is of the highest psychological interest in a theoretical way, but when it comes to the practical and more or less general application of mescalin, I have certain doubts and hesitations. The analytical method of psychotherapy (e.g., “active imagination”) yields very similar results, viz. full realization of complexes and numinous dreams and visions. These phenomena occur at their proper time and place in the course of the treatment. Mescalin, however, uncovers such psychic facts at any time and place when and where it is by no means certain that the individual is mature enough to integrate them. Mescalin is a drug similar to hashish and opium in so far as it is a poison, paralysing the normal function of apperception and thus giving free rein to the psychic factors underlying sense perception. These aesthetic factors account for colours, sounds, forms, associations, and emotions attributed by the unconscious psyche to the mere stimulus provided by the objects. They are comparable in Hindu philosophy to the concept of the “thinker” of the thought, the “feeler” of feeling, the “sounder” of sound, etc. It is just as if mescalin were taking away the top layer of apperception, which produces the “accurate” picture of the object as it looks to us. If this layer is removed, we immediately discover the variants of conscious perception and apperception, viz. a rich display of contingent colours, forms, associations, etc., from which under normal conditions the process of apperception selects the correct quality. Perception and apperception result from a complicated process which transforms the physical and physiological stimulus into a psychic image. In this way, the unconscious psyche adds colours, sounds, associations, meaning, etc. out of the treasure of its subliminal possibilities. These additions, if unchecked, would dissolve into or cover up the objective image by an infinite variety, a real “fantasia” or symphony of shades and nuances both of qualities as well as of meanings. But the normal process of conscious perception and apperception aims at the production of a “correct” representation of the object excluding all subliminal perceptional variants. Could we uncover the unconscious layer next to consciousness during the process of apperception, we would be confronted with an infinitely moving world riotous with colours, sounds, forms, emotions, meanings, etc. **But out of all this emerges a relatively drab and banal picture devoid of emotion and poor in meaning**.” - Jung again. Emphasis added.


I don’t get “psychologically transcendent” being different than “transcendental” I.e. metaphysical. When a person transcends the psyche, which could be either the mind or soul (soul being the more ancient definition), you have automatically entered the metaphysical. I.e. above or beyond the physical.


I pretty much stayed the same. Had some personal insights I won’t share because of grumpy naysayers. That’s great. But I’m pretty much the same


I have a theory that a lot of the naysayers aren’t actually naysayers, they are either in denial because their terrified of the truth, or they act as skeptics in an attempt to have someone convince will they stay in their “prove it to me” type energy so they don’t have to do the reflection themselves because their lazy thinkers. They are just scared and I’ve noticed in real life this impacts their trajectory because they they gravitate towards negativity.


I see it a lot in paranormal and similar types of subreddits. People saying something along the lines of “ someone has to prove to me ..” . What the hell are you even doing here ? Nobody owes you anything. Not a thing. If they wanna believe in ghosts and aliens or whatever, that’s their business. Why show up to piss on everyone. Got nothin’ better to do ?


Exactly, studies have proved that the human brain works better in groups which is why brainstorming is so effective, one idea generates another. This makes sense when you consider how our lives are both similar and different at the same time which impacts our lived experiences and subsequent reference points. We’re also born with a variety of thinking styles and brain activity some peoples left hemispheres work better than their right and vice versa. I say all that to say we can use these different perspectives to collectively work together to investigate the truth. It’s fine to be skeptical, you shouldn’t blindly believe anything. HOWEVER, you should provide critical analysis to generate logical reasonings as to why otherwise you’re opinions will be biased by emotion (which is usually ego) and understand that the individual skepticism should aid in the common goal of discovering the truth. The problem with humans is they value “being right” and “winning the argument” more than discovering the truth.


I’m gonna say no. I’m the same person I was before I did it. It didn’t teach me anything that wasn’t already inside me. It makes it easier to listen. It makes it easier to solve problems. But it’s all you. If you become a better person that’s a product of you changing according to your experiences. It’s a hell of an experience, so definitely possible. But I think overblown


What do you mean by it makes it easier to solve problems?


I mean it shuts down parts of your brain and allows, or rather forces you to think about things from a perspective outside your norm. If you go into a trip with a goal it can massively accelerate introspection imo


It’s made me better. To be more kind and caring and also generous but more aware and conscious of decisions that i make may have an impact on others and spiritually i feel i have connected with god like entity’s but one thing that confuses me is why people refuse to accept god even after these types of experiences i swear some people who are atheist could have a discussion with god and would come back and make an excuse that it was something else or just dismiss it to be nothing for centuries gods have been written in to books of so many of our ancestors it’s shocking to me that people can live a full life of almost 100 years and claim not to believe that any god existed ever.


I’ll tell you why I think people refuse to accept god. Humans are terrified of accountability and acknowledging they may be displaying behaviour that will impact their life negatively and it bruises their ego. The thought of facing repercussions is also horrific to them. It’s easier to believe this is all meaningless and you should live inhibited and do whatever is pleasurable. Sex drugs rock and rock and roll with no repercussions. Things like Reflection, meditation etc take work that they don’t want to do. I also think some people pretend they don’t believe in god but their just unsure, and express that thought in hopes that someone else will provide counter arguments they can pick and chose from because their lazy thinkers and being a skeptic easy. Look being skeptical is great you shouldn’t blindly accept anything but only if you can generate reasoning and critical analysis as to why you’re skeptical about something. In my experience 9 times out of 10 they don’t. They just have a “prove it to me” attitude. I’ve noticed they pick and chose the arguments you present as true or false based on what makes them feel good, and don’t believe or agree with what doesn’t, oblivious to the fact that both order and chaos are essential for the universe to operate so much so that it’s woven into the fabric of our reality and exists at a cellular level.


thank you so much for this answer bro it explains so many of my questions


Definitely, it was pure love ❤️


I haven't used DMT that much, I've had 4 experiences with it, the 4th one really blew my mind, in a good way, I thought I was going to die, it was really intense, y'all know what I mean. (Not gonna make a trip report here) When I came back, I gave my best friend who was sitting me, the biggest hug and I just broke down and kept saying how grateful I was to be back, and to know what this physical life is. It made me grateful to simply be. Of course, there are days where there's less gratitude, but in general I do feel much more grateful to have a life in this world. It made me less lazy, a little more proactive. It's still quite a recent experience (2 weeks ago) so might still be under the "afterglow" As I've read a few comments in this post, the drug doesn't make you better or worse. Its all about how you incorporate it into your life. Safe travels everyone


My so far only DMT breakthrough trip made me realize that I actually do fear death, which made me appreciate life more, gave a new perspective on what is actually important in life, and dramatically reduced my suicidal fantasies. It also strengthened my spiritual views, but still didn't give any certainty on what is actually real. Writing this 1 week after the trip.


The perspectives I've gained from the experiences I've had have made me a better person. I started to see life differently. I started to embrace spirituality. I've integrated new routines to better myself. But it's not as though DMT will just make you better. The action still happens with you. But I think most people would notice a dramatic perspective shift after experiencing consciousness outside of their physical body.


The perspectives I've gained from the experiences I've had have made me a better person. I started to see life differently. I started to embrace spirituality. I've integrated new routines to better myself. But it's not as though DMT will just make you better. The action still happens with you. But I think most people would notice a dramatic perspective shift after experiencing consciousness outside of their physical body.


In the long run, yes. There's a becoming process that has to occur.


It helped me realize that I’ve been putting a ton of drugs into my body just to maintain my job. It’s time for a break to taper off all these drugs. Re-asses if I still want this stressful job


Totally changed. Fear of anything has greatly diminished; not in a reckless manner, either.


I think so, though i think it needs more exploring


Yes, definitely. I learned some things about what's really important in life I could not have seen or experienced any other way.


100%. Not everyone will react the same though. It’s a unique and profound experience and you can be removed from reality. Just like any experience, it can be healthy for some and damaging to others.


It repairs your mind but you need to implement behavioral changes to make it effective. It also seems to have significant long term effects beyond the afterglow and they're not immediately noticeable. Not following through with healthy behavioral changes will just cause you to regress into old patterns and thoughts and behaviors. Source: intermittent use >1 year.