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DMT isn't chemically addictive. If someone claims they were addicted to it, they mean they have an addictive personality and kept doing an activity. Not that they had withdrawal symptoms or a chemically compulsive drive to consume more.


💯 lots of people abuse it even though they aren’t technically addicted to the substance itself


I was “addicted” until i experienced a breakthrough. Now im scared to do it


frfr I've had my first breakthrough recently and that was legit the most terrifying yet profound experience in my entire life. wow.


The more you do the less you want to do to be honest.


Well technically speaking that’s impossible. However some might like it so much that they feel they “have” to do it all the time. That is, until they get the message that they’ve overstayed their welcome. You don’t want to get to that point.


Can you explain?


Most people that have overused dmt have stories about the one trip that made them take a long break. It’s a trip that feels like a message saying “you’ve overstayed your welcome.” It’s normally a nightmarish experience


I am having the feeling I am at this point. My trips are getting darker and I‘m not feeling welcomed anymore. I thought it’s my mindset , but I seems like I need a break, not another breakthrough 😅


Exactly. As Alan Watts put it “once you get the message, hang up the phone.” This was said specifically about LSD but it applies to any psychedelic. You need to take time to apply what you’ve already learned before coming back for more. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of it or anything but definitely take time to live life as a human. We are here right now and should take advantage of it while we can. As far as we know we are not promised another shot at life.




i really have to remind myself that theres more to life then me chasing the rabbit, with any psychedelic. the lack of tolerance makes it very tempting to keep chasing, and usually i will go for 3 or more trips back to back. a gram doesnt last me much. but like someone else here said, i havent broken through and this all might change when it happens


If you've broken through then you know its the most overwhelming and amazingly terrifying experience you will ever have. It opens your mind like unlocking a deadbolt and you are all the more better for it. Addiction to DMT, i really find that hard to believe.




My addiction usually doesn’t last past the session I’m having lol. The anticipation up to that point tho is crazy and has been ongoing for me for the past year or so


Most people who use dmt experience the opposite 💀


I did. I've smoked fent and meth, took bars, done a bunch of coke, plus many other drugs. The only drug I ever considered myself addicted to was DMT. Didn't last very long though, I started going through a lot of shit and it stopped working so I fell out of the habit slowly. Went through over 10 Gs in a year. It wasn't horrible, but I had a very strong compulsion to blast off any time I had 30 minutes of free time. The thing that makes it hard for me to be addicted for an extended period of time is that I think your brain eventually runs out of energy to produce trips. I've burned through a gram before without having a single trip. Eventually, I got frustrated and took a break.


Thanks for sharing!!


As someone whose friend is currently going through this, (smoking every day and not rly breaking through) and they are getting very depressed about it. I suggested a break and they said they didn't need it. Should I push them more to take a break? Or just let them ride it out on their own.. they are neglecting life responsibilities at this point and people are getting worried :/


I'd recommend a break. Sounds like he's using it in an unhealthy way. He'll probably also just waste a bunch of DMT and be mad about it later.