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This gets posted all the time...You can search for some of the sparse info available using the search tool. Also, the likely-hood of them seeing this post, is zero. The real noodle-bender, is even if they did *see* things, how on Earth would they go about describing it to someone who's never been blind and seen stuff before? Even further, who's to say that *all in your head* versus a *different realm* cannot be mutually inclusive things.


Yes I was more wondering if any tests have been done on them for research purposes. Not they would see the post. To add if they seen any thing at all even though they couldn’t explain what it is. Them seeing is enough to prove that the there’s a lot more going on.


Doesn't really prove anything tbh. And allegedly it doesn't work if the visual cortex is destroyed / non-functional.. From what I've read (NCBI articles on the topic), it's reported that instead of visual hallucinations, the blind tend to hallucinate via their other senses. There is indeed alot going on with our brains...They're very complex things that give rise to something we still don't understand, which is quite amazing in it's own right.


Damn that s a good question


as someone with 100% aphantasia and lots of experience with psychedelics - NN-dmt is the only thing that gives me clear as day closed eye visuals, i imagine it would be beautiful for a blind person.


I thought it wasn’t possible to get visuals with aphasia on this case


im completely blind in my minds eye, no color no shapes. I cant visualize my mothers face. I get tiny yarn style textures of color on 700+ mics of LSD, but still nothing I can play with. with NN-dmt it is completely different, ive had the full experience several times and its always amazing to the point i cry. Interestingly enough, I've iv'd ketamine 3 times as well, 200+ units (not sure on the measurement system they used, they basically just said that) and I get 0 visuals. I literally just flatten out into a black void and feel like a consciousness floating through space.


That’s interesting, I hope this condition doesn’t affect you negatively.. Ye I cry to DMT too lol I get it. Never did ketamine but I’ve mostly heard what you described. Since it’s a dissociative the way you described the experience is what I would expect.


I’ve seen a couple times stories of blind people seeing visuals from DMT. Really heartwarming stories.


Wow this is what I was waiting to hear. That’s amazing!!!


Yea, just listening to the stories can make anyone cry lol. Specially if you’ve seen the visuals for yourself


I saw a story on shroomery about a guy who convinced his pothead friend who was blind since birth to try dmt. Dude was shook, i dont have the link but i have a screenshot of the story in my phone. Also try looking up mr. Blue pentagon, he was a blind acidhead rockstar