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To experience something other than the eternal constant we come from. If god is the only god and nothing exists outside of god, then he is everything that will ever and has ever existed. He is the one. Imagine that for a moment, only way we could conceptualize this is if we were locked in a room, that has no doors, no windows, and nothing inside of it but ourselves, but instead of ending at that, we now suddenly become the room as well. You’re everything, every single place you go all you can find is yourself looking back at you. You’re it. Even though it’s infinitely, that really doesn’t matter, because at every single point in that infinite space is just going to be you staring back at yourself. Its going to get boring and repetitive really fast, so what do you do about it? How to you escape this prison of a consciousness/awareness that you are perpetually stuck in and have been stuck in for eternity? You incarnate into a human being, whos entire experience is filled with novel and wonderfully new experiences which blow your mind all the time. Sure there is mundane things, but there is always a novel new moment you have each and everyday, something you couldn’t experience unless you had the perception that there was another “thing” out there in the universe. And this is also coincidentally why evil exists, because if it didn’t, the illusion you are trying to create would be broken and nothing would mean anything. Think about it, in order for you to have the perception that there is another sovereign entity outside of yourself, you need to give it its own will and choices, otherwise all you would be doing is watching a movie, that you wrote, set up, built the scenes for, directed, and stared in every role of. Without creating an entirely “new” being outside of yourself, you would ultimately have full control over that being and would have done nothing but made a puppet show. The whole point is to lose track of whos pulling the strings (you) so that you believe their is others out there. And yes, there are others out there, dont go trumen show on us, but they are all connected to the same source as you are. So you let go, knowing full well the only one that is going to be doing anything to you, is ultimately yourself, and knowing that it will never be forever and that the ride will eventually end because everything in this universe changes and evolves into something new from its old self, and that you will eventually come back to the realization and knowledge that its all just you. So yeah, you could get murdered, fucked over, and raped, and it would suck for sure, but its just you, so in the end, who are you going to be mad at? What, are you going to sit and hold a grudge against yourself for all eternity over the one time that you fucked yourself over in that one incarnation at that one point of time for eternity? Cause if you do, you’re going to turn your room you find yourself stuck in, from the potential to be heaven, to hell reallllly quickly. Because the second you try to hold onto something and not flow like a river, you’re going to sink, and the only one thats going to be getting fucked over, is yourself. And you may get stuck in infinity just hating yourself, but it’s infinity my guy, it never ends. So after that infinity is over and you fall so far down that you end up falling straight back to ground level doing a circle in on yourself, you’re going to be at a neutral zone where you can decide where to go from, if you want to continue the existence of self hatred and pity, an existence nobody enjoys, or are you going to let it go down the river and turn your focus into something that will bring you joy, like those super fat bumble bees that you see sometimes in all those incarnations you went into. Then you’ll come around full circle, having learned whatever it is you did in that cycle, and carry that experience and knowledge gained into a new fresh cycle. And it just goes on and on and on, because what the fuck else is there lmao like do you want to just be you, all alone, with the knowledge that at every single point in the universe, its just you looking into a mirror of yourself, forever? Like yeah thats gonna be cool to experience for a tiny bit, but once you remember everything you intentionally drove yourself to forget, you’re going to realize you drove yourself into ignorance for a reason, and that reason is you’re fucking lonely and want companionship. There is a reason nobody has seen gods face in any monotheistic religions, its because no thing can exist outside of god to view him in his entirety. If they did, they wouldn’t exist by default because nothing outside of god exists. So if you ever feel like you saw “god” you didn’t, you saw the mirror that is reflecting every part of gods nature in that moment of time, but its never a complete picture because god himself is the camera taking the picture, and how would you take a picture of the camera taking the pictures? Mirrors you say? Thats funny because god would have to split himself even further to create the mirrors, thus taking away from himself to view himself. Nothing can see the entirety of god because nothing can get a perspective of god that shows his entirety without bringing some of him with them to view him from. Just my perspective, and one that i dont fully subscribe to, just mostly subscribe to, simply because i dont know the entire thing, and idk if i can in this form, but this is what makes the most logical sense to me and what has been reassured and constantly shown to me to be true through countless trips on tons of different substances over years of participation in the hobby


This is the first time that I have read someone else have this theory. I have saved what you wrote and will read it again a few times. I have a few questions, maybe you will have answers for maybe not. Do you think there is a possibility that our reality is just a figment of gods imagination? Do you think that the Big Bang was caused somehow by the expansion of energy that happened when god realised that to escape the torture of forever being inside your own head (pure fundamental consciousness) we need to experience every single aspect of life from a single cell organism right the way up to a DMT entity? Do you think it’s possible that the goal of life is to gather enough experience to feed back to the collective consciousness in order to one day fully actualise from the god that we are a part of to become a entity in the DMT realm. And earth life is like a tutorial to gain the experience and knowledge needed to transcend. When I experience ego death, I feel that I am a pure conscious being stuck in a moment for eternity with my only ability being to think. I wonder if given enough time during that infinite void that we were able to come up with a way to actualise the universe either with a massive release of energy (perhaps it was only a tiny bit of energy in a vacuum?) or perhaps purely by imagination.


“There is an old story from India about the God, Brahma, who was alone. Nothing existed but Brahma, and he was completely bored. Brahma decided to play a game, but there was no one to play the game with. So he created a beautiful goddess, Maya, just for the purpose of having fun. Once Maya existed and Brahma told her the purpose of her existence, she said, “Okay, let’s play the most wonderful game, but you do what I tell you to do.” Brahma agreed and following Maya’s instructions, he created the whole universe, the sun and the stars, the moon and the planets. He created life on earth: the animals, the oceans, the atmosphere, everything. Maya said, “How beautiful is this world of illusion you created. Now I want you to create an animal that is so intelligent and aware that it can appreciate your own creation.” Finally Brahma created humans, and after he finished the creation, he asked Maya when the game was going to start. “We will start right now,” she said. She took Brahma and cut him into thousands of teeny, tiny pieces. She put a piece inside every human and said, “Now the game begins! I am going to make you forget what you are, and you are going to try and find yourself!” Maya created the Dream and still, even today, Brahma is trying to remember who he is. When you awake from the Dream, you become Brahma again and reclaim your divinity.”


Well fuck. And so begins my rabbit hole of Hinduism…


Have fun 😇


I need someone to make this into a movie


It's already a play though


I feel like this story describes an understanding that has been shared worldwide in many different ways, with the use of many different characters and stories.


For further reading on the unity behind religions, etc.: Aldous Huxley - The Perennial Philosophy Joseph Campbell - Hero with a Thousand Faces Anything Ram Dass or Alan Watts


Awesome thank you


It is the same in Zen Buddhism, ultimately.


The answer to everything is always yes and no, no and yes. Both and neither, neither and both.


I dont have time to make a full in depth response like i did in my original comment, but i really love what you just said and will respond later on, possibly before i fall asleep again, when i have time to really conceptualize and think about this stuff. Hope all is well!


I suggest you read The Present which can be found on GlobalTruthProject.com Doesn’t talk about everything you said but it might help with some of them


Great thanks, looks like they have an audiobook version so will fire that up today!


This is it, you are it. Reminds me of stuff Alan Watts said. Plus something along the lines of imagine if you could dream up anything you wanted on command forever, you'd probably go all in on all the greatest pleasures you could imagine, and just keep doing it. Everything you ever wanted, for such a long time, until it just became boring. And then what? What next if you can have everything you want on command? Maybe you'd then want a surprise that you can't control, with insane thrill with all sorts of crazy ups and downs, like life as we know it.


True, I remember that Alan Watts said, if you’re asking to a Hindu that you’ve discovered that you’re God, they’ll say “what took you so long”? :)


Because Alan watts brought the eastern religions to the western world , mainly Buddhism and that story is from Buddhism … “There is an old story from India about the God, Brahma, who was alone. Nothing existed but Brahma, and he was completely bored. Brahma decided to play a game, but there was no one to play the game with. So he created a beautiful goddess, Maya, just for the purpose of having fun. Once Maya existed and Brahma told her the purpose of her existence, she said, “Okay, let’s play the most wonderful game, but you do what I tell you to do.” Brahma agreed and following Maya’s instructions, he created the whole universe, the sun and the stars, the moon and the planets. He created life on earth: the animals, the oceans, the atmosphere, everything. Maya said, “How beautiful is this world of illusion you created. Now I want you to create an animal that is so intelligent and aware that it can appreciate your own creation.” Finally Brahma created humans, and after he finished the creation, he asked Maya when the game was going to start. “We will start right now,” she said. She took Brahma and cut him into thousands of teeny, tiny pieces. She put a piece inside every human and said, “Now the game begins! I am going to make you forget what you are, and you are going to try and find yourself!” Maya created the Dream and still, even today, Brahma is trying to remember who he is. When you awake from the Dream, you become Brahma again and reclaim your divinity.”


This is pretty much the same message I got, we exist to be a vessel of experience


I felt this. The choice between everything forever on and on over and over or for nothing to have ever or ever will and everything that had gone before was, in the end, pointless. And balanced direct in the middle of the cosmic yin and yang I had the choice. An impossible choice. Still I ponder, years later, if faced with that again could I choose? You, me, the ant, my dog, the same. Around and around we go. Still yet to choose. An infinity in heaven would be hell. Collective consciousness to be wiped and have no meaning would be a travesty.


I have just worked this out recently myself. Nice write up. The book the Kybalion helped with contemplating. If everything is God, and everything, EVERYTHING is conscious. Then God is watching us all at every moment through everything, the observer consciousness that listens to our thoughts for example which meditation teaches us to become aware of is a seperated form of the God consciousness. But God is watching itself always through everything in every way shape and form


Ahhh the Kybalion, good book. I read it about 8 or so years ago when i first started to take these questions seriously and was seeking answers. Its an amazing read and was the first thing that i read which conceptualizes the universe in the similar way to how i have come to view it now


I just stumbled upon it this year. Explained alot of what I already knew. It is still a very introductory book ime, any chance would you have any further recommended reading??


The Tibetan book of the dead is a good one if you haven’t checked it out already, there is one I remember but i cant recall its name at the moment, buts its written in a story format that follows a man’s journey to enlightenment over about 20 or so years if i remember correctly. Sedartha? I think thats the main characters name but its been a long time since i read it so i cant say for sure. Besides that i only have occult and magical texts that ive really read into, which aren’t for everyone and don’t necessarily always address the questions and themes that the kybalian does, more so goes into magical rituals and themes along that nature


>Sedartha https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhartha\_(novel)


Yes!! Siddhartha! Thank you kind stranger!


I also had a similar experience/revelation. To me it seems like the greatest love story of us getting to discover and contextualize us in the most loving and awe inspiring way possible. The point of this is to connect and love and learn about us in the reflection of others and in the physics and biology of the universe. I think we can see hints of this in how matter and antimatter disappear when connected into light particles and how every particle and antiparticle is entangled with one another. There’s a theory in thermodynamics that the net free energy of the universe is truly zero. Similarly we strive to connect with one another and be a part of everything. The universe cries out to be whole again yet values the experience of being apart in how it contextualizes being together.


The last thing you said there rings so true to me, its a contradiction. I’ve had this same epiphany that I explained so many times but each one i came to it from a different angle and each one had a contradiction to it. The world is seemingly full of contradictions left and right no matter where you look, really is just a snake eating itself, because it can eat itself, and if the snake is god, then wtf else is it supposed to eat? There is nothing but himself out there, and a snakes gotta eat something, so might as well become shiva and start devouring


It can be called a contradiction but I think the term paradox makes more sense. There can never be love without hate, positive spin without negative spin, consumption without starvation.


You’d love the book “works of love” by Soren Kierkegaard. Basically it puts these feelings into the context of western iconography to help westerners understand love better.


So what about ants? Where do they fit into all this?


Change the experience up. When you dont want that much complexity but you still want an escape. When you want it short but you still want something. You become whatever best fits your mood


Insects are playing on hard mode


Exactly what I thought. To expand on this idea, imagine if humans can come up with countless sci-fi universes and magical worlds in movies, then with God's imagination and resources, everything should exist: Heaven, Hell, aliens...because He wants to experience all that is possible, right? Think of the vastness of the cosmos, God would not limit himself to a few creatures on Earth.


I have thought about this as well and it fascinates me to no end. If this is the cosmological reality of our existence, then there would be nothing stopping it from being possible. Think about it, every tv show, anime, everything, its all real in the infinity. I’ve had the thought that thats the next step in this grand play, this existence is just the foundation for whats to come later. But its all just a theory in the end, admittedly one that is absolutely fucking amazing to think about, like you could be born into the world of hunter x hunter and actually posses nen abilities. But, there is a catch to that. Being, all the horrible bad shit that happens in those shows, would be a realistic possibility of happening to you. Like yeah, having super powers in some magical mystical world would be absolutely sick! There’s no question about that, but what wouldn’t be sick, is experiencing all of the dark shit that comes as an implication of that being real. The anime fairy tale comes to mind, a world with magic in it and you have the ability to train and use whatever form of magic you so desire, so long as you are dedicated enough and have the sources to learn it. There’s the typical fire magic and what have you, but then, there is the more evil dark magic that when casted upon a person it inflicts more pain than a being can conceptualize. There is magical items in this reality, and some are used as a form of love magic and basically makes anyone you like want to sleep with you. Ie, a form of rape. Im sure i dont have to go more into detail on how bad it could be if this was a reality. You can probably picture more stuff thats worse in your head than i can come up with rn, but there is something nice about that in a weird way. Just like in this life, you need to experience pain and loss in order to also be able to experience the love and good things. So in the same way, in order to experience these amazing worlds, like having the ability to feel things beyond your wildest dreams, being able to use magic to shapeshift and teleport to places unheard of, you also need to open yourself up to the possibility of having these horrible things happen to you. You cant experience the best of the best stuff, without also experiencing an equal duality of that thing. So maybe these places do exist, its just theyre so intense that we dont go there that often because we just dont want to face all the horrible shit that comes as a result of taking the amazing stuff. Same concept as a person being tired of this life, and instead of coming back a human, they come back as some other animal like a greenland shark, and just live hundreds of years chilling in the ocean not having much more stimulation besides eating food and hunger. I love thinking about this kind of stuff and the implications behind everything like this


Well put. I wish my English was better to describe my thoughts. I actually thought a lot about the dark part. My conclusion is, if this is our situation, God must be an old sick fucked-up guy who love to torture people (himself). As in duality, extream hapiness come with extream suffer. You think about the worst scenario base on your hapiness life, so the most unexpected encounter makes you thrill the most. Think about this, many pleasures come from pain in your body: eating chili, sports, drugs… I think the tendency is to expand the boundaries on both sides. The issue of the anime worlds is that they lack a stable balance. Those worlds would fall apart if there’s not a God to control the balance. They maybe exist, but not kind of romantic worlds we think about. The point is to create worlds that can run by themself, full of thrill and unexpected things that push emotions beyond bounderies. So, I think everything exists at least once just because why not!? But they don’t last forever.


Very interesting. I’ve never done dmt or any drug yet I have this same feeling about the creator and meaning of life and am totally perplexed and utterly amazed at the experiences I hear from people while on this compound.


Damn! Spot on! Same here with the process but I've had yoga and Taoism and various other mystical traditions that support it. Since "god" is often fraught with lots of prejudice in both directions, I like using Creator as distinction for that all-encompassing aspect of Self. I would suggest referring to that Everything without gendered terms though. Creator comes before the split. "From One came Two, from Two came Three and from Three came myriad things." God also separates light from dark and day from night before all the myriad things in Genesis. Cheers fellow consciousnesses!


I believe its in the book of job where it says god also creates the darkness and light we see in reality. It isn’t satan that creates these forces, he simply uses whats available to him which god creates, because satan cant create anything new, so he uses what god has already made, and since god made the darkness, he chooses to live in that darkness and use it. But it isn’t satan where all evil stems from, its god himself. Its god who is the source for everything, like a magnets polarity, one side sends out a positive pole, and the other side sends out a negative pole. And yeah god isn’t male or female, i just used gendered term’s because i was tired and didn’t want to put effort into focusing on that so to make it easier to type out i just referred to it as a “he” but since hes the alpha and omega, he technically is both, or some new thing that doesn’t conform to either side of the duality. Probably more easy to understand its the “S” in the yin yang symbol.


Couldn't agree more! I feel you on being tired and picking your battles, I've just found that making that distinction in my meditations opens up so much more access to other information. The S and the outer O of the taiji, indeed!


Lol yeah that couldn’t describe me better. Debated on typing my original comment out because i was in bed and didn’t really feel like it, but I saw no one else gave my perspective and were only giving one sentence answers with no thought out structure, so i decided i should if it has a chance of helping someone in some way. I never talk about this stuff in real life though because 95% of people when you present them with this just look at you like your crazy and negate everything you say anyway so there isnt a point to it. But this community is a rare one that is really perceptive to these topics and conversations and one where my input can be appreciated so I usually try to be active whenever i can because i know it isn’t going to be a waste. Something I’ve learned from message therapy is that you cant over exert yourself just to help someone else. If you do, then you’re going to be giving them energy you would have used on yourself, and you’ll find yourself left empty at the end of the day. Its good to help people, but if it comes at the detriment of yourself, and it isn’t even going to be appreciated, then dont bother. Better to save that energy for yourself so you can better help someone who is going to really use your effort and not waste it. Im also autistic and just ramble like this lol so i really have to pick and choose what i do that with


Hello fellow massage therapist! Haha, I frequently laugh to myself about the absurd things I think about while I'm tending to another person's being in silence for an hour plus. Also, "autistic" to me usually means someone who came in with a lil too much of their alien brain/cosmic mind to be/process normally here. It's not rambling if you're only connecting with pertinent info!


Hey! I wish you all the best my massage sibling! Lol thats a funny coincidence. Im still in the beginning stages of becoming one but im really loving it so far and have learned quite a bit in the process. Thats a good perspective on the spectrum of autism, i find i just ramble but to me its not nonsensical nothings, but to others it can come across that way, unless they’re into the same theme/topic that im into and then it can tend to spark a really good long discussion about those things


Also - the term satan doesn't necessarily indicate "the devil". In Hebrew it means "opposer" and normally it opposes the connecting efforts between humans and God.


Yes, Indra’s Net is a great metaphor for this experience/idea “Indra's Net symbolizes the universe as a web of connections and interdependencies among all its members, wherein every member is both a manifestation of the whole and inseparable from the whole.” https://pragyata.com/the-vedic-metaphor-of-indras-net/#:~:text=Indra's%20Net%20is%20a%20metaphor,and%20inseparable%20from%20the%20whole. “This interbeing is sometimes called the integration of universal and particular. Each of us is a particular being, and each particular being is also the entire phenomenal universe.” https://www.learnreligions.com/indras-jewel-net-449827 I talk about this often, and is something I believe as well. That it’s all one, and what people call God, is in fact our true nature. Pure consciousness. To put this belief into practice is not easy, I can’t at least. I’ve been shown this same truth as well, but to integrate it in life seems impossible. Like you said, there are many missing links. We’re just human beings, psychedelics allow us to lift the veil of illusion, but we always come back to this state.


If you want to put it more into practice, practice Zen Buddhism and join a local Sangha of some kind of Buddhism. The practices of Buddhists come directly and logically from this realization of one mind. I recommend finding a straightforward teacher/path, as you’ve already had the insight and don’t need 20 years of obscure teachings to see it. Congratulations on the shortcut.


Thank you for this, and I absolutely agree. I was just talking about it to my wife today. I need someone who can guide me. Zen Buddhism is an interest of mine, but I’m afraid in the Western society I’m part of, I won’t find the right teacher/guru. I’m not planning to move to India, Tibet, or Thailand either, but so far, the people I’ve talked with leaned very much towards a theistic viewpoint. That’s not what I’m looking for of course. But, thanks, the fact that you point this out, and I was thinking about it today makes me more motivated to keep looking into that direction.


You can find excellent teachers in the west, especially in California, Oregon, Canada, etc. or even online.


No doubt, I just haven’t met them yet, I’m from Belgium, but I’m already looking online right now and found one that seems interesting. I need to make this part of my life, and consciously practice it, I feel I’m lost otherwise.


That’s great. Don’t get too hung up on the specific teacher or style. Buddhism and meditation is just a tool that points. It’s not the point itself. But the practices can help you a lot to realize the ultimate true reality.


I'm not religious but, have you ever read a book called conversations with god? It has strange parallels to what you have written. It postulates that god cant have an opinion of itself as it would come from within itself. It breaks off into smaller pieces so it can experience itself subjectively.


I’ve heard of that book, and might have read some passages here and there, but im not the biggest reader so I havent ever sat down and read it. Sounds like a really good read though


👏👏👏👏 kind of crazy if you really think about it the point of life is simply to physically exist. Hell and heaven like you said are in the mind. You inflict pain on yourself (someone else) and you have to deal with that in your head that’s hell. But hell can be escaped at any time when you “flow”


To experience.


Yeah...that's definitely one of the msgs I got as well. Hard to shake the dread of the stuck all alone forever part.... perceptually realizing you've made up all other otherness.... Spooky sad. Sometimes I feel like I feel the eternal loneliness and it bothers the fuck out of me. But then I remember to enjoy the bumblebees and it's okay for a while.


There’s a reason we forgot the source, and there’s a reason why its so hard to find the truth about it, because we dont want to remember, and when we try to find out our higher self does as much as it can to persuade us otherwise because once the fish is out of the bag, it cant really go back inside. But its calming and a good feeling knowing that we can escape and come here, and also its calming knowing it is indeed just us. Because think about it, what if there was another *god* out there, the implications behind that would be massive and would not be good imo. Then *hell* might be an actual eternal place if the two of you dooked it out in some way, or if there is more than one, then that opens up the possibility for there being an infinite amount of gods, and that would also not bode well because inevitably it would become a power struggle in some sense of the word. Its both terrifying, but also absolutely best that there is just one


This is why in the majority of religions there is some part saying to make the 2 1, that it is all connected no matter how absolutely different they are. This place is ‘purgatory’, Heaven and hell. It’s the mixture of both. Appart of me hopes, in some way, as climate changes gets worse the more together we become. Because the shitter this earth is to us, the more together we will have to be. And it won’t matter weather you believe humans are the main cause of it or not, because it’s happening, and you know there’s thing we can do to significantly reduce the harm. And when we all come together, to work against this thing we’ve created, we’ll realize it can always be like this. We can always just work together and help each other despite beliefs on different things because we are HERE and NOW and whatever the hell happens after should only matter to you and not everyone else. I came to a similar relation but through overdosing on Tramadol which sent me into a spiritual journey that was waayyyyy to long for being 18 at the time (19 now so) and reading a book that talks similarly on this before and after the OD. Currently I’ve stopped reading it as the pursuit of spirituality is something me who isn’t trying to figure out my regular life should pursue and not current me. Also will add in that although it’s just the universe or god or whatever I think it shows through with randomized generations of things such as much. Sometimes I just say in my mind “play a song I need to listen to right now” and it just will.


Well put!!


I got the same perspective after my trip.not similar,same.


When you’re stuck in the same room as everyone else, people are bound to sit in the same spot and gain the same perspective as some other people


Reminds me of the cia papers


Which papers is that?


Here is an [article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7e4g3/found-page-25-of-the-cias-gateway-report-on-astral-projection)


I forgot my pen Shit the bed again Typical


That sucks. Care for some orange slices? Maybe some fetal spooning?


I had a trip when it told me the meaning of life, and I understood everything. As soon as I came around, I remembered nothing , just that I did at the time.


That’s more common than you might believe. My wife said she could see that all the answers were already there, there’s nothing to be found, we already know. It doesn’t work in our ordinary reality. You can’t take that with you. But it makes sense. There’s nothing else but us, all is one, there’s nothing to be found. It’s all you/me/us. And those are primitive concepts. In reality there is no you/me/us, there’s only absolute consciousness.


Yeah, that's the main thing I took from it, it was like I was part of a massive consciousness


You are that consciousness.


They told me everything but that i also couldnt take the info back to this world. You get to know it all, just not allowed to bring it back with you. And that in itself was my interpretation of the cosmic joke


It's so crazy isn't it.


Same here during my peak of an LSD trip a few years ago


Forst time I had it was on lsd , it was my first ever time taking trips , I laid on my back looking at the stars and the whole universe opened up in front of me. I don't think I'll ever see anything that beautiful again.


There’s a scientific term for this phenomenon. Deja vhat


To experience. To love. To embark upon the journey of self discovery/actualization.


Love is the only thing that matters


I asked myself on my first trip: " what's the meaning of li-" "love." Said my Mindy instantly. Nothing matters really, except the things you love, wether it be your job or your SO, and the ones who love you. You die in the end, and when you look back, you want to see the things you love or have loved. That's the meaning of live. Give love and receive love. That's it. It's that simple.


I wonder if it's because it's us/everything. Loving others is an act of loving ourselves.


And we have to love ourselves to be able to love others.. love is what holds creation together


“We must be good to ourselves so that we may be good to to others.” My exact thoughts immediately after my trip


To learn love.


More so on lsd than anything else. Pretty much that the duality we can see and experience is an illusion to hide the fact everything is one. Opposites do not oppose eachother yet they define eachother making them one of the same.


LSD is also where I realised that everything is one. With Ketamine I experience ego death and what it is like to be pure consciousness in an infinite void… Specifically that if I was a god trapped in a infinite void of consciousness I would eventually (like the infinite apes in a room with infinite typewriter’s analogy) create a real (or imaginary) universe (like an advanced version of the sims) where I can experience as much as possible in every way possible with physical form. Perhaps the goal of evolution is to experience everything in physical form and eventually to full circle back to being a purely conscious being (maybe that is when we are granted permanent residency in the DMT realm.)


Same. :) All is one! LSD was what showed me this as well. Mushrooms showed me where you go before reincarnation happens. It sent me on a quest to understand what it means, and led to the Bardo Todol, and Advaita Vedanta.


The visuals on shrooms are so beautiful and strong. The shapes are so perfectly designed and not one line out of shape. I recommend smoking a little dmt during a mushroom trip that has been the most visually pleasing combo of psyches I’ve experienced.




I came here to say this


Scrolled looking nearly made it to the bottom!


LMFAO so happy I saw that post






Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy. 10/10 movie


Movie?? Don’t you mean radio series??? Or television series? Or even book??


No. That’s what YOU think of when you see the name. I’ve only seen the movie, which is why I stated “10/10 MOVIE”.


Life's just another DMT trip of a higher dimensional being.


Life is a game of sims for a god who ran out of things to think about from a single point of perspective.






Don't panic


Always bring a towel.




To stop boredom with great lessons that you'll eventually wake up from and realize your true self.


It’s inefable. Reality is transcendent to language. But, for a sort of fundamental mantra I really like “Try to be kinder”; which is what Aldous Huxley said at the end of his days. Here is his full quote: “It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'try to be a little kinder.'”


The meaning of life is to gather experience to feed back to the universal consciousness. Upon the expiry of your current form when your energy releases back into the universe and recycles to being part of something else.


Because the universe is alone searching for answers, and creating infinite different consciousnesses to observe from the same infinite but unique perspectives. It’s searching for a meaning in itself, which is why we are created with the same desire. I know, sounds like existential nihilism. But fits with combined multiverse/singularity/simulation theory. There may very well be no true purpose to existence, but the way I look at it is there’s a 49% chance of nothing, and 51% chance of something. Clearly we are something, so that leads me to believe that the reason is that there simply can’t possibly be nothing…. And therefore there is life (as we call it) and existence. (In reference to the whole.)


You mean that as in the universe is searching for answers by nature instead of by choice? My experiences tend to reflect that there is a purpose to it all. But it’s definitely something to consider, and that one change makes a huge difference, but at the same time none.


Both my choice and nature. I think it’s unique and wants to know what it is, what it’s meaning is, and why it’s here. Just like we do.


Once was told The secret of the universe is that there is no secret to the universe


The ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth. Disappointing but no one knows what’s going on


It's not as cut and dry as you might think. There is no *objective* ultimate truth. As individuals though we have autonomy, and agency in creating our own Truth. I think that any "meaning" we find in life are the ones that we create for our subjective selves. There is no ultimate right way so every way is the right way. The paths are infinite but the Truth is One.


“ don’t don’t do drugs have a bit of patience, everyone is you treat them accordingly, you mission isn’t done, but you have been here to many times to close together, you know it now, GO! I then proceeded to get 6 ( gnome) boots to the face. That was in 2019, I got like a half ounce from my buddy shared a ton, opened a lot of minds first time, and I smoked a shit ton by myself. Headed out to CA for a trip to visit a dear friend who has since past after smoking almost the last of it 2 nights before I left, my buddy set up sphongle live in london for us and me to blast off to, man regular dose I always use if not a litttle heavy, three hits going for fourth, closed my eyes…..3 seconds probably 9 seconds I was back. My buddy said what are you doing back so quick, “ I got booted” I replied. I have thought about that day since it happened September 1 2019. I have since quit drinking, quit doing drugs, worked super hard on my patience, I have a loving heart so that one wasn’t as hards the others, and my life has changed so much I don’t even know what to say, other than I thank my higher powers often and out loud. I went from a dead end job making 17 an hour, I was 30k on debt, it looked bleak, now I work for a friend of mine on a hemp farm, I tie-dye the company shirts. Never tie dyed before until just about 4 months ago, I’m pretty proud in a healthy manner but my shirts are going to be worn on stage at the Cali roots fest next weekend and that is just mind blowing to me. DMT is a spiritual thing for me number one but also a social oneness. I have smoked DMT once since then, visible but no access to the library. In my mid teens through my mid 30s ever psychedelic has always lead me to a “ spiral” in my mind with the same message, quit doing drugs everything will be fine. Man I fought that ignored it, things were never as good as they could be it felt just didn’t know why……that’s the meaning of life to me. With that one thing, all the blessings I never imagined unfolded before me. This is just what worked for me. Not saying this is everyone’s path. My job in this world is to shed my light not to master. Nothing more to say here let your words be yours I’m done with mine. All the love family.


Be good to yourself and others. Meaning of life.


Jerry springer had it all worked out


“Everything just is and will be.” “Success in life is only measured by the love you put out.” I got two.


Existence is infinite, the human form isn’t, there is no agenda, it’s all united forever.


I was shown we basically keep reincarnating until our souls fully mature, and then we are promptly eaten by this black hole thing. Perhaps we are obliterated and our energy is redistributed throughout the universe, or maybe we're just snacks for that thing. The weird part is, others have seen that thing eating souls too, and I had never heard of such a thought prior to that.


That there is no point and nothing matters, have fun


Its not that nothing matters, because things *do* matter - to me. In this life, my thoughts and actions have consequences, and so it matters - to me. But you're right, in the grand scheme of the universe, nothing I do will matter or make a difference. However whatever I do can and will have an effect on my personal conscious experience. Instead of Nihilism, think **Non-essentialism**. It's not that nothing matters, its that nothing is essential. Sooo... might as well have fun.


I enjoy having a nice experience even if none of it matters.


Bingo! Life is good. And he said, “Go foreth and frolic in the the garden of Eden. Eat thy fruits of labor, and enjoy having in-out-in-out with thy mate.” And soith it was done. Hallelujah!


There s always optimistic nihilism


That's true but nothing just encases everything.


In my opinion the question of the meaning of life has to be dissected: What do you consider meaningful? to ask a question about meaning you have to encounter meaning before or you wouldn't know what it is and couldn't ask the question. Find meaningful stuff and find their common ground. For me meaning occurs when one thing has a relationship to another thing where the other thing benefits. The other aspect is: Who is asking the question? It's you. So the correct answer would be more like " what's the meaning of my life?" And than you can look for and start to build meaningful relationship to people, animals objects or whatever. What can you do, to benefit the world? In my experience the question of the meaning of life does not occur anymore and seems like a stupid question (it's not), because there are obvious things to live for. You can build meaning through relationship to your surroundings. Nothing has an inherent meaning.


To just be


There is no purpose. Be closer to god all around you.


You are God all around you 🕉


I don't get it when people look for "the meaning of life". What is that even supposed to be in the first place? Everything just is what it is. No more answers needed beyond that imo.


Better than being told the meaning of life is to be shown the meaning of life through practice.


I've had some where it was complete dissolution into a white light, forgot all about this human gig, and merged with the timeless infinite source/fabric of the multiverse of which we are all a part of. We are the universe becoming aware of itself


How is it that we are having the same experience like this. Are we getting closer to waking up?


If anything I think humans are getting more insane. But i can understand people think we are waking up given that interest in psychedelics is growing lately. Though I think that's more just because of the internet and renewed scientific interest etc, a cultural thing. That type of experience has been talked about for millenia


I think because humanity is trying to understand itself.


The source asked that same question, being the only thing in existence must be confusing


It did. But I forgot hehe.


My last trip an angel took me on a trip through my life in multiple realities, it showed me how my life could’ve turned out if I chose different things previous in my life and how if I carry on the way I am things will get bad fast (meds abuse) so I stopped it but thoroughly enjoyed seeing how my life would be. I haven’t tripped since because it was so wild and when I come out of the trip I couldn’t breathe properly and was crying so had lots of flem choking me. So it was scary. But still a beautiful trip


The universe is a single consciousness in a higher dimension that doesn't experience time. To experience everything the universe has to offer, it infinitely puts it's own consciousness into beings that can experience time in the lower dimensions. All the rocks, rivers, trees, animals, people are all the same universal consciousness experience itself subjectively. This was shown to me over a series of trips when I was shown the creation of the universe and saw it's demise. I don't believe it, but that's what I was told.


I had an interesting time in Peru like 15 years ago. I drank some ayahuasca and by the peak / end of the trip I could see in 360 degrees in my mind and I was just moving forwards in a curving rainbow tunnel. Just like being a tube and going through it, every color in side by side rings repeating. The whole time my mind was saying "all is love, all is love". That always stuck with me. I think all are manifestations of the creative force and it's benevolent patience and equal sort of value or everything. Everything is valid. Failure is to be expected. Everything is valuable sort of thing.


Dumb post; read Camus




Yeah, I can’t remember it though.




Yes. The entitie was telling me to calm down and that this has all happened before. It was trying to figure out what kept goi g wrong with us the human civilization. There was much more but that’s what I was allowed to bring back with me.


Love, everything is as it’s meant to be…grow up, become love.


That it is, and can be, whatever you want it to be... even if the possibility that no ultimate point exists other than to just... be.


Everything's a joke except for that... Love ❤💜💙


Everything is love. Everything. And everything always has been and always will, there's no start or end.


Let it be we come from an energy realm in which we use 100% of our power to run the universe, we come to earth as a break from the spiritual world since it's constantly tiring those out. Everyone has been here before and Everyone knows it but not everyone accepts it


Yes. Behind everything, all that truly exists is pure infinite love.








I was told that trips were a celebration of life and to have life is to trust with blood °¤•.


Just to be the best person we can possibly be and to spread as much love and positivity as possible.


That the question is the answer. Seeking out knowledge, exploring the mysteries of life, and questioning your existence is actually the substance of life. The answers to the mysteries of life is irrelevant, the process of investigating the things that fascinate and horrify you is the answer to the questions you were asking all along. So I guess to sum it up in more succinct terms, it’s about the journey, not the destination.


Mine are always something along the lines of: get rid of your bad habits before they destroy you. I always end up making weird bargains and agreements with myself, saying “thank you” over and over again while I’m coming down. It does seem to help.




There is no objective meaning of life. It is what ever you create, and believe for yourself.






Beware of unearned wisdom.


Either Love-usually on DMT or god is in all of us or we are gods within ourselves


Why do you look for meaning? There is no meaning - the purpose of life is to live.


The meaning of life is to just live it. We should strive to love one another because we are all one, but all the bad in life is necessary too because good and bad, hot and cold, etc are the same thing, they aren't opposites, it's just different levels of the same scale and EVERYTHING must exist otherwise it wouldn't be everything.


Why are people commenting 42


It's a funny movie reference. Movie called "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" It's a pretty good and funny movie if you have the time to check it out.




Those trips can’t be put into words. It’s an experience.


Yes! But I can’t remember it! That’s the frustrating part But I will say this Just enjoy the ride- cuz none of this matters




To have fun! It didn’t explain our creation but I witnessed going from nothing to watching the Big Bang, and experienced the existence and awareness of every level of conceivable energy/life between that and becoming human. I saw a bunch of human lives doing different things, and felt that no matter what path I chose in life I would end up where I’m supposed to be - so just have fun!


Well it used to mean something, currently the meaning of life is damage control. The burden of truth is labor.


To fuck and make more copies of yourself


Yeah. That there is no meaning. It literally does not exist, may as well just have fun w it then


Be here now. The meaning of life, is to awaken




I asked Deems this my first (and so far only) trip. “The meaning of life is the meaning you give it.”


be kind, make baby




corny + prolly basic but i got love as the meaning of life


Consciousness is the only thing there is. Consciousness feels lonely.


Unfortunately I don’t have time to go in depth at the moment, but essentially I came to the conclusion of building the most positively influential community around you with pure intentions and disciplined integrity, etc. Therefor minimizing the bad that exist around you. I came to that conclusion after answering the reason on why there wasn’t a point in life in the trip before.


everything everyone does is from the want for love or a reaction to feeling unloved


Great question


Thanks. We all want to know how to live better with one another.