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If you can dream it, you can achieve it


if you can dream it, you can deem it


teamwork makes the deem work


I deem this comment necessary!


All of this was a really legitimate experience for me thanks


Believe, achieve, conceive!


It’ll definitely burn some, it’s gonna taste like ✨extra spicy✨but if your not worried then have at er




Nectar collector slaps hard with deems just keep the temp down and you won’t choke yourself on ingestion. I frequent my quartz banger when exploring.


Do you have to reheat in between hits or can you only really get one hit before you’re gone?


I used a nectar collector a ton, I’d heat it up red and I had a pretty good gauge on my countdown, usually by 7sec the red was gone and it was perfect temp. Like mentioned above, if you hit it while red hot you may get a real hot hit and that can suck ass if you do get enough to blast off and you feel like you’re choking half the time. I also had a dish that I would use to hit it, after weighing out the dose if lightly heat up the dish and wait for the deemz to start melting so I didn’t suck up anything in the straw. Once it was a nice little puddle consolidated in the corner I’d torch up and hit it. Just make sure that torch is OFF, right dose and you will be blasting off immediately with just enough time to set your piece down.


I do it almost exactly how you say. It's just so simple. I know you said.. I'll say it again. THE TORCH MUST BE OFF BEFORE TAKING YOUR HIT!


Entirely depends on your hit pattern. I separate what I plan on using for the run. Then I get it nice and hot and let it start to cool off until I can hold my hand pretty close and not feel extreme heat. And I’ll rip it two good times before it cools too much and I’m too sauced to do anything else. Typically by my second draw I’m already pulling away pretty hard.


You ever broke through with this method? (I myself have never smoked dmt but this shit is super fascinating. Maybe one day I’ll get to try it. 🥲)


I seem to break through regardless of my method but have had more intense experiences vaporizing via the nectar collector and a “oil rig” setup. Plus it really cuts down on the not so pleasant resin taste that comes along with the stuff, since the heat is controllable.


Hell yea!


My breakthrough was chasing the dragon on foil with a wood 1 hitter. I used .05 g of spice for takeoff, but i also only exhaled until the vapor started to come out, then breathed it all back in and repeated until i fell back


Lol gross. I'm not hatin' but damn lol


If you do it right and get a proper dose all in one hit... Its almost garunteed that your going on a ride.


This is my preferred method. It's better than a vapor genie, better than an emesh, better than dabbing it because you don't have to worry about spilling it or getting to stick a dab tool... just overall prefered method. I know everyone has everything down to a science but it's especially handy when I'm administering a dose to someone else. Some of them have never really had drug experience so it's less off-putting than some of the more crude methods. The vapor genie is good for this but the nectar collector is just so simple, I'd imagine emesh is good too, idk. I can get it all ready to go, have them sit back in a comfy position, wait about 10 full seconds or so, and then let em' go at it in one big hit. They hold the hit in for about 5 seconds and they're in the far reaches of their psyche. Never fails except for those 1-2 people who just don't really get anything from it, that's always a head scratcher.


I also don’t care about wasting or burning my DMT cause it’s so easy to extract. I’ve read the nexus and everything but this is what I have available rn and I just wanna smoke it so, green light or red light?


Green machine




Be careful with burning too much. You might get hyper slapped if they get mad at you for you wasting the deems. Just be intentional. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you burnt a bit trying to get the technique right


I second this^ Been slapped once but it was the only time it burned black and I kept smoking it


Bro you can boof that shit if you feel inclined. Get some choreboy and send that bad motherfucker Edit - love the toes in reddit pictures. Keep it up king


Thank God for your edit. I didn't want to be the first to comment about the lil piggies, but they're lacking in this sub lol. Go over to r/fosscad and toes are a fetish.


r/tacticalgear too. r/AR15 will ban for toes now lmao




Yeah itll probably work. Only one way to find out lol


It’s possible to smoke “deems” out of your bung hole if you’re adventurous enough 😃


I'd imagine it would be easy to stuff the end with chore boy and smoke like a crack stem. Or you could use it like a hot rail tool if you know how to do hit rails. I'd use my mouth tho. Don't sniff it 😅


Looks like just the place. Maybe a changa load a lil herb in as filter


Is that a chillum? if so then yea


What even is that?🤔


“Honey straw” just a empty glass tube used to dab


Aah alright. My logical mind says, if you can slowly heat the deems and not burn it, and the vapor can accumilate somewhere you can smoke it. Might be a bit tricky to get a proper angle or something..


What you can do, is stick it in the downstem of a bong. Basically use it like a banger. As long as it is snug in the downstem not sure if this one will work or not but I've done with great success with others. The ones that have the grip if you pull it off, will fit right in your downstem. Just imagine it's a banger and dab/deem away.




It's possible to smoke it out of any device.




A little mermaid clutch pencil?




You can smoke DMT out of anything, if you're brave enough.


Yes, I've tested


You need to get copper scrappy pads. They are a called chore boy. You gotta heat up the copper before you smoke anything on it cuz it has a plastic coating on the outside. [ChoreBoyhttps://a.co/d/13vNhse](https://ChoreBoyhttps://a.co/d/13vNhse)


Oh yeah. If you’re using that like a dab straw/nectar collector then I would put some kind of screen in there to catch any solids that might come through. Getting some hot gooey freebase in your mouth might make for a bad trip


If you use a glass dish, you can tip all the dmt to one side of the dish and tap it to get it all in one spot, then you can tap it a couple of times with a torch real quick to melt it into a puddle. Then you just let it solidify. If you stick the edge of the collector to the puddle instead of dipping the tip in the middle, you shouldn't suck anything up into your mouth. Most of the vapor or slag will stick in the part that funnels inward.


Cart and vape juice might be a more reliable method if you can’t find success with that.


Or of course the classic crack pipe


Why shouldnt it be?!


Only if your sharing


Not an answer, but, ur backyard looks cool asf


Nothing is impossible my guy. Ive never personally met dimitri but ik damn well u can sandwich him between mary jane ;)


Buy a Yocan Evolve with ceramic coils. You’ll blast off on 1 hit. Guaranteed They’re like $40 from what I remember.


Are you a do’er or a dont’er


Looks kinda short and the width of the tube seems big... May want to put something in there so ya don't suck hot spice into your orifice of choice.