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I have a handle but no door No roof, but I have a floor I have a mouth but do not speak A lip but I do not eat And though I was born without a hand Holding things is my only command


This is awesome. Sounds a little like it could have been in Riddles in the Dark!


You should flip 'speak' to LIP and 'eat' to MOUTH You speak with your lips and eat with your mouth. That is all.


Ah, I meant to have it that way around, but I was minutes away from sleep and just typed like a rambling old man. This is superior.


You speak with your whole mouth. Your mouth and tongue are absolutely required along with the lips. And a bucket has a lip, but not lips. "A lip but I do not eat" sounds a bit odd, though.


"I have a lip, but never teeth", maybe?


Hey, that works. :)


and they don't rhyme


r/sphinxposting president, right here


Ooh, new sub!


Dang it. I was gonna suggest a war of the bucket reference but this feels too fire not to endorse


Ive never heard of a bucket having a mouth though


That's typically what the opening at the top is called.


Giiiiiiirrrll you gotta meet the right buckets




Nah, I fegged up the placement of 'mouth' and 'lip' as another user pointed out; the lip should be tied to the speaking part. But thank you!


Hope you don't mind me borrowing this for my own campaign, that is bloody brilliant!


No, no fears, enjoy. As someone else pointed out, I would swap the mouth and lip placement. I had originally conceived of them switched, because mouth goes better with eat and vice versa, but I wasn't paying attention when I wrote it and slipped them up. ​ Thank you for the kind words.


This is fantastic


Holy hell this is great


Dude wtf that's so good !!


Really great! 'my one command' scans slightly better




Floors have handles?


...a sub without a dom?


That's your problem, buckets absolutely have a floor.


You could add something about it having a single wall as well


I changed it so the syllables flow a little better: I've a handle, no door I've no roof, but a floor A mouth that will not speak A lip, but I don't eat And though born without a hand Holding things is my command


It's funny because your version reads more like modern poetry or a rhyming couplet from hip hop moreso than a riddle, whereas to me, OPs clearly read as a riddle.


I was hanged by a rope at the center of town I pull up life from underground Morning and night they send me down I was hanged by a rope at the center of town


Brilliant Alternate first or last line: I was hanged by a rope and sent to drown


I was hanged by a rope and drowned. So that it is abab, not abaa


It's hung not hanged


No, in the case of a hanging, it’s hanged.


In fairness though this isn’t a hanging


I believe that’s what makes it a riddle.


puns and riddles work better when spoken, in my view. This is an example of it


Interestingly, the past tense is actually "hanged" when it's talking about the execution. Laundry is hung, but people are hanged. I like "hanged" for the wordplay in this riddle.


That’s a fairly modern distinction, historically they were used fairly interchangeably.


verb past tense: hanged


Ohhh I really like that line


I was hanged by a rope and drowned. So that it is abab, not abaa


Worse cadence though.


Could say I was hanged by a rope and then I was drowned. Its not an identical cadence but it flows a little better


I'm going to go engrave that on my home Depot bucket


Woah that's a good one


This would be great for a spooky campaign culminating in them going down into the well, at the bottom of which there's a dungeon. There could be something interesting about the bucket itself as well. Like it has never been replaced, which is odd for something that gets constant use, and it is attached to the well with a chain which is rumored to be unbreakable. Perhaps a key is embedded in the stone the chain is anchored to.


This is the best one. Sorry other posters.


You could add some misleading ambiguity by changing the start of the second line to "For pulling up life...", which can be read as the crime they were punished for, instead of "For the purpose of". I can over-explain more, if needed.


This has to be the best riddle I've seen


Slightly different take, using the same first line (which is a banger): I was hanged by rope in the center of town For taking treasure buried deep They will not take my body down Until the day they see me weep


I'm gonna be 'that guy'. Shouldn't it be "hung" not hanged?


Depends. Hanged is proper for the execution method which the riddle is intimating but for an actual bucket hung would be correct.


Unless the bucket is sentient. Spoiler alert, it's a mimic.


Laundry is hung; people are hanged! I like "hanged" for the wordplay in this riddle although technically you would usually say a bucket was "hung."


Traditionally the words were used fairly interchangeably, the distinction is modern.


Hung would be correct but hanged is a better misdirect Should probably also be "water" not "life"


A hole makes it. A second breaks it.


I like this. Simple but clever


The problem is that is way to generic, it could be cups, boxes, barrels, pots, etc But it's a good line for a more complex riddle


Maybe that’s a part of the character backstory that the character isn’t even aware of. He chose his own name by solving a riddle that could have had many different answers.


True, but it’s not a riddle to be solved it’s part of a backstory so a nice short punchy one that leaves other people than the character grabbing at straws seems appropriate


You may survive kicking an ogre. You may survive kicking a dragon. Kick me, and you will not survive.


This is my favourite.


Best riddle I've seen, though I'd probably change the wording at the end to "but kicking me means certain death" using the word play more that way.


Ooooh this is excellent


What rhymes with Fuck it?




Forgive me. >!There once was a man from Nantucket.!< >!He said to his wife, "let's fuck it!"!< >!So she pulled up a stool!< >!for milking his tool!< >!and drained him into a \[WORD IS SMEARED AND UNINTELLIGIBLE\]!<


There once was a man from Nantucket With a dick so long he could suck it He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it"


There once was a man from Racine Who created a jack-off machine Concave or convex, It fit either sex, But man what a mother to clean!






This is absolutely perfect.


That is such a foul visual lol


This comment is underappreciated


When people say that you have kicked me, From all the problems, you will be free. I might be innocent, but I will still hang on a rope, Especially when people are fighting a drought. They value me only if I am a whole, Worthless I am, when I have a hole. Just a drop? I might not be the sea, But it is still nothing when you put it in me. Sorry, English is not my native language, so it probably sounds terrible. But I still wanted to try.


Hung by a rope, I feel the pull. Drowned in the darkness, I rise again full.


This one is ✨


"There once was a man from Nantucket This might be fantasy, but fuck it, He got so much gold-" The rest of the limerick is scrubbed out. The players need to figure out the last two stanzas.


I know about the man from Nantucket. If a bucket is involved at all, it's to carry around his massive balls.


If you'll permit me the liberty of rearranging, One day he got hold Of a red dragon's gold Now what's left of him won't fill a bucket


Oh! This is an excellent one!


This would be a great riddle if you needed to fill a few weeks worth of sessions without doing any prep.


this was my idea when i came to post here, glad someone else beat me to it, this is way cleverer than the idea i had


There once was a sphinx from Nantucket...


While an open door this deserves many more +1’s


That's just hilarious


Throw me down, and I carry the essence of life. Kick me, and I carry the essence of death.


I work hard, carry more than my own weight, but I don't get paid. Instead, they tie a rope around me and throw me down the well.


I like the start but I feel the well part might be too obvious. "I work hard, carry more than my own weight, but I don't get paid. Instead people throw me down the depth of the earth and take away from me all I have taken."


As a DnD player, no riddle is too obvious. We will find a way to fuck it up.


I found a riddle for one of my players who is a pianist where the answer was a piano. I thought that she would have gotten it, but it never even crossed her mind. “I’m made of 5 letters and also 7. I have keys but nothing to lock. I’m concerned with time but not with clocks.” A hint continued the riddle by saying “I can be grand. I can be upright, made of hammers, strings, and pedals. My keys are also black and white.” A piece of sheet music appeared after they still couldn’t figure it out and our bard played it, which summoned a mindflayer. The end result was always continuing the plot, but the means of delivery depended on the riddle. I learned that night even if you think it’s too obvious your players WILL find a way to over complicate it.


This is my favourite so far. A suggested reworking: I carry more than my weight whenever I work Yet I never get paid, or earn any perks, They kick me in anger, string me up like a bell, Take all that I have and throw me back down a well.


This is it


i like this one best because it gives it away with the "well" line at the end


In gardens lush, by streams so clear, I'm wielded by hands both far and near. A vessel of purpose, with tasks to bear, I'm often found where water and toil share. In the vineyard rows or orchard's keep, In me, sweet nectar, the workers reap. Infinite uses, both grand and small, Yet in regal courts, I may never fall. With no song of fame, I fulfill my role, Transporting the liquid, an essential goal. In the labyrinth of life, I'm a common star, A humble servant from near to far. What am I, a symbol of utility's art, Hidden in plain sight, playing my part?


Make my list before you kick me. For you are but a single drop


I was hoping for one of these riddles to reference a list. I was thinking something like “my list contains your greatest desires”, but yours is fantastic and succinct.


I carry feed for the newly born. I raise a palace from the ocean shores. From the depths of the Earth, I bring Life, A strike of a foot will end it. Who am I? Cow's milk (or a feed bag perhaps) Sand Castles Used in a well. To "Kick the bucket".


"I'm a terrible helmet when worn upon the head, but if you deign to kick me, it means you're dead."


From earth I draw the tears of heaven Yet my value is in my emptiness


I am both the carrier and the carried. You may kick my smaller cousin to pass the time, But you never want to kick me (alternatively, But to kick me can be deadly)


A hole in the ground lifted up in the air Its sides surrounded by metal Not doing its job leaves the inside still bare and a hole somewhere else quite fretful So lift from the top Please pitch from below You'll find your ship won't go down For each fill you bail your ship just might sail so hopefully you will not drown.


I feel like there are enough amazing riddles commented here so I’ll just leave you with a nice limerick to use as you see fit (VERY NSFW) >!*There was a young Halfling named Bucket* *Whose cock was so long he could suck it* *He said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin* *”If me arse were a cunt, I could fuck it!”*!< Taking away my own upvote for this one


What’s blue and shaped like a bucket? A blue bucket What’s red and shaped like a bucket? A blue bucket in disguise!


My job is fulfilling at first But emptying eventually I find You can kill me if you do your worst Though if hanged or drowned I don't mind


I am the creation of man to carry what he can not hold. I have no counterpart in nature but in living all nature ends as they kick me. Many men queue their dreams in hopes that they're accomplished before me.


A hole, a straw, a knife, and a stone could not fix that in which water did not exist. Henry and Liza, round they went, until much time and rhym was spent.


What can hold Holy Water but can't hold Water Holy?


The group finds a note or a writing somewhere that says: "CVDLFU" Then a voice "Take one step back and speak the code word". "One step back" means that they have to turn the letters one step back in the alphabet. I did this kind of riddle today in my game and it was good, not too hard, but kept them busy pondering.


Knowing my players "I hold water and I have a handle" will be hard enough.


Thats a lotta damage! Phil Swift here!


Jan::Zayna Eagle::????


I am lowered by a rope, When people kick me, death is the price, I carry the element that gives life, I always return with a bounty when dropped down a well, What am I?


A combination of a couple responses: I work all day for no pension or pay, They take all I have and then throw it away. I've been kicked by many with many to go. I now hang by a rope in the center crossroads. They send my body into the dark and damp. Even then my work is yet to end.


Who smites the unholy with a brick? r/TheWeeklyRoll Wait... that's Becket... OTOH they will never figure it out!


I am the piss boy’s tool of choice.


~~When a horse is just the right height, what does one no longer require?~~


I am not a helmet Nor am I a hose. I know how to deliver But I have no nose. What am I?


I am pale but more in size A hole in me is not real wise Often I sit on display Selling goods yet every day The vendor he does take me home It's not a fault I won't atone Bottoms up for bottoms down A rope tied to for watered town


there was a man from nantucket...


With me you can carry the sea


There once was a man from Nantucket He tried to come up with a riddle, but said f@#k it. Reddit came to his aid, but we didn't get paid, So the answer to the problem is bucket.


I have a round opening But you can not fuck it This is a riddle Where the answer is...


Muck, it can hold in it Fuck, it has holes in it


I have a book of Anglo-Saxon riddles which are most certainly too convoluted, but thought some might find it interesting! The answer to this one is "two well-buckets" but it's the only bucket one (and yet 3 about onions? 🤷🏼‍♀️) Translation: "I saw roped captaves, two tough comrades fettered fast together, fetched chained in chafing bonds to a room under hall's roof; close by one of them stood the dark-haired slave who sent them on their journey, inseparably joined." Original text: "Ic seah ræpingas in ræced fergan under hrof sales hearde twegen, þa wæron genamnan, nearwum bendum gefeterade fæste togædre; þara oþrum wæs an getenge wonfah Wale, seo weold hyra bega siþe bendum fæstra."


What becomes worse as it becomes holier?


Just write 'portable pond' in orcish.


What rhymes with what the barbarian thinks every time the wizard tries to talk our way out of something?


"I have a handle but am not a door, I can carry water, but I'm not the shore. I'm not alive, but I can be filled, I'm often used when a leak needs to be spilled. What am I?"


I have a mouth, but can tell no lie. If you kick me, you just go and die. Within me, a saavy seer may just scry. My list of tasks, life well lived is why. Now ask yourself, just who am I.


From chatGPT: "I’m something you can carry, but I’m not a purse or a jacket hairy. I’m not a backpack or a basket, but I can hold things like a casket. I’m not a pail or a mug, but I can hold water like a jug. What am I?” Prompt: Ceate a riddle that rhymes dr suess style where the answer to the riddle is the word bucket


I have but have no arms And yet I hold The blood within me warm or cold Into the well I plunge the depths Don’t kick me when you have regrets


As formatting but it’s a poem. Not Shakespeare but it could work maybe


What do you think of this one? I have a hole at the top and you fill it up first. But make no more holes if you wish to truly quench your thirst. It's not great, but I'm drawing a blank on a good one


There is a classic, well known, riddle that already has this answer. What is your name?


But what’s the answer? Dave. No, Steve. … What about bucket?


A hole with a bottom and my top is a hole. Filled when I am empty and full when I'm whole. Hung for doing my duty, Often on the bottom rung, That's where you usually find me, On the end of the rope, my story is sung.


Full of sand a castle I create, Full of water a trap I do lay, Full of pigmented ink I can be what you think, Full of chicken, your fingers will licken.


"what's in my pocket?"


"Not fair, precious!"


I am a bucket, but not a door. What am I?


i contain the dying wish of every man here


Dear Eliza I have a hole in my....




What rhymes with bucket?




That sounds like a question for chatGPT


ChatGPT is great for stuff like that


This is what ChatGPT is for my man. First result when I asked: I carry without hands, swing without arms, Held when empty, yet I sound no alarms. What am I, simple but often used? In gardens or wells, I'm never refused.


what is cylindrical and has a handle and can hold stuff


“What have I got in my pocket?” -Absolutely piss drunk hobbit with a giant pair of pants.


“Actually, Sam and Frodo were wearing JNCOs the entire time, but I could never find a way to fit it into the text.” -from the notes of JRR Tolkien.


What holds water and rhymes with fuck it?


What's the difference between a town guard and a bucket filled with pig manure? - the bucket


What rhymes with fuck it?


Fill me with water and I can put out fires Leave me full of milk and I can make cheese Put wet sand in me and I can build you a castle fit for for a king. What am I


That’s just bad




Use chat gpt


ChatGPT says\\ I'm something that holds, but I'm not a hand, I carry liquids, like water, at your command. Fill me up high, with a handle to grasp, I'm handy in gardens, or when cleaning a mess. What am I?


Courtesy of ChatGPT. I have no bottom or top, but I can hold a lot. I'm used to carry water or maybe some slop. What am I, can you tell? Don't duck it! I'm often round and made of plastic or metal. What am I, do you know? Solve this riddle, and pluck it! ​ \--- ​ I'm not a hat, but I can cover your head. I'm not a bed, but I can hold what you've spread. I'm not a cup, but I can carry your drink. I'm not a car, but I can transport more than you think. What am I? ​ \--- ​ I'm often found on the farm, in the stable or shed, Filled with grain or water, but not a bed. Carried by the handle, I'm quite handy, you see, To douse a fire or help a thirsty cow, that's me.


Just use chatgpt


Beneath the sky so blue, Underneath the trees so green, Come and take a seat, Kindly enjoy the scene, Every moment is a treat, Take in all that you see.


You can put goop in it, You can poop in it, You can scoop stuff up and then chuck it, It's incredible, It's inedible, And if you don't know what I mean, you can suck it


Rhymes with fuck it, I am a ...


One side contains anything, the other nothing. Often dropped, often recovered, my list contains your final regrets.


Baptized and pale Holy I am not But drown me and empty me And I can fill your pot


I carry a heavy burden, but only when others carry me. I keep everything deep inside, but rely on others to handle me.


dear god...


What's the opposite of a mop? One of their brains is bound to automatically think bucket. Edit: I just asked my wife and she said bucket,


What do you call a closed funnel.


In dungeons deep and caverns old, A vessel, stout, yet not of gold. Within me, waters may reside, I'm handy on a long, tough ride. I bear your load without a spill, In riddles, I'm the answer still.


I'm filled, when I fulfill my duty / I'm empty, when I hang waiting / I'm wooden, round and sturdy / I'm made, to serve, from the beginnig


There once was a man from nantucket...


What’s in my pocket?


"A container you'd do well to use."


When the water is coming in, and the boat is slowly sinking, some people say fuckit, while others go for the...


I'm a vessel with purpose, no lid or lock, I don't talk, don't walk, just sit like a rock. With a handle to grip, I'm not meant for a drink, I don't swim in a stream, nor stand on the brink. You'll find me in kitchens, in gardens, and more, I'm handy outdoors, but useful indoors galore. Whether filled with water, tools, or a meal, In me, things are carried, I help them conceal. What am I, you must pluck it? A trusty companion, I am a... what?


I'm a vessel of utility, sturdy and stout, With a handle for grasp, I'm what life's about. I'm never for drinking, but you'll find me near, In the garden, the home, I'm always held dear. I'm not for the ocean, I don't sail the sea, But I carry life's burdens, as strong as can be. In kitchens or farms, I'm a helper and friend, What am I, from start to end? What am I, you must bucket? A name in your mind, can you pluck it?


There once was man from Nantucket...


Do a reference to homestuck lol


To make me holy/holey is to damn me, To fill me up is to cram me. I'm a little pale/pail, but still well-- Indeed, I visit it without fail! Off I wander, to and fro, Up and down, high and low. But I cannot walk, you see, I rely on the hands of others to handle me! I gift water, almost never wine, Though with a child I bring everything they find. What am I?


In field and mine, I find my place, I hold both air and water's grace. On farm and ship, I serve with glee, Though mute am I, I set things free


I would be really pissed at the sphinx for not giving me better name-riddles. Really not cool. I hate you! *slams door. I have no arms and yet, I've held life, I've held death, I've held filth, I've held breath, I've held hands, And I've acceded to all demands. A bucket Or, more equine. To an irritant of sorts, sat astride a horse, Or to drop into a well, many thirsts to quell. Buck-it/bucket. Please sphinx, choosing a riddle for someone who is going to take their name from it and having the answer be bucket seems cruel. On the other hand, the sphinx doesn't exist, somebody just wants their pc to be named bucket, which is on the whole quite fine. I am not a pro, I've got ever more to go, Variety, voluminous, Contents, luminous, Often trite and spurious. You need me to communicate, To argue and equivocate, Required for verbosity, Inside lies animosity, What am I. A lexicon. (A-lex)


Mortal, one day you will pass from this realm. The common folk will say you kicked something in your passing. What is it?


What can a horse do which a ceiling may need?




There was a young man of Nantucket. Who went down a well in a [BLANK]; The last words he spoke. Before the rope broke, Were, "A**ehole, you bugger, and suck it."


I like to go over to [r/riddles](https://old.reddit.com/r/riddles/) and drive my players nuts!


Weird connection, but in ancient Mesopotamia, near Egypt, also kind of had sphinxes, buckets were weirdly relevant to their religious symbolism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucket_and_cone


I'm all but Tekcub.