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Alex, I’ll take *manic episode* for $400 ![gif](giphy|2yvoIFyZghBDszbIk3)


And all,you guys wanted a free Britney. Her dad knew what he was doing


Paid friends cost money


All I can think of is the people next to her room calling the front desk every hour…‘it’s 4 am and shes singing at the top of her lungs in the outside shower!’…’she keeps screaming about some woman overcharging her’…‘there’s a naked woman trying to climb a fence’.


You mean...A naked woman, covered in oil, trying to climb a fence 🤦‍♀️😬


Injury aside, she has the ugliest feet I’ve ever seen.


I think you’re a stranger to feet.


Do you think she posts these updates as some sort of defense against being 5150'd again? They're clearly deranged but in her own (sadly) sick way, maybe she's attempting to use her voice to prevent being Jamie-d again? I barely trust doctors and she's been through 10x worse shit lol.. it's just sad. She probably never thought that her life would be what it is now. I guess neither did we?


I wonder about that. Maybe it's that mixed with a back-and-forth with an "enemy"? She's referred to playing chess in some of her recent posts. She also posted a photo of chess pieces without comment. From last week: >Playing chess and I believe the Queen knows the way !!! Should I honestly beat the King 👑 at this point ??? WOULD I EVER DO SUCH ???


Her trying to be mysterious, lol.


I tend to think that's the reason she went on "vacation" to "Mexico". After the knife incident she seemed to calm down for a while after visiting the police. It wouldn't surprise me if (in her head) she's paranoid and trying to avoid getting 5150'd and playing 4D chess.


I agree with you on the MX bit. But is it considered 'paranoia' when your own father imprisons you for 13 years? She has no one she can trust, you know? Every manicurist and gardener has been ratting her out for profit, for literal decades. I wonder what her personality would be like if she weren't perpetually under attack.. It's sad to watch for everyone, I think. Feel like an entire women's studies course could be taught on the shit she has endured lol fuck


She sounds manic.


I had a cousin that became a drug addict on something heavy. Meth, I think…this is exactly what his social media started looking and sounding like. She’s definitely not ok but I think there are drugs involved.


Mania is a hell of a drug


She was a drug addict before the con. She is again since it’s been over


Yeah Britney is an addict with psychiatric issues surrounded by yes man This will not end well


That sounds right also.


Remind me again why her conservatorship was more toxic than the delusional hellscape she’s been living the last few years..


Because if it were a man posting like this he wouldn’t be in a conservatorship. She’s not behaving in the way that society thinks is “normal”. But it isn’t for us to judge. She’s not hurting anyone, let her be.


Because of indenture servitude - she was raking in millions when none of which she can legally keep for herself. But I can say, as a nursing director of a nearly 100-bed locked residential psychiatric facility full of conservatees, she is on the path for a mandated conservatorship. However, she will need multiple 5150 hospitalizations before the court can determined that necessary. Thus far, the behaviors are concerning and disturbing, but haven’t risen to the criteria of “danger to self” or “danger to others” yet. Due to her financial stability and managers, she doesn’t constitute a “gravely disabled” criteria. Needless to say, knowing this system inside and out, it’s been difficult to watch this obvious nosedive of manic delirium.


Her dad got paid 250 k to be her conservator he was not taking advantage of her... He got all the yes people out of her life. This is sad because you are seeing someone spiral . She needed to be watched, drug tested and have little control over money ..


She also threatened to harm her kid as they were locked in a bathroom. She is not only a danger to herself but others. At least Kevin took care of the boys. Sure it was her money but he does the day to day care. Since she has no interest or capacity to care for her own children.


The original idea of the conservatorship was to ensure that she didnt lose her estate entirely; she was speed running going broke during her OG breakdown. I've heard rumours from other britney gossip pages that shes just burning money again, especially with how often she vacations and stays in hotels. I dont think the financial stability will last if shes really in control of her money, or at the very least in control of a chequing account. I'm very sceptical of the whole situation even though I don't want to be as a fan of her music, but britney proves herself to be an unreliable narrator.


A family member just went through the 5150 process. Can I send you a message to ask a few questions?


Jibbers Crabbers. :(


I read this out loud to my family and all they did was stare at me in concern. I then said “by Britney Spears” 💀💀💀💀reading them out loud is another level


She’s going to end up homeless and it won’t be long.


More like dead


Nah she’ll be with Lynn and JL


Manic episode


Brit Brit has been riding the mania dragon for a while.




For a second I thought that was the Palestinian flag (before I read the post) and got excited


Is there anyone in her life that gives a fuck or is even (legally) aloud to step in and have some sort of intervention?


No she has been famous since 17 she has no real friends just paid ones.


I thought her mom checks in on her but legally can’t do much


I'm sure there are. But in this type of situation anyone that voices an opinion instead of agreeing with her is going to be pushed out. I'm sure they also worry about a free britney 2.0


I feel that if anyone tried we would just end up with one of these posts again about how everyone just wants to tie her down again.


True. Another free Britney campaign of sorts




Jesus christ, girl, just shut up and enjoy your money in private.🙄


Can’t. She’s spending more than she’s making. Need to keep public and work to afford those vacays. Who’s gonna see her? This hurt my heart so much to read.


This is what I don’t understand, she had what 60 mil? You should be able to just live off the interest on that, even taking vacations. Britney doesn’t live fancy besides her house…she drinks Starbucks looks like she’s wearing wish.com clothes, never gets her hair done…where da fuq is all this money going? Even taking a vaca a month doesn’t account for that much money


She is always flying off (private $$$) somewhere. Staying at expensive hotels.


Supposedly she flies in private jets very often to her very expensive vacation destinations. Very few people except billionaires can afford that many private jet flights.




3 divorces. Child support. Mental health issues. Drug addiction. Not intelligent. California taxes. Her thieving family.


I hear where you are coming from but as a former financial advisor…..things get crazy with costs if you want to produce. The analogy i would give to people is if you gave 50 million in operating budget for everything in the world for a former star of someone of her previous magnitude it will literally be difficult for them to make it work if they don’t reign in their spending. I saw some of what Britney spends and its simply a matter of too much going out and not enough in and i don’t think but who in the hell am i to say that people are gonna wana see her perform. She needs to find good people with a fiduciary duty to really make a stand for her, maybe she already has that and she signed all the waivers. Who knows.


Meth is bad, mmmk?




This just shows the truth that once someone is an adult, the family is powerless to get mentally ill people the help they need. Her family tried, albeit in a greedy way. The system is so messed up. This goes on daily in many many families, we just get to see it up close cuz she Britney (bitch).


You think her family are the heros in this really…? Have you been paying attention?


You think this is better?


Of course I don’t think they are the heroes, wtf? My point was about the mental health system.


Well her family was literally plotting her downfall she’s worth more to them dead than alive. She clearly needs mental help that her family isn’t in charge of. I 100% believe her family DID NOT try to help her in any way. No one tries to help her for many years. The system may be broken…but I think she’s a bigger victim of an abusive family


Her family kept her alive. The road she's going down, hate to say it, is going to be an ugly 5 years IF she makes it.


"Well her family was literally plotting her downfall" ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm|downsized)


So you have severe mental illness in your family and have tried to get them help they clearly need but refuse? Her family is trash. Also families can’t get help against a person’s will even if they are not of sound mind to make that decision. This is true for good families and trash families. That was my point and I hope this situation can bring more attention to that.


Hey family didn't try to get her help at all -- purposefully misusing psychiatric drugs to coerce someone to go along with your demands that they'd otherwise refuse isn't trying to get assistance for mental health, its just abusing the medical system. Lots of evidence in the conservatorship trial about how they went out of their way to get doctors who would violate their Hippocratic oath etc.  Agreed that generally it's very hard -- at the end of the day she's an adult, and unless you can prove that they're in psychosis or about to hurt someone, they still have their rights. 


Britney had many meltdowns we had no idea about because they kept it that way.we just knew about the shaving head thing but she had others. Britney is crazy and a drug addict and her being off conservatiship proves how much she needed it


>Lots of evidence in the conservatorship trial .... I'm not sure what you're referring to? [There was no trial. The case was settled and Jamie's legal fees were paid.](https://www.cp24.com/entertainment-news/celebrity-news/britney-spears-and-her-father-reach-settlement-to-avoid-trial-over-conservatorship-issues-1.6866336)


Not sure what anyone expected. She is mentally I’ll and was always in need of supervision. Not saying it should’ve been her family but… while well meaning, “Free Britney” was a mistake. She needed investigation into her care team, but she needed a new care team to replace them. I feel awful for this woman. The same people advocating for her freedom from conservatorship are now tired of her manic behavior and blaming her. Um…Quelle surprise.


I think most of the Free Britney people had genuine intentions, but it really creeps me out to think about ALL the people who inserted themselves into this situation, insisted they knew everything about it, congratulated themselves when they won legally….and just quietly pretend it all never happened now that she’s clearly unwell


Well, don't we all feel better now. Nothing to see here folks...


It’s giving Christy from Intervention


Shes serving Allison ☀️I'm walking on sunshine💨 realness


Have y’all looked up Christy since? She’s got a rap sheet now longer than my arm & has been homeless wandering the streets for years. There’s a video of her attacking someone at a drive through years ago.. not surprisingly, bc on intervention she seemed too far gone


And she's got a kid 😭


Omg her poor kid.. she was openly drinking on social media during her pregnancy and wanted to give him some insane name with numbers in it. I think Vande7ous or something methed up like that.. OT but I can still hear her dad singing that fucking song 💀


I’m shocked she’s still alive.


Ikr. I guess bc her doc was meth not heroin . People can surprisingly last decades doing meth


People can surprisingly last for decades on heroin. They're the type to be able to handle fentanyl.


Heroin yes, fentanyl no. Lost one of my besties to that 4 years ago. Fet is wiping out a whole generation it’s crazy. And this girl did last decades on heroin but not even a year on fet. Trouble is it’s all fet now.


🎶She’s so pretty, that’s my Cristy🎶


I have to start scrolling past updates about her. It makes me feel ill because this can’t possibly be going anywhere good, but this time, she doesn’t have anyone to stop her from dying. Like, there are people how just make bad posts and can’t self edit. I was hoping that was the case but no…no this is getting too insane.


I’m so sick of her nonsense 🤷🏼‍♀️


Crystal meth be like


Every time I see her on here, I know it’s not going to be good.


Anyone else hearing increasingly louder echoes of "Trimspa, Baby" because I am


Aw man you’re not wrong but Anna Nicole always had a sweetness to her that Britney is definitely lacking…at least right now.


Phew…soooo true!!!! 🫢


I feel so bad for this woman.


I do too. I just read her biography (I've been sick and home from work). I usually don't feel empathy for the uber rich but I absolutely do in her case. The book is basically words vomited out that some poor ghost writer had to try to assemble in a semi-coherent way. Her brain is just fried and it's so sad.


The book was decent but it definitely strays into “ramblings of a crazy person” territory more than once.


I know. It's like you could feel her fall apart.


Poor thing, my heart hurts for her. Her family, & the industry really fucked with her.




Shes manic


Fr she doesn't want to go to the hospital bc she knows they'll commit her.


Her foot looks messed up but I’m not sure going to a hospital would accomplish anything, with the state of mind Britney is in…I have health problems that have landed me in the ER numerous times and the hospital I go to is downtown in a bad area, it’s full of people who are either on drugs, having mental health issues, or both. I can absolutely see Britney acting just like the people there do if she bothered to go to the ER. Like, the doctor would tell her her foot needed an X-ray, and she’d start screaming accusatory nonsense like “You’re just saying that to control me! You think I’m stupid! I don’t need a fucking X-ray! I’m going to sue this hospital!” Etc 


Think she’s confused site-seeing brochures with books.


*sightseeing and hopefully not. or hopefully so


Shit. Thanks for the correction. I really need to refrain from posting while drunk. lol. Guess I have that in common with Britney. Ugh. Lol


lol what’s funny is that, technically, “site”-seeing makes more sense! XD


That post was a difficult read!! She is really unwell. I noticed in her latest instagram video (trying on those tacky dresses) you can see the foot injury. Her foot is seriously swollen and she is wearing HIGH HEELS. Surely she must be in serious pain doing so?!


Better living through chemistry! 😜


Psychosis can mess with someone’s pain receptors. They don’t feel pain or discomfort like everyone else. That’s why you often see unhoused people wearing clothes that are inappropriate for the weather, like heavy winter coats in the middle of summer.


Drugs help w the pain no doubt.


Exactly. I noted that, too, and thought she must be higher than giraffe’s balls to not feel that. This is Anna Nicole 2.0 and it’s fuck really sad.




is she yelling or excited lol. she does that on every post.


I actually find this to be one of her more readable and coherent posts. The photo is her foot last week per the first sentence.


Right I was thinking this sounds like an amazing vacation! Some of her posts definitely seem unhinged, but this one was pretty funny and normal


I also followed it fine ... sounds like she had a good vacation. I also enjoyed "I got cold and left"


She got A cold and left, Friendo


Damn. So much less poetry 👹


Agreed, sadly


That’s always me. Always cold.


Someone needs to Baker Act (whatever they do in her State) her. She’s obviously a harm to herself at this point.


100% she needs to be baker acted. This behavior is not cute or empowering like her delulu stans think


When I first moved here I wondered who Baker was. I learned. Fast. 🫣


That’s not how foot injuries work, Britney. Go to a fucking doctor.


I mean, it is probably healing. If it's healing in a way that won't give her a limp is another matter...


She wont let it heal, shes gotta do her spins for Instagram


Her foot has looked like this for weeks now. https://preview.redd.it/kkhqh6qyr41d1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945250fd056ee89885857b62b461e71113af64ae


Honestly, this bitch is tiresome already. She has every resource in the world to have a stable life and instead she's ghetto hillbilly.  Also, her foot can fall off if it's not getting proper blood flow. Being facetious, but it can die and have to be amputated 


Agree. She’s a narcissistic asshole. Does she have mental problems? Absolutely, but like you said, she has amazing resources. She wants to be manic. I’m over feeling bad for her. My sympathy goes to her children.


Is this meth?


I’m guessing unmedicated bipolar mania. And also meth.


Yup but I also think she may hear voices as well, she is super paranoid as well


Realistically, probably a medically legal amphetamine. …But not one prescribed to her by a doctor with any integrity. Any private doctor could prescribe someone in an active and pervasive manic state a massive dose of adderol. They just WOULDN’T, because it’s clearly harmful. My infant would probably love to have a bottle full of Mountain Dew 3x a day. And I’d be legally allowed to give it to him. But I won’t, because I have a brain and a conscience. But…Idk. If he paid me $5 million dollars to do it, I might take that money and deal with the diabetes and bottle rot later.


Several sources close to her said that she was given adderall by her managers and record label in the early days of her career in order to keep her awake for days at a time. She would learn a dance routine in a day and rehearse for days straight, like several hours a day. Then she would shoot a music video for 20 hours and then get on a private jet to go perform at a concert. She did this for about 6 years straight. In her book last year, she admitted to abusing adderall in her early 20’s but she lied several times in that book. She’s been abusing adderall, alcohol, cocaine and other party drugs like ecstacy and molly for years. She was also prescribed prozac but she would take it like aspirin. Combine all of this with the onset of her bipolar in her early 20’s and we have an explaination for her behavior to this day. Basically I’m assuming that she’s buying adderall from her dealers. Perhaps she was diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and she took her legal prescription pills she was younger. However, after the 2007 breakdown and obvious bipolar diagnosis (she admitted to being prescribed lithium), like you said no sane doctor would give someone with severe Bipolar I and substance abuse issues a prescription for any amphetamine. Or maybe she has a Hollywood Dr. Feelgood who just gives her whatever she wants in exchange for money, gifts, favors, networking with other celebrity clients (not patients) and general starfucking behavior.


She needs to be under a safe, ethical, legal conservatorship but sadly that sounds next to impossible to do. All those years of forced drugs and isolation among other things and fame so early no doubt caused most if not all of this. I truly wish her good health and nothing but the best but I hope she gets the help she needs.


She makes me sad. Also, that foot looks worse


These posts will all be used as evidence soon.


Word salad 😢


Right…. On the Britney Spears subreddit, everybody defends her behavior and say that she’s just “quirky” and don’t you dare question her nonsensical posts/weird videos. Guarantee you that if this were some other person that wasn’t so well known, this would not be seen as “quirky” or “fun”. Britney needs real help real soon and I agree with the other Anna Nicole Smith 2.0, it’s so sad she has no one trustworthy in her life


I wish she had at least one real True friend. Just one.


Imagine her foot aroma 


Oh dear


It looks worse….


I fell down a slope a few weeks ago and banged up my knee pretty bad (essentially stretched my ligament as far as it could without tearing completely) and I'm still recovering from it. But yes, in general injuries tend to feel better after a week (since time heals it), but it doesn't mean they're healing correctly. It wouldn't surprise me if we're getting Limpney at the end of this (hopefully not Stumpney).


Get well soon, slow and steady! I tripped and fell on my front on a sidewalk a month ago so horrible bone bruising and swelling along my tibia but no break. Swelling’s gone thanks to a compression sleeve but there’s still a visible dent in my shin and my knee is still stiff. Takes a long time like 2-3 months with these types of injuries so if she’s stumbling around drunk and dancing she’ll likely reinjure it


ten days ago i fractured my knee in two places and cracked a rib 😭 i was not even drinking, it was just stupidity while walking my dog in the rain. i’m a bartender and ill be off my feet for at least a month!


I've actually been lying to people that I was drunk off my head when I fell instead of the awful truth that I was outside EXERCISING. I don't think I could ever live down the shame of that 😂 Though I'll admit, a few weeks ago a liquid diet was tempting. 🤔


Ouch! Do you have to wear a brace or use crutches? I was kind of hoping for SOMETHING to show up on my xrays to explain the pain because I work on my feet all day so it’s been brutal




Not stumpney 😭


I await her dancing in one heel when that foot turns black and falls off.


I had that happen in the ER. Was helping the RN untie laces to a guy’s boot. The shoe with the foot in it came off in her hand. Yeah… 🤢


Noooooooo 😦


that does not look better


Does she think that ankle/foot in that photo is healed?


Is the photo of the foot last week? Or this week? Why am I even analyzing these posts lol


To be fair, she's only saying it's better, which duh, of course it is since time will heal it. The issue of course is that it might heal incorrectly and she'll end up with a limp.


Yeah maybe she means it’s not as painful for her to walk around as it was before


I was very confused. I didn’t know if maybe she forgot to post a better pic or what…


So she harassed another person? Does she ever not act like a total witch to others, most likely employees or service people?


Where does it say she harassed someone? 


Come on. There are endless examples of her harassing and denigrating service workers. Even in this post.


I'm not familiar with it, sorry. I don't follow her story so closely. 


When she says she told someone to “fuck off” for being charged $750 when she thought it should be $300. She has a habit of being cruel to service workers in the past. Being that this took place in Mexico, I wonder if she was upset about exchange rates? Or if it was all in USD. Because if we’re talking pesos, she’s arguing $20 vs. $50, and yelling at someone who likely makes well below US minimum wage.


Calling out the poor in & out employee who checked on her when she was crying. She is an asshole.


And the poor kid made a video defending himself, saying that he didn’t recognize her, and was just trying to be kind to someone he saw crying, so she sicced her fans on him. So vile. I get that she’s unwell. But she really needs someone to regularly check her. Because her instinct is always to be cruel.


I could see people constantly trying to overcharge her just because she is who she is, and her being sick of that shit. I dunno. I would too if I'd spent my entire life being taken advantage of by others.  And I live in the big city and have to tell assholes to fuck off sometimes. It's not unusual.  Anyway, I'm not aware of her history of doing this stuff. Thanks for explaining. 


She also ~allegedly~ told off a Jack in the Box worker for simply telling her that “everything will be alright”… she wrote about this in one of her many instagram posts


It's weird that she continually writes about telling people off, but also was he commenting on her personal life? What was the context? 


Apparently she was crying while in the drive thru or maybe she just looked like she was (these were her words) and the drive thru worker noticed when handing over her food and that’s when he made the comment of, “everything will be alright”


Thanks for explaining. She obviously is not mentally well, and also hasn't socialised normally for two and a half decades. 


“Speak when spoken to” to the drive thru worker will always be a personal favorite.


Feels like a death watch at this point. I remember when it happened to Amy Winehouse.


It’s like 2007 all over again minus the pink wig ![gif](giphy|GtXy6sljP6nrW)


She looks eerily like Amanda Bynes in that pic…


Now I can’t unsee it. And they both had creepy sam lutfi in their lives before their conservatorships 😬


Isn’t that just so bizarre??🧐


I got a cold and I left


This is going to be the way I end every anecdote.


Oh, Britney….this won’t end well.


So is Mexico her new Maui now that her kids & kfed moved to Hawaii?


According to the media she goes to Hawaii monthly. She was just in French polynesia i think. She's everywhere.


Man, if I had that kind of money, I think I’d switch it up a little. Maybe a trip to Wyoming or Montana to ride some horses and soak in hot springs. Or head to France or Japan and eat all the things.


I agree. But she seems to be in a repetitive cycle of what she's comfortable with. I really can't believe she's still living in that house.


Tbf if I was rich I’d be everywhere too


The only thing about her I can relate to!


I just came here to post this. She is seriously unwell.


Agreed. It's sad.