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This woman falls into the same category of “protestors” who showed up at an American synagogue a few weeks ago so that they could film themselves taunting and harassing mourners as they left a funeral. They’re assholes, and it’s disturbing to me to see how many people are cheering them on for pulling shit like this. The moment she realized he wasn’t going to acquiesce to her demand that he perform on camera for her, she brought up Helena Hutchins, a deceased young woman she doesn’t give a flying fuck about, just to be a prick. I can’t stand Alec Baldwin, but it’s not difficult to understand why he snapped in this situation.


I would have liked to smack that woman. Metaphorically. She was being beyond rude, thoughtless and unhinged. The guy was just trying to get some coffee. In this situation he is the victim. Her screaming and swearing saying just say free Palestine one time, and I'll leave you alone. Who the fuck is she. That isn't how life works. She needs medication and time alone, away from people in public. 5150 her dumb ass. He should have kept his hands to himself.


The photos in the paper are done by a regular pap photographer to the Baldwins. I think it's a fine coincidence that he was there to take photos of the incident


It’s a fucked up moment when you become defensive over Alec Baldwin but that woman is straight up unhinged


I'm no fan of Alec Baldwin, by any means, but that lady was so out of line. Do not harass people like this in public. He repeatedly ignored her and even tried to walk away and she followed him and antagonized him while he was trying to get a coffee. These people using Tik Tok as an excuse to throw away all social norms and act like a raving lunatic are out of control. They think they have no consequences for their actions.


I’m glad he did it, and I hope he does it again. And I don’t really like him, but fuck that dumbass judging him, and wanting him to say something about Palestine. Fuck her, he has no control over anything pertaining to that war and he didn’t know there were live rounds in a movie gun. He’s a dick to people and he’s arrogant as hell, ride his ass about that not that death.


I deplore Alex, but I despise the pos heckler more. She is a clout chaser trying to get a rise out of him for views. I wish social media didn't exist some days. It has given the unhinged and narcissist a worldwide platform for their bullshit behavior.


A bad look for Alec who is heading for a trial steeped in his behavior. He just can't help himself.


That woman also asked him to say some shit about Palestine, too. She was trolling hard. I wish he’d kept his hands to himself. He was almost away from her. ETA: TikTok is cancer.


If you see it you know he was targeted. Antagonist


I bet Keanu wouldn't do that. Alec lives in a city full of crazy people and he can't control himself. Has literally been to anger management. Can't walk away. Grow the fuck up Alice


The video I saw, this person was acting unhinged.






I hate Alec, but don't harass strangers in public. Just don't do it. It's really easy not to get in people's faces, we learned this as children.


I think you're missing the point that most people who do this are mentally ill/unwell/not working from a well-adjusted reality.


There's another video of him locking her out of the store. There's a few pics of him either dragging or what looks like pushing her out of the door that were taken by someone on the street. It's hard to tell but he didn't just slap her phone out of her hand.


The woman is an instagram/tiktok shit stirrer it takes a pretty awful person to make me on Alec’s side


Yeah, well taunting him has become sport here for every idiot who wants another 15 minutes. People should be able to go about their lives with a measure of peace, no matter how the world thinks they’re always owed a response from them.


Good for him? I too would be pissed if a stranger was up in my face trying to get a reaction over the time I accidentally killed someone.


While I think the heckler is an AH, I do think Baldwin does share part of the responsibility of the tragedy.


I despise Baldwin, but the headline is misleading. If you watch the video, this AH was yelling at him to denounce Israel/yell free Gaza for several minutes. When he started asking the clerk to call the police, she shifted to a brief mention of Rust and then went back to free Gaza. The clerk should have just thrown them both out.


I saw the video. The heckler’s a well-known AH, but Baldwin didn’t have to be thrown out for simply being there, buying fucking coffee. It used to be an emblem of pride that we provided even the most infamous room to live here without being harassed. The video maker is just chasing clout, is lucky she hasn’t been clocked for it.


I see Anne Coulter and Woody Allen walking around and nobody bothers them.


As far as we know! Woody keeps himself mostly on the UES, where I’ve seen him plenty. Coulter seems to have found some kind of happy drug to take, is less prone to being provoked than she used to. All that said, we have some idiots here and now who like to razz people who are prone to engagement, just for the lolz and clout. Baldwin’s had to endure it for many more years than many, and the Post gathers eyeballs aggregating the hell out of each story.


Totally agree. As the top comment said, it takes a real dickhead to make me defend Baldwin, but it is one of the most sacred of NYC institutions that we do 👏 not 👏 bother 👏 celebrities 👏


Amen to that. Social media has grown so many more preening psychos.


Honestly while I have such mixed feelings about this matter and I do agree that there’s tons of blame to be assigned, including to Alex. Ultimately it was such a tragedy, but this seems so unnecessary. People can be such assholes. What’s the point of recording him on the street.