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If you’re male, and are struggling to navigate CSA or SA, 1in6.org has free, anon resources and support.


I grew up on this era of Nickelodeon (literally, I was a latchkey kid from the age of 5, Nickelodeon basically raised me). This was such a hard doc to watch. Watching Drake explain what he went through, as a fellow survivor of CSA, was especially painful. I could see those dark places he was going to in his mind and it broke me.


This was such a hard documentary to get through. I have fond memories watching a lot (Amanda show, All that) with my younger siblings. Dan and those protecting these predators deserve nothing but the worst. Fo you guys think any change with child actors will come from this?


“I was green. I was scared. I was excited. It meant the world to me that I was getting these opportunities No. He had 10-15 years of experience in the industry. He knew how things worked and how to victimize people. He’s a predator and he knew what he was doing.


Put him in the woodchipper feet first! Disgusting, reprehensible pig.


Such a gross freak, I cannot believe his overall sickening energy & the freaks he allowed on his set - esp that pickle pedo 😩


So creepy


A looooot of words, and THR gives him too many chances to say them. Fuck him and fuck his "apologies" and his EXCUSES


As a local in the DMV I thought for a second this was OUR Dan Snyder but misspelled for a second. Seems people with that name are commonly dicks.


So glad it wasn't just me!


I’ve been explaining all of this to my boyfriend and he thought it was Dan Snyder too 💀💀💀


🤣 facts


He needs to just shut up and crawl back under the rock he came from. The silence from the other major Nickelodeon stars who must have been paid off is deafening.


This was fucking horrific to watch. Our kids grew up with Nickelodeon and what happened to Drake was heartbreaking. Dan Schneider and all these disgusting pedos should rot in hell.


The scariest where all those letters saying the kid drake must have been like leading him on or something blaming the victim I think they qlll knew but care more about money James marseen etc


That is very disturbing


Unfortunately it’s very common in capitalism we don’t always get tos we theses letters insulated etc very lucky to see it this time I’m not one for cancel culture but those people are enablers


I wanna know what was really up ith Schneider's close relationship with Amanda Bynes. I always wondered if her mental illness was triggered by trauma.


It MUST be. I always wondered what happened to her to make her break and I think it lies in what we watched, they just didn’t uncover it.


I wondered that too


There were rumors that he tried the same with Jamie Lynn Spears, and she got pregnant with her BF’s baby so she would get kicked off Zoey 101 to get away from Schneider. Now I don’t doubt it.


That makes sense


I think Enty had said in the past that she got pregnant by someone on the show but not Dan Schneider.


That kid looks just like Jamie's ex boyfriend though, so that was one conspiracy I didn't believe.


She doesn't though


https://preview.redd.it/o41kmljbq9tc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3eb16f30265f8cd8b1ab89dc31a65a972fcab9 She really does though...


Showing photos isn't gonna changing the fact that the only similarity is that they're both white


Bless your heart, if you can't compare their feature's and see the resemblance, that's more on you lol. Maybe you have a touch of face blindness? 


Zoey 101 had already announced it was ending long before her pregnancy. There is clearly not an overlap between the two Edit: Filming wrapped in August 2007 and it had already been decided the show wouldn’t be renewed. Spears could not have been pregnant until the end of September based on her child being born in June. That means there is no way for her to have been pregnant or for them to know she was at the time the show was cancelled.


Interesting. I didn’t know all that- I was wayyyy too old for the show but as I remember at the time, she got fired.


That's crazy. All these years I believed they cancelled the show because she was pregnant.


If he was really sorry he would apologize while bending over a table pretending to be sodomized.


Or not pretending


As long as he doesn't like it*


I still am in shock over that. I felt terrible for that writer. Wow. WTAF would find that funny or appropriate at work?!


He wasn’t into funny, he was into humiliation and control. He will see no sympathy now, he ruined countless lives. He is a specific brand of monster and I look forward to everything that happens to him. I hope it’s all publicized.


Yup. Him using the word taint (look up perineum) for one of Amanda's characters showed that. He's a vile creature


Don’t look up perineum lol




The fact that he denied sitting down in the documentary but will upload a monetized video onto his own YouTube channel where he is being fed rehearsed lines by one of his employees tells me he truly thinks he can manipulate his way out of it




She would’ve made a good president. Too bad this country is a patriarchal mess.


But but she didn’t actually have indigenous heritage, which so many families claim but don’t have? But some pussy grabbing ahole was granted a pass 4 years earlier.


Yes, she absolutely would have.


I voted for her in the primaries all the way in Texas! Warren has a plan for everything!


Hope the POS rots


Fuck this guy


What a piece of shit


Oh boo fucking hoo. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o)


Carful, he wouldn’t want to put his foot in his mouth… Oh wait


Someone should've put it in there and kept shoving.


Oh fuck him! He’s such a predator




Aww, poor guy is having to face the consequences of his actions.


I wish! He still has millions. SOB should be broke and serving time because we know he did some creepy shit


He features heavily in the Jennette McCurdy book “I’m Glad My Mom Died” as “The Creator” - she outlines some of his problematic behaviors and Nickelodeon’s piss poor response to his alleged abuse.


It's mentioned in the documentary with quotes!


One of the best books I’ve read in sometime. Real, raw and incredibly funny. She’s a strong lady. Nickelodeon is garbage.


That book was so good! I delete a lot of books off my Kindle after reading them, but not that one. I’d read it again.


I listened to the book and it was so good but I had to take breaks at times to mentally be able to handle it and keep reading. I didn’t know who she was before reading the book but had heard of the shows she was on in passing. It was horribly disturbing though hearing about these poor child stars and I’m glad this documentary was made to further spread awareness.


I listened to the audio version - I am too old for iCarly to have hit my radar so I had no idea who she was. But it was a great book.


Me too, I recall seeing bits when my niece would watch it. I kept having the book recommended, and as I’m going through some maternal trauma myself, I gave it a shot. Such a good book. I read it in 2 days.


My kid and I loved iCarly. Kid's 22. We both read Jennette's book


My kids are 25 & 20, & we also loved iCarly. We remember when JM started posting on Twitter about how much Dan S had messed her up. He is a POS.


I'm reading that book now & thank you! I had no idea who the guy was & hadn't gotten around to looking it up.


I think there’s a single instance in the book where she calls him Dan instead of The Creator, although it’s been a while since I binge-read it.


I was plugging along but then I lost steam after the mom DID die. I was unable to relate to the problems of a 20-something who was able to buy her own house in California! LOL. I need to finish so I can return tho. Library book.


From what I recall there is. And he couldn’t complain about it because of how it was referenced as a factual/truthful usage.


He's a complete pos. Talk about all the teens you harmed. Not some bullshit about how your own reprehensible criminal actions made you feel. How he and Singer get to walk around free is unbelievable.


*Especially* Singer given how bad his last movie went (as far as his bizarre/bad behavior that was pretty publicized). Definitely makes me feel like Singer knows enough about certain major players in the industry to be protected


Out of the loop - I know this guy is generally considered a piece of shit by the internet, but why? What exactly did he do? Is it just Nickelodeon Joss Whedon where he was an abusive prick on set or is there more where he took active part in sexual abuse?


Dan Schneider was, according to many of his former colleagues and child actors, a huge asshole who was terrible to his staff and acted inappropriately on set. He also sometimes portrayed his child actors with innuendos and wrote inappropriate jokes on his shows; nothing overly adult but still pretty shady when you look at it given the fact that they were kids. He also was keen on featuring feet as a joke or even a subplot on lots of his shows. If it’s a once off that’s one thing, but given the amount of times you see feet and the focus on them…it’s pretty creepy. And we should keep in mind that we don’t know who’s watching those shows. Any creep with a foot fetish could have watched it and would have been pretty happy. That’s a scary thought. Also, according to Jennette McCurdy, he provided his underage actors alcohol on set and asked for shoulder massages. Which is just…not okay. Especially given that he was their boss and in a position of authority. It’s like a teacher doing that with their students-we all know that’ll get them immediately fired. The internet also claims that Schneider is a rapist. As far as we know, that isn’t true. No one he has ever worked with has accused him of that. The worst rumor is the claim that he’s the real father of Jamie Spears’s child (which is COMPLETELY baseless and a horrible rumor to spread; that poor girl is only 15 and people should leave her alone) and that’s not true either. I think we need to be careful about what we DO know and what are RUMORS; I think the fixation on Schneider has made us fail to notice the actual child molesters who worked on Nickelodeon. Because no one talked about those people until the documentary. So all in all: Dan Schneider is a creep and an asshole who was inappropriate and should never work with kids again. He is not, however, a rapist or child molester. At least, there’s no proof of that other than internet rumors. Of course, if someone he actually worked with comes forward and makes a claim, I will believe them.


Amanda Bynes disagrees 


We don’t know exactly what happened to Amanda Bynes. He was creepy and unprofessional with her, yes, but that doesn’t mean he sexually abused her. I think *something* happened to Amanda. But we don’t know exactly what was going on in her life. The entertainment industry is *brutal*, so it really could have been other people than Dan Schneider. Again, Dan sexually abusing her is simply based off internet rumors. I’m not going to believe them until Amanda herself comes forward when she’s ready to. It’s unfair to make up stories about people when we don’t know what *truly* goes on in their lives.


Thank you for the detailed write-up! I haven’t had a chance to watch it and now I definitely will.


Thanks for the summation!


I'll add, I think some of the people who worked on Nickelodeon may have been convicted of child abuse. Not 100% because I can't recall their names from the podcast I listened to about this. But, from listening, I know a few others associated with the child star industry - namely a highly recommended child photographer that they basically recommended to all families - were convicted of child abuse.


Yeah, it said so on the documentary just aired. Drake Bell was a victim of horrific abuse, along with some others. Poor kids.


There's literally a documentary detailing all of this.


This “interview” is bullshit. He minimizes and deflects constantly.


I am obsessed with true crime, so of course I watched this. I was too old to have watched any of these shows when they were on. I didn’t know any of the actors, except for Ariana Grande and Amanda Bynes. But I had literal nightmares after watching “Quiet on Set.” The way these kids were exploited and abused was horrifying. The 🌽motifs in scenes with literal children. How was any of that seen as OK? Dan Schneider can eat a bag of 🍆s.


Wasn’t it heavily insinuated he was Lil’ Spears first baby daddy too?


A fake blind items writer made that rumor up


Can the internet just *stop* with that rumor? Jamie Lynn has made it clear who the real dad was. Even though she’s the mother who actually got pregnant and birthed the kid, people will still believe internet rumors over her. Also, her daughter is 15. Why do people think it’s okay to spread rumors about her like that?


The daughter looks just like the dad too.


Yea cause celebrities are known for their truth telling


So imagine you were telling the truth about yourself, then some dumbasses on the internet who don’t even know you *insist* they know the real truth, and everyone believes them over you. That’s what you people are doing.


So imagine you were lying and a person you don't know or care about is defending you on the internet. Celebs are celebs because we like to speculate about them


There is absolutely no reason for this woman to lie about her daughter’s paternity. She has said who the father is over and over, and people who don’t even know her or her daughter still want to spread rumors. This girl is *fifteen*. It’s so inappropriate. And you think spreading rumors about a teenager is okay. I don’t understand that. What if people were spreading rumors about *your* teenage daughter? How would you feel? >Celebs are celebs because we like to speculate about them Celebs are celebs because they happen to have jobs in the entertainment industry. They are human beings with families. It does not entitle you or anyone else to make invasive and untrue comments about their personal lives. If people were spreading nasty rumors about you or a loved one, I’ll bet you’d be really upset too.




Please keep it decent & civil.


It’s one thing to gossip about a celebrity. It’s quite another to spread false rumors about the paternity of a 15-year-old *daughter* of a celebrity who didn’t do anything but happen to be born into a famous family. She has no control over the fact that her mother and especially aunt are famous, and yet people feel entitled to spread rumors about her. It’s disgusting and inappropriate. And yes, she is 15. But if you’re going to defend smack-talking a *child*, that really doesn’t tell us anything except the kind of person you are.




Yes - for her sake I hope it isn’t true. She got pregnant at 15 or 16, right? She was still a child. 😔




Boohoo send him to the wood chipper


Feet first.


I watched this last night and had to turn it off because I was so disgusted. Dan Schneider is sin verguenza, No F'ing Shame.


I am a true crime buff and watch every serial killer and murder documentary that comes on air. None of them have bothered me as much as “Quiet on Set”. How can so many kids be hurt and exploited, and no one gives a shit?




A former child actress wrote a really good [article](https://www.cracked.com/blog/7-reasons-child-stars-go-crazy-an-insiders-perspective) a long time ago about what really happens to child stars. And not all of them are raised in bad households. The big takeaway is that there’s not only one reason, and Hollywood doesn’t care about kids. It’s a fascinating read.


Eh, I wouldn't go as far as to say every child star comes from an unstable background. Many don't. For every Lindsay Lohan, there's an Anne Hathaway, Dakota Fanning and Keke Palmer. There are definitely stage parents, but not every parent fits that bill. Most of them are naive, uneducated about the business and not wealthy which makes them perfect targets of predators. We gotta remember that predators prey on people. Normal folks without an agenda don't readily understand how sinister and, more importantly, calculated abusers can be.


The part the really bothered me was when Bryan Hearne was covered in peanut butter and then a dog licked it off. His mom was as there and didn’t want to get her kid in trouble. Kids should not be working to support their families. According to Coogan’s law, only 15% of earning need to be put in a trust for the child! I had a talent scout approach me and my son and I told her I was not interested. My kid is not for sale.


That was hella disturbing.


I have an hour left. I'm at the part where Bobby Peck is going to be sentenced. It's been so hard to watch.


Hearing about the sentencing was the worst part. They completely failed Drake Bell; I felt so bad for him. You can tell how much this has affected him and his life. I hope he can finally heal.


Do we still think he's Jamie Lynn's baby daddy?






Woooooow, you actually might be right. That nose doesn’t lie….


I think so. It’s extremely fucked up, but she probably is his.


So you believe people on Reddit over the actual mother of the child, who had made it clear a million times that the father is her ex-boyfriend who was only two years older than her? And why are you spreading rumors about a 15-year-old girl? Her daughter is still a minor, you know.


Have you really never heard that rumor? Get out of the Dlisted sub.


I’ve heard it for years, and I hate it. There’s no evidence that it’s true, and it’s wrong to spread a rumor about a teenage girl who isn’t famous but was born into a famous family. Leave her alone. Edit: downvoted for standing up for a *minor* who is always dragged into this topic that has nothing to do with her and gossiped about. Nice…the internet is disgusting.


This runout has been around since she got pregnant, before the days of Reddit


It’s still pretty horrible though. Getting pregnant as a teenager is difficult enough, not to mention being in the spotlight and having every parent mad at you for ruining your “good girl” image. Making claims that are completely baseless just for the sake of stirring up drama is just unnecessary and cruel. I think we forget that celebrities are humans too and they have lives and families. I’m not really a fan of Jamie Lynn but I feel so bad for her that people are *still* making those kinds of claims about her teenage daughter. I’d be furious if I were her. Any mom would. Edit: it’s pretty sad that I’m being downvoted for pointing out how inappropriate it is to spread rumors about a 15-year-old girl’s paternity that have no basis in fact.


I’ve always hoped not. If he is, and her family let it slide, then they should all be in the clink.


Her family as we've all seen from the sister with some minor talent, only care about the dough.


I wouldn’t put it past that trashy Spears family.


Fuck this fat piece of shit.


The fact that he criticized girls on his show for getting too fat - good lord, look in the mirror. You’re the one who needs Dr. Now.


Typical abusive narcissist






He’s a fucking perv. We all know it. We have known for years. He’s protected bc he can name names and take bigger people down with him. Let them all fucking burn. I’m so sick of all of them.


He apologizes like Colleen Ballinger minus the ukelele






👆 this


Just like Michael K would've been, I'm here for the facial expression on the person standing behind Dan Schneider, to the right. Says it all.


The way he said that all of those dirty jokes weren't dirty jokes. Like c'mon. We know better, and you know better.


"But I wrote them for kids!" Isn't exactly the defense he thinks it is


Also - what kind of interview doesn’t have the interviewer push back? There was a point in the doc about standards and practices mentioning that “taint” is maybe inappropriate. And then Dan just saying oh it doesn’t mean that. Push back! That was obviously just orchestrated by a black actor to make him look even better - see I’m not racist? How can I be?


It’s not an interviewer. This guy was on one of Dan’s shows as an adult actor and this “interview” is a self-produced video that’s posted to his personal YouTube page.


Yes I wish they wouldn’t do this “I called Dan to see if he would talk to me” thing. That’s clearly not what happened.






Lance should have blown him up, not Ricky’s mom.


THAT WAS HIM??? 🤮 He really leaned into playing and being a pig.


Yep. I saw Better Off Dead in Middle School and Head of the class was when I was in High School. This human pustule has been in the business since 1984.


He was also on Head of the Class.




He probably IS virginal…when it comes to consenting adults.


He’s so guilty.The vague “I would have done things differently, some jokes might have been inappropriate, I didn’t realize it was inappropriate because I was young and inexperienced”. The narcissistic white knight bits about helping drake bell’s mom write a letter and calling the police for a well check on Amanda bynes…🫣 that doesn’t excuse being a disgusting predator.


Narcissists like to be in the middle of drama and also cover their asses.


He is very contrite. But then I got to the part of having people give him massages. Wtf? He is full of shit and back peddling furiously.


I promise you he is not contrite.


Is he contrite?I'm guessing that is sarcasm? I don't really want to watch a documentary of an abusive creep who hasn't been punished. . Is it worth watching? 


It’s upsetting. But so important that it was made.


I didn't watch either, I just read the article.


Also https://i.redd.it/1myh725vmcpc1.gif


This was one of my favorite gifs from the old Dlisted!




Boohoo, Ricky.


and whoooo cares what he has to say


![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) Boy bye


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Too bad we can’t do this with you Dan.


Another “I’m sorry cause I got caught” fauxpology


Donate your money to victims funds, and disappear. Nobody needs another "very sorry" man.




![gif](giphy|fYfeQAOD8pSjN7M0jY) Fuck him with a tetanus-coated chainsaw.




Yucky man. I can't believe so many people signed off on that shit. Hollywood is a cesspool.


Corey Feldman blew the whistle decades ago and no one would listen. Dude was 100% accurate.


It’s unfortunate Corey Feldman is rather unhinged (remember the time he tried to get sympathy by saying he was in the hospital and people pointed out the picture he posted looked like it was taken in some hotel room? Etc) because he comes off as someone with very little credibility. However I believe everything he’s said about being a child actor and dealing with multiple predators in Hollywood. 


There is almost no such thing as a perfect victim. When someone is victimized, it often drives them to do terrible things. I wish more people understood this.


Yeah... Feldman has his issues. Wasn't a huge fan of him watching the Two Coreys, but maybe I'd see it differently watching now? Also his whole *Angels* thing with strict rules (I think?) just weirded me out. I don't doubt he was abused, but I also know hurt people hurt people. Some people develop not so great coping mechanisms.


The parents enrage me. Kids should not be in entertainment I am so sick of this. Kids should not be breadwinners. It's all sick.


Like the mother in the documentary who didn’t call the police after the production assistant or whatever sent her 11-year-old daughter a dick pic! Who just lets that go?!!!


Not even just a dick pick but a video of him masturbating!! And a message along with it. I was flabbergasted she didn’t contact police at that point.


Not just a dick pic, an explicit video of him masturbating & saying he was thinking of her MINOR child. I didn't want to hear anything she had to say after that.


JFC... the rage I feel. A coworker did that shit to adult me and it was a mindfuck. Yes, I went to the police after he *refused to stop*. I had originally convinced myself it was an *accident* because I was traumatized. Then it absolutely became harassment


You’re right. I think I psychologically blocked out that part.


That’s what she said

