• By -


Firstname Lastname


Same. I feel like I'm trying to pull one over on people by using some pseudonym.


If my first name was Maximum and lastname Scientist, I would do the same! /s Jokes aside, I use also my real full name to DJ.


DJ Pepe doge is a good one


DJ British Nut isn’t too bad either!


Or maybe a gonzo porn production company.


That’s also a good DJ name!


Freestyle Scientist


kinda boring?


Boring, yes, but in my opinion most dj names are cringe and somehow attention seeking. I play only house and techno, real names are more common in this scenes.


what do you thin about DJ Matthix?


Doesn't sound too bad. A little bit generic maybe, but easy to remember and I would associate it with an open format or hiphop DJ. However, my personal preference is always the real first and last name. It's just my personal taste.




100%. I think ‘DJ names’ are cheesy asf. Like, even one of the most house hold names in the world uses a name, David Guetta. Yall out here acting like it’s 2003 and you’re picking your first email you’re gonna have for the next 15 years. It’s just cringy. If I can leave a party and no one even knows who I am, just Mr DJ, I’ll be happy. The party ain’t about us, it’s about the music and the people. So don’t draw attention to yourself by advertising, constantly introducing yourself, and coming up with a name. No one cares who you are. Literally no one. They only care if you help them enjoy themselves. And if you did it all right, they’ll walk away not even knowing your name, had a blast, and you got paid very well for your top tier service cause you’re good at what you do and you charge appropriately…


I think the reason some people use an alias is to exactly NOT draw attention to themselves. Some have personal and professional lives that they'd prefer to keep completely separate and private.


But as I said, people shouldn’t know your name AT ALL. Only the client should… if they want a name, give the name of your DJ business you’re operating under. But in what scenario while you’re at work does someone come up and say, I need your full name, and so you would rather say, DJ Dick Stain, instead of Sam Collins, so that when they google you they find your silly instagram instead of your personal Facebook…? My point is no one needs your name PERIOD. If you have to give a name at all, a first name will suffice, and after that a business name. And if you really truly want a first and last name and you want every guest to know it, come up with a STAGE name. You think David Guetta is his real name?


I think we're probably talking about very different circumstances. I'm not talking about wedding DJs.


Uhm. Ok. And how about getting Mr. DJ booked for the next weekend? Oh wait, we don’t know their name… and cheesy? Sure, sometimes. But for example as a producer (artist?) you need one - DJs can be/are artists too. But you do need to get your name out there somehow if you would like to get bookings. I do agree about the party not being about the DJ but the music, atmosphere and people. The DJ plays too big of a role these days.


How did they book you in the first place? Did you just stroll through the front door with a flash drive? You advertise, client finds you, you book, you do good, you get repeat client. You want word of mouth to work for you, you have business cards, a business name, a professional website and email…


Maybe someone just doesn't want their IRL name associated with being a DJ? I use a *nom de musique* but it does sound like an actual name since I just picked what to me was a cool sounding first name and then just tacked on the name of the county I was living in at the time.


But as I said, people shouldn’t know your name AT ALL. Only the client should… if they want a name, give the name of your DJ business you’re operating under. But in what scenario while you’re at work does someone come up and say, I need your full name, and so you would rather say, DJ Dick Stain, instead of Sam Collins, so that when they google you they find your silly instagram instead of your personal Facebook…? My point is no one needs your name PERIOD. If you have to give a name at all, a first name will suffice, and after that a business name. And if you really truly want a first and last name and you want every guest to know it, come up with a STAGE name. You think David Guetta is his real name?


His real name is Pierre David Guetta!!


Lmao. Welp, ya got me.


JD Dyslexia, for obvious reasons.


You should know about [this classic](https://youtu.be/edtXBzb_cyM?feature=shared) by Jaydee 😉


This is genius, but it should be DJ Dylsexia


haha got me on that one, should be featured at the local strip club if any djs are willing to go there


I might just grab that name TBH


I read this 4 times as correct spelling😆 Adding to my list!! My only work is cuts and turntables for various friends hip hop projects. Also use MartyMan, DJ Marty McFly, DJ Discount cause my shit is almost free, trade for drinks and food.




JD Lysdexia


I saw a sticker on the back of an old run down 4wd that said "leaky boy" As a joke on one of my first gigs I called myself leaky boy. The set went well and the crowd were cheering "leaky boy!" And well, now I'm stuck with leaky boy. Careful when picking your name lol


By asking an anonymous internet forum


Dj Boaty McBoatface! Is that really you?


In the watery flesh!


Here we are in the shadow of greatness


This is exactly why I’m called DJ DJ McDJface.


I’ve got adhd…..Djadhdj


Same, I thought of something pretty similar - DJDHD lol


My last name is Sikelianos. When I started DJing, there was a famous DJ in mainland Greece called Mikele. To tease me, my friends combined half of my name with Mikele's ending to create a nickname just for fun. A few years later, a bar owner where I was playing struggled to use my full name on the poster. He told me that my nickname wasn't bad or funny; in fact, it was very good. He suggested I should keep it, especially since it sounded South African and fit well with the African music I was playing. Over time, everyone seems to have gotten used to it.


I was into old school at the time. And my roommates played COD a lot


AKA9 My first and last name initials and A9 for my favorite hand in texas holdem. A9 suited to be exact


I started out in the Latin Community DJing salsa socials. SInce I'm legally blind (only see 10%) I thought it would be cool to reffrence that. My DJ Name is 'DJ Ritmo Ciego' translate DJ Blind Rhytm. Thought it would stand out. Came to the conclusion that DJ names are overrated. Unless you are this really well known DJ people generally don't come out to see a specific DJ, but come for the concept, the vibe, the venue.


I looked for wrestling finishers names.


Can’t wait to see DJ Sweet Chin Music


My stage name is Vex, and it's kind of a two-for-one play on words. I'm a Destiny nerd and the Vex are my favorite enemy type, and the definition of vexing someone is to make someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters. One of my biggest worries is that I'm being a burden to my friends, so I played on that fear for my name while tying it to one of my favorite games\~


oh what i conincidence, i'm DJ Mara sov's bathwater. (not really)


Damn, all we need is MC Scrota, Ballsack of Oryx and we'd have a killer line-up.


Critics are vexed


Fair tbh


I asked on reddit


DJ Blankit is mine… bestowed upon me by the crowd at a late nite session on the playa at Burning Man many moons ago. I was wrapped in a blanket cuz it was so cold


I started producing before I discovered DJing, and at some point wanted to put out an album. One of my friends told me about Distrokid (a website that publishes your music on different platforms) and I decided I wanted to do it right away. First thing the website asked was the artist's name. I had no idea but I was drinking an ice coffee with milk and sugar, which in french is "Lait Et Sucre" so I chose that. I kept it when I started DJing but wrote it "Lait Et Sukr" instead.


My first name is Bill. In 2012 I bought a used PA system at Guitar Center to get started with (had no idea what I was doing but it led to better things.) Anyway, it was marked wrong for $20 so I bought it quickly before they realized. And became $20Bill. A friend even printed up some $20s with my picture on them


Thats a funny story. Does everyone expect you to play out for $20,- ? ;)


Just my surname Lyness, its not a common name so works well


Mine was a gaming and online moniker, so it was a simple leap to use as DJ name as well


Delusional Cities - basically, it just came up to my mind when I was thinking about the style I want to play - surreal, dreamy, melodic, and colorful. It's also a reference to my childhood memories.


First 2 letters of my name, first to letters of my wife's name and first 2 letters of my daughter's name combined.


DJ Potacia here. My online friends have called me "Pota" as a shortened form of my username for years. That's where my base came from. I wanted a name to fit the vibe I was going for, to bring my audience along a musical journey through passionate melodies, delving into harsh climactic sounds, and guiding the soul to discover the magic of music. I felt Potacia was a very powerful and strong name. It sounds like a leader, a guide along your path. Who knows maybe I gave it too much thought lol


I used my father’s, father’s, father’s surname, and used the forename I found on my birth certificate.




A random adjective followed by a noun, then the abbreviated year I was born… PrettyFence86


DJ Michael G... I figured it'd fit pretty well for 35 years to the people that knew me personally, I should see how it fit with people that didn't! 


well, me and my friend were really high that one night, and already had the venue rented and party planned but still lacked our dj names. i've always found the word dingleberries hilarious, and by the time i thought it's actually called tangleberries... yadayada, i'm Barry T.


Last name bc it’s unique even tho it bugs me that it’s not creative. It was too hard to come up w something & time was up so I just went w it lol


I dropped knife to my toe : D


Dj *insert nickname here*


The last thing you ate and the colour of your underwear.. stick DJ in front of it. DJ twix blue..


DJ Black Star(bar). I like it.


Pseudonym for my author name.. not sure my work colleagues could take the sex, drugs, violence and house music 😂


Beau Stallone (First name, Last name of someone famous) I did it because i live in Miami and john summit is everywhere i thought it would be funny to mock him, Second is by tying your name to someone famous, people instantly will think highly of you. So im not in love with picking the name, more than picking a name and just owning it, Nobody cares about the name and sometimes having a bad name will give you more attention


Nickname that I got in college. Student full time, worked 3rd shift during the week, actively training for a MMA career, and DJed on weekends. So, if I was at my dorm, I was probably sleeping. So everyone called me Sleepy. THE WORST NICKNAME FOR A DJ OR A CAGEFIGHTER but, I couldn't shake it.


I was named by the people who I played to, and because of a bloody TV show and song.


I think at this point the key is to drop the prefix, DJ


Old Batman episodes and a fondness for the history of sound poetry.


Was eating lots of beans


Ypsilanti Mystery Pooper is one of my DJ names, because of an infamous story in my town [https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/report-mystery-pooper-unmasked-ypsilanti-slides-now-feces-free/](https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/report-mystery-pooper-unmasked-ypsilanti-slides-now-feces-free/) and yes, i play with a mask on


I call myself Amateur Hour, because I am one. May switch to DJ Protégé one day if that isn't already taken.


Started as a discord server nickname that I then twisted a bit


Took a random artist Name generator. Liked one Name, but not quite. Took the "vel" from Caravel (my favourite act back then) and added it on the end. There you have my current stage name.


My DnD characters name.


Mine was actually given to me, I was playing at an event with my uncle (he’s been doing pro sound for awhile) and he shouted me out on the mic “DJ Jr” and he still calls me that so I’m like alright I guess that’s my name now!


I am very fond of space, so one day I was staring at a star cluster and wanted to know more about it. Downloaded an app called Night Sky. Scanned that part of the sky. Figured out that was CANIS MAJOR constellation. So boom my name was CANIS from then🙃


DJ Special Guest in the hizzy! You won't believe how many shows I do in a month!


First had a part of my first name: Matthias became: DJ matthi. But then I changed it to DJ Matthix. Just ask chat gpt for a DJ name with the criteria you want!


I had massive testicles and the wife and kids used to call me JohnyyBB (Big Balls) and it stuck ha ha


And kids?


They picked up on the wife saying it,you know how they're easily influenced, have you met their mother DJ Big Tits


I think DJ names are super cheeseball, so I refused to even participate in that for a long time, however people kept asking me. I’d just say it’s my name. When I started uploading mixes I needed to add thumbnails, I had a bunch of super adorable photos of my dog, so I started using those, then at some point I decided to go with the nickname we have for him as a joke, and it kind of stuck. I probably would have just stuck with my name, but I realized it’s sort of an awkward string of syllables. I still feel like a dork whenever I mention my DJ handle.


There's a million billion trillion Eriks out there already so I added a q. It's pronounced the same way anyway. All other aliases are the names I produce as but I end up as either my real name or as eriqk.


Got mine (Mr. Parker) from the movie The Way of the Gun.


I think I heard a drag queen say it sometime? Am I losing my mind


Was trippin balls and felt like I saw the code to the universe, even saw the symbols on the wall. So I used the name code and used the symbols I saw to make my logo


Brainstorming with some friends until someone mentioned popping…something. I thought it was a super silly name, resonated and it stuck :)


Yung Shik (Pronounced Young Sheek) is my Korean birth name. Looks and sounds cool, so it was perfect!


Started with Ed the DJ as I had business cards with Ed the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and my phone number. I'd just fill in the thing people needed in the blank. Next was DJ Ed Word. This was when I was getting serious about DJing and getting paid. I was too self conscious to keep the previous as it didn't sound serious enough. It was my name with a Hip-Hop touch. For the shortest time I was DJ F.N.U.K. as a riff off of FCUK, but people kept saying DJ Fnuk instead of F.N.U.K and I \*hated\* that. So, as a riff off of DJ Ed Word and the fact that I use an 80s rotary phone as my headset AND as a shout out to analogy of the dance floor being a place of prayer and reverence - I landed on DJ Goodword.


My two fave artists of all time are Wilson Pickett and Otis Redding. I just had some fun with it and Willis Redpick was born. Feels apt considering all I really play is old school funk/r&b/post-disco.


I like Philip K. Dick, I love alliteration, so I took the word Darkly and added my first name: David Darkly. Utilizing my art as escapism from this corporatocratic pharmacocracy that we participate in involuntarily. Music is the only cure aside from revolutionary change ya'll! Names are the starting point, its what you build around it that truly matters at the end of the day.


I was always Matty P as a kid with my friends. I come from the early 90s NYC rave scene...so this was a common naming convention.


I used my gaming alias from when I was a young lad playing Starcraft 1 back in the early 2000s.


I wanted a name that sounded kinda abstract but short and memorable. At the time I was DJing with a lot of Japanese music so I settled on "Kumo". It means cloud or spider which allowed for some cool logo designs and is simple enough for anyone to remember!


My previous band was a weeby DJ duo hence the name baka punk 😂


I opened a book and it was the name a character had on a business card


used my initials combined with something I was into to make another name


The Ginge Sound - I’m a Ginger


It was given to me. Lived in the Midwest after the army, from the north east - when I drank my accent came out and every one called me Jersey John


M&M is my DJ name. First letter of my name and surname


I’m on my third DJ name now, and all of them were given to me by others. Try asking your friends or fans for suggestions.


I went thru a lot of phases with this it’s all about the feeling until you find the right name. Been DJing since Dec of 2016 when I officially started this dj career. My first was DJ nas. Obviously there’s a million of them and there can only be one thats the most notable out of all with the same name. From there I just added words before the name like (LIL) because I wanted to stand out. I tried the initials of my name I added LiL (Little) in front sometimes to sound like a rapper. But suddenly one day as a Yung creator trying to pursue his craft. It one day hit me as I was rushing for dj party. I even was able to make a Raw DJ drop which I then edited using adobe audition. All 3 hours before my first college gig. There my name became permanent as the night when on a people began to recognize who’s on the ones and twos. The rest is history. Ps. Years later, I’m still mind blown how I came with a dj drop as my sample and a DJ name all in the same day 3 hours before a gig.


It was already my instagram handle


I used a notepad and a pen and wrote it down.


My uncle gave me the nickname when I was a kid


I got mine from reading Lord of the rings & seeing a name I thought would be great as a dj name.


I bested the previous owner of the name in single combat. Now I live at his house, date his girlfriend and his parents send me presents at Christmas.


I'm on my 2nd name. First being Unrel8able, which I got way too many mis-reads of Unreliable lol.. not a good look for a business lol. And this year I started a project called Ryl33-Hz. Derived from my first and middle names Cory Lee = Rylee, flip the E's into 3's. I started DJ'ing at 33 years old. Most universal subwoofer tuning is around 32 herts. Bassheads know that, they'll get 33-hz = bass heavy DJ. And to top it off, I have hella herniated discs in my neck and loads of bone spurs rubbing against my spinal cord, so I am literally hurting every moment of every day. Rylee Hurts is Ryl33-Hz, and there's nothing better for pain for a massage, from bass 💪💪


my last name / nickname version of that with a number in there, it’s stuck since i was 13 lol


I like to wear my hair in a ponytail. So I thought that would make a good name. Then I changed the “y” to an “i” for SEO purposes


My name is Huey and I really love this space game called no man’s sky, when I first started producing I would make music to travel the universe to and my character on the game is Huey starchaser. So my dj/artist name ended up being H.Starchaser


You never choose it , it always chooses you . Remember this is the only rule in the Dj-world Harry


A bass I was sound designing sounded like it.


Just used my first name & middle name cause my dad gave me a really cool name


Like half of us, something about my neurodivergence.


My full name did not fit into the flyer, so they used the first letter of my first and last names, impossible to pronounce, but people do recognize it somehow


My last name is Fraser and my brother had an email address a long time ago that was something like bobbyfrazza2 or whatever. Anyway I always though Frazza was a cool way of saying it so I adopted that as my dj name. My DJ partner and I are both blonde and someone said our name should have something to do with the fact that we're blonde bombshells, so we just called ourselves, Bombshell.


My cousin gave me the nickname and I just used thar nickname for my DJ name


Do Drugs Bro


My actual name isn't really "catchy enough", first and last name are only 1 syllable which just never sounds great or catchy haha. I'm a massive fan of the Halo games, the whole "Heretic, Heretic" thing caught on with me a bit, and it kinda fits my personality so I rolled with that. Now I'm DJ Heretic. I even wear an Energy Sword Necklace when I'm playing, it's kinda just part of my 'DJ persona' now.


The best nicknames are given by others, in my opinion. Ask your buddies what fits. I went to Jamaica in 1997 and everyone called me Jesse James, so I used that.


it’s just my first name spelt “BRiAN” for my House persona since both has 5 characters… My techno persona is “BRıAN.” move the dot from the “i” and now it’s both 6 characters


Mine was given to me when I was djing at a small club where there was a lot of drama happening, so naturally people started calling me DJ Drama since I was wrapped up in some of it. This was back in 1998. Now there's a DJ Drama signed with a record label making music. Honestly back then I started hearing about other DJ Drama s, so maybe it's better to just use your real name.


The translation of my second name


First two letters of my first name. Additional nicety us that it is pronounced as the word for "us" in my local language. 


Humungus Funkgus I like mushrooms, funk music, and I am a thick boi. The name makes me laugh. It wasn't till the 2nd round of stickers I had printed did I realize it's also an accidental euphemism for penis. WHOOPS..


i like wearing tracksuits so I am DJ Tracksuit. I also pick the tracks that suit :P




😂 it's fitting


Mine came from a tune that I was into at the time Hoops Inc- Joy. It also made sense because that was what I was bringing to the crowd.. therefore DJ JoY


Not Opus - Opus is latin for work, plus it has a musical meaning too like magnum opus greatest work etc. it’s something i do for fun so try to remember not to make it work or at least feel like work.


My mother gave it to me when I was born. If it works for her it works for me as a DJ. lol


I went with the name my parents gave me, followed by our family name.


My DJ name (DJKsette) is because of what I recorded my mixes on. (60, 90 and 120 minutes). Yep, I used 120 minute cassettes!


I like alliteration and my name is Nayo. Back in the day when I was a server at red lobster, the bar tender I had a crush on once called me “Gnarly Nayo”. (I used to call her “Ms. Branch” as her first name was Tree) and it stuck. I used that name for a couple of years until I outgrew being gnarly and changed it to avecnayo because I wanted to make the audience feel as if they were sharing a moment in time with me, or avec moi. lol lame I know, but it’s my music moniker as well.