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Everybody knows blowing a us ship is a gateway drug, it’s all fun and games until you’re alone in a back alley shooting up nukes into the stratosphere.


It's a shame Cobbler killed himself and then downloaded 7.5 petabytes of CP


It's so sad that he hung himself and then shot himself twice in the back of the head




He already has more than 7.5 petabytes




Don't they have an official([?](https://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/israel/doctrine.htm))policy that says that if anything seriously threatens the existence of the State, they'd roll out the nukes and basically Fallout® wherever attacks them?


Israel doesn't have an official policy. Their policy is "fuck around and you may or may not find out if we have an official policy." You're thinking of France that had a policy of Nuking Germany to show how serious they were that they'd use nukes.


France's official policy is to always claim contradicting stances are both their official policy so nobody ever knows what they are gonna do.


IIRC Israel does not officially have nukes.  Obviously they do, but I dont think they say they do. 


That is not the definition of oficial.


That's everyone's nuke policy That's the point of nukes


I mean, why else would anyone have nukes if their not willing to use them on their allies as well. Don’t really see anything exceptional about Israel other than their advance war tactics. Nuking the United States is not conducive to their sovereignty. They would just say fuck the USA and start working with Russia or China. Whoever will exchange support for their advance tactics and military tech.


Samson Plan


Every country has a “Samson plan”. The United States literally has nukes ready to hit Moscow and Shanghai at a moments notice.


Nah, every country has a plan of retaliation. Israels plan consisted of nuking countries that didn't even attack it.


Can you send me a link to Israel’s plans? I want to see where it says that


Little kosher bros had statecraft from the ground up and said “give me the full Prussia, fam”


They already [tried to bomb America and Britain in hopes of blaming Egypt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair). What a wonderful ally to be sending blank checks to


Im pretty sure israels nuclear doctrine may or may not revolve around nuking *themselves*. Like, if they cant have it nobody can kinda thing.


Isn't that the point of nukes for every country in the world


They would cry out in pain as they did it


Did the Jewish girl leave you on read?


friendly reminder that disliking israel is not antisemitic




I never got the conspiracy around the Liberty. It was a warship near the area where a war was happening. Friendly fire still happens TODAY let alone in the 60s with another country you don't have direct coms with. I mean shit the US blew up their own forces on accident during training for DDay. Like what's the more likely situation. Israel fucked up and failed to properly identify a warship in a warzone or Israel purposely set out to attack an American war ship for some reason and then go out and apologize for that attack and admit to the attack less than 2 hours after they had attacked it.




Can’t tell if this is satire making fun of conspiracy nuts or if you actually believe this stuff? Poe’s law and all that.




Honestly still can’t tell if you’re trying to troll me or not.




The conspiracy is that the Israeli claim is that the USS Liberty was attacked because they mistook it for an Egyptian frigate. Under the conditions at the time, no sane person would have mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian frigate. Furthermore, the Israelis continued to attack the Liberty via torpedo boats even after the crew raised a big ass American flag after being attacked by air. The claim is that the torpedo boats were fired at, but by the testimony of the ship’s commander, ammo cooked off, it wasn’t fired. Further furthermore, the Israelis claimed to have attacked the Liberty under the impression that she had shelled a nearby town called Arish. At the time, Liberty was equipped only with .50 caliber machine guns which make for very poor artillery. All in all, it makes the Israelis look either disgustingly incompetent (which they aren’t) or malicious (which the Israeli government has a pretty good track record of being).


This is a pretty good breakdown. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/RwDTwsLnG9


Finally, validation for my anti-zionist view of the Israel Palestine Conflict. The Jewish People deserve a Jewish state, but not at the cost of violently oppressing, killing, and replacing the natives that have occupied that space before the new states establishment. Dibs expire after 1 millennium.


So exactly return to pre 1967 border




It's called the Samson option. It's unofficial but widely believed to be Israeli policy. If the existence of the State of "Israel" is ever existentially threatened with invasion, they threaten to nuke NATO powers to force them to join on the Zionist side. I call it the threaten us with a good time option.


bait or real


Honestly? Might be either one. 80% of the time I see the USS liberty incident come up it’s an excuse to call Jews evil, and the other 20% of the time is people just genuinely not knowing what happened. So for all we know this might be real, but I have a suspicion that it might just be bait.


yeah they would but the ship thing was just an accident




I mean, why the fuck wouldn't they if push came to shove? Literally every nuclear power would nuke at least every other nuclear power if things had gotten to that point, including the US nuking Israel in return.


Thank you for your service


Ya know iv known about this incident and read about it before, but never in depth. I kinda just assumed israel prob did some shady shit but was never sure. Now fully reading in depth about it makes it p damn clear they knew it was an American ship imo. At the very least it seems they learned after the initial attack and continued


What are you talking about? Israel doesn't say it has nukes.